Chapter 54: Hmm, I’m here

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After changing his clothes, Yu Nian lifted the cooked eggs and paired them with crispy bacon and mixed fruit juice, making it his breakfast.

The production team captured a lot of footage and asked, “Yu Nian, you’re very skilled at frying bacon. Do you cook for yourself when you have free time?”

Yu Nian nodded and smiled, saying, “Yes, I do. I learned to cook when I was in college, and I hope to cook for someone I like in the future.”

After finishing breakfast and tidying up the dishes, Yu Nian washed his hands and stood behind his desk. He spread out the rice paper, held the brush with a steady hand, and started writing. After finishing a page, he put down the brush and answered the production team’s question.

“I developed the habit of calligraphy at a young age, maybe even before I entered elementary school. But back then, I was too short to reach the desk, so I had to stand on a stool.” Speaking of his height, Yu Nian suddenly thought, “By the way, I wonder if I’ve grown taller recently.”

One of the crew members said, “Officially, your height is listed as 1.79 meters, right?”

Yu Nian felt a bit embarrassed and replied, “Yes, but my actual height is not 1.79 meters; it’s 1.795 meters. I grew 0.5 centimeters taller recently.”

Seeing Yu Nian’s serious expression, the crew members burst into laughter.

Finding a measuring tool, Yu Nian measured his height while saying, “During this period, I’ve felt like I’ve grown a bit taller again. I wonder if it’s just an illusion. Maybe I’ve really surpassed the 1.8-meter mark—”

“It’s indeed 1.8 meters now, plus an extra two millimeters,” one of the crew members said, smiling. “You’ve achieved a significant milestone!”

Yu Nian exclaimed with joy, “I’ve really grown taller?”

“Yes, the official information can be updated now.”

The crew members turned off the measuring device and discussed with Yu Nian, saying, “Apart from the breakfast scene, we’d also like to film some segments about your creative process. It will be the first time we reveal it. Are you okay with that?”

Yu Nian cooperated enthusiastically, saying, “Of course, no problem.”

The group entered the room where Yu Nian composes his songs. There were many things placed inside, and the crew members were careful to avoid any collisions.

Yu Nian sat in front of his workstation, opened his equipment, and as the camera focused on him, he smiled and said, “Since there are no outdoor schedules this morning, I’ll be working on songwriting at home. I’ve accumulated quite a bit of work… Currently, I’m working on the promotional song for Director Qiu’s new movie, ‘Back to the Past.’ Speaking of which, this opportunity came through Mingxi.”

Hearing him mention another artist’s name, the crew members quickly asked, “Is it Xia Mingxi?”

Yu Nian nodded with a smile, “Yes, it’s him. When he returns from the set, I’ll have to treat him to a big meal.”

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Recalling that the production team mentioned talking more about songwriting, Yu Nian picked up a messy manuscript and waved it in front of the camera, “When it comes to songwriting, if inspiration strikes, I can finish writing the lyrics in about ten minutes and complete the melody in one or two hours. But when I’m slow, I can sit in the chair all day and not come up with a single melody.”

He put the manuscript back in place and continued, “This time, I’ve read Director Qiu’s script three times, and I’ve found some inspiration, so it’s been relatively smooth. I’ve already composed the music, and today I’ll be adding the lyrics.”

This was the first time Yu Nian publicly talked about his songwriting process. The crew members couldn’t let it pass and asked, “Was it the same when you wrote songs in the past?”

“It’s about the same. I remember when I was writing ‘Nothing to Lose,’ I was preparing for final exams. There were thick reference books in front of me and a few sheets of manuscript paper beside them. After reviewing the exam materials for a while, inspiration suddenly struck, and I quickly grabbed a pen and wrote it down. It flowed very smoothly.”

The production team asked, “When ‘Nothing to Lose’ dominated the charts for several months and later won the Annual Golden Song Award, did it have any impact on you?”

Yu Nian tapped the piano keys with his fingers and smiled as he reminisced, “The biggest impact was probably that my sister was so happy that she gave me a big red envelope. I think it was 66666 yuan. It felt like overnight riches!”

After capturing some necessary shots, the production team arranged to come back and film during Yu Nian’s participation in a brand event for Ri Yao Mobile. They packed up their equipment and left, and Yu Nian escorted them to the door.

Checking the time, Yu Nian drank a glass of water, packed up his things, and went downstairs. Shi Rou had already arrived.

Sitting in the back seat, Shi Rou flipped through the schedule. “Brother Meng will go to the museum first. If there’s no traffic, we should arrive about ten minutes early.”

When they arrived at the Ningcheng Museum, it was just past 11 o’clock. After shaking hands with the main photographer for this shoot, Yu Nian entered the temporary dressing room.

Meng Yuan was already waiting inside. Seeing Yu Nian enter, and with no one else around, he whispered, “Did you notice? This photographer has a bad temper.”

Yu Nian nodded. “Yes, I noticed. It seems like he’s not too happy with me.”

“Most likely. Ji Chaode, the one taking the artistic photographs, has a high opinion of himself. He even made a statement once, saying he looks down on those uneducated, talentless celebrities in the entertainment industry.”

Meng Yuan was worried that Yu Nian might feel unhappy, so he added, “But his professional skills are indeed quite good. Anyway, we’re here to take photos, and once we’re done, we can leave.”

Yu Nian nodded. “Hmm, Brother Meng, don’t worry. I’ll try my best not to give him any opportunity to find fault.”

However, the photographer’s prejudice was deeper than they had imagined. It was still cold in March, with the temperature only around 2-3 degrees Celsius. Yu Nian was wearing thin clothes and standing on the outdoor stone steps, exposed to the wind. They shot for two hours straight, and he was so cold that he could hardly feel anything.

Taking the thermos cup handed to him by Shi Rou, Yu Nian carefully took a few sips of hot water.

Seeing Yu Nian shivering from the cold, Shi Rou was almost in tears. “What’s the matter with this photographer? I saw the shots from behind, and the effect was excellent, but he keeps saying your smile is too exaggerated and not restrained enough, or that your poses are stiff and unnatural. And those reasons about wrinkled clothes and improper foot angles have no basis. What kind of person is he?”

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Yu Nian screwed the cup lid back on and handed it back to Shi Rou. His face turned cold and stiff, and he couldn’t smile much. “It’s okay, I can endure a little longer.”

Limbering up his limbs, Yu Nian stood in front of the camera again. But after just a few minutes, Ji Chaode sneered, “You’re getting paid so much, you should be professional! I didn’t bring you here just to make quick money. Oh, I forgot, people like you—”

Yu Nian turned around, his lips curled, as he stood on the stone steps, looking down at Ji Chaode from above, and he slightly lifted his chin. “You might not know this, but I didn’t receive a single penny this time. I paid for my own travel expenses and even covered the costs.” 

“Because you didn’t get anything, you won’t do a good job? I’ve encountered people like you before—”

“Encountering someone like me, who is solely focused on making quick money, forgetting their own true abilities when praised by fans, lacking self-awareness, and lacking any professional standards like those popular young celebrities?”

Yu Nian finished his words in one breath, suppressing his smile. With sharp features and a frosty gaze, he spoke each word clearly, “Photographer Ji, I have my professional ethics, which is why I’ve been standing here, letting you nitpick for over two hours, cooperating throughout without a single complaint. And I hope that you, too, can have professional ethics, even if it’s just a tiny bit.”

“You—” Ji Chaode was caught off guard, his eyes filled with embarrassment and annoyance. Before he could say anything, he saw Yu Nian beckon to his assistant.

Taking his own phone from Shi Rou, Yu Nian dialed Director Gan’s number right in front of Ji Chaode.

“Director Gan, I might not be able to continue with this photo shoot.”

Director Gan arrived quickly, and he must have already known the whole situation. He walked past Ji Chaode and apologized to Yu Nian, “I’m sorry, Xiao Yu.”

Yu Nian, wrapped in a down jacket, rubbed his frozen hands and forced a smile, “It’s nothing. It’s just that I really can’t bear the cold anymore. I had to make this call to you, even if I had to shamelessly bother you. I hope you don’t think I’m causing too much trouble.”

Seeing his pale face and trembling voice and realizing he only had two thin layers of clothing underneath his down jacket, Director Gan hurriedly said, “I invited you here, but instead, I made you suffer. If you get sick, it will truly be my fault.”

Yu Nian lowered his gaze, staring at the fine gaps between the floor tiles, and remained silent.

Director Gan continued, “I’ve made the decision to change the photographer. What do you think?”

Only then did Yu Nian raise his eyes and say, “Will it delay the schedule?”

“No, there were alternative photographers in the first place. You just need to wait a bit longer.”

A faint smile appeared at the corners of Yu Nian’s eyes, “It’s alright, I can wait. I intentionally cleared my schedule for these two days.”

Hearing this, Director Gan felt even more guilty. “Ah, it’s my fault. If Mr. Xiuning were still here, he would definitely be so concerned about you!”

“He wouldn’t. Grandfather would only say, ‘Huh, you’re so young, and yet you’re so afraid of the cold? Go have your grandmother make you some nourishing soup!'” Yu Nian pinched his nose and complained, “But the nourishing soup really tastes terrible!”

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Gan Zhou couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

After resting indoors for a while and wrapping himself tightly in his down jacket, Yu Nian finally felt a bit warmer while holding a hot water bottle.

Worried that he might catch a cold, Meng Yuan brought some cold medicine and watched him take it. He sighed, “You did great just now, confronting Ji Chaode like that. His expression was priceless. Luckily, Director Gan is a reasonable person; otherwise, it wouldn’t be worth shooting these photos!”

Holding the hot water cup, Yu Nian nodded, “Yes, I hope the rest of the shoot goes smoothly.”

Not long after, the new photographer arrived, wearing a black down jacket and walking briskly. They shook hands, and the photographer introduced herself, “I’m Huang Liqing. I hope our first collaboration will be enjoyable. I’ll go outside to prepare the lighting. Please wait here for a moment.”

Yu Nian nodded, “Sure, thank you for your hard work.”

This time, the shoot went surprisingly smoothly. Huang Liqing was meticulous about the details, even considering every subtle expression from Yu Nian. By the time it got dark, the shoot was finished.

There was a smile on Huang Liqing’s face, “It was really, really good. Your camera presence is excellent, the visuals are captivating, and your presence blends perfectly in this museum. I believe the pictures will turn out amazing.”

Yu Nian’s smile widened, and he slightly bowed in gratitude, “Thank you! I had a great time shooting, and I’m looking forward to seeing the final results.”

Huang Liqing wasn’t much of a talker. She shook hands with Yu Nian again and kindly said, “I hope we can collaborate again in the future.” Then she busied herself with packing up the equipment.

After wrapping up work, Yu Nian got into the car and took a few sips of hot water from his insulated cup.

Meng Yuan sat in the front seat. “You’re free now. Go home and rest. The promotional video will be shot a few days later. Probably the day after tomorrow, the museum’s official Weibo account will release the photos, so remember to share them.”

Yu Nian nodded. Feeling a bit cold, he instinctively wrapped his down jacket tighter. With Xie You on his mind, he said, “Brother Meng, I won’t go home now. Can you take me to Anren Hospital?”

Meng Yuan became nervous, “Are you feeling unwell?”

“No, a friend of mine is in the hospital, and I want to visit him.”

The car changed course and arrived at the entrance of Anren Hospital. Yu Nian wore his mask and duckbill cap, bid farewell with a slight bow, and entered the hospital.

The bodyguards guarding the ward recognized Yu Nian and made way for him when they saw him. 

Raising his hand to knock on the door, after receiving a response, Yu Nian pushed the door open and entered.

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Xie You was sitting on the bed, reading documents. When he saw Yu Nian entering, his eyes lit up slightly, “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t come today?”

Yu Nian took off his thick coat and hung it up. He smiled at Xie You, “I couldn’t help but think of you as I was on my way home, so I decided to come and see you.”

Xie You looked at Yu Nian, furrowing his brows. “Come here.”

After spending this time together, the two had become quite familiar with each other’s presence. Following Xie You’s instructions, Yu Nian walked over, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?”

Xie You raised his hand and touched Yu Nian’s forehead, finding it surprisingly hot. His brows furrowed even deeper, “Yu Nian, you have a fever.”

Half an hour later, an additional bed was placed next to Xie You’s. Yu Nian lay on it, touching his own forehead, “If you hadn’t reminded me, I wouldn’t have noticed. I have a fever of nearly 40 degrees.”

After speaking, he shivered again.

Seeing Xie You’s worried look, Yu Nian quickly smiled, “I rarely get sick. Maybe it’s just because of the cold today. But who knows, maybe I’ll feel better after a nap tomorrow.”

However, contrary to Yu Nian’s expectation, by the following evening, his high fever persisted and wouldn’t go down.

Watching Yu Nian lying on the bed, turning red from the fever, Xie You tightened his lips. In a half-dreamy state, Yu Nian sensed his gaze and half-opened his eyes, forcing a smile toward Xie You, “Don’t worry, I’ll be better after a short sleep.”

As his voice trailed off, he fell back into a deep sleep.

Xie You couldn’t let go of his worry and turned on the bedside reading lamp to read documents. In the middle of the night, it seemed like Yu Nian couldn’t sleep peacefully, tossing and turning several times.


In the quietness, Xie You heard Yu Nian’s mumbled words. He turned his head to look. Yu Nian’s eyelashes were damp, his breathing slightly hurried, and his cheeks flushed. In a daze, his hand extended over the edge of the bed, his fingers slightly moving, as if trying to grasp something.

Xie You hesitated for a few seconds, then got out of bed. He gently placed Yu Nian’s hand back under the blanket, being extremely careful.

Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, in the next second, he felt his hand being held by Yu Nian’s scorching hot hand.

Xie You immediately froze in place, wanting to retract his hand, but hesitated. At this moment, he suddenly heard the incoherent words escaping from Yu Nian’s lips, “Xie You…”

His heart skipped a beat, and Xie You held his breath, cautiously gripping Yu Nian’s hand in return, his eyelashes trembling slightly. He replied softly, “Hmm, I’m here.”

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