Chapter 40: Sorry, I can’t make it on time

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Yu Qing entered the door and sniffed, “NianNian, what with the smell in your room? Why is it so fragrant?”

Yu Nian had already cleaned the thermos and said calmly, “Sister, you must have smelled it wrong.” He naturally changed the subject again, “Didn’t you have a scene to shoot? Why did you come to my place?”

As soon as it was mentioned, Yu Qing wanted to complain, “The scriptwriter and Director Xu had a quarrel. There is a plot, and Director Xu wants to change it, but the scriptwriter doesn’t. I’m too lazy to listen to their quarrel, so I just came over to see you and hide away.” She found a place to sit down by herself and then blinked at Yu Nian anxiously, “NianNian, come talk with your sister?” 

Yu Nian put down the script and said helplessly, “Talk about what?

“Talk about that 1.86 meters! It’s about my lovely brother’s emotional problems; it’s for the first time in nearly 21 years!” Yu Qing looked as if they didn’t talk, she wouldn’t leave, waiting for Yu Nian to speak expectantly.

“Speaking of this, sister, Brother Meng called me before and asked if there had been any change in my emotional life recently. I was still wondering how Brother Meng knew.” 

Yu Qing froze, suddenly not knowing what expression to make. Curling the ends of her hair with her fingers, she quickly stood up, “I remembered; I still have two lines to discuss with the scriptwriter! I’ll be going, you take a rest!” 

The door was closed. Yu Nian looked at his phone. The message he had just sent, “The soup was delicious, I’ve finished it all,” had already received a reply. Xie You was still as concise as ever, “Good, as long as you like it.” 

After three o’clock in the afternoon, Yu Nian’s scenes had finished filming. He was about to change clothes when he saw Xu Xianglan walking toward him.

“Director Xu, is there something wrong with the filming?”

 “No, the filming was very good! You acted out the character of Gu Xuanning, who is superficially flirtatious but in his heart loves his country and its people and is righteous. You interpreted it very well!”

Xu Xianglan was very strict with the camera, but he did not hesitate to praise. Saying that, he took Yu Nian two steps to the side, “I want to talk about that matter of you and Yu Qing being secretly photographed while driving out.”

Yu Nian’s eyes moved slightly, “Have you found someone?”

 “Yeah, I found it.” Xu Xianglan adjusted his black peaked cap to keep out the wind and sand. Because of the tight filming schedule, he yelled every day, so his voice was a little hoarse, “This matter is our responsibility, and I am very guilty. The person who took the photo is a worker who was recruited not long ago. He once had contact with You You’s manager. The other party promised that if he could take pictures of your black material, he would give him the money.”

This matter was discussed with Yu Qing a long time ago, and the result was expected, “The enmity is forged because of the matter of promoting the song. You You thinks that I robbed resources and made him lose face, so he is trying every means to get revenge. Even if there is no secret filming, there will be other things.”

He added, “Director Xu, this incident can’t be entirely blamed on the crew; after all, it was a thief for a thousand days and there were no thousands of guards against thieves.”

Xu Xianglan looked at Yu Nian and found that although he was not very old, he really knew how to behave and talk, and he said with a smile, “I will definitely deal with things clearly, and I have also written down your situation. I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future,” He patted Yu Nian on the shoulder, “Go and change first, and have a good rest.”

In the room, Yu Nian had just changed back into his white cotton T-shirt when Yu Qing knocked on the door and came in, asking, “Just now I saw Xu Xianglan looking for you; did you also talk about the secret photographing incident?” 

“Yeah, he gave me an explanation.”

Yu Qing nodded, “This matter is big if you say it is big, and it’s small if you say it’s small. Well, it’s not hurtful; it’s okay for us to suffer a little bit. Besides, I will be able to cover you upright on Weibo in the future!”

 Yu Nian laughed, “Well, thank you heroine Yu Qing in advance! “

“Get out!” Yu Qing also laughed, “By the way, you are going to return to Ningcheng soon; do you want to go out to play before you leave?” 

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“Where are you going?”

Yu Qing: “That Buddhist cave, are you going? I’m going to take my assistant and drive there together.”

Yu Nian realized what Yu Qing was talking about, and after a moment of silence, he nodded, “Well, let’s go.”

When a group of four arrived at their destination, it was less than five o’clock. The two of them were wearing hats and sunglasses. Yu Qing was afraid of getting sunburned, and she was wrapped in a silk scarf, which basically covered her face.

The museum next to the Buddhist cave was very small, and it had been blown by wind and sand all year round. The outer walls were a little dilapidated, and it was not as magnificent as the museums in big cities.

Standing in front of the steps at the entrance of the museum, Yu Qing took a selfie and asked, “NianNian, I remember you coming here when you were a child?”

“En, grandpa bought me here. At that time the Buddhist cave was just dug out, and the people here didn’t dare to take action, so they invited my grandpa to host the show overnight, and I was picked up on the plane by the way.” Yu Nian said in a nostalgic tone, “But after I came, no one had time to supervise me, so I had to play by myself.”

He looked at the lower right corner of the inscription in the museum, and pointed at the inscription “Xiu Ning”, “When Grandpa wrote the inscription, I was the one who prepared the ink.” 

“Prepared  ink?” Yu Qing smiled and raised her eyebrows, “You were so short when you were young, how did you reach the table?”

Yu Nian looked at her, pretending to be surprised, “Sister, are you stupid? There are stools to step on!” He was stared at, as expected.

The two entered the museum, and there was no one inside. The cultural relics that have been buried by yellow sand for thousands of years were displayed in the showcases, as if time had been frozen.

Yu Nian and Yu Qing didn’t speak. They looked at the exhibits side by side carefully, and when they came out, it was nearly dusk.

The sunset on the Gobi was magnificent. Yu Nian knew that Yu Qing had not been interested in antiques and cultural relics since she was a child and came here especially for himself this time. He turned around and said, “I have a flight the day after tomorrow afternoon, so I will go back first.”

Yu Qing straightened her hat and replied, “Okay, I won’t be able to go back to Ningcheng after the filming here. There was an audition for a movie, and my agent said that there were two white lotuses who loved to sell misery and wanted to grab the role from me. They must be crazy.  If they truly sell misery, this old lady will get back at them in minutes.”

Yu Nian smiled and said, “Don’t you want to go home and have a look?”

Putting on the hat, Yu Qing rolled her eyes, “it was unknown which lover he went on vacation with. Thank God my mom died early; otherwise, she would have had to die of anger. I won’t bother to look. I don’t know what to see, as long as those little girls don’t come in front of me, I’ll pretend they don’t exist.”

 Yu Qing put on her sunglasses again, “Let’s go, it’s going to be cold when it gets dark, so I’ll go back early.”

Yu Nian’s plane landed at 6 p.m. After unpacking his luggage, he received a video call from Meng Yuan, saying that fans were coming to pick him up.

Meng Yuan also deliberately asked Shi Rou to hold the phone far away so that Yu Nian’s whole body could be seen through the camera. He carefully looked at Yu Nian’s clothes and state from head to toe and praised, “It’s not bad, neither fat nor thin, and you’re not tanned either.”

Yu Nian said with a smile, “Well, when my sister puts on sunscreen, she urges me to do the same several times a day, and she pays more attention to sunglasses, masks, and hats than I do.” 

Meng Yuan laughed out loud, “Then I really have to thank her!” He told Yu Nian again, “Don’t panic when you go out, don’t walk too fast, don’t be nervous. You still have to take photos at the airport. RouRou will tell you the precautions.” 

“Okay, thank you, Brother Meng.”

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Although Yu Nian was mentally prepared, when he just walked out, he found a lot of people coming, holding up a hand-held light board with his name on it, so he couldn’t help but tilt his head and ask Shi Rou in a low voice, “Sister RouRou, there are so many fans. Are they here to pick me up on purpose?”

Shi Rou smiled, “Yes, they are all here to pick you up on purpose.”

Yu Nian straightened his coat, took a few breaths, “Well, let’s go.”

In front of the computer, Xie You was carefully looking at Yu Nian’s airport photos and various videos taken by fans who picked him up. On the way, a female fan was so excited that she couldn’t stand still and almost fell down. Yu Nian carefully reached out to help her and whispered to pay attention to her safety.

Others said that when Yu Nian got in the car and left, he thanked them for their hard work in picking them up and told them to pay attention to safety when they went back. His skin condition was also very good when they saw him closely.

After saving all the pictures and videos, Xie You looked at the still mobile phone in his hand, feeling a little disappointed.

 Haven’t you already returned…

At this moment, the phone notified that there was a message coming in. Xie You hesitated for a few seconds before opening it nervously. After seeing who sent it, his expression was the same as the mountain scenery after the rain.

[Yu Nian: Are you free these two days? If so, can we have a meal together?]

Xie You typed a few words, but he remembered that Yu Nian just got off the plane and needed to rest, so he deleted “I’m free today” and changed it to “I’m free these days, and I can make arrangements according to your time.”

After checking several times to make sure there was no problem with the tone and wording, Xie You clicked send.

Soon, Yu Nian replied: [Then tomorrow at seven o’clock in the evening, can we meet at a private restaurant?]

Xie You didn’t hesitate: [Okay.]

[Yu Nian: Well, okay, see you tomorrow.]

 The next day, at five o’clock in the afternoon, Xie You finished the urgent work early. He went home first, and after a long search in the cloakroom, he chose a retro double-breasted dark suit with a light gray shirt.

Standing in front of the mirror for a while, Xie You video called Qu Xiaoran again, “How is it?”

Qu Xiaoran was dozing off in the office. Seeing Xie You, he cheered up a little, saying, “It’s very beautiful. Your face, no matter how one looks at it, there are no dead ends at 360 degrees!”

He suddenly reacted, “Damn it, Xie Xiaoyou, the last time you asked me if your clothes looked good was when you wanted to play the piano at your tutor’s concert!”

 After saying those words, he suddenly shut up again—oh, he didn’t know the door of his mouth!

He regretted not sewing his mouth shut!

Xie You paused with the cufflinks on his hands, then continued naturally as if he didn’t hear what Qu Xiaoran said, asking, “The color of the suit?”

Qu Xiaoran felt guilty for saying the wrong thing. Hearing Xie You’s question, he hurriedly said, “This color is good, and besides, all the suits in your closet look the same. You should believe in yourself; your face is enough!” 

Xie You stood straight, he looked at himself in the full-length mirror, took off the cuff buttons, and changed a pair, “Is that so?”

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 Qu Xiaoran nodded repeatedly, “It looks good! The ruby ​​is good!”

After changing four pairs of cufflinks in a row, Xie You finally settled down, picked another pair, and put on his favorite watch.

After confirming that it was almost time, he said to the camera, “I’m going out; let’s talk next time.” After finishing speaking, he hung up the video.

The car drove out of the private driveway and merged into the traffic flow. Xie You sat in the back seat and couldn’t help but tidy up the cuffs, neckline, and corners of the clothes again to make sure there were no wrinkles.

After tidying up, he counted the time, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to send Yu Nian a message.

At this time, the driver suddenly said, “Master, there seems to be a car following behind.” 

The typing hand stopped, Xie You raised his eyes, and he turned off the phone, “Are you sure?” 

“I’m not sure, but the black car with the number ending with 01 was indeed attached to the back all the time. I couldn’t get rid of it twice; it doesn’t look like the one who happened to be on the same road.” 

“Keep paying attention.” Xie You looked down at the phone and didn’t turn on the screen again.

The roads were not congested. After passing three forks, the driver confirmed, “There is a 90% chance that it’s following us.”

Looking at the street trees stained yellow by frost outside the window, Xie You’s eyes deepened and became sharper, “Don’t drive to the west of the city, go to Qu House instead.”

He held the phone tightly for a long time; his knuckles turned slightly white. He then re-opened the phone, deleted all the words he had typed before, and wrote them again:

[I’m sorry, I have something to do, so I can’t make it on time.]

When Yu Nian received the message, he was chatting with Shen Wei in a private restaurant.

 “Uncle Shen, I’ll send a message.”

He read the line from Xie You twice, his smile was gradually replaced by worry, and he replied: [Where are you now?”]

The other party replied quickly: [On the way.]

It means he was originally coming over but encountered something halfway and can’t come here?

Thinking back to what Xie You mentioned last time, the news that the car broke through the fence and fell into the bottom of the river and that Xie You was going to take that car home.

Yu Nian unconsciously frowned slightly and typed quickly with his fingers, “It’s okay, we’ll make an appointment next time. So where are you going now?”

“Qu House.”

Yu Nian thought about it, curled the corners of his lips, and typed, “Within three hours, there will be someone waiting for you to sign.”

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Looking up, Yu Nian turned to Shen Wei and asked, “Uncle Shen, can I borrow your kitchen for use?”

Qu Xiaoran arrived later than Xie You. He entered the door and handed the clothes to the servant to hang, then “tap tap tap” strode upstairs and saw Xie You sitting on a chair looking out of the window. His side was as condensed as a sculpture, and he immediately ran out of words.

But Xie You turned his head when he heard the commotion and spoke first: “You’re back?” 

“Hmm, I came back after answering your call. There was a traffic jam on the road, so I became late.” Qu Xiaoran sat opposite Xie You and poured water for himself. A large glass of water quenched his thirst. After drinking a glass of water, his tone was not calm, “What’s going on? Is it someone from Ding Zhaoxian who followed you?”

Xie You shook his head lightly, “Not sure.” Furious, he looked at the cufflinks, watch, and clothes that Xie You had carefully selected. The surface of the fabric didn’t even have any creases, so he knew how much he valued the meeting tonight.

But now, he could only sit here with himself and watch the shadows of the trees.

“How can Ding Zhaoxian be so bad?” Qu Xiaoran said angrily, “And you just changed your schedule and went home early, and he already secretly sent someone to follow up. He has so much time?”

“I was not careful enough.” Xie You stared at the clear water in the bone china cup, his eyes were as sharp as a knife’s edge, “I threw all three of his capable assistants abroad, and they were restricted everywhere, and one of his confidants has taken refuge in me, so all the small tricks against me have failed. He must not be able to sit still.” 

“I shouldn’t be in such a hurry; I shouldn’t be in a hurry to meet Yu Nian.”

 Qu Xiaoran listened to the few words he said in a low voice. His heart felt like it was being hit by a heavy hammer, and he felt very uncomfortable.

He wiped his face, “Then… is Yu Nian angry with you? You dove on him, so he won’t ask you out in the future, right?”

Speaking of Yu Nian, Xie You’s voice softened, “No, he said next time “

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Qu Xiaoran patted his chest, and was about to comfort Xie You, when there was a knock on the door.

The servant stood at the door and said respectfully, “Young master, young master Xie. Someone outside the door said that the takeout the young master has ordered has arrived.”

Qu Xiaoran was stunned, thinking carefully, “Takeout? How do I remember that I didn’t order takeout? “

Xie You’s eyes lit up on the side, and he ordered, “Bring it in.”

After a while, several large food boxes were brought in. The servants were afraid of Xie You, so they put down their things, went out without any hassle, and closed the door.

Xie You opened the food box and brought out the dishes one by one.

Qu Xiaoran was hungry, “Takeout from that private restaurant? It smells delicious! But the skill of setting the plate and knives is not in place. It doesn’t look like it was made by Master Shen himself. Could it be that it was made by an apprentice?”

 He took the chopsticks and said, “Let me help you taste it first!”

Xie You raised his eyes and said seriously, “It’s all mine, you can’t eat it.”

Qu Xiaoran: “??”

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