Chapter 102: 99th-day gift

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[This revelation caused extreme comfort! This Zhao Shuya and the company behind him are really scheming. They are promoting him by rigging the competition while also trying to capitalize on Yu Nian’s popularity. They are shamelessly trying to ride on his coattails. But little did they know, Yu Nian is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. ‘I won’t cooperate with your schemes. I’m awesome, and there’s nothing you can do about it!’]

[This so-called piano prince, more like an insider prince! Among the 35 contestants of ‘Let Me Sing,’ he is the one who can play the piano so that you can’t even see his fingers. His fans hype him up as if it’s some incredible skill. Now, they’re being mocked by everyone (smirk).]

[Nian Nian is fantastic! Despite all the shady insider deals going on, he remains true to his principles and opposes the program’s arrangements. He’s really impressive! Zhao Shuya’s fans can disperse now. Your idol wanted to be the second Yu Nian, but it’s clear that he’s just overthinking it!]

After browsing through the information online, Meng Yuan asked, “Did Ding Wei really approach you?”

Yu Nian didn’t hide anything, “Yes, she said some vague and suggestive things, but I didn’t respond. She apologized and left.”

“Actually, Ding Wei has some talent, and she’s beautiful too. If she focuses on her singing, she has a future,” Meng Yuan remarked, adding a couple more sentences, “However, most newcomers who suddenly become popular and step into the entertainment industry get overwhelmed by the glamor and often become lost and confused like headless flies. Ding Wei might be the same, which is why she had those wrong thoughts. If she can correct herself, it would be better.”

He looked at Yu Nian and continued, “But you are an exception. You are clear-headed and know what you want.”

Yu Nian smiled, “Exactly, I have a clear goal. I just want to make money!”

Meng Yuan smiled too, recalling the time when he used to chat with Yu Nian. Back then, Yu Nian openly shared his goal of earning 200 million in five years. At the time, Meng Yuan thought it would be challenging to achieve. Now, looking back, he realized that he underestimated Yu Nian’s capabilities. 200 million was only the price of a piece of paper for him!

Putting aside his wandering thoughts, Meng Yuan was about to say something when Shi Rou interrupted:

 “President Xie just liked your post!”

Yu Nian and Meng Yuan both looked at Shi Rou but couldn’t react, “What post did he like?”

Shi Rou handed her phone screen to them, “It’s this Weibo post; President Xie liked it using his official account!” She added cautiously, “The consequence is that regular netizens are confused, while the ‘YouYu’ CP fans are celebrating the New Year, and the black fans gathered under his Weibo are convinced that it was a slip of his finger.”

Meng Yuan didn’t know how to react at the moment, but Yu Nian smiled after listening.

With his gaze on Yu Nian’s smile, Meng Yuan opened his mouth but sighed, “I get it now. No need to manage the popularity or create a rhythm, no explanations, just be casual, right?”

Yu Nian’s eyes formed crescents as he replied, “Exactly, Brother Meng really understands me.”

Meng Yuan muttered under his breath, “If it were one of my former artists, would I be so indifferent? Probably not!”

Shi Rou firmly stood by Yu Nian’s side, “But, Brother Meng, your previous artists weren’t as good as Nian Nian!”

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Stung by her words, Meng Yuan widened his eyes, “Am I losing face?”

Shi Rou chuckled.

Yu Nian remembered something, “Oh, Brother Meng, can we adjust the schedule for the afternoon of August 1st and from August 5th to 8th?”

Hearing his question, Meng Yuan calculated, “August 1st is not a problem, but taking four consecutive days off from August 5th might be a bit difficult. What do you plan to do?”

“On the 5th, I’ll go to Italy with Xie You to do some shopping, and it will take some time for the round trip, plus one more night’s stay, so I estimate we need four days. As for the afternoon of the 1st,” Yu Nian smiled mischievously and blinked, “that’s a secret.”

“Oh, keeping it a secret? Fine, fine. I won’t pry into your little secret,” Meng Yuan said playfully.

At that moment, Meng Yuan’s phone screen lit up. He picked it up and handed it to Yu Nian, “It’s your sister.”

Taking the call, Yu Nian immediately noticed that something was wrong with Yu Qing’s tone, “Sister, did something make you angry?”

“No one made me angry!”

Yu Nian was exasperated, “Come on, your words are burning up a five-hundred-mile radius. Nobody made you angry?”

After a few seconds, Yu Qing finally said stiffly, “My father found another lover.”

Yu Nian paused, “And then?”

“That woman is even younger than me, around twenty-three or twenty-four, and she wears her ambition on her sleeve! That’s not a big deal, who doesn’t have ambition? But the crazy part is that she actually leaked the news to the tabloids herself. Moreover, the moment she met me, she acted all superior, like an elder, crying and begging my father to take her home. When she came in, she even pointed at my mother’s picture and said, ‘Oh, that’s bad for Feng Shui.’ Damn, does she think she can bully me?”

Yu Nian knew about the situation in the Sheng family. After Yu Qing’s mother passed away, Sheng Uncle didn’t have any other children, but he had a string of lovers and gossip about his affairs would often appear in tabloids.

He held his phone, considering how to respond, “How did Uncle Sheng react?”

“His face darkened, of course. He does all kinds of annoying things every day and still hopes my mother will appear in his dreams. Most likely, he feels guilty, so he kicked the woman out right away. But I couldn’t hold back and ended up having a fight with him.” After venting, Yu Qing finally felt relieved, “Now that I’ve told you, I feel much better!”

“I’m glad you’re feeling better now. And by the way, Uncle Sheng might apologize to you tomorrow and deposit a large sum of pocket money into your account.”

Yu Qing’s tone was disdainful, but she relaxed a bit while saying, “Je has used this tactic hundreds of times. It’s time for a change!” She added, “Okay, I’m hanging up now. Take care of yourself. By the way, the new album you helped me with is almost done, I’ll let you listen to it another day. How about your own new album?”

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“It’s still a work in progress. I want to write a few more songs and then pick the best ones.”

“Write and then pick?!” Yu Qing gasped in an exaggerated manner, “Wow, you’re planning to make this album incredibly amazing!”

Yu Nian just smiled, “Hmm, I want to leave behind some really great songs.”

Yu Qing didn’t dwell on it, “Alright, I’m getting back to work. Hang up.”

After Yu Nian finished the call with Yu Qing, Meng Yuan stopped doodling on the schedule and said, “I checked, there’s a small interview on the afternoon of the 1st. Tomorrow’s schedule is full, so how about we move it to now? It means staying up late and working overtime.”

Yu Nian nodded, “I’m okay with that.”

Meng Yuan was highly efficient. After making two calls, he confirmed the time and location of the interview. Half an hour later, they arrived at the designated coffee shop’s private room, and the reporters and camera crew were already there.

Yu Nian had good skin, so the makeup artist quickly applied some light makeup on him, and he looked fine on camera. After ensuring that everything about his appearance was in order, Yu Nian sat in the middle of the sofa and apologized, “I’m sorry for making all of you work overtime due to my tiredness.”

Hearing this, a female journalist was secretly surprised. She had initially thought that someone with such high status and popularity might not have a good temper, let alone apologize. Earlier, she had heard several senior colleagues in the industry praise Yu Nian’s character and how well he treated people, but she assumed it was just an exaggeration. Now that she was sitting face to face with him, she realized that those rumors were not at all exaggerated!

She quickly smiled and said, “With just this sentence from Nian Nian, I’m willing to stay up all night!”

Yu Nian also smiled, “It’s said that for every night a girl stays up, it’s hard to make up for it, so I’ll cooperate with you and finish the interview earlier!”

After some small talk, they moved on to the main topic. Yu Nian held a microphone with the logo and attentively listened to the journalist’s questions.

The female journalist asked, “Before the release of your new single ‘Dream Reverie,’ many people thought that you might face a creative block. How did you feel when you heard about this?”

A few strands of hair covered the end of his eyebrow, and Yu Nian naturally tilted his head, thinking for a few seconds before replying, “I’m someone who values myself and can be a bit stubborn. As long as my inner determination is strong enough, it’s hard for others’ words to affect me. So, those remarks were probably motivating for me, letting me know that many people are paying attention to my new work and expecting my performance.”

After answering, Yu Nian flashed a toothy smile at the camera, “To all the viewers, Yu Nian’s first official album is in preparation. Yep, a little bit of advertising.”

Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

The female journalist asked again, “Regarding your statement at the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, when you said, ‘Thank you for coming by my side,’ and the gesture of kissing the ring, can you reveal if there were any fluctuations in your relationship state?”

Yu Nian turned his hand, playing with the ring on his finger, and remained silent for a while. Just as the female journalist was about to speak up to indicate they would edit this part out, Yu Nian looked up, his eyes filled with a gentle spring light, “Yes, I have someone I like.”

The female journalist was stunned. She noticed that Yu Nian’s manager, Meng Yuan, didn’t stop him, so she nervously swallowed her saliva and congratulated, “Congratulations!” She realized that she had asked a huge piece of news, and this interview was already more than worth it. She didn’t dare to ask any more questions and changed the topic.

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After the interview ended, even though she was reluctant, the female journalist asked, “Would you need any post-production editing for this segment?”

Meng Yuan didn’t say anything, but Yu Nian replied, “No need.”

Once the journalists and cameramen left, Meng Yuan rubbed his forehead, “Sigh, what’s meant to happen will happen!”

Feeling the same sentiment, Yu Nian’s fans reacted similarly. The edited interview was broadcast on August 1st, and shortly after, the hashtag #What’sMeantToHappenWillHappen# quickly climbed to the top of the trending list.

[#What’sMeantToHappenWillHappen# Feeling complicated. Our boy has grown up and has someone he likes now. How can I not be an evil mother-in-law, right? I’m trying my best to accept reality… But don’t worry, Mommy will always love you QAQ.]

[#What’sMeantToHappenWillHappen# New album! Did I see it correctly? New album! Yu Nian, go for it! Even if you stand still to get married, I will still support you as long as you release a new album!]

[#What’sMeantToHappenWillHappen# When I see this hashtag, I feel uneasy! Ever since the day Nian Nian kissed the ring, I knew this day would come! What’s meant to happen will happen, and it’s never late! Although it’s sad, I still support him! But, can I whisper a little, who exactly is the person Nian Nian likes?]

Meanwhile, Yu Nian had already arrived at the doorstep of his home. As he opened the door and changed his shoes, he noticed that Xie You’s shoes were placed at the entrance, and a natural smile appeared in his eyes.

Closing the door, Yu Nian raised his voice slightly and said, “I’m back.”

Soon, a response came from inside, “Nian Nian, I’m in the kitchen.”

Yu Nian’s smile deepened. The feeling of having someone respond to him in his home was truly something he cherished.

He walked lightly into the kitchen, and there he saw Xie You, with his tall figure and long legs, standing facing away from the door. He was wearing a well-fitted white shirt, with a light blue checkered apron tied around his waist, and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing arms that seemed to be the most perfect sculpture.

His heart seemed to blossom with a “pop” sound. Yu Nian took a few steps and wrapped his arms around Xie You’s waist from behind, and then he noticed – did he unintentionally stop Xie You from putting the lid on the pot?

He glanced down over Xie You’s shoulder and saw the blackish mess in the pot, with a clear burnt smell. Suppressing his laughter, Yu Nian took the opportunity to kiss Xie You’s ear and mischievously asked, “What is this?”

Xie You’s hair was not styled with hair gel, and it hung loosely and naturally. He looked down at what was in the pan, as if it was too hard to face, and quickly averted his gaze.

Holding the spatula, Xie You hesitated for a moment before answering, “…Steak.”

He felt a bit embarrassed to admit it to Yu Nian and added, “It seems a little burnt.”

Even though it looked more like charcoal, Yu Nian still nodded emphatically, “Exactly!”

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He then suggested, “Shall I cook it?”

To his surprise, Xie You firmly refused, “I’ll do it. I want to cook the steak for you.”

Yu Nian was in a good mood and said, “Then I’ll teach you!”

After about an hour of fussing around, they finally placed two successfully pan-seared steaks on the table. Yu Nian also found two glasses to pour the red wine Xie You brought.

After they finished cleaning up the dishes together, Xie You took Yu Nian’s slender wrist and said, “Nian Nian.”

Yu Nian placed the glass back and turned around, “Hmm?”

Xie You seemed a bit nervous, “I have a gift for you, a present for our 99th day together.”

Guided by Xie You, they entered the study. Yu Nian walked curiously, “What is it? It’s so mysterious—”

His words faded away at the sight of the items on the desk, and he involuntarily stopped in his tracks, staring at the carefully arranged objects for a long time without making a sound.

His throat felt dry, and he gripped Xie You’s hand. “How… how did you—” The latter part of his sentence suddenly became inexpressible in words.

Neatly placed on the desk were the two inkstones and five sets of ancient books that Yu Nian had sold to buy “Drunken Horse Roaming in Spring.”

Yu Nian hesitated, approached the desk, and stood beside it as if afraid to disturb this beautiful dream. After a while, he carefully touched the blue-purple inkstone.

He realized that even his own breathing was trembling slightly.

Turning his head to look at Xie You, who stood beside him, Yu Nian tried to force a smile, “I originally planned to wait until I found all the items and then buy them back immediately.”

Xie You gently held Yu Nian’s hand.

Tracing the patterns on the inkstone with his fingertips, Yu Nian spoke softly, “These two inkstones are very old. Grandfather said that my mother, just like me, hadn’t even used chopsticks, but she had picked up a brush first. When my mother was learning calligraphy, she used this inkstone. Later, when I learned calligraphy, I used it to grind ink.

Sometimes, Grandfather would talk about my mother and say that when she was young, she didn’t like the delicate Zhanhua Xiaokai script or the slender gold script. Instead, she liked the simple and powerful Tai Shan stone inscriptions and the thin and strong Han Li.

At that time, Grandma was worried and asked what to do. But Grandfather just sat in the study’s armchair and laughed heartily, saying, ‘What’s wrong with my Qingshan Yu family’s daughter liking Qin books and Han Li?'”

“At that time, when I held the brush, I would occasionally feel as if I was very close to my mother, so close.”

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