It was clearly a dinner party with the sound of people and music, but Tong Che felt that the atmosphere within a five-meter radius, with him as the center, instantly froze.

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That was Mu Hanfeng! Mu Hanfeng, who was recognised as having the strongest restraint in his circle!

What do they mean by the strongest restraint?

It was rumored that there was an Omega in heat who deliberately jumped into Mu Hanfeng's arms. If this were replaced by an alpha with less restraint, it would be difficult to resist emotionally and physically. But Mu Hanfeng not only did not have the slightest bit of resistance. He was unaffected and pushed the omega away with disgust.

Since then, Mu Hanfeng has been known as the "strongest Alpha" in terms of restraint.

And today, Mu Hanfeng, who doesn't attend this kind of event every year, and this was his first, encountered this kind of poor trick just as he walked through the door. Chi Xie's movement when hitting Tong Che’s wrist wasn't obvious, even to those who were close. Basically, no one could see the problem.

Most people now looked at Tong Che with a mischievous interest in watching a good show, wondering what Emperor Mu would do with this brainless and deadly traffic star.

But contrary to most people's guesses, Mu Hanfeng looked down at the little Omega in front of him and saw the obvious shock, panic, and confusion crossing his eyes, but these emotions were only fleeting and soon turned into total calmness. Mu Hanfeng could not help but raise his eyebrows.

This little Omega, why isn't he afraid of him now?

After this thought, Mu Hanfeng realised that he wasn't as angry as he thought he was, and even wanted to laugh a little. He didn't know when his mouth had become so smart and how quickly a joke could be fulfilled. With this in mind, the corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips, which had always been pressed straight, hooked upwards slightly. The circle of people around them were even more frightened.

He's smiling! This must be the calm before the storm!

The smile was very light and fleeting. It did not even reach the bottom of his eyes. Tong Che was stunned for a while, but he quickly regained his senses. He was opening his mouth to say "I'm sorry," but he heard Lou Gui speak up before him, "Mr. Mu, I'm really sorry, our little Che didn't do it on purpose, he was just..."

Tong Che instantly realised that Lou Gui wanted to say that he was hit by someone else, so he immediately spoke up and cut off the words that Lou Gui was about to say, "Teacher Mu, I'm sorry, I was careless, I'll pay for this suit."

As if he hadn't expected him to say that, Lou Gui twisted his elbow and spoke to him in a low voice with wrinkled eyebrows, "Che, you..."

You can't afford to pay for it!

Everyone in the industry knew that Mu Hanfeng had a very strong background. He was an actor and a gold-star artist. His suit would cost at least seven figures, which could cover at least 20 of Tong Che's inhibitors!

But Tong Che didn't pay any attention to him. He just looked up at Mu Hanfeng almost stubbornly and repeated, "Teacher Mu, I'm really sorry."

After saying this, he simply bent down and gave Mu Hanfeng a 90 degree bow. The sincerity of his attitude was so profound that no one could pick out any faults.

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Mu Hanfeng raised his eyebrows again. His lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he only replied in a low voice: "No need for you to compensate, just don’t have a next time." After saying that, he no longer looked at Tong Che, and naturally, he did not spare a single glance to the stunned crowd, and turned to leave. However, Yun Su, the agent beside him, who had not said anything, looked at Tong Che twice more, and even glanced around the crowd with a warning look in his eyes.

The meaning was obvious: don't talk too much.

Those who were watching the show were instantly alerted. Although Mu Hanfeng had already walked away after the small incident without any scruples. No one remained to exchange pleasantries with Tong Che, as they all scattered like birds and beasts.

Tong Che did not care. Even if he was not in the circle, people were always like this. He was already very used to it.

Qi Xie, who had been watching the whole thing, didn't expect Mu Hanfeng to let Tong Che off so easily, and his face turned even uglier.

Tong Che no longer wanted to care about him at all. He couldn't say anything mean to him, so he simply turned around and headed for the corner. Lou Gui hurriedly followed him, while he couldn't help but think, "Xiao Che, why didn't you just say that someone had hit you?"

Other people didn't notice, but he could see clearly that Qi Xie had hit Tong Che on purpose.

Tong Che raised his eyebrows. He sometimes wondered how Yi Lou Wei's EQ and IQ got him to be an agent. It's no wonder that, apart from him, who somehow became popular, he had never brought out an artist with good results.

"What's the use of talking about it?" Tong Che asked rhetorically in a light voice, "Brother Lou, do you think Teacher Mu would believe it?"

Lou Gui gave a lurch, unable to answer the question.

Qi Xie's movements were stealthy and his force was not too strong, so even if one were to look at the surveillance, one might not be able to see anything, let alone the fact that Mu Hanfeng did not see anything.

If he really said that, Mu Hanfeng would not only not believe it, but instead become more annoyed with Tong Che.

"That Qi Xie," Lou Gui said, changing the subject, "Did he know that you had hurt your left wrist?"

Tong Che took another glass of grape juice from the tray held by the waiter next to him and took a sip before answering, "Yes, the director and the main character who were filming that ancient web drama at the time basically knew about it."

Even if it was an idol drama, it was still an ancient idol drama, and there would inevitably be shots where one had to carry a long gun or hold a sharp sword. Tong Che's left hand could not complete these actions at all, and it could only hold a cup of water without shaking.

Hearing Tong Che say this, Lou Gui asked subconsciously, "Then why didn't you tell me at that time?"

Tong Che stopped talking and looked at Lou Gui a little strangely.

It was only then that Lou Gui realised that he was far less concerned about Tong Che then than he is now. After all, at that time, he didn't know that Tong Che would be as popular as he is now, and what he was more interested in at that time was the other artist in his hands that he was putting more thought into.

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Lou Gui laughed and had to change the subject again, "Then they don't know about your hand being injured, right?"

This question was asked, and Lou Gui felt that he had asked a nonsense question again. It was obviously not known. If they knew, it would have been speculated on in the hot search again.

Tong Che subconsciously turned his head down to the bracelet he was wearing on his left wrist and shook his head, "I don't know, I told them it was an injury from previous dance practice."

It's no secret that he used to be a trainee, so it makes sense that he hurt his wrist practising dance.

Lou Gui replied, adding, "Then Qi Xie obviously did it on purpose!"

Qi Xie knew that Tong Che had a problem with his hand, and when he saw Mu Hanfeng coming, he deliberately bumped into him. Lou Gui's tone sounded very righteous and indignant, but Tong Che's expression did not fluctuate, as if he knew he had more to say.

Luo Gui’s next sentence was a direct turn of events: "But you are still starting out in the circle, listen to Lou. It's better for us to make fewer enemies. Don't bother with that bastard Qi Xie this time. Fortunately, Emperor Mu didn't want to do anything. Just take it as a lesson learned. Next time you meet Qi Xie, go around him. How about it? "

Lou Gui's words sounded very sincere and reasonable, and there was some truth to them, as Tong Che was just a sudden sensation with no background. But even so, it still couldn’t hide the fact that Lou Gui did want to protect Tong Che in his heart, but just wanted to put things to rest and leave things smooth.

Tong Che looked down and took another sip of grape juice, covering the self-deprecating smile at the corner of his lips, and nodded lightly, "I know, I’ll listen to Brother Lou."

He had gotten used to it anyway. It had always been like this, ever since he was a child. There would be no one to protect or stand up for him at all.


On the other hand, in the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, Mu Hanfeng was waiting for his assistant to bring his suit.

He had taken off the one stained with grape juice and was leaning back in the sofa, wearing only a black shirt, his long legs folded on the low table, with a cigarette between his fingertips. Yun Su watched his expression carefully from the side, and concluded after a long time, "Still in a good mood?"

Mu Hanfeng lifted his eyes to glance at Yun Su, not making a sound, not saying anything.

Yun Su's face had a complicated look. He knew that today was November 10th, a day that would hardly put Mu Hanfeng in a good mood.

But he didn't ask anything more. Instead, he talked about something else, jokingly saying, "You actually just let that little star go like that. This is really unlike the style of Great Emperor Mu."

Mu Hanfeng still didn't say anything. He took another puff of his cigarette and exhaled a smoke ring from the side of his head.

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Yun Su half-joked, "What's so special about him that he can make even our Emperor Mu differentiate himself?"

If someone else had spilled wine or grape juice on him today, Mu Hanfeng would never have let it go so lightly with a raised hand.

At last, Mu Hanfeng was willing to speak, but he still said little, as if he cherished his words as gold, "He's stupid."

"Stupid?" Yun Su didn't think so. He said, "I think he's smart; he didn't explain anything, he didn't shirk his responsibility, and his apology was sincere enough."

Yun Su could see clearly from the side and knew that Tong Che's manager originally had something else to say. Who knew that Mu Hanfeng gave Yun Su a sidelong glance and asked rhetorically, "Isn't that stupid?"

Yun Su was puzzled, "Then tell me, what would have been smart?"

Mu Hanfeng exhaled another smoke ring leisurely, flicking his long index finger on the smoke before saying slowly, "Of course, he should have been coquettish and said he’d help me wipe while throwing himself into my arms."

Yun Su had just taken a sip of water and almost sprayed it out when he heard this. What kind of dog's blood domineering president script is this!

At first, he thought Mu Hanfeng was saying the opposite, but after staring at him for half a day, he found that this man looked exceptionally calm, as if he was hiding a touch of pity.

Yun Su was now completely speechless... This beast in sheep’s clothing, this rogue, is not what he seems!

Yun Su originally did not want to continue the topic with this rogue, but then he instantly remembered that time when he unintentionally glanced at another artist who was very close to Tong Che. He had a resentful look on his face.

"However, Yun Su still decided to say it. "That little star may not have done it intentionally. The one standing next to him seems to be called Qi Xie, and his expression is not right. "

Mu Hanfeng said, "Oh," with a cigarette in his mouth, without any deeper meaning, as if he didn't care.

Yun Su didn't think there was anything wrong either; this was Mu Hanfeng he was used to. The Mu Hanfeng who had said that kind of nonsense before was probably a wandering soul that possessed the body momentarily.

Mu Hanfeng also originally thought that he really didn't care.

Just like he didn't care about the truth of Tong Che's interview, saying that his idol was him. He thought that he wouldn't care whether that grape juice was intentional or unintentional. However, when he remembered Tong Che's calm eyes and his overly dry apology, Mu Hanfeng inexplicably felt that he was stuck somewhere in the back of his mind.

That little Omega was too skilled at admitting his mistakes as if he had done it many times before.

This thought made Mu Hanfeng feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason, but before he could think further, the doorbell of his room rang, and it was his assistant who had brought his suit.

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Mu Hanfeng had to curb his inexplicable thoughts, change his suit, and go back downstairs. When he re-entered the ballroom, he was swarmed by many people as soon as he appeared, each with a flattering expression.

Mu Hanfeng casually held a glass of wine in his hand and responded perfunctorily, but his eyes couldn't help but drift around the entire hall. Only after a quick look around, did he not see the little Omega's figure.

Of course, he would not see Tong Che, because Tong Che had already left the hotel and was sitting in the car on his way home.

That kind of dinner party was, frankly speaking, for socializing. But after today's hiccup, although Mu Hanfeng didn't do anything to Tong Che, people didn't think that Tong Che was the reason for Mu Hanfeng's special treatment. They just thought that Mu Hanfeng was in a good mood today, or maybe he wasn't as unfriendly as the rumors had it.

All in all, it was more or less awkward, and fewer people came to communicate with Tong Che.

Now that the purpose of expanding his network of people has not been achieved, the photos that should have been taken when they first entered the hotel were enough. Staying any longer would only add to others' criticism. For the time being, Lou Gui could only give up and take Tong Che with him.

Tong Che was happy to be free, as he didn't like this kind of activity anyway, and had only been doing it as part of his job. Thanks to this little accident, when Tong Che arrived home, it was not even half-past nine, a full two hours earlier than expected. He didn't want to delay for a minute, so he took a quick bath and threw himself into the soft bed.

The overhead light was switched off, leaving only a small lamp in the shape of a fat mushroom by the bedside, emitting a warm yellow glow.

Tong Che felt so tired that he thought he would fall asleep quickly, but as soon as he closed his eyes, Mu Hanfeng's face inexplicably appeared in his head.

He was actually really angry with what Qi Xie had done today. If it was another person who was splashed with grape juice, as long as it wasn't Mu Hanfeng, Tong Che thought, he wouldn't have been so angry. But Mu Hanfeng was his idol. He had already left a bad first impression on Mu Hanfeng. Who would have thought that he would not be able to clear his name, but now he was adding to the "black material"!

The angrier he got, the more he couldn't sleep. After holding back, Tong Che couldn't resist getting up again, fetching a pack of cigarettes from the small drawer of his bedside table, holding one in his mouth, and lighting it up.

He only smoked when he was in a bad mood and couldn't eat dessert to relieve it.

The nicotine was really calming, and after smoking half of it, Tong Che thought of Mu Hanfeng's saying that he didn't have to pay for it, and that there shouldn’t be a next time. Tong Che would not be so narcissistic as to think that Mu Hanfeng treated him differently from others, but at least the man didn't take it personally this time. So did that mean that he didn't hate him very much?

He finished the remaining half of his cigarette, threw the butt into the ashtray, and laid back down. He put a somewhat old and fat brown bear on his pillow in his arms and closed his eyes, but this time he unconsciously slept off and the night passed quickly.

The next morning, the alarm clock went off at 7.30 a.m., and Tong Che turned it off with his eyes half-closed.

He remembered the dream he had last night. Maybe it was because he had been thinking about Mu Hanfeng before going to bed yesterday, but the dream of a young boy on the beach that Tong Che had been having for ten years broke off without warning last night. In its place, he dreamed of Mu Hanfeng.

As if dreaming about Mu Hanfeng was not enough, what was more outrageous was that he dreamt of Mu Hanfeng grabbing the back of his neck and biting it fiercely!

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