I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man

Chapter 4: Eve of the Shift of Power in the

This chapter was translated by Daed to be hosted on Foxaholic.com only.

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Note from Daed: Hello…Is anyone still alive here? I’m back (after disappearing for a semester). I’m thinking of changing some things in translation like the titles. Please let me know what you think. Hope everyone and your loved ones stay safe and healthy during this pandemic. If anything happened, my condolences. Things are starting to pick up now in Chapter 4, thank you for your patience!

Edited  12/10/20.

In the end, the treatment that princes receive was vastly different from the servants. Eunuch Wang personally led the two to a more remote side room in the North Wing.

“Please rest here for the time being, Your Highnesses. This servant will immediately report once there is any news.” After he finished getting the princes situated, Eunuch Wang hurriedly left.

Trapped in this remote room, listening to the sounds of the palace workers entering and leaving nonstop, their moods became more grave than ever before.

Seems like things are quite tense! Even someone as carefree as Qin Nuo didn’t feel sleepy anymore. Meanwhile, Qin Ze was like a wild beast locked in a cage, pacing back and forth restlessly. Qin Nuo was dizzy and agitated just from watching him.
“Can you stop for a moment? It’s useless even if you pace around like this.”

Qin Ze glared at him. For once, he didn’t retort; instead, he plopped down by the bedside.

Not long after, the sounds from the resting chamber became noisier. It seemed like a couple of the high-ranking concubines had received the news and rushed over. This included Qin Ze’s biological mother, Imperial Consort Ge.

When he made out the figure who appeared in the doorway, Qin Ze finally found his pillar of support. His eyes immediately reddened. Since Qin Nuo was there, he didn’t rush into his mother’s arms; instead, he cried out in an aggrieved tone, “Consort Mother.”

Huh. That’s surprising. This brat usually seems so precocious, but actually he’s still a kid who will cry to his mom. Resisting the urge to commentate, Qin Nuo stood up and greeted Imperial Consort Ge with a bow.

Compared to the other consorts in the emperor’s harem, Imperial Consort Ge’s looks could only be considered delicate and pretty. It was no wonder why she was never really doted on by the emperor. She has always been known for her dignified and strict temperament. Just like now, at the news of the emperor’s critical condition, even the empress did not fuss over her appearance and came rushing over with her hair loose. On the other hand, Imperial Consort Ge’s makeup looked neat and her attire meticulous. 

Imperial Consort Ge politely acknowledged Qin Nuo’s bow, then turned to lovingly caress her son’s head: “It’s been hard on our Qin Ze’er.”

“How is Father Emperor doing?” Qin Ze asked eagerly.

Qin Nuo was also concerned about this matter, and his ears perked up.

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Imperial Consort Ge said, “After Eunuch Cheng and the imperial doctors’ highly skilled emergency efforts, His Majesty has awakened. Except….Ai, His Majesty is a blessed person. The heavens help the worthy; the misfortune will surely turn into a blessing.” Saying so, she sighed with a complicated expression. 

From this sigh, Qin Nuo inferred an ominous omen. He was afraid that this time that that cheap old father of his wakes up was just terminal lucidity. Except, it was a little odd. Earlier when he had observed the latter’s complexion and vigor,  the emperor should have been able to hang in there for some time. Whatever, it wasn’t like he (QN) was a medical officer. Without careful and detailed examination, who knows if Emperor Jingyao had some other unknown or hidden illness?

Then Qin Ze followed Virtuous Imperial Consort Ge to another side room, leaving Qin Nuo alone by himself. In the beginning, as he listened to the sounds outside, he was still quite uneasy and restless. He felt fearful and anxious of the uncertain future. But after about one shichen,1 no one came to disturb him. It seemed that the entire Qian Yuan Palace was busy in the hustle and bustle, except him who they have completely forgotten about.     

The clamorous noise outside and the dead silence in the inner room all caused Qin Nuo’s drowsiness to uncontrollably rise up.

As he thought of the complicated funeral ceremony that would have to be conducted if his cheap old man truly kicked the bucket, he deeply felt that he would not get a good night’s rest for several days during the process. If that’s so, then he might as well take a nap first!

Nevertheless, he still had some modesty and didn’t dare to directly rest on the bed. He studied the wooden board behind the folding screen in the room. Presumably that is where the palace worker on night duty is when they are on standby. So he ran over, laid down, and closed his eyes shut.

In this spot, he would be able to hear the noise in time once someone enters. This would allow him to be able to get up and act like he was in the middle of changing. Certainly then no one would mutter that he’s not filial if he does that.

He slept for an unknown period of time when there was the sudden slight sound of the door opening. Qin Nuo started awake, but he didn’t hear any other sounds–it was like no one had come in at all. However, soon there was the sound of the door closing shut.

It probably isn’t anyone looking for him. Still very drowsy, Qin Nuo dozed off again. Not long afterwards, there was the sound of the door opening again, followed by the faint sound of footsteps.

How’s anyone supposed to sleep like this?! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻2

Just as Qin Nuo was about to rise, the voice that sounded afterwards made him freeze on the spot.

“Is there still no news from your uncle?” Elegant yet imposing, that was the empress’ voice. Why would she come over here?

Immediately afterwards, the Crown Prince Qin Cong’s voice sounded, “Your royal son has already dispatched someone to contact him. Presumably we will immediately receive the news. Except……” The crown prince hesitated, then said with uncertainty, “Mother Empress, I’m afraid that Father Emperor would not agree with our actions.” 

“This was a sudden turn of events. If we do not make a move now, it will be too late. Furthermore, your father emperor had this intention in the first place anyway. Otherwise, how would he agree for your second uncle to take control of the Divine Military Camp last month?”

“But if we go about things like this, it will be difficult to block all the mouths in the world.”

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“If we do not eradicate Pei Ling–that wildly ambitious wolf–early, he will be a great threat in the court. As for the sentence, hmph! Charged with murdering the emperor, would that not be enough to block all the mouths in the world?”  

“This…would the officials in the court believe that?” 

“Hmph. Who would care about the criminal charge of a dead man? Not to mention that the Ning Qing San that your father emperor used previously was indeed presented by Pei Ling. The imperial doctor had said as well that this medicine could temporarily satiate the internal heat, yet it can easily cause the meridians to go cold. With this evidence against him, he cannot refute his charge.”

Seeing her son go silent, Empress Huo’s expression became stern. She berated, “Cong’er, regarding the affairs of the court, once one decides to take action, he must act swiftly and decisively. He absolutely cannot waver, nor can he lose himself……”     

This exchange was short, but Qin Nuo was completely spooked out of his mind behind the folding screen.

The empress and crown prince are basically taking advantage of the emperor’s critical condition and plotting something grand!

A good-for-nothing prince like him has to protect himself; he absolutely cannot get involved in this sort of thing.

 He did his utmost best to weaken his presence. Maybe because he held his breath for too long, his presence became weaker and weaker. It actually took a long time until he took another breath. In the latter part of this process, Qin Nuo even had the strange misconception that he could live on without needing to breathe. 

In the beginning, he was entirely focused on the conversation outside that he didn’t have the chance to notice this strange phenomenon. It was only after Empress Huo and the crown prince slowed down their conversation that Qin Nuo perceived that something was off.

Something was wrong with his breathing! Startled, he hastily began breathing rapidly. It took all his might to prevent himself from making a sound.

  Fortunately, the two people outside had a lot on their minds and were not martial arts experts. Thus, they did not notice the sudden labored breathing behind the folding screen.

 What a strange sensation. Had it just been a figment of  his imagination earlier?

It was like he has entered the internal martial arts’ breathing realm. Could it be that this body knew martial arts?! Perceiving this, Qin Nuo was very pleasantly surprised.

After transmigrating over, Qin Nuo discovered that he had exceptional strength. Through Li Wan and the others, he learned that the Ninth Prince possessed a unique innate skill. Since young, his strength surpassed others, and his appetite also surpassed others. Yet Qin Nuo was completely unaware that the Ninth Prince actually knew martial arts! Qin Ze and the others didn’t seem to have noticed either.

As could be seen from their daily activities, there were people among his brothers who were adept with the bow and with horse riding, or proficient in Chinese boxing. However, their martial arts were average. At the end of the day, they were already princes. Who wants to painstakingly practice during the coldest weather in the winter and the hottest days in the summer? Qin Ze was among the top ranks, yet he was unable to break out of Qin Nuo’s hold whenever the latter grabbed his neck. 

Except…as the Ninth Prince, how did he practice his martial arts? Qin Nuo was deeply perplexed; in any case, he was extremely thrilled about gaining this cheat out of thin air. Even the panic that he felt from the secret he had overheard was greatly reduced.

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Empress Huo and the crown prince soon left the room. Once the coast was clear, Qin Nuo crawled out from behind the folding screen. He knew that he could not stay long here, but he did not dare to leave from the front door. Instead, he headed over to the back windowsill and carefully cracked it open. 

Qian Yuan Hall was built by the lake. It was three stories high, with the moonlit Si Yue Lake behind it.

Seeing no one around, Qin Nuo climbed out the window. 

Luckily it was still late night, otherwise he would definitely be noticed with how he was sprawled out against the wall like a gecko.

Using the balcony railing, Qin Nuo began to climb over to the window of another side room as fast as he could. Because he was so flustered, he encountered a few close calls. Fortunately, the distance between the rooms was very short and he soon reached his destination. 

Not hearing any sounds from inside, he lightly pushed the window open and climbed in.

He landed on the ground, and had just pulled the window shut when a sudden shriek broke through the air.

“Ahhhhh! There’s a thief!”

Qin Nuo internally cried out, ‘This is bad.’ When he turned around, he was met with an elegant and graceful face.

“Ninth Royal Older Sister! It is me.”

The Ninth Princess Qin Lan’s shrill shriek came to an abrupt stop. She gasped, bewildered, “Ninth Younger Brother, why are you here?”
Startled by her voice, seven or eight figures came rushing over from behind the folding screen.

“Ah, Ninth Older Brother……” 13th Princess Qin Zhi looked at her older brother in surprise. 

Qin Nuo immediately cut her off, “Ninth Royal Older Sister, I was here a while ago.” He gave Qin Zhi a look and said, “13th Younger Sister, I did not make a sound at all earlier, but I was still discovered.”

Qin Zhi immediately caught on. Her eyeballs swiveled3, and she playfully lamented, “Aiyah, and I had even told you not to make a sound earlier.” She continued to smile as she explained to their sisters, “Tonight Ninth Older Brother is on night duty, so…..” So…what? How did he end up on night duty over here in this room? Qin Zhi could not think of a valid reason, sweating furiously as she tried to to improvise.

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At this time, Qin Nuo hurriedly waved his hands in denial, “Not at all, not at all. It is not tiring at all to standby on night duty. I was not thinking of slacking off at all.”

His clumsy attempt to cover up allowed the princesses to suddenly realize, ‘Oh, so he had wanted to secretly find a place to sleep.’

They were also called over here a short time ago, and heard the news of their father emperor’s worsening condition. But the inner palace was currently a mess. All the princes were sent out. As for the princesses, they were all sent over to this room to wait for the news.

“13th Younger Sister, why did you not tell us beforehand? I wanted to….” The Ninth Princess Qin Lan grumbled, her face rosy pink. There was a chamber pot behind the folding screen. She originally wanted to relieve herself. She hadn’t expected to see a male figure standing before the window as soon as she entered. It startled her. 

 Qin Zhi lowered her head sheepishly, “I was going to mention it, but then Eunuch Wang came by to warn us repeatedly about other matters. Once he started, I forgot about it.”

“Our father emperor is currently ill, and yet Ninth Older Brother you….” The 12th Princess shot Qin Nuo a disapproving look. But once she recalled how the latter usually acted foolishly and seemed dimwitted—as well as how he wouldn’t be of much help even if he had stayed in Qian Yuan Hall—she only sighed and didn’t waste any more of her breath.

Qin Zhi tactfully changed the subject, asking, “Ninth Older Brother, do you know how Father Emperor’s situation is right now?

“Well…..’After Eunuch Cheng and the imperial doctors’ highly skilled emergency efforts, His Majesty has awakened. Except….Ai, His Majesty is a blessed person. The heavens help the worthy; the misfortune will surely turn into a blessing.’” Saying so, he heaved a heavy sigh with a complicated expression. It was a perfect imitation of what Imperial Consort Ge had said. 

Every princess in the hall was clever, how could they not infer the meaning within those words?

“Father Emperor……[This daughter] only prays that the heavens will bless him, so that Father Emperor may live for a hundred years. If such a feat is possible, then this believer would be willing to give up ten years of her life.” The first to express her loyalty was the 11th Princess. Her eyes were red and she clasped her hands together.

As could be seen, the quality of the princesses’ performances varied immensely based on whether they had a mother consort to teach them or not.

Under her lead, everyone’s eyes reddened and they prayed endlessly. 

Qin Nuo’s teeth were sour4 just from watching them. He was just trying to come up with an excuse to leave when the door suddenly opened and a familiar round head peeked in.

As his gaze swept across the room, Eunuch Wang’s chubby face lit up, “My! Ninth Highness, why are you[formal] here?”


One shichen is equal to a block of two hours today Kaomoji added for more emphasis/comical effect.眼珠一转. In this context, the roll of her eyeballs means that she has an idea or understood something — that she is improvising.to have “sour teeth” is something like saying that what the individual heard/witnessed was so mushy.

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