Chu Chu didn’t hear it, “What did you say?”

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Fan Xia Xiaoxiao smiled, “No, nothing.”

Chu Chu and Zhang Jianian were both talented and beautiful. When they appeared at the banquet hand in hand, they instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

Lu Xia presided over the stage and guided the process of the engagement banquet. The faces of both parents were already full of smiles. Zhang Yafang’s eyes were full of joy. Chu Yanyin was still calm but the corners of his mouth were also raised high. He was obviously very satisfied in his heart.

Chu Chu was excited at the beginning. After all, it was a grand and meaningful day, but she was quickly lost among the various people who kept coming forward to greet her. She was completely unable to distinguish their faces. Although the banquet was for the engagement, it had a social purpose. The directors of Qisheng Group took turns as it was the first time they met Director Xiao Chu.

Zhang Jianian said, “This is Director Chen from the Cultural Tourism Group, this is Director Luo from the Business Group…”

Chen Xiangtao and Luo Hesui stepped forward to greet them. Their status in the group was similar to that of Lu Xia, except that they were in charge of different businesses.

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Chu Chu looked at the person in front of her. In fact, she couldn’t remember but she still shook hands with the two seriously, “Hello.”

Chen Xiangtao warmly said, “Bless you two, I will be waiting for the formal wedding wine!”

Luo Hesui also said a few congratulatory words and said with emotion, “The ancients always said to marry first and then establish a business, Director Chu can now be considered having built a family and she will definitely be able to create a big business in the future, but I don’t know how huge will she develop.”

Zhang Jianian’s eyes flickered and he pursed his lips when he heard Luo Hesui’s a~s licking words.

It was now widely rumored within the Qisheng Group that Chu Chu would take over. Chu Yanyin’s transfer of equity was a signal hint, but some people thought that Director Chu was transferring assets and preparing to cash out. They thought that the Chu family would take Yinda as the main business in the future and gradually clear the Qisheng equity in their hands. Especially after the companies such as Light World Entertainment were listed one after another, Yinda would become a behemoth comparable to Qisheng and Qisheng would decline continuously.

There was no lack of panic among the directors and shareholders. Chu Yanyin was already at the age of retirement. Who could guarantee that he would not cash out before retirement? If Chu Yanyin ran away, the worst would undoubtedly fall on the remaining people.

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Chu Chu smiled and said lightly, “When people reach heights, they develop higher heights.” 

Seeing that she changed the topic, Luo Hesui could only say a few words politely. Chu Chu and Zhang Jianian literally reviewed the senior executives in the Qisheng Group. After the entertainment, Chu Chu couldn’t recognize people. She only felt greasy after seeing so many old foxes. Now asking her to remember everyone’s face was no less difficult than telling “which fried dough stick is burnt and which fried dough stick is good”.

The engagement banquet was long and Chu Chu panicked as she watched the crowd. She suddenly said to Zhang Jianian next to her, “Let’s elope.”

Zhang Jianian was drinking water to moisturize his throat and got puzzled: “?”

Chu Chu said earnestly, “Let’s run away now, just the two of us.”

She didn’t want to talk to so many strangers, Xia Xiaoxiao, Liang Chan and others had also exchanged greetings.

Zhang Jianian: “???”

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He turned to look at Lu Xia and hesitated, “But we have to be on the stage next? Isn’t that not good?”

Lu Xia’s flow sheet showed that two people would go on stage, thank the guests present for coming and then begin the toasting session.

Chu Chu blinked and said frankly, “Those are all for outsiders. I just want to give the precious time to you today.”

“I don’t care what they think, I only care about you.”

Zhang Jianian was stunned, but could not say anything to refuse.

He couldn’t describe his feelings. Although he was just an ordinary person among all living beings, she occasionally made him almost believe that he was really special and important, at least special to her.

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He was silent for a moment, let out a seemingly non-existent sigh and finally smiled in relief. He stretched out his hand to her and said gently, “Then let’s go.”

Backstage at the banquet, the staff was a little surprised seeing the two protagonists of the engagement banquet running hand in hand. 

Chu Chu simply said, “Things have just changed and a song will be played next. Old Chu will sing- I Love My Motherland.”

The staff checked the process and questioned, “…But the process sheet given by Director Lu doesn’t have it?”

Chu Chu said with a straight face, “This was a sudden decision. Lu Xia doesn’t know yet. After he steps down, remember to remind him to cue Old Chu.”

Staff: “Okay?”

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