Chapter 73: You are amazing yourself

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The checkerboard was placed steadily between the two, and Xie You stood up, lowered his eyes, and unbuttoned two buttons on his white shirt collar. He then placed his hands on either side of the checkerboard and leaned in, kissing Yu Nian’s lips.

At first, he didn’t dare to move at all until he felt Yu Nian’s tongue gently touch his lower lip. In that moment, it was like a spark igniting dry tinder. Xie You’s prominent Adam’s apple moved up and down, his breathing changed, and in the next moment, his tongue met Yu Nian’s teeth.

Their lips and tongues intertwined, and Yu Nian couldn’t quite tell when the kiss ended. He felt like all the surrounding oxygen had been sucked away; his brain was slightly dizzy from the lack of oxygen, and his senses became dull. Xie You became the only presence he could keenly perceive.

Xie You’s thumb brushed against Yu Nian’s soft and slightly moist lips, his gaze entranced as he said, “Nian Nian, so sweet.”

His voice was low and husky, still carrying an unsteady breath.

The moment this sentence entered Yu Nian’s ears, it was like a “sizzle,” causing a rush of warmth to surge through his spine and quickly spread throughout his body. He felt Xie You’s fingertips gently caressing his lips, making him feel ticklish and intense. Almost instinctively, he lightly bit Xie You’s finger.

Xie You’s movement paused, and he softly complained, “You bit me, Nian Nian.”

Listening to his words of complaint, Yu Nian retorted, “What should I do about it?”

Xie You’s eyes deepened, and he extended his finger towards Yu Nian’s lips, saying, “Can you… bite me again?”

If the previous bite on his finger could be considered unintentional, now it could certainly be regarded as flirtatious. Instead of answering whether he could or not, Yu Nian lowered his eyelashes and took Xie You’s finger into his mouth. He was hesitant to bite too hard but also didn’t want to cause any pain. So, he gently grazed Xie You’s fingertip with his teeth and then cautiously rolled his tongue over it.

Then he heard Xie You let out a restrained “hiss” sound, and it seemed like every muscle in his body had tensed up.

After letting go of the finger that had become moist between his teeth, Yu Nian looked away and asked, “Shall we… continue playing checkers?”

Xie You withdrew his finger, gripping it lightly, and the trembling sensation still lingered. His voice carried a husky tone, “We can do whatever you want.”

Yu Nian quickly stood up, turning his back to Xie You, and suggested, “How about watching TV then? Oh, by the way, I bought some fruit. Do you want some peaches?”


As they sat on the couch, Yu Nian peeled the fruits and realized that his heartbeat hadn’t calmed down yet. He recalled that they were simply playing checkers so well, but how did it lead to this—

Taking a deep breath, Yu Nian cut the peach into two halves and couldn’t help but smile.

A few days later, after going through the procedures, Yu Nian signed the contract with Hersey. Meng Yuan, with his experience, renegotiated any inappropriate terms with Hersey’s side and, after Yu Nian carefully reviewed it once again, he signed the contract smoothly.

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After that, according to the arrangement, Yu Nian entered the studio to shoot the first set of official promotional images.

Messer was already waiting inside, and when he saw Yu Nian coming in, he walked over with big strides and embraced him with a smile, “It’s great to work together again!”

Yu Nian also smiled and said, “I’m very happy too! And, this time, I really want to thank you!”

“I accept your gratitude!” Messer let go of his arms, cheerfully saying, “But with the Florence advertisement, you’ve already caught Saleeman’s eye and made it to their watchlist. I just added a few more compliments.”

As he spoke, he even raised two fingers.

Yu Nian’s smile didn’t waver, “It’s already an honor to receive your praise!”

Messer laughed heartily, “I hope this collaboration will also produce stunning works!” He added, “By the way, did they tell you? The clothes you’re wearing this time were personally selected and matched by Saleeman. He said you would definitely bring out the essence of it!”

When Yu Nian saw the neatly arranged clothes, his eyes revealed surprise, “A retro style? It’s really, really well— I can’t find the right word for it — just perfect!”

“Yes, I feel the same!” Messer also stood in front of the rack, side by side with Yu Nian, arms crossed. “Saleeman believes you have a very reserved charm, like the young masters of old money families who lived in the mansions of Long Island and Palm Beach decades ago. That’s why he personally chose this outfit for you. How about trying it on?”

Yu Nian nodded, “I couldn’t ask for more!”

Coming out of the dressing room, Messer stood still for a moment and suddenly said with a smile, “Saleeman has a keen eye. He even picked a small accessory for you!” As he spoke, Messer handed a wooden box to Yu Nian.

Yu Nian opened it and found a pair of glasses with thin gold rims bearing Hersey’s logo. As he put them on his nose, Messer clapped his hands and said, “Indeed!”

Yu Nian naturally slid his hand into his pocket, lips curving in a smile, “Indeed, what?”

“Like a profligate scion of an old money family who has disappointed countless boys and girls, a scoundrel toying with hearts!” Messer replied with enthusiasm.

The nearby crew members all burst into laughter.

Yu Nian innocently shrugged his shoulders, “But I am genuinely devoted!”

Messer waved his hand, “No use arguing. You’re now living every night partying at seaside villas, accepting all the flirtations sent your way, regardless of whether they come from men or women, a playboy of the wealthy family frolicking in the world!”

Hearing Messer’s words, Yu Nian constructed a scene in his mind, casually picked up a checker piece from the nearby checkerboard, tossed it in his hand, and turned his head to Messer, lips slightly curved, “Like this?”

“My God, perfect!” Messer emphasized, “You, stay there! Lighting guy, come here!”

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Messer’s enthusiasm couldn’t be suppressed, and the shooting continued until the evening gradually fell.

After loosening his wrist, which had stiffened from posing, Yu Nian saw the slightly regretful expression on Messer’s face, so he walked over, “What’s wrong?”

“I took over 1,800 photos, but I can only choose three to use. It’s such a pity, many of the shots are nearly perfect!” Messer sighed.

Yu Nian comforted him, “It’s like when I write a hundred lyrics, maybe only two of them are usable. I composed fifty melodies, but maybe none of them met my expectations. The pursuit of art is about perfection, and nearly perfect things are flaws, aren’t they?”

“Indeed, you’re right.” Messer relaxed his furrowed brow, patted Yu Nian’s shoulder, and a smile returned to the corners of his eyes. “Thanks, I’m in a good mood now. I’m going to remember what you just said.”

After Messer and his team left, Meng Yuan saw that Yu Nian was taking his time and not in a hurry to leave. He smiled and said, “Hmm, why are you so leisurely today?”

Yu Nian replied, “Xie You flew abroad for work and will only be back on the 7th at noon.”

“Oh, so it’s because your partner isn’t here and you’ve lost the motivation to rush home after work?” Meng Yuan changed the topic, “Speaking of the 7th, I spoke to Hersey’s person during your photo shoot. The official announcement will be on May 7th at 9 a.m.”

Yu Nian nodded, “Also on the 7th? To be honest, I’m looking forward to the photos from this shoot.”

At 9 a.m. on the 7th, Hersey’s official Weibo account posted an update.

“@Hersey: Follow the footsteps of spokesperson @YuNian and explore the new Hersey, a new beauty. #YouAreAstonishingyourself#”

The released photos were in a nostalgic black-and-white tone. Yu Nian was wearing a checkered vest and a white shirt, standing lazily with an alluring, slim waistline. He leaned casually against a wooden table adorned with delicately gilded candlesticks, clusters of lush flowers, a half-full glass goblet of liquor, and a disarray of exquisite tableware, hand-painted porcelain plates, and embroidered napkins, as if he was in the midst of an effortless yet luxurious banquet.

In his left hand, he held a checker piece, carelessly inverted on a hand-woven lace tablecloth. The other hand played with a lighter, and he wore gold-rimmed glasses on his nose while looking towards the camera, with a wicked and charming smile.

Shortly after the official announcement, the hashtag #YouAreAstonishingyourself# quickly climbed to the third spot on the trending topics.

[#YouAreAstonishingyourself# I can’t even breathe! The official photos are simply indescribable! I never knew that Nian Nian had such a sophisticated side! It’s like, you know this man is bad, a real heartbreaker, just toying with you, but you still can’t help but be like a moth drawn to a flame, just hoping for him to smile at you!]

[#YouAreAstonishingyourself# OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, screaming! Playboy, sophisticated scion, wealthy young master, this man is truly toxic! No cure for that!]

[#YouAreAstonishingyourself# My goodness! Hersey? Nian Nian is really the spokesperson for Hersey! After I finished being shocked, I immediately did the splits right there! And that finger, pinching the checker piece while holding a lighter, as someone with a hand fetish, I’m suffocating!]

[#YouAreAstonishingyourself# Yes, Nian Nian, you are truly astonishing! So beautiful! I finally understand why some men just look so bad, yet so many people still like them!]

In the dressing room of “Let Me Sing,” Shi Rou was also holding her phone, browsing Weibo. She covered her heart, exclaiming, “Aaah,” several times, “This photo is absolutely amazing! I can’t! I have to make it my wallpaper and lock screen!”

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Yu Nian teased her, “But you see me every day, don’t you?”

“It’s different! This wicked and sophisticated Yu Nian, whom I rarely see, is just too good-looking and charming! Not only the fans, but my Weibo homepage is also overwhelmed! Everyone is reposting like water!” 

Yu Nian was quite satisfied with the photos too, “Messer did a fantastic job. I almost don’t recognize myself.”

Shi Rou covered her mouth, laughing, and then checked Weibo again, suddenly pausing, “Oh my gosh, what’s this?”

Yu Nian asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shi Rou handed her phone to Yu Nian, pointing to the bottom of the trending topics, “Here, the trending topic just came out: #Yu Nian endorses Hersey, Tang Xiaoke deletes Weibo#“

“Did he really delete his Weibo?” Yu Nian checked the trending discussions, “Doesn’t seem like something he bought.”

“It’s definitely not bought. Right after Hersey’s official announcement, Nian Gao’s and Tang Xiaoke’s fans started a feud. Soon after, Tang Xiaoke deleted all the posts related to Hersey from his Weibo!” Shi Rou’s eyes sparkled with excitement, “Wow, I really want to see Tang Xiaoke’s expression right now. His face must be swollen with anger. It’s so satisfying!”

Yu Nian was messaging Xie You but listened to what Shi Rou said and nodded, “I guess he must be feeling quite resentful.”

Shi Rou was nervous, “Is he going to cause trouble?”

Yu Nian chuckled lightly, “Can’t say for sure, but we aren’t afraid, right?”

Her nervous expression quickly disappeared, and Shi Rou nodded repeatedly, “Yeah, we’re not afraid!”

After a while, Meng Yuan pushed open the door, his face filled with anger.

Shi Rou put away her phone and asked cautiously, “Brother Meng, didn’t you go to meet the chief producer? When will Nian Nian go for the second round of promotional photos? Wait, who upseted you like this?”

Meng Yuan sneered, “Who else could it be?” He sat down and slammed his phone on the table, his voice sounding as cold as ice, “As soon as Hersey announced it, Tang Xiaoke got so angry that he immediately deleted his posts and then went to his father, demanding that his father send a notice to ‘Let Me Sing’ program team, saying that if they keep Yu Nian, Tang Xiaoke will immediately withdraw all the funds. If Yu Nian is removed, they will add twice the funds to the program!”

Shi Rou stood stunned in place, stammering, “How much money did Tang Xiaoke invest?”

“Sixty percent of the total capital. Otherwise, how could Tang Xiaoke have been squeezed into the show as a judge?”

“So much?” Struggling to speak, Shi Rou managed to ask, “Then… what did the program team say?”

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Meng Yuan’s face darkened, and he gritted his teeth, “The program team wants money and Yu Nian’s fame and expertise. They want both and are trying to compromise!”

Yu Nian, who had been silent, spoke calmly, “So what?”

Meng Yuan tightened his jaw and finally said, “They want to negotiate, whether you can personally apologize to Tang Xiaoke.”

Shi Rou’s eyes turned red instantly, and she couldn’t control her volume, “What kind of logic is that? Tang Xiaoke was the one who provoked and insulted Nian Nian first! Afterward, he kept antagonizing Nian Nian everywhere, even publicly insulting him in interviews, saying that Nian Nian couldn’t afford Hersey. Now that Nian Nian got the endorsement through his own abilities and slapped his face hard, he lost face, and now he’s using this pressure to demand an apology from Nian Nian. Why should he?”

Meng Yuan didn’t say anything, he just looked at Yu Nian and asked, “What do you think?”

Yu Nian’s gaze was cold, “Tang Xiaoke struggled to get a place as a judge on the show. Sixty percent of the capital, such a huge sum of money, he wouldn’t really withdraw the investment, nor would he quit being a judge. So what he wants is to use this as leverage against the program team, to make me personally bow and apologize to him.”

“Tell the program team that I apologize? Impossible.”

Meng Yuan nodded, “Good, that’s what I’ll tell them.” After saying that, he got up and left the room.

Worried, Shi Rou paced back and forth in the dressing room, asking Yu Nian again, “Nian Nian, if they really demand… will we quit being judges on the show?”

Yu Nian appeared relaxed, “Yeah, if they demand an apology to Tang Xiaoke, then I won’t be a judge. The loss will also be on the program team’s side, but I can always switch to another show.”

Shi Rou regained her composure, “Right, there are so many shows waiting for you; we don’t need this one!”

“Exactly. The program team knows this as well, so they suggested it, likely taken aback by the news. When Brother Meng goes over and explains our bottom line, the program team will naturally not favor Tang Xiaoke.”

Shi Rou agreed, “Right, Nian Nian, you’re the mainstay of this show, and if you leave, all their promotions would have to be redone. Their ratings would drop at least three percent, if not half!”

“True, so we have the confidence.” Yu Nian tapped the table lightly with his finger, “Also, Tang Xiaoke’s family invested sixty percent of the capital, so the program team would naturally pay attention to his wishes. But since we’ve had conflicts, there might be more trouble ahead. It’s better to show a strong stance now and let the program team know what they should do.”

After listening to Yu Nian, Shi Rou regained her calmness and reopened the trending topic #YouAreAstonishingyourself# to check the reactions to Hersey’s endorsement announcement.

Half an hour later, Meng Yuan returned to the room quickly.

Shi Rou stood up in an instant and asked anxiously, “Brother Meng, how did it go?”

Meng Yuan wiped his face, and a smile appeared in the corners of his eyes and mouth, “I’ve truly seen it!” His words were filled with relief, “Just now, the top leaders from their company came over. Do you know what happened?”

Shi Rou shook her head nervously.

“President Xie directly invested the entire double amount of capital, with just one demand, Tang Xiaoke must leave.”

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