Level Up! Level Up! (4)

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Its body is about 10 meters tall.


The height of the 3-star (★★★) Cerebral Bloodsucker looks similar to the 2-star (★★) vampire that he saw yesterday.


However, not only is its bark, but even its branches and leaves are black in colour.


If there is a single different colour, it’s its crimson eyes located around the middle of the trunk.


A vicious aura endlessly emanating from those two snake-like irises.


It’s like looking at a demonic tree that has come straight out of hell.


‘He looks so dangerous.’


In fact, Jun-young was also stunned for a moment when he saw the cerebral bloodsucker that Kwak Hye-na brought with her.


His eyes had widened and his heart raced.


But strangely enough, that was it.


The feeling of horror quickly dissipated, and his pounding heart suddenly calmed down.


The same thing happened yesterday when he had encountered the 2-star vampire.


I was surprised for a moment but I didn’t feel scared.


‘It doesn’t make sense for me, their natural enemy, to be afraid of them.’


Of course, his level is low right now, so it’s obviously impossible for him to face a 3-star Bloodsucker.


If he rushes at it recklessly, there won’t be any of his bone left to pick.


‘It looks like he’s on the verge of collapsing.’


I was too shocked to properly look at it when I first saw it, but now I can see it.


There are dents and even spider web-like cracks all over the tree’s trunk, running from the roots to the top bark.


‘Was he running away after almost destroying everything?’


Looking at Kwak Hye-na, who looks like she’s on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, I can roughly understand the situation.


In her current state, she might collapse after a few more strikes. It’s a bad situation.


“Mr. Kang Joon-young! Ms. Park Yoo-ra, while I hold it back, you two run towards the entrance without looking back!”


Kwak Hye-na stops in her tracks after saying that and then she moves back to where the bloodsucker was.


Even in the midst of this, she’s trying to sacrifice herself so that Jun-young and Park Yura can escape.


In her normal condition, it wouldn’t be a problem, but right now, it’s too much for her.




The Cerebral bloodsucker swung a bunch of its tentacle-like branches clogged with evil and charged at her.


Kwak Hye-na doesn’t have the mana to create a shield, let alone fight back or block the branches’ attacks.


‘She’s in danger.’


Seeing Kwak Hye-na’s staggering form, Joon-young instinctively approached the cerebral bloodsucker


Of course, he’s not being reckless.


He knew the odds were in his favour.


‘If I do it right, I’m sure I can win.’


Yesterday, he single-handedly chased away a 2-star vampire.


Of course, that cerebral bloodsuckers is a 3-star monster, so it’s undoubtedly a much stronger opponent than a 2 star one.


But his combat power has also increased from level 4 to level 7.


The amount of mana has increased significantly as a result, and so has the power of his vampire immunity.


“Aaah! Where are you going?”


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As Junyoung suddenly charged towards the bloodsucker, Park Yura looked at him with a shocked expression.


Even as a C-rank Hunter, if she’s hit by the Brain Blood Vessel’s attack, she would be instantly killed.


Not to mention an F Rank Hunter.


As far as she was concerned, Junyoung might as well be trying to get himself killed.


“Mr. Kang Junyeong! Have you gone crazy? Hurry, get out of there!”


It was a situation where it’s only natural for someone to say, “Have you gone crazy?”


“Don’t worry, I’m not crazy.”


Junyoung smiled reassuringly and quickly approached the cerebral bloodsucker’s location.


With its attention focused on Kwak Hye-na, it didn’t notice Jun-young’s approach.


Puck! Puck!


Even when Jun-yeong swings the trident and hits it’s body, it’s the same.


‘As expected, this kind of weapon doesn’t work on star monsters.’


The trident that cracked the goblin’s head in one fell swoop doesn’t have much impact on the 3 star bloodsucker.


It’s as if he struck a concrete wall.


【Mana】. 549/550


Seems like he expended his mana in vain.


‘It can’t be helped.’


Junyoung didn’t panic, as he had already anticipated this to some extent.


He immediately struck the wooden pillar of the Cerebral Bloodsucker with his bare hands instead of using the trident.




The enormous body of the Cerebral Blood Tree, which hadn’t even flinched earlier, trembled.


With a loud sound, the bark where JunYoung had struck cracked.


【Mana】 539/550




Enraged by this, the Brainblood swung one of its branches toward Junyoung.




Suddenly a tentacle reminiscent of a giant whip flew out with an eerie crackling sound.




Junyoung quickly rolled to the side and dodged.


Although Vampire Immunity can deal damage, it consumes quite a bit of mana against stronger enemies, so it’s better to use it at minimum to save mana.




Junyoung dodged another flying tentacle and punched the tip of it with his fist.




The tip of the tentacle shattered to pieces.


Unlike the bark, which is as hard as iron, tentacles have weak defences, so a single strike with Agile Hand is enough.


Of course, this too uses mana, but it is still less compared to that of vampire immunity.


【Mana】 529/550


‘It’s definitely convenient to only summon a mana window.’


Instead of summoning the entire ability status window with other information, he only summoned the part with mana and placed it on one side of his field of view.



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Meanwhile, as one of its tentacles snapped off, the bloodsuckers fury changed from Kwak Hye-na to Jun-young.


The moment a dreary light flashed from its red iris which were at the center of the tree trunk, a dark vine-like aura rose from the ground.


‘What is this?’


A strange energy flew in without being able to avoid it.


[The curse of the cerebral bloodsucker binds your body].


But the energy quickly dispersed.


【Mana】 504/550]


[You have resisted the curse of the cerebral bloodsucker].




As the Dark Vine Curse failed to work, the Cerebral bloodsucker sent a dozen of its tentacles flying towards Junyoung.


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!


Junyoung calmly dodged and smashed the ones he couldn’t dodge.


Kwak Hye-na was completely shocked at the sight.


“My God!”


“How is that possible?”


It was the same for Park Yoo-ra.


“Don’t just watch from there,help me! You’re not seriously going to let this guy get away, are you?”


Joon-young realises that even though he’s able to face a 3-star cerebral bloodsucker, it won’t be easy to kill it.


If it got any opening, it might run away like the 2-star vampire from yesterday did and other monsters might come in the meantime.


“Ah yes.”


“I’ll attack!”


With Junyeong drawing the aggro of the cerebral vampire, Kwak Hye-na found it very easy to launch her attacks.


‘If Mr. Kang Junyeong can hold on like that, we can defeat it.’


Of course, she still couldn’t believe what was happening.


How on earth was she supposed to comprehend the current situation where an F-ranked Hunter was going head-to-head against a 3-star cerebral bloodsucker?


Still, she pushed her doubts aside and attacked with all her might.


“Hang in there, Mr. Kang!”


Her mana was already almost depleted, so the power of her attack was greatly reduced.


Nevertheless, as an A-class hunter, her each blow was powerful enough to shake the Cerebral Bloodsucker’s body.


Boom, boom, boom!


Meanwhile, Park Yura also rushed forward, pummeling the Cerebral Bloodsucker’s body.


Of course, she too didn’t understand how Junyoung was able to do that either.


But she knew she shouldn’t hesitate even for  a moment, so she used her most powerful skill on the cerebral bloodsucker.




The already exhausted creature staggered as if it couldn’t hold on any longer.


It tried to run away.


‘Trying to run away? That won’t be possible.’


Without any hesitation, Junyoung used his newly acquired skill.




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[Casts slayer ( C ) ].


[Costs 1 Mana].


[Detected vampires will intensely crave for your blood and rush towards you for 10 seconds.]


The bloodsucker, which was just about to flee, glared at Junyoung as if to devour him.


Its blood-red irises flickers uneasily.


It seems to be torn between wanting to flee in fear of losing its life and the bloodlust caused by the slayer skill.


“Stop right there!”


Taking advantage of the moment, Kwak Hye-na approached the bloodsucker, kicked off the pillar, and drove her fist into one of its irises.




It’s a spectacular sight to behold as she soars over five meters up the wall and smashes its eyeballs.


In the meantime, Park Yura has completely severed one of its roots, which serves as its leg.


The root was shattered by the barrage of fists.


Although she’s only a C-ranked Hunter, she has enough mana that her destructive power at this moment is more powerful than Kwak Hye-na, who’s already depleted of mana.




The Cerebral Blood Tree, which was still standing after having its eyeballs smashed out, fell down with a thud as one of its root legs was severed.


“Great job! You’re doing really well! Hang in there just a little longer!”


Junyeong was also displaying extraordinary movements.


The final struggle of a boss-level monster, the 3 star Cerebral bloodsucker, was filled with rage and hatred!


It used an attack that even high-level Hunters couldn’t easily dodge, and Junyoung was bravely dodging it.


puck puck! puck puck!


The tentacles that hit Junyoung’s fist immediately burst and fell to the ground.


Of course, part of the reason for the particularly strong destructive power against vampires is due to the ‘Agile Hands,’ but it’s also because the innate agility that existed even before his awakening has continued to strengthen and shine through levelling up.


Having neutralised the tentacles, Junyeong wasted no time and charged straight towards the cerebral vampire’s body, the wooden pillar


Then, determined to expend all of his remaining mana, he unleashed a barrage of punches.


Bang bang bang!


【Mana】 213/550

【Mana】 203/550

【Mana】 193/550




Eventually, the Cerebral Bloodsucker couldn’t hold on any longer.




An ear-splitting scream escaped from its mouth!


The spider web-like lines of cracks all over its body deepened, and it shattered into pieces.




The ground shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred, and dirt and dust rose up,covering the surroundings in all directions.


[You’ve levelled up!]


[You’ve levelled up!]


【Name】 Kang Junyoung

【Level】 9

【Mana】 850/850


Due to his significant contribution in defeating the 3-star cerebral bloodsucker, his  level instantly increased by two stages.


‘I’m now level 9.’

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‘It’s finally confirmed.’


A proud smile appeared on Junyoung’s face.


The increase in level is certainly pleasing, but the significance lies in surpassing the maximum level of 7 for non-attributed awakened individuals, as mentioned by Park Yura.


Of course, it’s the strength and stamina that’s more impressive than the symbolic meaning.


Because of the level up effect, the basic ability of the body has risen again.


‘I feel like I’m about to fly.’


I could get addicted to this feeling.


‘I guess this is what they mean by being brimming with energy.”


My whole body feels light and refreshed.

I feel a surge of energy like I’ve never felt before in my life.


And then.


‘Where did everyone go?


In the meantime, the dust that had been blocking his vision has gradually settled, revealing the scene around me.


The figures of Park Yura and Kwak Hye-na, who should have been there, are nowhere to be seen.




Amidst the pile of shattered cerebral bloodsuckes fragments, a small gem is glowing and sparkling on its own within the gap.


‘It must be a magic stone.’


It’s a reward that can occasionally be obtained by defeating monsters within the gate.


‘I’ve heard that if we don’t pick it up soon, it’ll disappear.’


Now is not the time to hesitate.


Jun-young rushes over and picks it up.




A hand rises from between the branches and grabs the place where the magic stone was.


Of course there was nothing.


No wonder as Jun-young already took it.


Suddenly Another hand rises up beside him and rummages around.


“What? Where did it go?”


“It’s weird. I’m sure it was there.”


It’s familiar voices


It’s Kwak Hye-na and Park Yura.


They’re buried in debris of brain blood and dirt.


“Aah! It’s gone.”


“No way! A 3-star magic stone is worth quite a lot.”


“It might have rolled off, we need to find it before it’s gone.”


Soon enough, they came out of the debris and began searching around.


“Are you looking for this?”


They cheered when they spotted Jun-young holding the magic stone in his hand.


“That’s right, that’s the one!”


“Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was gone.”


They were so happy that they ran over to hug him.

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