IJRELD: Hide and Seek 10

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MAY 27, 2023 ~ KIWII

Song Qingshu looked at the doll in Xiaowan’s hand, as if remembering what happened last night, his eyes widened, his face turned pale instantly, and the discomfort in his stomach struck again.

Song Qingshu calmed down and returned to normal in an instant.

He lightly pinched Xiao Wan’s fat baby face, and said dotingly to her: “Xiao Wan, don’t you want big brother to leave? You like big brother, right?”

Xiao Wan innocently said Said: “Yes, big brother, can you play with me for a while?”

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, “It’s fine to play with you, but big brother doesn’t have toys, can you give big brother your doll?”

Xiao Wan generously handed the doll to Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu looked at the doll, suddenly remembered something, and asked the little girl with a smile: “Xiao Wan, did your mother buy the doll for you?”

Xiao Wan shook her head and said, “It wasn’t my mother who bought it, but I picked it up. “

Song Qingshu continued to guide Xiaowan: “Where did you pick it up?”

Xiaowan tilted her head slightly , thought for a long time and said, “I can’t remember, can you go with me on the swing?”

When it was time to go out to play, Song Qingshu talked to the teacher and took Xiao Wan out to accompany her on the swing.

Xiao Wan was sitting on the swing, and Song Qingshu gently pushed her behind, chatting with her about random things, and then bringing back the topic to the doll.

This time Xiao Wan quickly remembered and she told Song Qingshu that the doll was picked up next to the swing.

Song Qingshu played with her for a while, then coaxed her back to the class and handed her to the teacher. When she was leaving, Xiao Wan stared at him reluctantly with big eyes, and asked him when he would come to play with her again. In order not to make Xiao Wan sad, Song Qingshu patted her head and told her that he would come when he was on vacation.

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After saying goodbye to the little girl, Song Qingshu went back to the swing, searched the area carefully, and went to the slide, but found nothing.

He didn’t know how to deal with this kind of thing, so he had to go to Moon in the Water. After all, Moon in the Water belonged to veteran players who should know how to deal with these bosses.

Soon the kindergarten was over, and Song Qingshu took the doll to find Sang Yu and go back together.

“What’s this?” Before Sang Yu arrived, the voice came over first.

Song Qingshu didn’t reply right away, walked up to him a few steps, raised the doll in his hand in front of him, and said grimly: “Doll, a doll with red hair and a big head, didn’t you see her last night?”

The terrifying appearance of the doll from last night appeared before of San Yu’s eyes again, and he slapped away Song Qingshu’s hand holding the doll like a conditioned reflex, covered his mouth tightly as if about to vomit, and pointed at Song Qingshu: “You did it on purpose! There are always people who want to harm me!”

Song Qingshu laughed triumphantly.

“How about you? Did you find the rabbit doll?” Song Qingshu asked.

Sang Yu thought of those children who were frightened and cried. He was silent and said after a while: “No.”

kiwii: haha, my fav character is Sang *poor* Yu.

“What about the puppet?”

“Also no.”

“Did you really not? Have you seen all of them?” With Sang Yu’s performance, Song Qingshu reasonably suspected that the child didn’t take out all the toys.

“I looked at all of them, there’s really not.” Sang Yu replied firmly, although he frightened and cried a few children when he went in and said he wanted to play games, but he was clever, he found a teacher and asked the teacher to trick the children into taking out all the toys.

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“Forget it, let’s go back and find Moon in the Water out to see what to do with this doll. I hope we can get rid of the boss and make it easier tonight.” Song Qingshu said helplessly.

As soon as they walked to the playground, they saw Moon in the Water and Yan Ruyu walking towards them from afar.

When Yan Ruyu saw the doll’s face that Song Qingshu was holding in his hand, her face suddenly turned pale.

Song Qingshu raised the doll in his hand in front of Moon in the Water: “How to deal with this?”

Moon in the Water took the doll, looked at it carefully, “I know.”

“Such a ghost is easy to deal with, just burn the body. What is the news that is hard to handle?”

“A lot of.”

Three hours ago.

Yan Ruyu knocked on the door of the junior high school principal’s office, and the principal invited Moon in the Water and Yan Ruyu in.

The principal invited them to sit on the sofa, poured them two cups of tea, and asked them what happened with a sad face.

The time given by the parents was getting closer and closer, but the students were still missing. The people who were invited also disappeared inexplicably. According to the passage of time, more and more people disappeared, which made the principal feel more and more heavy.

He loves and hates these rich parents. He likes them to be rich and generous, but if something happens to the children, they will be in trouble, and they are not short of money, so it is more difficult to settle than ordinary parents. There were several missing students this time, and the parents jointly put pressure on the school. It was like a mountain was on his back.

Yan Ruyu looked at the principal and asked him straight to the point: “We want to know what happened to the kindergarten before, such as serious injuries and deaths of children.”

After hearing this, the principal was taken aback for a moment, and replied reflexively: “I don’t know much about the kindergarten.”

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As soon as Moon in the Water heard that the tendency in the principal’s words was wrong, he quickly interrupted him, “Principal, this clue is very important to us, so you should say something, it won’t do you any good to help others hide it.

Besides, the deadline given to you by the parents is coming soon. If the missing students are not found after the deadline, what will the parents do to you?”

The principal was silent, as if he was weighing the pros and cons, then he sighed and said to the two people: “There is one thing I can tell you, but you can’t spread it. If it gets out, I will be fired.”

Moon in the Water and Yan Ruyu looked at each other and agreed.

“Last semester, a little boy named Wen Hua died in the kindergarten. It was because of……” The principal paused for a moment, hesitating to speak, and spoke out the cause of the little boy’s death with great difficulty.

kiwii: 温华, 温(Wen): mild; soft; tender; and surname Wen, 华(hua): magnificent; splendid; flowery. Did it click your memory?

“He was beaten to death by Hu Guangliang and the others. I don’t know the specific process. When I found out, Wen Hua was already dead. When I went there, the child’s body had already been taken away.

Wen Hua’s parents came and caused trouble for a long time. As far as I know, although their family has a little money, the four parents of Hu Guangliang, Wu Bai, Gunan and Huang Yimu are richer, and these four students all participated in this matter. In order not to affect the future of their children, the four parents gave some money to Wen Hua’s parents, hoping to make things peaceful.

At that time, the four students were not yet fourteen years old. Maybe the Wen parents consulted a lawyer, weighed the pros and cons, and chose to settle with the money.”

Children under the age of 14 don’t have to bear criminal responsibility even if they kill someone. At most, the best choice is that their parents can pay some money and they can’t be sent to prison.

“At that time, when the Wen parents had a quarrel, it had some influence, and the family used a little connection and gave some money to the media to forcefully suppress this matter.

In order not to affect the enrollment of the kindergarten, Principal Chen found an excuse to change all the teachers, so that not many people would know about this matter, and even if parents asked in the future, they would not be able to know anything.”

The principal finished speaking tremblingly, and looked at the two beggingly, hoping that the two would keep their promise not to spread these inside stories.

Yan Ruyu was a little confused when she heard this, and asked him: “Did those parents not come to trouble you? Also, since there are such domineering students in your school, why don’t you expel them? If you let such students exist, will other parents agree?”

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Of course I did and they accused us of poor management, but after all, this incident happened in the kindergarten, there is no major omission in the school management, and it is useless to search for it.

And I want to expel this kind of student the most. These kinds of students who like to make trouble and bully are not only difficult to manage, but also lower the influence of other parents on the school. It will affect the school’s reputation and enrollment.

There are a lot of rich parents, it’s really not bad for them.

But you also know that several of them are minors in the stage of compulsory education, and they cannot be expelled at all.

In the past, I discussed with their parents and wanted to tactfully persuade them to quit. The parents directly reported to the Education Bureau that we were going to expel their children. I even wrote an inspection for this.” When it came to this, the principal felt aggrieved for himself.

Although they are private schools, you can’t just go to them as long as you have money. Private schools are not like public schools that have students all the time. They rely on comprehensive aspects such as grades, environment and service to establish a reputation for themselves. Only with a good reputation will there be a steady stream of students. Otherwise, why would parents pay more to come here?

Therefore, when enrolling students, the comprehensive quality of the students should be tested. Those who can enter this school will not only have a rich family, but the overall quality of the students will not be too low, but these students did not follow the normal procedures to enter.

The parents of these students have some business contacts with the investors of this school. When recruiting students, the investors took him to have a meal with those parents, and directly finalized the matter.

He had seen these children back then, and it was too late when the students got enrolled at school.

Since they came to school, the already busy work became even more busy. Every day, parents would call to complain that their children have been bullied. He has to be in charge of mediation. For some minor cases, he would directly hand them over to the teacher for resolution. If the teacher can’t solve it, he can only do it by himself. More than anyone else, he hopes that these monsters will leave quickly.

But when these few students disappeared, his troubles became even bigger. He just wanted these students not to cause trouble for him when they transferred to another school, and he didn’t want them to disappear in this way. After the incident, he was the head for the missing students.

Moon in the Water was not interested in listening to the principal’s grievances, looked at him indifferently, and asked: “You said that the little boy named Wen Hua died last semester, so why didn’t there be any missing students last semester? It has been a while since the semester started, how did this happen? Don’t you think it’s sudden?”

“It was very sudden, and I can’t figure out what can be connected between the two. I’ve said everything I can and can’t say, and I don’t know the rest. Please help find those students as soon as possible. Thank you.” The principal’s bloodshot eyes were full of begging, he was under too much mental stress, and he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep.

“According to the principal, only Hu Guangliang and the other four were the ones who beat Wen Hua to death, so why did You Wen disappear? He was the target of these people’s violence, and Wen Hua was also a victim. There are too many personal connections, but he disappeared with those four people……

I think the principal didn’t tell you everything. He should have concealed some information, or he should have ignored some information.” Song Qingshu pointed out what he couldn’t figure out while analyzing.

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