IJRELD: Hide and Seek 6

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MAY 23, 2023 ~ KIWII

After eating dinner and breakfast in the cafeteria, Song Qingshu really wanted to see the lunch of Linchuan Middle School.

Perhaps to prevent students from being picky eaters, lunch and dinner were both meat and vegetable set meals. Song Qingshu chose a set meal consisting of Kung Pao Chicken, Braised Beef, Minced Meat Eggplant, Mushroom Choy Sum, and Fish Head Tofu Soup.

When Song Qingshu sat next to Sang Yu with the set meal, Sang Yu was poking the roast chicken nuggets on his dinner plate boredly with chopsticks.

He sternly said: “Stop playing, eat quickly.”

Sang Yu: ……This sentence sounds familiar.

Now Song Qingshu is a big boss in his eyes, not only can he not offend, but he has to hold his thigh tightly.

When the boss spoke, Sang Yu silently picked up the scattered roasted chicken nuggets and put them into his mouth.

Seemingly finding that the food tasted good, Sang Yu ate up all the food on the plate in a hurry.

“Are you feeling better now?” Song Qingshu asked him on the way back.

“It’s better.” Sang Yu burped and said.

“Food is very healing. If you are in a bad mood, eating something will make you feel better.” Song Qingshu said.

“No, I feel better when I think about being a full ghost even if I die.” Sang Yu still had a little smile on his face when he said this, as if he was not joking, as if he thought so from the bottom of his heart.

Song Qingshu: ……You are so fucking imaginative.

In order to maintain sufficient physical strength and spirit, the four of them planned to rest, planning to catch up on sleep before it got dark.

When Song Qingshu woke up, the dormitory was pitch black, and it seemed that it was after half past nine in the evening.

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He was awake waiting for those things to arrive in the middle of the night.

He didn’t wait too long, and those voices came from a distance. The difference from the previous night was that the volume of the voices increased significantly this time.

The eerie singing that increased in volume repeatedly echoed in the corridor, forming layers of echoes.

Song Qingshu: It even has reverberations???

“My friends, come and play hide-and-seek with me~~~~~~”

Song Qingshu quietly listened to the creaking footsteps hidden in the singing. He stuffed the pillow under the quilt and tucked in the quilt, making it bulging, as if someone was really lying on it.

After finishing it, before those things reached 105, he got out of bed and moved towards the door lightly. There was a cat’s eye on the door to see the outside situation.

In order not to let the ghost see him, he leaned his back against the door and stuck to it tightly.

Not long after, there was a soft knock on the door, “My friends, come and play hide-and-seek with me~~~”. Just like last night, when no one paid attention to it, it went to knock on the doors of other dormitories.

Song Qingshu slowly moved to where the cat’s eye was, when his hand suddenly touched something, he was startled, could it be that those things came in? Before he could think of a countermeasure, a big hand covered his mouth, and his limbs were tightly restrained.

He wanted to curse. What happened to Moon in the Water, who ran out of bed in the middle of the night to scare people?

But the current situation forced him to not make any big noise to disturb the ghost, so he had no choice but to let the Moon in the Water hold himself in his arms.

The two people’s bodies were tightly attached to each other, and they could even feel the heat of each other’s bodies through two thin layers of fabric.

Song Qingshu could even feel the heartbeat of the Moon in the Water.

The hot breath of the person behind hit Song Qingshu’s ears, and Song Qingshu felt that he was about to burn, and the blood rushed to his brain.

His face must have turned red, but luckily it was too dark to see.

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Song Qingshu lost his mind for a moment, and the whole person was brought to the cat’s eye by Moon in the Water.

At the end of the dormitory corridor was a large glass window, through which the faint moonlight elongated the shadows of those things on the wall.

Song Qingshu saw through the cat’s eyes that among the shadows on the opposite wall were a pair of long ears, a disheveled head that was elongated and deformed, and the shadows of several deformed people.

If he guessed right, it should be those who disappeared.

Those shadows stopped at their diagonally opposite door 106, and people living in dormitory 106 screamed one after another. After the screams stopped, Song Qingshu saw that the shadows grew a little longer, as if there was an extra person.

He was about to take another look when he heard the creaking sound getting closer and closer. He wanted to move away but couldn’t move, so he bit Shuiyue’s hand and rubbed his arms and legs to the side.

Moon in the Water seemed to understand his intentions, and also noticed the abnormality, and quickly let him go and stuck him on the wall. Song Qingshu, who was freed, quickly lowered his body.

As soon as he squatted down, there was a knock on the door near 105.

After a while, Song Qingshu heard someone screaming in the dormitory not far away, it was 8 people, and 8 of them disappeared overnight.

After the screaming disappeared, the creaking sound also disappeared. Only the singing still echoed in the dormitory building until dawn.

When the bell rang, Song Qingshu looked at Mon in the Water and stared at him unkindly. He looked at the other party’s hand and said, “Um, I’m sorry.”

“What were you biting so hard for?” Moon in the Water shook the hand that was bitten and complained.

“Didn’t I lose control at that time? When I saw the ghost coming, I was so scared that I couldn’t control my strength.” Song Qingshu said so, but he didn’t look scared at all.

Moon in the Water raised his hand to Song Qingshu’s eyes, “Look, I almost bled from biting, it hurts…”

Song Qingshu lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on Moon in the Water’s hand, and only saw a few shallow tooth marks, the marks were not red, and the distance from the bleeding was as far as one hundred and eight thousand miles.

But the hands were pretty, with slender fingers and smooth lines, and blue blood vessels could be seen faintly under the cold white skin, suitable for playing the piano.

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Anyway, these teeth marks were also bitten out by himself, Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly at Moon in the Water, took advantage of his carelessness, and approached his hand, blowing it like coaxing a child.

In the end, he said to him with an innocent face: “It’s all right now, it won’t hurt if you blow it on.”

The hot air from the hand crept into Moon in the Water’s heart along the nerve network, feeling a little itchy.

“Forget it.” Moon in the Water said, turned and went out.

Eight people went missing last night, living in dormitories 106 and 102 respectively. Among them, the four people in 102 were also colleagues of Song Qingshu.

Sang Yu looked at the four empty beds in 102 and thought of the boss who pulled them in. How many points did the boss get for pulling all the employees in the company into the game this time? Which level did he jump to again?

If there really is a karmic cycle of retribution in the world, will that person die directly in the game? At one point Sang Yu had the darkest thought in his mind, he wished that the murderous boss was killed by the ghost in the game.

Thinking of these, Sang Yu’s mood sank to the bottom, and negative emotions spread in his chest. After breakfast, instead of going out to collect clues with Song Qingshu and the others, he went straight back to the dormitory, lay flat on the bed and stared at the ceiling, his mind spinning rapidly.

There were more than one ghost, and the volume of the singing would increase after someone disappeared. It seems that the strength of the ghost will increase after “eating” the person.

12 of them have disappeared now. If the guess is correct, 12 will be missing tonight. If they add up, they will be missing almost half. If they couldn’t find a customs clearance certificate, they may not be able to survive the remaining days at all, he will die here too.

If he died here directly, would the news report that a man died suddenly because of excessive playing games?

The more Sang Yu thought about it, the more irritable and depressed he became, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

“How did you get into this game?” Moon in the Water entered the dormitory at some point. Ever since Sang Yu went to dormitory 102, his mood has been very low. He guessed that the people in dormitory 102 had something to do with them.

Sang Yu had something on his mind, completely forgot Song Qingshu’s explanation, and replied casually: “It’s our cheating boss who said that he won a big deal and wanted to give us holidays, playing games and bonuses, we thought the boss finally knows how to sympathize with the employees……”

Speaking of this, Sang Yu paused, and began to scold the unscrupulous boss: “Old bald man, Zhou Papi, contemporary Huang Shiren.”

kiwii: Zhou Papi or Bapi and Huang Shiren both are evil characters of two different or so stories, so the author used these two names as a kind of idiom to describe their boss’s character. You can read more about it from the link i provided above, I can be more or less wrong tho !! You can correct me in the comment section.

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Cursing, Sang Yu remembered something, and asked Moon in the Water: “Hey, when you first entered the game, who tricked you into it?”

No one responded to him……

Sang Yu got up and looked, and there was no shadow of Moon in the water in the dormitory.

Shit, this man walks silently, scarier than a ghost.

Sang Yu ignored him and continued to lie down to die.

Sang Yu didn’t come out to find clues, and lay dead in the dormitory, Song Qingshu was helpless.

After leaving the dormitory, he and the other two split into three groups to search for clues. He had no idea how the night ghosts appeared, and he could only start with the missing students.

Song Qingshu went to three classes and asked a few more students, hoping to get other clues.

It’s a pity that none of the three of them found any valuable clues after a whole morning.

“Since we can’t find any more clues about the missing students, why don’t we start with the ghosts. I plan to go around the window to see what’s going on when the ghosts come out tonight.” Song Qingshu made a decisive decision.

Yan Ruyu was still hesitating, but Moon in the Water immediately agreed with him.

Song Qingshu smiled and said: “Haven’t you heard a saying, take a gamble, and your bike will turn into a motorcycle; take a gamble, and your motorcycle will turn into a jeep; fight hard, and your jeep will turn into a Martin. Anyway, you can’t find a customs clearance certificate in a few days. If you are going to die, is there any difference between early death and late death? It is better to take the initiative to attack than to sit and wait for death. The best defense is to attack.”

Yan Ruyu thought for a while, nodded, and agreed.

Before lunch, when the three returned to dormitory 105, Sang Yu was fast asleep.

Sang Yu heard someone continuously knocking on the edge of his bed, half-opened his eyes, before seeing who it was, he said in a daze: “What are you doing?”

“Death, are you waiting for it?”

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