Chapter 126: Itchy

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Unable to resist, he opened the box again and took another look at its contents. After satisfying himself, Yu Nian carefully placed the password box back. Humming a song, he walked to the kitchen, took out the purchased steak, and then gave Meng Yuan a video call.

Seeing Yu Nian’s demeanor, Meng Yuan chuckled, “It’s gone well?”

Yu Nian’s eyes curled like crescents as he nodded, “Yes, everything went smoothly. I’ve already bought the bamboo slips!”

“Congratulations! You’ve finally settled that matter.” Meng Yuan also became happy and asked, “So, what’s up? Why did you call your Brother Meng?”

While washing the fresh broccoli and tomatoes, Yu Nian answered, “I’m planning to write another song for the album.”

“That’s great! The album is all up to your preferences. The company won’t impose any requirements.” Meng Yuan finished speaking but sensed something was off. “Wait a minute, you made a video call specifically to tell me about this. It means you consider it important, or you think I would find it important. So, what’s unusual about this song?”

Yu Nian got straight to the point, “Well, my plan is to have Xie You play the piano in this song, while I sing, without any other accompaniment or arrangement.”

“I—” Meng Yuan’s voice stumbled. He loosened his collar with an anxious expression. “Wait, let me gather my thoughts. President Xie plays the piano? Yes, yes, President Xie is skilled at the piano; he has learned it since childhood, and he was a student at the Leto Music Conservatory… No, wait, the main point is that you two are collaborating?”

Yu Nian smiled gleefully, “Yes, exactly. We’re collaborating. The credits will read: lyrics, music, and vocals by Yu Nian. Piano by Xie You.”

“In this round, what kind of storm are we expecting…” Meng Yuan mumbled to himself for a moment, then couldn’t help but say, “Little brat, you’ve been quiet all this while, but when you speak up, it’s to announce something big?”

Yu Nian shook his head, “I know my limits.”

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After hearing Yu Nian’s words, Meng Yuan pondered for a while and then decided not to dwell on it further. “It’s up to you, it’s up to you. I can’t control it!” He changed the topic, “Rou Rou told you, right? The internet is buzzing again, and a new wave of chaos is affecting your image.”

Holding a knife, Yu Nian cut the cherry tomatoes and replied, “Sister Rou Rou has mentioned it. Everyone’s ability to come up with associations is really impressive.”

Hearing Yu Nian’s calm tone, Meng Yuan knew that anyone in this situation would be uncomfortable with being misrepresented and manipulated. He consoled, “As you said, I’ve managed to suppress the buzz. But you haven’t been in the public eye much recently, yet the buzz is still intense. On top of that, your illustrious family background as a member of the Qingshan Yu clan, the trend of picking on you, and the lavish spending have made you a hot topic, even without intentionally manipulating your image.”

“The key is, right now, you don’t have any obvious flaws to point out from a 360-degree perspective. So, for those who want to tarnish your reputation, they’re left with your parents as a point to exploit. What I mean is, well… just don’t take it too seriously.”

Understanding that Meng Yuan was concerned for him, Yu Nian smiled, “Yeah, I know. But I’ve noticed that a lot of comments on forums and Weibo are quite similar. Could it be from the water army?”

“Yes, there’s a high chance. As for who you’ve offended, I’ve thought about it, and there are too many to count.” Seeing Yu Nian’s surprise, Meng Yuan burst into laughter, “With fame comes controversy. The top slice of the cake is small, and everyone wants a piece. If you have it, others get less. In this industry, there are plenty of people who want to bring you down. Once they find something to attack, they’ll secretly try to undermine you.”

He raised an eyebrow, “How does it feel to be the target of all arrows?”

Yu Nian played along, “Well, it feels really great.”

After discussing with Meng Yuan, Yu Nian planned to return to Ning City in a couple of days. He ended the video call and placed the steak in the pan. The sizzling sound, along with the aroma, filled the air. Even though he was in an unfamiliar city, it felt like he had a taste of home.

In the evening, he celebrated with red wine. Yu Nian had an average alcohol tolerance, and his head felt fuzzy. After taking a shower, he wrapped himself in a black silk robe with slightly damp hair and headed to the study to find Xie You.

Seeing Yu Nian approach, Xie You ended the call and opened his arms, allowing Yu Nian to sit on his lap. The scent of shower gel and a hint of alcohol lingered in the air. Xie You cradled the other’s chin in his hand and gently kissed him. Seeing the dazed look in his eyes, he hoarsely asked, “Did you take a shower?”

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“Yeah.” Yu Nian subconsciously pressed closer to Xie You. His robe’s belt was loosely tied, and with the movement, his collarbone and a large expanse of his chest were exposed, glaringly white. Unaware of Xie You’s slightly deepened gaze, Yu Nian squirmed against him a few times, feeling oddly uncomfortable.

“Xie You…”


Yu Nian’s eyelashes drooped halfway, and his skin was tinted with a faint pink. The aftereffects of the wine had taken effect, and after the shower, his limbs felt weak, lacking strength. One hand loosely clutched Xie You’s clothes, and his voice was soft at the end, “It’s itchy, can you scratch it…”

Xie You didn’t say a word, watching Yu Nian in this state. His ears turned slightly red, and as if guided by its own will, his hand slipped from the loose waistband, tracing along Yu Nian’s lower back. “Is it itchy here?”

“Higher, hmm… to the left, a bit more to the left, yes, right there.”

The itchy spot was gently scratched, and Yu Nian sighed in relief. Leaning in, he rewarded Xie You with a kiss on his Adam’s apple, even using his tongue to brush against it. His eyes brimming with a satisfied smile, Yu Nian said, “Not itchy anymore, feels really good.”

The palm of Xie You’s hand pressed against Yu Nian’s narrow waist felt warm. His voice, low and husky, “Nian Nian.”

His arm encircled Xie You’s neck, and Yu Nian’s breath warmed as he responded with a nasal tone, “Hmm?” His languid state was quite different from his usual self – the slight redness at the corners of his eyes, the beautiful teardrop mole, and the look in his eyes as if they were shattered reflections of light, along with his cuddly and nuzzling manner, made it seem like he was nestled securely in Xie You’s arms without any sense of caution.

This reply plucked the final string within Xie You. He placed Yu Nian on the office desk, one hand steadying Yu Nian’s lower back, the other supporting his chin, and he kissed him deeply.

Yu Nian felt a bit dizzy, but it was evident that this kiss from Xie You was unlike any before, carrying a more aggressive and invasive tone, as if he wanted to devour him whole. Yu Nian’s breathing grew uneven, and he instinctively tried to pull back, but Xie You’s hand tightened, and his lips pressed even more firmly, the kiss growing more intense.

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The surrounding air seemed to have been entirely plundered. Yu Nian’s grip on Xie You’s clothes loosened, his fingers letting go. The next moment, Xie You’s hand turned, and Yu Nian’s hand was pinned to the table. With his legs giving way, he spread them open, his chin tilting upwards as Xie You’s kiss exposed his vulnerable Adam’s apple. He instinctively surrendered himself entirely.

Outside, the night had completely fallen. The rippling river’s surface reflected scattered lights. The sound of flowing water could be faintly heard within the room.

Hungry, Yu Nian found himself being fed rice porridge by Xie You for the first time. Initially, Xie You struggled with controlling the spoon’s force, and the spoon was too large, making it difficult to feed properly. Xie You’s ears turned hot, and his gaze was deep and intense. After a few attempts, he finally managed to get the spoon into Yu Nian’s mouth on the third try.

Yu Nian felt a bit dizzy, but the combination of alcohol and warmth enveloped him. Resting against Xie You, he tightly held onto a spoon, his pitch-black eyes seeming as though they were glistening with moisture. He heard Xie You’s coaxing voice near his ear, “Nian Nian do you want more?”

Feeling the scorching heat, Yu Nian struggled to form coherent words, lightly and hazily nodding in agreement. With Yu Nian’s approval, Xie You increased the frequency of spoon-feeding him rice porridge. Towards the end, Yu Nian, spoon in his mouth, his voice trembling, even sounded a bit tearful, “I can’t eat anymore, I really can’t…”

After being fed rice porridge, Yu Nian was covered in sweat. He lay on the bed while Xie You lowered his head, kissing him passionately and tenderly. It was completely different from the earlier forceful and intense actions. Xie You repeatedly kissed the damp side of Yu Nian’s neck and collarbone, gently holding his hand. They kissed along the jawline and the corners of their lips, their noses touching, able to see each other’s reflection in their pupils.

Feeling his thighs ache, Yu Nian mustered the little energy he had left to trace his fingertips over Xie You’s palm. When Xie You looked over, Yu Nian whispered softly, “I want to take a shower…”

Xie You stood up, lifted Yu Nian from the bed, and walked into the bathroom. As the shower turned on, steam filled the room. Before Yu Nian even touched the water, Xie You pinned him against the bathroom wall, kissing him repeatedly and intermittently.

After their shower, Yu Nian could hardly keep his eyes open. His head touched the pillow, and the weariness overwhelmed him. Clutching the edge of the blanket, he struggled to open his eyes, his fingers moving slightly, trying to grasp onto something. He hoarsely called out, “…Xie You?”

He felt fingers brushing against his eyelids, and his empty hand was enveloped by warm palms. Then came Xie You’s reassuring voice, “I’m here, Nian Nian. Go to sleep.”

After a peaceful night’s sleep, when Yu Nian woke up, he found himself being held in Xie You’s arms. He carefully opened his eyes and saw Xie You with closed eyes, his ears tinted red. Yu Nian’s lips curled up mischievously, and he whispered softly, “It hurts so much…”

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Before the words had fully left his mouth, Xie You opened his eyes, his hand resting just below Yu Nian’s lower back. Anxiously, he asked, “Does it hurt here?” His eyes showed a hint of regret as he spoke.

Buried in Xie You’s embrace, Yu Nian chuckled softly.

Xie You realized he had given away his feigned sleep. Embracing the person in his arms, he sighed, “You…”

Contrary to their usual routine, Yu Nian pulled Xie You close, lazily lingering in bed for most of the day. He loosely tied his black silk robe, barefoot on the carpet. He opened the window and stretched in a leisurely manner.

Squinting in the sunlight, Yu Nian turned his head towards Xie You. “Could I trouble this gentleman to take a picture for me?”

“Of course.” Xie You took his phone, turned the camera towards Yu Nian, and for a moment, he was captivated by the image on the screen—a slim waist outlined by a narrow belt, Yu Nian’s fair skin like delicate porcelain under the sunlight, each strand of hair seemingly aglow. His eyes were brimming with a smile, and for an instant, the whole world seemed to brighten.

Ten minutes later, Yu Nian, who had been inactive on Weibo for days, posted a picture accompanied by a brief two-word caption: “Good morning.”

[Nian Nian’s body proportions, temperament, and looks are all off the charts. It’s not a blessing from the heavens; it’s a feast! Alright, I have my new wallpaper and profile picture! Daily admiration for Nian Nian’s looks!]

[Is Yu Nian still abroad? It’s 7 p.m. here~ Good morning, Yu Nian! Wait, I just realized something about this picture… Who took it? I’m so jealous! Sour grapes all the way! Suddenly stuck in a burst of tears!]

[Nian Gao girl with a magnifying glass, Nian Nian, tell the truth, at the back of your neck, where the robe collar is, there’s a little red patch. Did you have an allergy or get bitten by a mosquito? QAQ]

[Nian Gao girl with a microscope, on the window glass, there seems to be a figure! Nian Nian, tell Mommy the truth, is that the person who took your photo? Who is it exactly?! Sob sob sob QAQ]

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