Chapter 43: Holding hands

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The two spoke at the same time and stopped at the same time. Yu Nian frowned and smiled brightly, “Why don’t you say it first?” 

“Hmm,” Xie You nodded, moving his fingers subconsciously, “Are you… still cold now?”


Yu Nian suddenly remembered that he had just stood on the side of the street and deliberately breathed into his hands. He quickly shook his head, “It’s not cold anymore, the car is very warm, and there is also the smell of cedar.” 

Thinking of what Yu Nian had said, he remembered the smell on his body. Xie You’s ears felt warm, and his voice subconsciously softened, “Well, good.” As he spoke, feeling a little hot, he loosened his tie with one hand and unbuttoned the first button on the neckline.

In this way, the rigor was reduced, and a bit of leisure and relaxation were added.

Yu Nian paid attention to Xie You’s clothes, sapphire cufflinks, black tie, white shirt inside, vest, and dark gray British style long cashmere coat.

It shouldn’t be cold.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yu Nian blinked, deliberately slowed down his speech, and asked, “Do you mind going to bed late and staying up late tonight?”

Xie You paused for breath, “What?”

Yu Nian’s smile widened, “I mean, Mr. Xie, do you mind accepting my invitation and giving me a chance to show you a place?”

Xie You tightened his fingers and kept his tone steady, “I don’t mind.”

I really want to go and be with you.

There were very few vehicles on the road in the early morning, and the whole city was empty. The off-road vehicle drove smoothly to the west of the city, drove out of the urban area, and finally stopped at the foot of a hill.

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Yu Nian opened the door of the car and stood on the ground. The surrounding fields were desolate, and there were no extra light sources. Xie You told the driver to wait here, then walked to Yu Nian and stood still.

After zipping up his coat, Yu Nian shook his phone with the flashlight function on and said, “Let’s go; the destination is halfway up the mountain, and the night walk is slow. It will take about twenty or thirty minutes.” 

The two walked into the woods. Yu Nian led the way and said as he walked, “I come here once or twice a year. This mountain is very low and has no unique scenery. Few people come here, and it has not been developed, so there is no smooth road, and is more difficult to walk. “

Passing through a stone ridge covered with moss, Yu Nian stretched out his hand backward and said, “It’s not easy to walk here with the leather shoes you are wearing; let me give you a hand.” 

Xie You looked at Yu Nian’s outstretched hand. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he gently put his hand on it, and it was clenched in the next second.

With big strides over the difficult places, both of them seemed to have forgotten something, and they still held hands and did not let go.

It was already early winter; there were fewer insects and ants in the woods, and the ground was full of fallen leaves and dead branches, which would make a crisp sound when stepped on. The wind was also chilly, and there were few birds chirping. Sometimes there would be the rustling sound of the corner of Xie You’s coat brushing against the small branches and leaves.

 Xie You looked at the road under his feet, and from time to time, he would involuntarily turn his gaze to the hands they were holding. Although it was because the road was not easy to walk, but——

We held hands.

Like taking a sip of mellow spirits, all the capillaries in his body boiled, and all the dormant nerves gave the most sensitive conduction.


Hearing Xie You’s voice, Yu Nian, who was carefully discerning the direction, slowed down and turned his head, “What’s wrong?” 

As soon as the words fell, Yu Nian felt the clear smell of cedar very close in an instant—Xie You leaned over, raised his arms, and brushed away the branches that were about to touch his head.

“It’s ok.”

 Yu Nian came back to his senses and thanked him with a smile, “I didn’t notice it, thank you.”

After walking for a while, there was the faint sound of water, and Yu Nian gasped, “We’ll be there soon; I just almost thought I was going wrong.”

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Xie You felt a little regretful; it would be great if he went wrong.

When they arrived at the destination, Yu Nian naturally let go of the hand he held, turned around, and said to Xie You, “This is it.” 

The temperature on his hand suddenly disappeared. Xie You felt a little lost. He put his hands into the pocket of his coat, subconsciously trying to keep the body temperature that belongs to Yu Nian on his hands for a while longer.

With the light of the mobile phone, Xie You looked around, “Where is this?”

 The surrounding area was very quiet. Yu Nian was afraid of startling the birds, and his voice was softer than usual as if talking about a little secret, “Have you smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms?” 

It was only then that Xie You realized, “En, it’s very light.”

“Yes, it’s still early, and there shouldn’t be many flowers blooming.” Yu Nian walked a few steps, “There is a pool here, and there is water flowing along the stone wall all year round. There is a plum tree growing beside the pool. I don’t know how many years it has been. When I was young, my grandfather often came to appreciate plums and draw pictures, and he would also bring me along.”

He pointed to a small pavilion next to him, “My grandfather built it. It’s called Yimei Pavilion; if you bring things up, you can make tea by the fire inside, and if you are in a good mood, you can catch fish from the pool to grill.” 

The two went into the wooden pavilion and sat down, Xie You asked, “Did you often come here to play when you were young?” 

“Yes, there are all kinds of wildflowers and fireflies here in summer, which is cool and fun, but there are too many mosquitoes, which will bite a lot and surround people, which is very itchy. Winter is better, although it is cold, the plum blossoms bloom early; they are very fragrant, and the surroundings are quiet. When someone is in a bad mood, they will want to come and have a sit.”

Yu Nian squatted down while talking and dug out the reserved candles and lighters from the corner of the pavilion, lit them, put the candle into the windproof lampshade, and stood it on the table.

Mountain breeze, flowing water, plum fragrance, candle shadow, moonlight—the atmosphere was just right.

The warm candlelight broke through the darkness, and Yu Nian found a topic to talk about, “In the takeaway you gave me a few days ago, there was a steamed sea bass that was delicious. I ate the whole one, and there were no sweet and sour ribs left. My manager was shocked by my appetite, and he has been talking about it every day for the past few days, telling me to pay attention to image management and not gain weight.”

Xie You objected, “You are too thin; you should eat more.”

Yu Nian laughed, his pupils reflecting a light amber color by the candlelight, “Is that why you sent so many dishes here?” 

“En.” Xie You You nodded, and emphasized, “You are too thin,” and cared not very skillfully, “These days… was it tiring?” 

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“These days? Fortunately, it’s not very tiring.” Yu Nian counted on his fingers, “I was filming the makeup commercial for Florence. It took four days to shoot, but the finished film should be very good. Although the director is very strict, I learned a lot. After that, I stayed at home for three days and wrote songs.” 

“Wrote songs for your album?”

“En, there were complications in the songwriting, so I’ll just write them myself to sing.” Yu Nian didn’t care much and asked Xie You, “What about you? Are things a little smoother?” 

Xie You understood, “Have you watched the news?”

“Yes, I just saw the rebroadcast of the news before I went out, saying that something happened to Huanyu Investment.” Yu Nian said, propping his chin with his left hand and holding his right hand like a cup, looking at Xie You, “Would you like a toast to celebrate?”

Xie You lowered his eyes, clasped his fingers, touched Yu Nian’s hand, and said seriously, “Cheers.”

At the end of November, a cold current hit Ningcheng. After almost waking up from a nap, the pedestrians on the street were all wrapped in down jackets and long scarves. Yu Nian’s advertisements were officially launched. It had only been one night, and all the bus stops, subway stations, and outer walls of shopping malls were all pasted with large advertisement posters of Florence, with the words in the lower right corner—Spokesperson of Florence Cosmetics, Yu Nian.

 At the same time, commercials had also begun to be launched intensively on TV and major platforms. Even the opening screen advertisement on Weibo had become a picture of Yu Nian holding an Illusion Ocean lipstick.

[#YuNian# As a career fan, I strongly praise NianNian’s vision of picking resources! Florence is from a famous brand and is a part of Hersey, so it’s there! And! The commercials produced are breathtakingly beautiful! I am dead!]

[#YuNian# God, the set of outfits on the poster and in the advertisement is so great! It’s increased my brother’s face value a hundred times! At the subway station, I heard the girl next to me discussing who was on the poster. Why is my brother so good-looking? I’m quite proud, hahaha! His appearance is super strong!]

[#YuNian# Ahhhh, the brand aesthetics are really high! That kind of Nobel temperament is deeply rooted in the bone marrow but not domineering! The whole body and even the hair exude high-quality!]

[#YuNian# In order to get the random gift card, I have already bought 20 lipsticks! Randomly sending a gift card or something is definitely a conspiracy of merchants!! But, well, Florence, you succeeded, I will buy it!]

Soon, the news of “fans queuing up to take a photo with Yu Nian’s billboard” was reposted on the homepage in various ways, and the number of clicks on Yu Nian’s commercials also rose steadily.

Meng Yuan was discussing the schedule with Yu Nian in the office, and he turned on his phone to take a look and immediately smiled, “NianNian, do you know what label a big V number put on you?” 

Yu Nian was curious, “What label?”

“Hot Search Harvester!” Meng Yuan laughed first, “But there is nothing wrong with this label; it is very realistic! As soon as the ad comes out, in addition to the hot search that the brand buys as usual, there are two more posts related to you in the top ten.”

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Yu Nian smiled a little embarrassedly and then asked Meng Yuan, “Brother Meng, will Mingxi also go to the variety show you mentioned earlier? But he just told me a few days ago that he is still on the set, and the filming hasn’t finished yet.”

Meng Yuan nodded, “Yes, the person in contact with the program team specifically mentioned to me that it was decided in the past two days. Xia Mingxi should fly directly to the recording site. That’s pretty good; you guys are familiar with each other, so it’ll be a lot easier to be on the show.”

“En, okay, then I’ll go back and continue to catch up on the previous episodes.”

“Okay,” putting down the tablet, Meng Yuan reminded, “Don’t go to bed too late. At nine o’clock tomorrow morning, I will come downstairs to take you up to the airport.”

In the evening, after Xie You took a shower, he put on a black and silver-lined nightgown and came out, just in time to receive a video call from Qu Xiaoran. He clicked on it, and before he could speak, he heard Qu Xiaoran’s irritable voice, “F*ck, Xie Xiaoyou, what are you doing?”

Xie You grabbed the towel, wiped his hair, and asked calmly, ” What, what happened?”

Qu Xiaoran looked angry. He turned the camera to the side, showed the scene, and then turned the camera back to his face, “Look for yourself! What the hell is with this pile of Florence cosmetics on the ground that is taller than a person? They are all limited editions! I don’t wear makeup; why do I have so many makeup sets? Xie Xiaoyou, do you have any misunderstandings about me?” 

Xie You put the towel aside, took the phone, cut to the screenshot in the photo album, and read seriously, “Ah, I’m going to buy, buy, buy to prove that NianNian’s ability to deliver goods is excellent.” 

In the video, Qu Xiaoran opened his mouth and was dumbfounded, “This is a comment from Weibo fans? Then you went to buy it?”

 “Yeah.” Xie You nodded, “There is still a batch on the way.”

After speaking, Xie You emphasized, “Limited edition box, each box will give three gift cards; I’ll come over tomorrow to get it.”

“Oh.” Qu Xiaoran became numb, “Okay, just be happy.”

After hanging up the video, Xie You was hesitating whether to send a message to Yu Nian, but at this moment, he saw the dialog box belonging to Yu Nian pinned to the top, and a message popped up.

 “Wishing for you to have a good dream tonight.”

 Xie You’s eyes softened, and he said to himself, if the wish comes true, then I will definitely dream of you tonight.

He quickly replied, “Good night.”

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