Chapter 46: Irrefutable evidence

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Xie You unexpectedly embraced Yu Nian, and it took him several seconds to react.

Headache? Is he sick?

Xie You seemed to lose all strength after seeing Yu Nian, and he leaned against Yu Nian as if exhausted.

From a close distance, Xie You’s unsteady breathing could be heard clearly. Yu Nian became concerned and began looking for the key to open the door. He did not even bother changing his shoes and instead assisted him in sitting on the sofa. He knelt in front of Xie You and asked, “What is the matter?”

Xie You’s face was pale, the blue shadows in front of his eyes were heavy, and his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. He had previously touched Xie You’s hand, which was as cold as if he had just taken it out of ice water.

Staring fixedly at Yu Nian, Xie You said hoarsely, “My head hurts.”

The final sound was soft, but it slashed at the heart like a sharp knife—how much pain was Xie You in to show weakness in front of him?

Yu Nian got up and turned up the temperature in the room. He helped him take off his coat, wrapped him in a light blue plush blanket, and asked him, “How long have you been waiting at the door? Why didn’t you call me?”

“You were busy.”

So you didn’t want to bother me?

Yu Nian didn’t say anything else and pointed in the direction of the kitchen, “Wait for me. There’s no hot water at home. I’ll go to the kitchen to boil some, okay?”

After Xie You nodded, Yu Nian turned around and went to the kitchen.

As soon as the water was boiled, the phone vibrated.

He glanced at the name—Qu Xiaoran?

Yu Nian pressed the answer button, and before he had time to speak, he heard Qu Xiaoran hurriedly said, “That…Yu Nian, have you seen Xie You? If not, just pretend I didn’t ask—”

“He’s at my house.”

“Ah? Your house?” Qu Xiaoran was stunned for two seconds, then the sound as if he was saying “I found him” was heard to the side, and then he leaned back to the receiver to speak, “Is he really at your house?”

Yu Nian looked into the living room through the kitchen glass. Xie You was sitting on the sofa wrapped in a blanket with his eyes closed, and he didn’t move at all.

He lowered his voice, “En, he’s really at my house. He said he has a headache and his spirit is not good. Is he sick?”

Qu Xiaoran seemed to have changed to a quiet place, “It’s good if he’s with you. I couldn’t find him, so I was going to have a heart attack!”

After taking a few breaths, he continued, “Xie You is indeed sick. He has a long history of migraines. He has not slept for two nights in a row, and he is almost turned into a panda. He has a bad temper, but instead of scolding, he simply stares at people with a cold expression. He nearly terrified his secretary to death.”

Bad temper? Yu Nian was skeptical about this. Thinking of the bluse shadow under Xie You’s eyes, he asked softly, “Is it because of Ding Zhaoxian?”

“Damn it, did he even tell you this?” Qu Xiaoran was surprised, but he didn’t make it clear, “Something like that. Anyway, he was exhausted, stressed, nervous, and had a headache. He can’t sleep all night and dares not take medicine. Hell!”

Yu Nian grasped the point sensitively, “Why doesn’t he dare to take medicine?”

Qu Xiaoran didn’t hold back and said with a crackling voice, “Speaking of this, Laozi is so angry! It’s all because of that old man, Ding Zhaoxian! Xie You was sick a few years ago, and Ding Zhaoxian forced the family doctor to change the medicine. Fortunately, Xie You accidentally knocked over the cup with trembling hands that day. He was also cautious and noticed that the medicine was not the same. He took it out and tested it in private. Of course, taking it alone is fine; however, if he ate it with others, he might have a heart attack!”

Yu Nian clutched the phone tightly. 

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Qu Xiaoran said angrily, “Ding Zhaoxian’s methods are really dirty, and now I have trauma too. I would rather die than take medicine casually!”

After a few seconds of silence, the water was ready, and Yu Nian’s voice was astringent, “Well, I’ll go and see him, let’s talk about it later.”

“Okay, then…” Qu Xiaoran was embarrassed but still cheeky, “Please take care of him.”

“Okay, don’t worry, I will.”

Back on the sofa, Xie You maintained his previous stance. His face was condensed, with no subtle expressions, as if he was used to self-protection, so no one could tell he had a severe headache.

Hearing the movement, Xie You opened his eyes and looked at Yu Nian quietly.

Yu Nian did not bring out any medicine, instead convincing Xie You to drink a few sips of hot water to stay warm. However, as he turned around to set the empty glass down, he noticed that Xie You’s fingers had quietly grasped the corner of his clothes.

Yu Nian could not tell what was going on in his heart, but such a small amount of force rendered him immobile. Yu Nian casually put down the empty cup, held Xie You’s hand, sat on the sofa, and let him sleep on his lap.

Xie You’s body shrank slightly reflexively as five fingers covered his scalp, and Yu Nian quickly relaxed his strength. He comforted him in a low voice, “My grandma also used to have headaches before, so I learned how to relieve them. I don’t know if my skills become rusty.” Seeing that Xie You was still looking at him, he smiled, “Do you want to close your eyes?”

Xie You closed his eyes obediently with every word and movement.

Yu Nian added some strength to his fingers, paying attention to the expression on Xie You’s face for a good second. As time passed, Xie You’s slightly frowning brows relaxed, his breathing slowed down, and he eventually fell asleep.

After another ten minutes, Yu Nian stopped his fingers, took the phone, turned it on mute first, and then sent a message to Qu Xiaoran, “He fell asleep.”

Soon, Qu Xiaoran returned the message, “Thank God, thank you! I was still worried that if he could not sleep all the time, he would die suddenly without paying attention! Finally fell asleep!”

Within two seconds, the second message came again, “However, he is willing to take painkillers and sleeping pills?”

“No medicine.” Yu Nian looked at Xie You distractedly, making sure he was still asleep, and then continued to tap the screen, “Why does he have a migraine?”

This time, after a while, Qu Xiaoran sent the message.

“This problem has been going on for several years. When his father passed away, his mother cried and fainted, but he couldn’t faint. He had to hold on and stand more firmly than anyone else, or else the mother and child would be devoured by those vultures, leaving nothing behind.
I had not seen him in over a month at the time, and when I did, he had lost a lot of weight. He had only recently become an adult, but no one would let him off the hook because of his youth. He had to guard what his father had left behind, protect his mother, deal with a lot of things, and deal with intrigue everywhere. He only slept for more than three hours a day and could not eat because he was so stressed. He also experienced nervous retching and migraines at the time.”

After reading the message from Qu Xiaoran several times, Yu Nian put down his phone, looked down at Xie You for a moment, leaned against the back of the sofa, and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, when Shi Rou saw Yu Nian, she was surprised, “NianNian, why do you look so bad? Did you get enough sleep?”

Yu Nian stretched his sore neck and smiled, “En, I slept lightly. By the way, is Teacher Zuo Ming here?”

Shi Rou raised her hand to cover the corner of her mouth and murmured, “The production teacher has arrived, about half an hour earlier than you. NianNian, are you going to quarrel with him again?”

Yu Nian: “We never quarreled; it’s just that we each have our own insistence, and no one agrees with the other.”

“That’s not a quarrel?” Shi Rou counted again, “The songs are all recorded this afternoon, the cover is shot, and the design is also done. The only thing that is missing is the MV. Maybe after you guys finish the quarrel, you can settle down and start filming, right?”

Shi Rou was still concerned, so she spoke softly and gently, “NianNian, why do not you just listen to Teacher Zuo Ming? Every time Teacher Zuo Ming puts on blackface, he looks fierce, and he is a gold medalist in the industry, so he should despise those who oppose his plans.”

“It is fine.” Yu Nian tugged on the white sweatshirt’s string, confidently saying, “Trust me, it will definitely be settled today.”

Hearing the sound of the door, Zuo Ming removed his earphones and looked up at Yu Nian, who pushed the door open, saying, “You are here?”

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“Good morning, Teacher Zuo.” Yu Nian entered the lounge and sat down on the soft chair. Before he could speak, Zuo Ming glanced at him and asked, “What’s wrong with your leg?”

Yu Nian didn’t expect such a small detail to be noticed by Zuo Ming. He smiled and explained, “It’s nothing. I didn’t sleep in the right position last night, and I was a little inactive when I walked, and it will be fine in a while.”

In fact, he was sitting on the sofa and sleeping, and he let Xie You sleep on his thigh all night. But it was still worth it, Xie You slept soundly.

Thinking about it, Yu Nian was distracted– he went out very early, seeing that Xie You was fast asleep, so he didn’t wake him up. He left a note as a reminder. Xie You should be able to find the millet porridge he left in the pot, right? It was eight o’clock now; he didn’t know if Xie You got up…

“Hmm.” Zuo Ming was forty years old, and he was one of the top producers in the circle. Meng Yuan personally invited him to come over because of their relationship. He had deep lines between his brows, looked difficult to get along with, and had no obvious tone of voice, “I thought we had reached an agreement yesterday.”

Yu Nian sat upright, not at all afraid of Zuo Ming’s coldness, “No, Teacher Zuo, I still insist on using black and white for the MV of “Beautiful”.”

Zuo Ming frowned, obviously unhappy, “Why are you so persistent? You’ve been bothering me with this question for almost a week!”

Yu Nian smiled and said, “Probably, I have my own… little stubbornness?”

Putting down the earphones, Zuo Ming leaned back on the back of the chair and squeezed the space between his eyebrows, as if he was unbearably disturbed, “No, all black and white is not in line with my aesthetics, at most,” He finally gave in, “Half and half.”

Yu Nian beamed, “Okay!”

Seeing his expression, Zuo Ming was startled and suddenly reacted, scolding with a smile, “You boy, was this a trick?”

“That’s right,” Yu Nian smiled, moved closer, and said in a deliberative tone, “Actually, half and half is not very good. Teacher Zuo, how about in four minutes and thirty-five seconds, we use black and white for the first 3 minutes and 3 seconds and use the color scheme B for the next 1 minute and 32 seconds? Do you think it will work?”

“Waiting for my answer?” Zuo Ming was not unhappy but smiled, “Can I say no? If I refuse, will you chase after me for another week?”

Seeing that Yu Nian was just laughing, he didn’t say anything at this time and tapped his knees with his fingers, “Okay, the songs are written by you, and it’s your album. Since you are so persistent, then give it a try and let your stubbornness be fulfilled.”

“Thank you, Teacher Zuo!”

“Don’t thank me first. If the effect is not good, remember to stop Meng Yuan for me then; I won’t take the blame!”

Yu Nian nodded, “Okay!”

After recording the last song in the afternoon, Yu Nian took off his earphones and thanked the staff earnestly. Coming out of the glass room, Yu Nian waited quietly for a while. Zuo Ming didn’t lift his head after listening to the voice that was just recorded, “You were in a good state just now; take the time to rest. We’ll start shooting the MV tomorrow, and try not to delay.”

“Okay, thank you, Teacher Zuo!”

The takeaway order had arrived, and Shi Rou was waiting for him. Yu Nian broke open the disposable chopsticks, saw Shi Rou’s face as if she was hesitating to speak, and smiled, “Sister RouRou, what’s the news today?”

Shi Rou waited for this sentence, and after hearing Yu Nian’s question, she hurriedly said, “Yes, yes! Brother Meng’s guess was right, that Yao Yang, who wrote for Li Yin, poured dirty water on Xue Yalin!”

Thinking about it, Yu Nian remembered that Xue Yalin participated in the last scene of “Sound of Nature” with him, Xia Mingxi, and Lin Xiang. Xue Yalin took second place. His impression of her was that she was quiet and had a cool voice, and her explosive power was very strong.

“What happened?”

“Not long after Xue Yalin’s “Sound of Nature” ended, she released a single, a song she wrote. Didn’t Yao Yang imply a few days ago that the new singer who has become popular recently and claims to be a talent, their songs might be written by someone else? Someone pointed their guns at Xue Yalin, saying that it is very likely that Xue Yalin’s song was not written by her but only signed. Yao Yang even went to this Weibo to like it.”

“The most fearful thing is ‘very likely’.”

Shi Rou nodded, “That’s right, there is no real proof; the rumors are all based on one mouth. Xue Yalin was so angry that she cried, but there are still many people who believe it and went to her Weibo to sneer.” She poked her chopsticks into the rice and said sullenly, “I just hope that we don’t get involved in this matter; otherwise, the black fans will start jumping again.”

Yu Nian comforted her, “Don’t worry, it’s fine.”

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#Xue Yanlin ghostwriting# This topic has been trending for two days. Finally, the company issued a solemn statement stating that the song was written entirely by Xue Yalin and that there was no so-called ghostwriting. When confronted with this slander, the legal route had already been chosen.

Yu Nian was attending a brand event in Florence at the time, and many fans were present. Yu Nian signed the limited edition gift box and gave it to the organizer for a lucky draw. 

He got down from the stage and waited for the results of the lottery. Shi Rou stood behind him and said in a low voice, “NianNian, things are a little bit wrong.”

With a smile on his face, Yu Nian’s eyes fell on the big screen on the stage, and he whispered back, “What’s wrong?”

“On the tomato forum, a post about you appeared, and it became popular within half an hour. I have already contacted Brother Meng, but Brother Meng has not yet replied.”

At this time, the host said, “We invite Yu Nian, the spokesperson of Florence cosmetics, to come on stage and give gifts to the lucky winners!”

Yu Nian adjusted his light-colored coat and walked onto the stage again.

The three winners were two young girls and a boy wearing glasses. The host also joked, “This handsome guy, are you here to help your girlfriend buy cosmetics today?”

The boy wearing glasses was quite generous and took the microphone and said, “No, I don’t have a girlfriend; I’m single. I represent the six people in our dormitory, and I came here to see Yu Nian. I didn’t expect to be so lucky to win a lottery.”

The host continued to ask, “Represent the six people in the dormitory? Is there any explanation here?”

“Yes, it’s the girls that six of us in the dormitory like; they all like Yu Nian. We refused to accept it, so we all summed it up, and I came here to take a look.”

The audience laughed loudly. The host: “Then, after seeing the real person, do you have any thoughts?”

The boy adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, “I seem to have become a fan.”

There was another burst of laughter.

Yu Nian picked up the microphone and said with a smile, “I troubled you to come over here on purpose.”

As soon as the event ended, #On behalf of the roommates to see Yu Nian# was on the hot search, and the topic was full of “hahaha” and various emoticons, and many fans commented, “Come to see a love rival and become a fan, what an experience?” “Please stop exuding your charm, NianNian!” and so on.

At the same time, Yu Nian also saw the post that Shi Rou mentioned.

Yu Nian had just attended the event and had not dressed up much. Shi Rou handed him the hot water bottle and said, “It’s not long since this post was posted, but because Yao Yang helped Li Yin write this matter and because of Xue Yalin’s relationship, the popularity has always been maintained.”

Holding the hot water bottle, Yu Nian clicked on the post to read.

“A pure passerby who eats melons. A few days ago, Teacher Yao hinted on Weibo that among the singer-songwriters who have become popular recently, there are people who are engaged in ghostwriting. I was thinking about it and looking for clues. Actually, it is very obvious, but no one has ever linked these two people. I won’t beat around the bush; let me just say it bluntly, it’s Yu Nian, Si Ning.”

[Does the OP1 have real proof? If not, don’t beep! It will all be judged as rubbing hype!]

[Supporting the OP. This kind of stealing other people’s efforts to make your own character design should make you all come out and kneel down to apologize!]

[Speaking of it this way, it seems that there is really something going on! Waiting for the proof!]

“Everyone knows that Si Ning is a person who has been in the songwriting circle for quite a while, and he can boast of being a top talent, but he has always been mysterious. He helped Yu Qing write more than a dozen songs, and each one became popular. It can be said that if there was no Si Ning, Yu Qing wouldn’t have such good results. It was also reported that Si Ning helped write the theme song for Xu Xianglan’s movie, and Yu Qing sang it.

Here comes the question, have any of us seen Si Ning show his face? No, never. And we all know that Yu Qing and Yu Nian are siblings. I became suspicious, so I went to check all the information on Yu Nian. He graduated from Ningcheng University, a famous school, but it is a history department and has nothing to do with the entertainment industry.

I studied his songs again, including the song written and composed by himself on “Sound of Nature”, and the so-called song written and sung on the spot on “To Tell the Truth”, and I found that there is really something tricky in it.


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“The first two sheets are my analysis of Si Ning’s habit of composing lyrics and music, including habitual rhymes, favorite melody rhythms, etc. The last one is the lyrics and music of two songs by Yu Nian, and I also analyzed them. The results are really surprising!”

[I smelled melons! It was actually ghostwriting! Teacher Yao really knows the inside story!]

[The entertainment industry is really not clean, and this Si Ning has never shown up; will he be controlled by this sibling? Yu Nian has been using the personality of a talented singer-songwriter, and Si Ning has been helping him write songs all the time. Thinking about it carefully,  it’s terrifying!]

[Solid proof! Are Yu Nian fans’ faces hurting? They are still going around saying how good the songs he created on the spot are. It is obvious that they were pre-written and then pretended to be improvised! Waiting for a public apology!]

Yu Nian was looking down. Shi Rou took the phone and said, “That…NianNian, just now, Yao Yang reposted this post.”

Yu Nian looked up, “What did you say?”

Shi Rou followed suit, “En.”

Yu Nian laughed when he heard that, “He replied?”

Shi Rou nodded, “Yes, he still has a consistent ambiguous attitude. This kind of routine obviously means that if he fails to confirm it, he doesn’t have to be responsible for his remarks. It’s quite cunning.”

At this time, Xia Mingxi also called. As soon as he got through, he exploded, “F*ck, what’s with that surname Yao? Why is his methods so disgusting!”

“You saw it too?”

“I see, my manager uncle has been very concerned about this matter these days, and he will tell me whenever there is trouble. But I didn’t expect that the surname Yao would have his idea on you! It’s the police’s job to judge the case. What about the evidence?! Why the hell is he beeping?”

Xia Mingxi lowered the volume and said again, “Also, my agent said that most of the posts on the tomato forum are posted by Yao Yang himself! It’s an old method!”

With a slow tone, he asked again, “What are you going to do NianNian? I notice this pattern. It appears that not only does Yao Yang want you to hype himself by pulling you, but that someone is specifically targeting you!”

Yu Nian didn’t say much, “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Brother Meng.”

“Okay,” Xia Mingxi replied, and said again, “Anyway, if you need help, just call me! I believe you.”

The smile on Yu Nian’s lips widened, “Okay, thank you, Mingxi.”

As soon as he hung up the phone, Shi Rou handed Yu Nian the phone page to look at. On the screen, #Yu Nian ghostwriting# and #Si Ning# were both trending on the hot searches one after another.

Shi Rou was very familiar with this route, “It’s impossible for it to go up so soon, someone must have bought it directly.”

Yu Nian stared at the two hashtags ranked fifth and sixth and couldn’t help laughing, “I didn’t expect that I would have the experience of being on the hot search with myself.”

Shi Rou didn’t understand, “What do you mean with yourself?”

At this time, Yu Nian had already called Meng Yuan. Once connected, Meng Yuan said, “I was just about to call you, is the event over? Did you get the news?”

“Well, it’s over, and it went smoothly. Sister RouRou also told me about the news.” Yu Nian was embarrassed, “Brother Meng, I actually have hidden something from you, and I haven’t said it all the time.”

Meng Yuan’s heart skipped a beat, “Wait, let me prepare myself first. The worst case scenario is, did you really ask Si Ning to write it for you?”

Shi Rou vaguely heard it and also became nervous.

“No, there is no so-called ghostwriting, because I am Si Ning.”

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