IJRELD: Hide and Seek 12

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MAY 28, 2023 ~ KIWII

The cockpit of the Ferris wheel slowly moved upwards. Moon in the Water and Song Qingshu lay on the transparent glass and looked down. They saw Yan Ruyu being held by the pink rabbit, as if she was already dead.

You Wen and Rabbit played with Yan Ruyu’s body, folding and spreading his limbs, like two ignorant children playing with a toy.

The blood from Yan Ruyu’s body continuously flowed out, dripping onto the three monsters, it was bright red, and it looked even more terrifying under the warm yellow light.

Moon in the Water couldn’t bear to watch it, turned her head to the side, and said to Song Qingshu with a heavy heart: “Yan Ruyu’s real name is Han Wanshu. This was her last mission; if she could get out, she would resign and then marry her boyfriend. It was all set; it’ll be next month.”

Speaking of this, Shuiyue paused and let out a sigh, “She still couldn’t go back.”

After Moon in the Water finished speaking, Song Qingshu realized why Yan Ruyu had to maintain her figure even though she was carrying out such a heavy task, because she was going to get married, maybe she wanted to be thin and beautiful, put on the most beautiful wedding dress and become the most beautiful bride to marry her favourite person.

“It’s a pity that there is Yan Ruyu in the book.” Song Qingshu said, it has to be said that Yan Ruyu is a beautiful woman with a sassy personality, and she does things neatly.

kiwii: To my understanding, he’s talking about Yan Ruyu who is one of the main female deuteragonists in “Wu Dao Du Xun” or “Martial Art Reigns”. A beautiful and sassy character. And even if not the specific character, Yan Ruyu严如玉 itself means strict, rigorous and jade.

If he was heterosexual, he would definitely be attracted to her. Even if he only likes men, it does not prevent him from admiring such women. After all, excellent people have their unique charms.

To be honest, Song Qingshu and Yan Ruyu are not very familiar, but at any rate, they have lived and died together these few days, which can be regarded as a fateful friendship. Knowing that this was her last mission and that she was going to get married, he couldn’t help feeling deeply for her. Regretting it for a long time.

“I didn’t protect her well.” Yan Ruyu’s blood floated in front of Moon in the Water’s eyes, guilt flooded Moon in the Water’s heart like water.

“It has nothing to do with you, no one wants this kind of thing to happen.” Song Qingshu persuaded him.

When the bell rang, the Ferris wheel suddenly disappeared, and Song Qingshu and Moon in the Water fell directly to the ground together.

Fortunately, when the Ferris wheel disappeared, the cockpit they were in was about to turn to the bottom, only two or three meters away from the ground, and there were no serious consequences.

After getting up, the two patted their clothes, and looked for Sang Yu with heavy faces.

Sang Yu squatted in a corner of the playground, covering his mouth with his hands tightly, his eyes were red, and his face and hands were covered with dry tears.

Song Qingshu squatted down in front of Sang Yu, just about to say that it was all right. Sang Yu threw himself on Song Qingshu and hugged him tightly, constantly saying: “She’s gone, she’s gone……”

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Song Qingshu gently stroked his hair, and calmly comforted him: “I know……let’s go back first.” After speaking, he stood up and was about to go back with Sang Yu on his back.

Moon in the Water took Sang Yu who was in complete disarray from Song Qingshu’s hand, and said: “I’ll carry him and take him back. You go ask the principal and Wen Zhaodi, I will come to you after I settle him down.”

Song Qingshu nodded and said: “Okay, don’t worry.”

Song Qingshu weighed it up and went to the principal’s office first. He had an intuition that the principal would be easier to deal with than Wen Zhaodi.

Under his coercion, the principal finally told the truth. In addition to the money lost by the four parents, the kindergarten also paid some money to the Wen parents. The Wen parents disagreed, and after negotiation, they added a request to arrange for their daughter to go to Linchuan private school.

Wen parents saw their son died, and then they thought of their daughter who was far away in their hometown. In the future, they will depend on their daughter for the elderly, so they must enroll their daughter in this school.

It was inevitable to solve the problem of their daughter going to school, but they didn’t want to spend more money for her. They knew that Linchuan Kindergarten and Linchuan Junior High School were together, so they took this opportunity to raise this condition.

The principal didn’t want to accept Wen Zhaodi at first, but in the final analysis, it was caused by the students in the junior high school, and the principal Chen refused to give in. In the end, the junior high school had to accept Wen Zhaodi, exempting her from all future school fees.

Song Qingshu felt that there was nothing wrong, so he went out of the principal’s office to find Wen Zhaodi.

Children in their teens are just at the age of restlessness, and they can’t sit still after class. They either fight in groups of three or five, or go out to find friends in other classes to play, and there were couples of young couples chatting against the guardrail in the corridor, full of energy. What happened at school didn’t seem to have any effect on them.

A little girl near the door in the first row of Class 8 (19) was not affected by these people. She was concentrating on writing and drawing in the exercise book, which was out of place in the noisy environment.

Song Qingshu didn’t bother her, he stood quietly not far from the gate of No. 8 (19) and looked at her for a while, wondering.

Wen Zhaodi seemed to feel that someone was looking at her, she raised her head to see Song Qingshu who was standing not far from the door, smiled shyly at him, then lowered her head and continued to write on the paper.

Song Qingshu saw her looking up at him, and waved to her as a greeting. He walked to the door step by step and called Du Sisi out.

Just as Du Sisi walked to the door, the class bell rang, and the subject teacher came over with the textbooks in his arms. Song Qingshu told the teacher about his intention, and the teacher agreed, so he took Du Sisi away.

Song Qingshu purposely found a place with surveillance to stop, turned around to face Du Sisi, and asked her, “Let me ask you, when did Wen Zhaodi from your class transfer here?”

“She transferred over a week after the semester started.” Du Sisi didn’t even think before answering him.

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows and asked her suspiciously: “How do you remember so clearly? Do you have a good relationship with her?”

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Du Sisi glanced at other places, and said with disdain on her face: “She is the only old hat in the whole class. When she first came, she couldn’t even speak English well to introduce herself. Won’t you have a deep impression? I heard that she came from the big valley.”

kiwii: old hat; old-fashioned or out-of-date.

Seeing that Song Qingshu on the opposite side looked unfriendly, she quickly added: “My relationship with her is so-so. She is a bit rusty, but she is really serious about her studies, doesn’t play much after class, and her grades are not bad.”

“Do all the students look down on her? Has anyone excluded her?” Song Qingshu had to think about it after hearing Du Sisi’s words. Children of this age will not think that their behavior of excluding other students is wrong, but will find a seemingly positive reason to rationalize their behavior of discriminating and excluding others, and most campus bullying starts from this.

He is too ugly, she is too fat, he is too sissy, she is ugly……as long as they think, anything can be an excuse for them to exclude others.

Violence hits others, and cold violence is engraved in others’ hearts……They will not feel that they have done something wrong, they will only say that the person deserves it, who made him ugly, she is fat, his mother is dirty, she is ugly……like the victims are self-inflicted, as if they’re the messenger of justice on behalf of the heavens.

“Of course, there are not many, that’s why I said that I have a good relationship with her. I’m not like Gunan and the others.”

“What did Gunan and the others do to her?” Song Qingshu continued to ask.

“Alas, Gunan and the others are not here anyway, so let me tell you.” Du Sisi looked mysterious and looked like a betrayer who had to betray his teammates under the pressure of the teacher.

Du Sisi said: “When Wen Zhaodi first came to the class, Gunan and Huang Yimu hated her for being ugly. They laughed at her in front of Wen Zhaodi. Not only that, but Gunan and the others even beat her up. I saw it once in the toilet.”

Song Qingshu frowned tightly, and asked in a cold voice: “Doesn’t the teacher care?”

Du Sisi sneered, and replied: “Take care? How dare the teacher take care of it? They are not even afraid of the principal, let alone the teacher. They can stay in the school honestly. If there is no accident, the teacher will burn incense and worship Buddha.”

Song Qingshu was silent. He thought that these four students would be very arrogant, but he never thought that they could be so arrogant. There are only three words in his evaluation of this kind of person: poorly cleaned up.

“Handsome guy, you ask about Wen Zhaodi so many things, who are you?” Everyone loves beauty, and so does Du Sisi, she greedily admired the beauty of the person in front of her, and asked him gossip.

Song Qingshu replied to her casually: “I am her cousin, please don’t bully her in the future. Help me call her out when I go back, thank you.”

“Ok” Du Sisi glanced at the beauty ambiguously, then turned and went back to the class.

Not long after, Wen Zhaodi walked slowly in front of Song Qingshu from a distance.

“I want to talk to you about something, can I?” Song Qingshu said lightly, unable to distinguish his emotions at the moment.

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Wen Zhaodi nodded, her hands were tightly kneaded together, just as nervous as when she was asked last time.

“Do you know You Wen?” After Song Qingshu finished speaking, Wen Zhaodi was stunned for a moment, and then denied.

“You really don’t know You Wen? Let me put it another way, how did You Wen die? I saw him turned into a puppet with your brother.” Song Qingshu didn’t want to play tricks with her.

A trace of surprise flashed in Wen Zhaodi’s eyes, and she quickly returned to the look of being too nervous to speak, and whispered: “How did you see that?”

“I went to find your brother, and I played with him for two nights.” Song Qingshu’s beautiful peach blossom eyes were bent, and she smiled slyly, “He is really a very cute kid.”

Wen Zhaodi’s face became very ugly, looking at the man in front of her eyes as if she was looking at a pervert against humanity.

She knew her brother was cute, but that was when she was alive. How could he still be cute when she died? Even if she was his sister, she couldn’t say the word cute when she saw that cruel little boy.

“Your face turned so ugly, you should know something, right? I guessed the four of them, Gunan, Huang Yimu, Hu Guangliang and Wu Bai, but I haven’t guessed about You Wen yet. Would you like to tell me? I’m a little curious.” Song Qingshu bent down slightly, looking directly at Wen Zhaodi, his calm tone seemed to be discussing whether the weather is good today.

Wen Zhaodi pursed her lips a few times, but still told Song Qingshu: “He was beaten before, but when I came, they stopped beating him……He would send them a message when he saw me, if he doesn’t see me, then……”

With just a few words, Song Qingshu understood the cause of You Wen’s death.You Wen was indeed a victim of school violence, and when another victim emerged, he joined the perpetrators. Although he didn’t do anything directly, he also helped those perpetrators attack Wen Zhaodi.

Song Qingshu touched Wen Zhaodi’s hair, looked at her tenderly and said, “Did you have a good relationship with your brother?”

In a patriarchal family, due to the extreme eccentricity of the parents, the relationship between the children is not very good, but the relationship between Wen Zhaodi and Wen Hua seemed to be very good.

“Yes, he would give me all the delicious food he has. He was very obedient.” Speaking of these, Wen Zhaodi’s bright black eyes became more tender.

“Then what did you give to your brother?” Song Qingshu asked her with a smile.

“I knitted a pink bunny doll for him.” Maybe because the chatting atmosphere is so good, Wen Zhaodi gradually relaxed and spoke a little louder.

Song Qingshu asked her: “Do you know where that pink rabbit doll is?”

“I know, I know, after my brother died, I was afraid that my mother would lose it, so I hid it.” Wen Zhaodi said, and then asked Song Qingshu: “I hid on the top floor of the school. Usually no one goes up there. Do you want to go and see? I can take you there.”

Song Qingshu faintly felt that something was wrong, but he was eager to find the pink rabbit doll and destroy it, so he agreed without thinking too much, and followed Wen Zhaodi to the top floor.

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The guardrail on the top floor of the teaching building where the second year of junior high school is located was not as high as the guardrail of the building where Song Qingshu hid at night, and the height was only as high as Wen Zhaodi’s calf.

Wen Zhaodi went to the top floor and went straight to one of the corners. There were a few bricks piled up in that corner. If you didn’t look carefully, no one would know where something was hidden.

“Come here, here.” Wen Zhaodi waved to him, signaling him to come and see the rabbit doll.

Song Qingshu walked over in a few strides, took the rabbit doll from Wen Zhaodi, and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, he saw a dark red spot on the rabbit’s body, which looked like a bloodstain. The location of the bloodstain was impressively the place where the bloodstain was splashed when he saw the rabbit doll kill someone for the first time.

“Hey, whose blood is this?” Song Qingshu asked her casually.

“My brother’s, probably glued on when he died.” Wen Zhaodi’s gaze was firmly fixed on Song Qingshu’s face.

Looking at the rabbit doll, Song Qingshu remembered the problem that he had been ignoring.

“I have a question. Your brother died at the end of last semester, and you have been here for a long time. If your brother wanted to vent his anger on you, why did it start two weeks ago instead of when you were bullied?”

Wen Zhaodi didn’t answer him directly, her eyes darkened, she pushed Song Qingshu with all her strength, trying to push Song Qingshu downstairs and fall to death.

At this moment, Wen Zhaodi no longer had a trace of cowardice in the past, and her eyes were both sinister and calm.

At the moment of being pushed down, Song Qingshu instantly realized that something was wrong. How could such a shy little girl invite him to see her younger brother’s belongings? He made a mistake.

He firmly grasped the edge of the guardrail, trying not to let himself fall, this is the sixth floor. It would be really cold if he fell, and the tragedy after death is probably not much better than those who were mutilated at night.

Seeing that he didn’t fall, Wen Zhaodi took the rabbit doll and walked to the place where he fell step by step, looking at him from top to bottom with a weird smile on her face. She wanted to see how long this dying man would last.

After waiting for a while, she didn’t see any tendency to fall, so she became impatient, and she stretched out her hand to forcefully break Song Qingshu’s fingers holding onto the guardrail little by little. Breaking apart while unraveling the doubts before his death.

Wen Zhaodi gritted her teeth and said: “Because I didn’t know that my brother was beaten to death by them at that time, of course I can’t just let them go.

My brother is dead, why should they still be alive, if they are less than fourteen, they will be lawless? I want them all to be buried with my brother.

I used the method of the old witch to bring them to the kindergarten to be killed by my brother. Didn’t you see, they were dismembered bit by bit by my brother, and the blood flowed all over the ground……” After speaking, she burst out laughing, and the laughter was full of the joy of revenge.

“Now that your doubts are clear, it’s time for you to go on the road. I’ll let you be a ghost and don’t come back to me.” Speaking, she broke away the last finger of Song Qingshu’s left hand that gripped on the guardrail.

Just when all the fingers of Song Qingshu’s left hand were broken off, he grasped Wen Zhaodi’s hand firmly upwards based on the principle of holding the person who killed him as a backing even if he died, and let go of the other hand directly. He fell down with Wen Zhaodi.

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