Chapter 81: He’s capable of kissing you against the wall

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“During the day, we can’t be intimate, but…,” Yu Nian intentionally paused, “can we kiss?”

Hearing Yu Nian’s question, Xie You nodded slightly, his voice becoming quieter, “Yes, we can.”

Yu Nian curved his lips, his eyes bright, and went further, “Can we kiss on the bed?”

“Ah?” The blush on Xie You’s ears deepened.

Pretending to look disappointed, Yu Nian said, “Didn’t you say we could kiss?”

Not wanting to see Yu Nian disappointed, Xie You hurriedly said, “Yes, we can… kiss on the bed.”

Changing into the light-colored pajamas that Yu Nian bought, Xie You no longer wore the formal suit, appearing much softer. His messy hair fell down, partially covering his forehead and deep, soulful eyes. Barefoot with slippers, his ankles were exposed, making him seem like a young man in his early twenties.

Sensing that Xie You’s gaze remained focused on him, Yu Nian sat on the bed, patted the soft pillow, and smiled invitingly, “Aren’t you coming up?”

Only then did Xie You lower his eyelashes and lie down beside Yu Nian, but he didn’t dare to move at all.

Pretending not to notice Xie You’s nervousness, Yu Nian leaned in and pressed his lips against Xie You’s, lingering for five or six seconds before pulling away. “Alright, let’s go to sleep!”

Caught off guard, after hearing Yu Nian’s words, Xie You asked, “Didn’t you say we were going to kiss?” There was obvious disappointment in his tone.

Yu Nian nodded, pulling the blanket, “Mhm, we kissed, now it’s time to sleep.” With that, Yu Nian closed his eyes.

After a moment, there was suddenly movement beside him. Xie You leaned closer and touched his lips to Yu Nian’s, not stopping at a mere peck but instead exploring with his tongue, tracing over the gaps between their teeth, deepening the kiss insistently.

Their breathing became rapid, and as Xie You held Yu Nian’s tongue with his own, a soft gasp escaped from Yu Nian’s lips.

Suddenly, Xie You withdrew his lips and tongue, giving a gentle kiss on Yu Nian’s nose. Then he lay down, closed his eyes, and said, “Kissed, time to sleep.”

Very matter-of-fact.

Yu Nian’s lips were now stained with a hint of moisture, and upon hearing this, he nuzzled against the pillow with his cheek and looked at Xie You, who was lying properly in bed. Slowly, he extended his legs under the covers, gently brushing against Xie You’s toned thighs.

Though Xie You kept his eyes firmly shut, his breathing rate changed.

After a while, Xie You opened his eyes and pulled Yu Nian into his arms, securing his legs between his own. He lightly bit Yu Nian’s ear and spoke in a low, hoarse voice, “Nian Nian, stop teasing.”

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Nuzzling Xie You’s chin, Yu Nian smiled contentedly, “Mhm, let’s sleep!”

Overwhelmed by drowsiness, Yu Nian slept deeply, and he only had vague memories of when Xie You left. He touched his forehead with his hand, still feeling the warmth of the contact.

After organizing his thoughts about what needed to be done, Yu Nian stretched lazily and put on his slippers, heading to the study to work on his songs. While browsing Weibo, he noticed that a photo of the character Gu Xuanning, whom he played in the drama “Ancient Road” had appeared on the homepage.

Before long, Meng Yuan called him, “The Golden Pine Awards are coming up, and the promotion for ‘Ancient Road’ has begun. They just contacted me about an interview that you need to participate in the day after tomorrow. I’ve already arranged the schedule for you.”

Yu Nian nodded, “I have no problem with that.”

Hearing Yu Nian’s energetic voice, Meng Yuan asked, “Did you rest well?”

“Yes, I took a nap with Xie You. But he didn’t sleep for long; he went to deal with some work, and I slept until evening,” Yu Nian said with a hint of a smile, turning the pen in his hand. “By the way, Brother Meng, I’ve finished writing the lyrics for the single.”

“So fast?” Meng Yuan was surprised. “What on earth have you been eating to grow this fast? Ink?”

“Eating ink won’t make you grow,” Yu Nian joked. “The company said the song will be officially released around July or August. This time, I plan to write something more refreshing and align the promotion and overall style accordingly. What do you think, Meng-ge?”

“You decide on the music style; I won’t meddle with that. However, I met Zuo Ming a couple of days ago, and he asked if you needed a music producer for your new single,” Meng Yuan added, “Your EP ‘Elegant’ was a huge success, and Zuo Ming, as the producer, rose along with it. If there’s a chance for a second collaboration, he would definitely want to seize it.”

Yu Nian had a plan in mind, deftly twirling his pen. “Brother Meng, I don’t want to trouble Teacher Zuo this time. For this single, I want to try producing it myself and save some money, you know.”

Meng Yuan laughed, “Right, then you’ll take on the producer role yourself.”

“Okay.” Yu Nian continued, “By the way, I plan to incorporate a traditional ancient instrument as accompaniment in the song.”

Meng Yuan understood Yu Nian’s intention immediately. “You want to use the song to promote something?”

Yu Nian didn’t conceal it, “Yes, I’m thinking that I have a certain level of influence now, so maybe I can use that influence to spread some ideas.”

“Like when you accepted the position as the ambassador for Ningcheng Museum not long ago?” Meng Yuan pondered, “I have no objections. Send me the information later, and I’ll discuss it with the PR team to include this angle.”

“Thank you, Brother Meng.”

Meng Yuan remembered something and reminded him, “Make sure to rest well these days and don’t stay up late. You need to be in good shape for the red carpet at the Golden Pine Awards.”

Yu Nian agreed, “Got it, I won’t stay up late.”

On the 19th, on the day of the Golden Pine Awards ceremony, Meng Yuan carefully looked Yu Nian up and down, satisfied, “Your skin and overall condition are so good that even if we post the unedited photos, nobody would find any faults!”

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Yu Nian playfully tapped his own face with his fingertip, “My sister sent over a big box of face masks through her assistant a couple of days ago, and she told me to make sure to use them.”

Curious, Shi Rou asked, “Nian Nian, what kind of face masks are those? Did you use them? Are they effective?”

Yu Nian made a hushing gesture, smiling, “I haven’t even opened that box of face masks. But I can’t let my sister find out, or she’ll explode!”

Shi Rou covered her mouth and chuckled secretly, “Alright, I’ll keep it a secret!”

When the time came, Yu Nian reunited with the cast and crew of “Ancient Road.” After exchanging pleasantries, Yu Qing, dressed in a high-fashion evening gown that accentuated her perfect curves, stopped in front of Yu Nian. Her black dress, with its limited-edition black and gold handbag, red lips, and stunning smile, made her absolutely captivating.

After carefully examining Yu Nian’s skin condition, Yu Qing nodded, “It seems the face masks are effective. Your skin looks even better than mine!”

Yu Nian obediently replied, “It’s all thanks to your good taste, sister.”

“Of course!” Yu Qing raised her delicate chin and asked, “Is the scratch on your leg healed?”

“It has scabbed over; I can’t feel it when I walk.”

Relieved, Yu Qing remembered something and lowered her voice, “But who helped you behind the scenes? This time, Tangshi Real Estate suffered a lot, and they won’t be able to bounce back in the short term. My father even asked me, saying that whoever made the move really went all out. Tang Jianzhong is still in custody, and Tang Xiaoke will undoubtedly receive a heavy sentence, with no room for any connections to help. So, are you hiding something from me?”

Yu Nian didn’t hide anything, “Sister, let’s leave together after the award ceremony, okay?”

Knowing that it wasn’t suitable to talk about it here, Yu Qing didn’t press further. “Alright.”

The Golden Pine Awards took place at the end of May, and the weather was quite pleasant. Compared to the various dresses worn by female artists, male artists had fewer options to stand out. However, Yu Nian’s Hirsch Spring-Summer high-fashion outfit, a deep gray lightweight trench coat that fell to the position of his calves, combined with a vest, white shirt, and tie inside, paired with black short boots, showcased a remarkably outstanding vintage British style, making him truly eye-catching. Additionally, with his super popularity, many cameras were pointed at him.

Inside the venue, the organizers seated the cast and crew of “Ancient Road” together. Yu Nian sat between Yu Qing on his left and Wang Ningxue, the supporting actress of “Ancient Road,” on his right. Yu Nian hadn’t spent much time with the cast, and he hadn’t interacted with Wang Ningxue at all. When their eyes met, they only politely nodded at each other.

Yu Qing adjusted her dress and chatted with Yu Nian in a low voice.

“This time, you’ve been nominated for Best Supporting Actor, and who knows, your first appearance on the big screen might even win you an award.”

Yu Nian remained composed, “Brother Meng and I both have a Zen attitude; whether we win an award or not doesn’t matter much, the important thing is to participate.”

Yu Qing thoughtfully said, “I did some research. Among the new actors who started around the same time as you, there aren’t many who can stand out. They either have inexperienced acting skills or simply rely on their popularity and act without a clue, and directors shoot without any sense either.” She continued, “Your acting skills still need refinement, but you have a good presence in front of the camera and are willing to work hard. You have put your heart and effort into it. Being an outstanding talent among a group of ordinary people might just be enough for you to win an award!”

Director Xu Xianglan, who was fiddling with his phone on the side, also chimed in, “Nian Nian, how about we make a bet? If you really win the Best New Actor award this time, you’ll be in charge of both the promotional song and theme song for my next film!”

After hearing this, Yu Nian didn’t decline and smiled, “Alright. Now I’m really looking forward to winning the award.”

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Xu Xianglan laughed heartily at his response.

During the live broadcast of the Golden Pine Awards ceremony, the barrage was constantly flowing from the very beginning.

When the screen displayed the trailer for “Ancient Road” and announced the nominees for the Best New Actor award, Yu Nian’s name instantly caused the barrage to explode.

[Aaaaaah, come on, Nian Nian! He’ll win the award! If Nian Nian wins, I won’t eat meat for a week!]

[I bet a car of spicy sticks! This award is definitely Nian Nian’s! He’s got it in the bag!]

[Some fans have such thick skin. Do they really think that Yu Nian, with just his acting skills, can win the Golden Pine Award? Do they think the Golden Pine Award is run by their family?]

[Absolutely Nian Gao! I guess the Best New Actor will be Nian Nian. That GIF of ‘Gu Xuanning from East’ is so stunning; I can watch it a thousand times and still be amazed each time!”

At the awards ceremony, Yu Nian was also attentively watching the big screen. The two presenters on stage were chatting casually, and Yu Qing nervously clenched her handbag. “Why hasn’t the result been announced yet—”

“I announce that the winner of the 35th Golden Pine Award for Best New Actor is… ‘Ancient Road,’ Yu Nian!”

Upon hearing his name, Yu Nian was slightly surprised and didn’t react immediately; he had actually won the award.

Once he regained his senses, Yu Nian stood up, politely shook hands with Xu Xianglan, and hugged Yu Qing. Wang Ningxue, who was sitting next to them, also stood up, intending to give Yu Qing a hug as well. But Yu Nian was quick to smile and took Wang Ningxue’s gloved hand in a friendly gesture, subtly preventing the anticipated action.

After Yu Nian came down from the stage with the award in hand, Yu Qing was on her way to receive the Best Actress award. Shortly after, she returned to her seat and seemed to notice the detail just now. She leaned closer to Yu Nian and said, “Be careful; there might be more to come. Nian Nian, make sure to maintain your integrity!”

Amused by her comment about integrity, Yu Nian didn’t look around and softly replied, “Okay.”

After presenting the Best Editing award, two veteran artists were invited on stage to present the Best Original Song award.

Yu Nian sat up straight, looking serious. Compared to the Best New Actor award, this award was the heavyweight that he and Meng Yuan had their eyes on.

The screen displayed the list of nominees one by one, and then the camera in the venue swept across the faces of Yu Nian and four other lyricists and composers, showing them on the big screen.

“…The winner of the 35th Golden Pine Award for Best Original Song is… ‘Si Ning’! Congratulations!”

At the same time, the barrage in the live stream exploded once again.

[Wow, wow! He won two awards in one go! One as an actor, and the other as a lyricist and composer! My mom asked why I’m kneeling while watching the live stream!]

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[Aaaaaah, Si Ning! Why is Nian Nian so amazing! I’m going to buy a cake to celebrate! Also, I have to say, even if you throw Nian Nian’s face on the big screen, it’s still flawless! He’s so beautiful!]

[Hahaha, if it weren’t for this awards ceremony, I wouldn’t have remembered that Nian Nian wrote the theme song for ‘Ancient Road’ sung by Yu Qing. This sibling duo is really amazing!]

Upon hearing his name, Yu Nian sighed with relief, a smile on his face. He stood up from his seat, and those around him congratulated him.

At this moment, Wang Ningxue, who was sitting next to him, also stood up. However, it seemed like she couldn’t maintain her balance and started tilting, about to fall onto Yu Nian.

In an instant, Yu Nian agilely took a small step to the side, and Yu Qing, sitting beside him, quickly raised her hand and steadied Wang Ningxue’s arm.

Yu Qing lifted her red lips and said clearly, “If the shoes are uncomfortable, just change to another pair.”

Wang Ningxue’s smile stiffened slightly.

No one in the audience noticed this little episode, and Yu Nian adjusted his coat and went up on stage to accept the award.

Perhaps because of Yu Qing’s warning, Wang Ningxue didn’t make any more moves until the end of the awards ceremony.

After the interviews, Yu Qing got into the nanny car with Yu Nian.

Once seated, Yu Qing tucked her long wavy hair behind her ears and bent down to take off her high heels. She complained in a low voice, “If it weren’t for these shoes making me look like I have long legs and a great figure, I wouldn’t even look at them!”

Putting the high heels aside, Yu Qing looked at Yu Nian, raised her delicate eyebrows, and teased, “Aren’t you going to thank your sister for preserving your integrity?”

Yu Nian obediently replied, “Thank you, sis!”

Although she knew that her younger brother was savvy and understood everything, Yu Qing still habitually gave some advice, “With your current fame, there will be many demons and monsters trying to exploit your popularity, and their methods are hard to guard against. You must be vigilant and not be deceived.”

Yu Nian nodded in agreement.

Then Yu Qing asked, “Regarding Tang Xiaoke’s matter, who was the one behind the scenes protecting you? Can you tell me now since it’s more convenient?”

Yu Nian mentioned a name, “Xie You.”

Yu Qing: “Xie You?”

Yu Nian nodded, and a natural smile spread in his eyes. “Yes, it’s him.”

Noticing the subtle expression on Yu Nian’s face when he mentioned this name, Yu Qing fell silent for a few seconds. “It seems… he’s capable of pinning you against the wall with one hand and kissing you?”

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