Chapter 128: Could you accompany me to see him?

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However, when Shi Rou scrolled Joseph’s social media account, she found that he had already deleted the reposted content. She was puzzled and said, “What’s the deal with this action?”

Sitting in the restroom next to the recording studio, with no outsiders around, Meng Yuan spoke more casually. He stroked his chin and said, “I guess this person suddenly realized that the caption they used when sharing the interview video was inappropriate, so they immediately deleted it.”

Posts on the forum were being turned over quickly.

[What the heck with this ‘wishing the two of you a lifetime of happiness and growing old together’?! Did that foreigner not understand Chinese well and still forcefully try to show off? Realizing he made a fool of themselves, he just deleted it in a hurry? I guess he probably meant to write about everlasting friendship, scaring people to death!]

[Nian Gao is utterly shocked! Nian Nian’s father is the King of Ships? Indeed, poverty has limited our imagination. Our group’s widest and broadest imagination is just speculating that Nian Nian’s family struck a fortune… But I refuse to speculate about the hype of promoting and praising, I’ll wait for Nian Nian to confirm it personally!]

[This news was obviously fabricated from the beginning. Yu Nian and King of Ships don’t even share the same surname, yet they had to connect them as father and son? And they say Xie You accompanied Yu Nian shopping—does President Xie have nothing better to do? And ‘wishing the two of you a lifetime of happiness and growing old together,’ who would believe that? It’s impossible, even if you think with your toes! Whoever’s behind this story-making should use some common sense!]

[Aaaaaaaahhh! YouYu Girl is here to celebrate with fireworks! Bang, bang, bang! Nian Nian said in a live broadcast that he knows Xie You! No matter how much evidence the doubters present, we believe it! Aaah, open your mouth, eat candy! May you have everlasting happiness and harmony!]

Shi Rou quickly glanced through the comments and summarized, “The main points everyone is debating are whether this ‘Yu Nian’ is really you, Nian Nian, as Joseph claimed. The second point is about the content Joseph deleted, mentioning President Xie accompanying you and wishing something… I wonder if he misunderstood the meanings of those two idioms.”

Meng Yuan ended several calls in succession, feeling annoyed. He simply put his phone on silent mode and asked Yu Nian, “What should we do?”

“What do you think, Brother Meng?”

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“Although what Joseph did was indeed quite troublesome, it’s also a good opportunity. At the very least, he made a lot of people think of one thing.”

Shi Rou quickly continued, “President Xie and Nian Nian have a lifetime of happiness and grow old together?”

“Yes, exactly that phrase,” Meng Yuan pondered, “President Xie used to focus on criticizing Nian Nian on Weibo, and he even became the leader of the anti-fans at one point. This is something fans and bystanders alike know, and it’s the basis for fans and bystanders not believing that Nian Nian and President Xie have a good relationship. However, Nian Nian mentioned in a live broadcast that he knows President Xie, and there have been photos of the two of them together. So, a portion of people already believe that Nian Nian and President Xie went from not getting along to becoming friends.”

Yu Nian nodded, “That’s right.”

Shi Rou added, “And also, the matching wristwatches, Nian Nian buying the same high-end design, and the possibility that Nian Nian might have taken President Xie’s private plane on his way back!”

Meng Yuan shook his head, “Those don’t count; they’re not concrete evidence yet.” He continued, “Now that Joseph has revealed that President Xie accompanied Nian Nian shopping, removing the two idioms he used, it actually seems more like you two are very close friends in reality.”

Yu Nian continued, “And the phrases ‘lifetime of happiness’ and ‘growing old together’ will make people not only think that we’re friends but also speculate whether it might not just be limited to a friendship.”

“Exactly,” Meng Yuan rested his hand on the edge of the table, very composed. “So, my suggestion is not to dampen the heat. Instead, I suggest we spend money to further amplify the heat. On one hand, let Joseph’s phrase ‘wishing you a lifetime of happiness and growing old together’ sink in, while on the other hand, make everyone doubt whether Joseph used those two idioms to show off his Chinese language skills and failed.”

Yu Nian understood Meng Yuan’s point, “To create a buffer?”

“Yes, to create a buffer. You’ve already admitted that you know Xie You, and many fans and bystanders have expressed disbelief. Now, if you were to suddenly announce that you’re in a relationship, wouldn’t they explode on the spot? You might not care about your popularity and public image, but as your manager, it’s my responsibility. After all, I can’t be dragging you down, right?”

Meng Yuan sighed, “Ever since we talked about going public with this in the hotel in Paris, I’ve been preparing for this. You’ve kept your promise, and you’ve already built up the capital to go public. I’ll do everything I can to minimize the negative impact this might have on you. After all, I can’t be a burden as your manager, can I?”

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Yu Nian shook his head, “I’ve been able to come this far thanks to Brother Meng.”

Meng Yuan smiled, “That’s only possible because you have talent and work hard. I’m just adding a finishing touch. But I have to admit, hearing you say that makes me feel content in my heart.”

Meng Yuan had a strong drive to take action. Three hours after Joseph deleted the repost, the entire direction of public opinion was controlled. Joseph was also mocked by numerous marketing accounts and prominent individuals, warning about the consequences of misusing idioms. Many fans and bystanders claimed they were almost scared to death. But some asked, “What if Joseph was actually referring to ‘lifetime of happiness and growing old together’?”

For a while, various speculations and analyses emerged. Soon, some of Yu Nian’s major fans spoke up.

“This is the end of the matter, thank you, team. Let’s not discuss whether the idiom was used correctly. I just want to express on a personal level that no matter who you like or who you’re with, I support you. You’re a singer, but you’re also a person. I wish you a wonderful love!”

Under this post, many fans left comments.

[Agreed +1. Although it’s sad to know when Nian Nian has someone he likes, now I’m happy again because, in the future, there will be someone to accompany Nian Nian and share all the ups and downs. Whoever this person is, I bless them!]

[Agreed +1. I’m tearing up! Actually, Nian Gao fans had a hint of this, right? Feeling happy, sad, and blessed all at once. I’ll wait obediently until Nian Nian tells us himself. Until then, I’ll be patient.]

[Agreed +1. Thank you, team. Thank you, Nian Gao fans. Everyone is really amazing! My roommate is also a Nian Gao fan. After discussing this, she said she can’t accept it and needed some time to adjust. My emotions are complex too. Nian Nian was the first celebrity I ever liked, but if liking someone makes them happy, that’s what’s most important. Keep going, Nian Nian!]

After reading the fans’ reactions and the data submitted below, Meng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. “Being a manager is really a high-stress profession. My heart might not be doing well either!”

Shi Rou was also nervous beside him. “The fans’ reactions are more positive than we anticipated, and there aren’t too many extreme comments. Thankfully, thankfully!” She patted her chest. “Once again, I’m grateful that Nian Nian didn’t follow any boyfriend image or anything like that. Otherwise, losing fans and then having them criticize again would be terrifying!”

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Closing his laptop, Meng Yuan first noticed that Yu Nian’s expression wasn’t quite right. “Nian Nian, what’s wrong?” he asked twice before Yu Nian reacted.

“Brother Meng, did you call me?”

Meng Yuan frowned, “What’s wrong? You seem off.”

Yu Nian tried to curve his lips habitually, but he couldn’t manage a smile. He tightly held his phone with all five fingers, and his fingertips were trembling uncontrollably. “The video call over there… I can’t get through.”

“Over to your father?” Seeing Yu Nian nod, Meng Yuan guessed, “Is it possible that something came up, causing a delay—”

“It’s not possible. He set up a dedicated phone to receive my calls and messages. If he fell asleep, the butler would be attentive, so he never misses them. Unless…” Yu Nian inhaled softly, his voice tinged with bitterness, “unless his condition suddenly worsened, and they’re trying to save him.”

Hearing this, Meng Yuan and Shi Rou exchanged glances, not knowing how to comfort him. Meng Yuan gently patted Yu Nian’s shoulder and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

All of a sudden, the online debates, doubts, and accusations turned into distant wisps of smoke that couldn’t disturb them. Yu Nian sat on the chair for a while and suddenly whispered, “Sometimes I feel like human life is really fragile.”

“Who says it isn’t?” Meng Yuan also took a seat. “When my parents passed away, I realized that in the face of life and death, everything else is trivial. I was at a career low at that time, and the artist I signed thought I was in her way, so she turned things around and made it difficult for me. Exhausted and without any motivation to do anything. Later, I suddenly realized that just being alive is already fortunate because being alive means there’s hope, which is why I got back on my feet.”

Meng Yuan peeled an orange and handed a segment to Yu Nian, not trying to console him any further. He knew that at times like these, too much comfort would only seem feeble.

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After what felt like a while, Yu Nian’s phone rang with a notification sound. He answered almost immediately. On the screen, Louisen, wearing his usually immaculate black tailcoat, had a few more wrinkles than usual, but he appeared relaxed. He didn’t say much, “Young Master, Sir has been rescued.”

The heavy stone that had been hanging heavily on their hearts finally fell with a thud, bringing a dull ache. Yu Nian nodded twice, “Okay.” His Adam’s apple moved, his voice hoarse, “Can… can I see him?”

Louisen turned the camera to the hospital bed. On the bed, He Xiao’s lips were pale, deep in slumber. The medical instruments beside them emitted a steady “beeping” sound.

Yu Nian’s gaze stayed on He Xiao for a long while. Seeing his steady breathing, he finally felt relieved.

The camera turned back, and Louisen continued, “Joseph’s inappropriate remarks have led him to delete the post. It was my oversight that caused trouble for Young Master.”

Yu Nian had already guessed that it was probably Louisen who handled it on their end, and he wasn’t surprised. “Thank you.”

Louisen’s expression was gentle, “It’s what I should have done.”

After a few more words, seeing the fatigue on Louisen’s face, Yu Nian expressed his concern, “Please rest well too. Take care.”

From the recording studio to his home, Xie You came to pick Yu Nian up. Sitting in the back seat, Yu Nian leaned against Xie You’s shoulder. After a while, he called out softly, “Xie You.”

Xie You noticed that Yu Nian seemed a bit cold, so he pulled him closer into his embrace and replied, “Hmm?”

“Could you accompany me to see him? I don’t dare to go alone,” Yu Nian lowered his eyelashes, interlocking his fingers with Xie You’s, gripping tightly and suppressing the pang of sorrow. For the first time, he used that term of address, “Go see… my father, please.”


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