Chapter 69: Can’t I? Of course, you can.

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Yu Nian didn’t answer but leaned closer again and kissed Xie You on the center of his lips. After the kiss, he felt a little warm in the ears and asked, “Is there anywhere else you want to be coaxed?”

Xie You wanted to nod, but he thought he should take it slowly, not too hastily. He shook his head regretfully and said, “Not for now.”

After serving the mushroom and pork rib soup, Yu Nian felt like something was missing and asked Xie You,”’Do you mind the taste of some green onions?”

“Not at all,” Xie You replied.

Yu Nian then went to the balcony and picked a few stalks of green onions and brought them in. Xie You took the onions, washed them, and clumsily chopped them with a kitchen knife, sprinkling them into the soup. He looked at Yu Nian with anticipation.

Yu Nian smiled and said, “You chopped them very well!”

Xie You instantly felt satisfied in his heart.”

After dinner, without resorting to the rock-paper-scissors decisive method, Xie You got up and quickly tidied up the dishes and took them to the kitchen. He poked half of his body out and emphasized to Yu Nian, “I’ll wash them, don’t steal them from me.”

Yu Nian chuckled and pointed to the brass flower scissors beside him, “Alright, I won’t compete with you. I’ll go and trim the plants.”

A crisp sound followed as unnecessary branches were snipped off by Yu Nian. Holding the flower scissors, he couldn’t help but glance towards the kitchen – it had been a long time since he felt that the house was no longer just for him alone.

Even the indoor air had become warmer.

After washing the dishes, Xie You came out of the kitchen. Yu Nian’s gaze fixed on him. “Why is your clothes wet? Will you be uncomfortable?” As he spoke, Yu Nian got up, not noticing that Xie You’s gaze seemed a little evasive.

“Do you want to borrow one of my shirts?”

This treatment was even better than Xie You had imagined. He nodded, “Sure!”

Yu Nian took out a slightly larger-sized T-shirt from the wardrobe and handed it to Xie You. Just as he was about to ask, “Where should you change,” before the last three words left his mouth, the Xie You standing in front of him seemed to have made a certain decision. He pulled up the hem of his shirt, and in almost the blink of an eye, his entire upper body was exposed.

Xie You’s skin had a healthy wheatish hue, his upper body muscles were firm and well-defined. Coupled with his deep and charming facial features, even the protruding Adam’s apple appeared exceptionally attractive. Just standing there was enough to captivate all of Yu Nian’s attention.

Yu Nian had never felt infatuated with anyone before, but unexpectedly, upon meeting Xie You, it was like being poisoned and addicted, falling in and unable to come out.

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Seeing Yu Nian’s gaze seemingly glued to him, Xie You’s heart released its first tension.

He said the lines he had prepared for so long, “Nian Nian, are you satisfied with what you see?”

Xie You remembered it clearly; the notes stated that one should appropriately show their body to their partner to increase their attractiveness in their eyes.

Hearing this, Yu Nian suppressed his laughter and answered seriously, “Very satisfied!” As he said that, while Xie You was unaware, he reached out and quickly touched Xie You’s abdominal muscles.

Xie You felt like he had been enchanted, standing there with visible blush on his ears. He whispered in protest, “Nian Nian, you can only look, not touch.”

Yu Nian deliberately lowered his eyelashes, looking disappointed, “Can’t I even touch a little?”

After two seconds, Xie You averted his eyes and hurriedly said, “You… of course, you can.”

After speaking, Xie You took the T-shirt that Yu Nian had found and quickly put it on. Afraid that Yu Nian might feel upset, he hesitated and asked, “Do you… do you want to touch again?”

He quickly added, “More than twice, no, three times are also fine!”

Yu Nian couldn’t help but suppress his laughter seeing Xie You looking so anxious. He sat on the sofa, reached his hand under Xie You’s shirt, and casually touched his abdominal muscles three times, even commenting, “The feel is really great!”

A hint of joy appeared in Xie You’s eyes, and he spoke awkwardly, “Nian Nian, you can press a little harder; it’s too light… It tickles.”

Yu Nian felt a sudden impulse, lifted the hem of Xie You’s shirt, leaned down, and kissed his abdominal muscles, creating a sound loud enough for both of them to hear.

“Does it tickle?”

Xie You held his breath for a while before finally taking a deep breath, “Nian Nian…”

Yu Nian realized he might have teased Xie You too much, so he quickly stood up and changed the topic, “Didn’t you have an international video conference tonight? It’s getting late; do you want to head back?”

Xie You was still trying to recover his senses, “Nian Nian, just now you…”

“Just now?”

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“Never mind.” Xie You’s gaze fell on Yu Nian’s lips and then shifted away, “I’ll head back then. You’re flying to Paris tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, Hersey’s Spring-Summer fashion show is over there, so I have to go. I’ll be back soon.” Yu Nian calculated, “The flight is at three in the afternoon, and it takes twelve hours to get there. It will be nighttime locally when I arrive. I’ll rest for a bit, attend the show the next day, and then return home after it’s over.”

Seeing Xie You to the door, Yu Nian suddenly felt reluctant and tugged at Xie You’s sleeve, “We won’t see each other for several days.”

Xie You nodded, hesitated for a moment, and took out a photo from his pocket, handing it to Yu Nian with the back facing up, “Take this with you to Paris.” He finished speaking, opened the door, closed it, and in the blink of an eye, he was no longer visible.

The next day, they joined the team, and Shi Rou pointed to the large bag next to her, saying, “I brought U-shaped pillows and masks with me. If you need them, just let me know. Brother Meng is in a meeting and said he’ll see you at the airport.”

Yu Nian took off his white duckbill cap and replied, “Sure, I’ll ask for them when the time comes.”

As the nanny car started moving, Shi Rou noticed that Yu Nian took out a wallet and opened it. Curious, she asked, “Nian Nian, don’t you usually not use a wallet?”

“I need it now.”

Because someone had given him their photo to put in the wallet and carry with him.

Shi Rou didn’t inquire further and changed the topic, “By the way, there’s news that the annoying Tang Xiaoke is also going to the Hersey’s show. He seems to be everywhere!”

“He’s going too?” Yu Nian remembered that he was the only male artist invited by the brand, so he asked, “Which type of invitation did Tang Xiaoke receive?”

“Which type could it be? Of course, it’s the kind obtained through spending a lot of money. He really knows how to splash the cash! I inquired about it; he’s the only son in the family, and it’s said that his grandmother spoils him excessively, giving him whatever he wants. At the age of seventeen, he hit someone with a sports car, and his family paid to settle the matter. At that time, instead of caring about the injured person being rescued, his grandmother hugged Tang Xiaoke and cried, saying her good grandson must have been frightened. Damn, my values were shattered when I heard that!”

Yu Nian frowned, “What happened after that?”

“They paid a sum of money, and Tang Xiaoke got away with it completely.” Shi Rou coldly snorted and clenched her fist, “So, he’s obviously not a good person! Yu Nian, if you encounter him again, we’ll definitely fight back fiercely!”

Seeing her indignant expression, Yu Nian smiled and nodded, “Sure!”

After a twelve-hour flight, Yu Nian safely landed and was picked up by the organizers’ car. They went straight to the hotel to rest. Early the next morning, Yu Nian video-called Xie You for a few minutes and then immediately began preparing for his styling.

Shi Rou took out her phone, glanced at it, and her face changed, “Yu Nian, why are there so many pictures of that guy surnamed Tang?”

“Tang Xiaoke?” Yu Nian was seated in front of the mirror, and the stylist was taking care of his hair. He asked Shi Rou, “What’s wrong?”

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“I don’t know where he got the information, but he bought an identical set of clothes that you’re wearing today, intending to compete with you!” Shi Rou furrowed her brows, “The organizers specified that we should wear this outfit. Is he really going to force a wardrobe clash?”

Yu Nian raised the corners of his mouth, “Don’t worry about him. We’ll wear our own outfits. Do you think I’ll lose if I stand with him?”

“Of course not!” Shi Rou suddenly became excited, “Wear it, wear it, wear it! It’s not scary to have a wardrobe clash. Whoever looks worse will be embarrassed. If he wants to deliberately confront us, then let’s confront him back! We won’t back down!”

“Yes, so don’t be unhappy. Remember to talk to Brother Meng about it. Tang Xiaoke’s team will probably issue a statement, but we need to preemptively strike.”

Shi Rou was full of fighting spirit, “Okay, no problem!” 

When the on-site pictures of the Hersey’s show were released, sharp-eyed fans immediately spotted the issue.

[What’s going on? Look at the pictures! Our Young master Tang’s clothes are exactly the same as Yu Nian’s! Wearing the same outfit at such an event, doesn’t @TangXiaoke‘s Studio want to work anymore? Don’t they know to communicate in advance?]

[Damn it! Nian Nian was officially invited by Hersey, and the outfit was specifically chosen by the organizers. There’s no intentional act here! So, Tang Xiaoke deliberately planned to clash outfits? Stirring up trouble? I feel sorry for Yu Nian. He was just going to enjoy the show happily, but now he has to deal with this annoying situation!]

[Look at the comments on the draft that Tang bought, each sentence either criticizes Yu Nian’s temperament or says he’s not suitable to wear Hersey clothes. Really, does only a second-generation coal miner have the right to wear clothes? But the comparison was done with edited photos of Tang, while Yu Nian’s were untouched, making a significant difference in their temperament and appearance. He wants to criticize, but he should first look at his own looks, don’t you think?]

Soon, several marketing accounts quickly seized the opportunity, posting content like “Yu Nian vs. Tang Xiaoke: Who won the Hersey’s show wardrobe clash?” and even starting a poll. Before long, the wardrobe clash became a trending topic, and fans from both sides started arguing.

Shi Rou had been closely following the updates. After checking Weibo and forums, she stood beside Yu Nian and whispered, “Fans are not dumb. Tang Xiaoke’s intentional wardrobe clash is evident; it’s obvious he wants to cause trouble!”

Yu Nian nodded in agreement, fixing his cufflinks with a smile. “Thanks, Sister Rou Rou.”

“It’s what I should do. And that Tang Xiaoke, he’s got those eyes above his head, looking so despicable!” Realizing the occasion wasn’t right, Shi Rou didn’t say much. She gestured towards Yu Nian. “Good luck!”

Yu Nian nodded, “Thank you.”

The fashion show was just a starter; the real highlight was the celebration dinner after the show. As Yu Nian stepped into the brightly lit banquet hall, he spotted familiar faces.

“Yu Nian!”

Hearing someone call his name, Yu Nian turned his head and immediately recognized the person. He smiled brightly, “Director Messer, it’s been a while!”

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Messer was holding a champagne glass and pronounced “Yu Nian” with a perfect accent. After shaking hands, Maise smiled, “I specifically waited here for you!”

Yu Nian was surprised, “It’s truly my honor! Is there something important you want to talk about?”

“Of course, it’s very important!” Messer winked at Yu Nian, “I think it’ll be a pleasant surprise for you!”

Yu Nian had an idea, “A surprise? Is it what I’m thinking?”

Messer pretended to be mysterious, “You’ll find out if you follow me!”

After passing by the live orchestra and the crowd in the banquet hall, they arrived at a semi-open suite on the right. It had luxurious crystal chandeliers, several crimson velvet chairs, and a square wooden table with delicate snacks, drinks, and cutlery.

A bearded, spirited man stood up and smiled at Maise, “Is this Yu Nian?”

Maise introduced them, “Yes, this is Yu Nian. Yu Nian, this is Mr. Sleeman, the art director of Hersey.”

Sleeman, already in his sixties, was an unwavering pinnacle figure in the fashion industry, respected by everyone. But he was also very warm-hearted. After shaking hands with Yu Nian, his first question was, “Are you adjusting to the climate in Paris?”

Yu Nian smiled and answered in English, “Yes, except when it rains, and I have to tilt my head to see the rooftops on both sides of the street, which results in me getting rain all over my face.”

Sleeman laughed, “Rain can be annoying, but it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is indeed beautiful.”

Messerc noticed Sleeman’s favorable impression of Yu Nian and chimed in, “Mr. Sleeman, my taste hasn’t degraded. I’ve brought an ideal candidate before you, haven’t I?” 

“Well,” Sleeman pondered, raised the crystal cup in his hand, and clinked it with Yu Nian’s and agreed, “Yes, I have to admit, Messer, this time you have a good vision and brought an ideal candidate to me.”

The three of them enjoyed a pleasant conversation. As the clock struck the hour, Sleeman took the stage to give a speech. Yu Nian left the stage and replaced his empty champagne glass.

After the event, back at the hotel, Meng Yuan quickly asked, “Nian Nian, what’s the situation? I saw Mr. Sleeman post a photo with you on social media, saying it was a night full of surprises. So, how did it go? I’m still holding onto the drafted press release and haven’t sent it out yet!”

Meng Yuan looked relaxed and smiled confidently at Yu Nian, “I got it. I’m the new spokesperson for Hersey.”

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