Yun Su subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed his ears, "For what...? Say it again? "

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But was Mu Hanfeng someone who was that obedient to repeat himself?
Obviously not.

He took another puff of his cigarette, threw the butt into the ashtray, and said indifferently, "Forget it if you didn't understand."

"Your uncle!" Yun Su gave him an oblique look and said, "Are you speaking a foreign language, or am I an idiot? Can't you understand this? I just didn't react for a while. "

Mu Hanfeng didn't say anything but only glanced at Yun Su.

The meaning was not too obvious-aren't you an idiot?

Yun Su chanted in his heart three lines: "I'm not angry with others. I'm not angry with myself. No one can replace me." But it was useless to be angry; the annoying artist was still his own.

"You..." Yun Su took a deep breath and spoke in a complicated tone, "Are you serious?"

When he saw the show's official announcement, Yun Su inquired through his own contacts about who the remaining guests were. He now heard Mu Hanfeng say something like this, and he naturally knew who he was going for.

Mu Hanfeng hooked his lips. "What's true or not doesn’t matter. I said it was a whim. I just found it interesting and wanted to observe more up close. "

"Tsk," Yun Su smacked his lips, "That little starlet is indeed better looking than the average Omega artist. And he's also oddly smart, but as for the rest, I really don't see it. "

Mu Hanfeng lifted his eyes to look at Yun Su and threw out three words, "You don't understand."

"You..." Yun Su had been choked by him all morning, and he really didn't want to talk to this person about this anymore. So he only instructed, "No matter what I say, you’re definitely going to be on this variety show anyway. So I won't say anything more to annoy you. Just don’t do anything scandalous when the time comes. "

"Isn't it said that I am the most restrained Alpha in the circle?" Mu Hanfeng picked up his cup of tea and took a sip, smiling, "What are you still unsure about?"

Yun Su gave a start and didn't continue the topic again. Instead of finding something else to nag about, "How many times have I told you to stop drinking such strong tea during the day. Taking sleeping pills at night and then smoking and drinking strong tea during the day is dangerous. You are 28 this year. You'll be 30 in two years. Do you do this just because you're a top Alpha? "

Mu Hanfeng nodded shamelessly, "Yes, I have the ability."

Yunsu was angry and distressed with that reply. But he also knew in his heart that Mu Hanfeng may act nonchalant, but he wasn't that happy.

Mu Hanfeng watched his back disappear through the door. After a while, he withdrew his eyes, laughed to himself, and took another sip of his strong tea.

He didn't want to think about all the old crap of the past, so he might as well think about the little pervert.

What he said to Yun Su was true; he did it on a whim and really found it interesting. But Yun Su wouldn't understand.

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Originally, Mu Hanfeng, like Yun Su, did not pay much attention to Tong Che. He could admit that Tong Che's looks and temperament could really crush all Omegas in the circle. Because most Omegas give off a sweet and cute vibe. With round eyes, cheeks full of collagen sensuality, and a pheromone-influenced temperament to match.

But Tong Che was different. His eyes were slender, with an upturned end. His face lean and delicate. His eye complexion and lip color were light. When he wasn't smiling, the whole person oozed a sense of coldness.

At first, Mu Hanfeng even guessed that Tong Che's pheromone would be a little ice-based.

Tong Che was indeed good-looking, but Mu Hanfeng himself was not such a superficial person. Speaking of character, Mu Hanfeng feels that he has no right to speak. After all, he has only seen him twice. He felt Tong Che was not the kind of person who could annoy people, but he was certainly not interesting either.

The real interest was due to the dream he started to have after the dinner party that day. It was the first time in his twenty-eight years of life that Mu Hanfeng had dreamed of an Omega, and he had temporarily marked the person in his dream.

He found it unbelievable.

Who knew that what was more incredible was yet to come?

The next night, he dreamt about Tong Che again. He was half-coerced by his manager to participate in a relationship and cohabitation variety show, and the little Omega was very reluctant to do so.

When Mu Hanfeng woke up, he asked someone to look up the show, and he was shocked. What was more amazing was that the guest list for the second season really included Tong Che! If it weren't for the fact that Tong Che was a real-live person, Mu Hanfeng would have thought that it was just a dream he made up. At that point, he only thought it was magical and didn't really want to participate.

But after that, he had the same dream four nights in a row. Sitting alone on a beach in a trance. He had a feeling that someone was watching him in the distance, but he couldn’t be sure.

It wasn't until the fifth night, the last night, that he dreamt of the same beach. Only then did the little Omega finally appear. Not only did he appear, but he changed from his detached persona in reality and very actively touched his abs!

After dreaming of the same person for several days in a row, Mu Hanfeng couldn't help it when he woke up this morning.

As far as he could recall, it had been at least ten years since he had been so interested in someone or something as he was now. He wanted to know why he always dreamed of this little Omega. He wanted to know if this little Omega really had some kind of dream-inducing superpower, and also wanted to know what this little Omega's true face really was.

That was why he decided to participate in the Love Variety Show.

The phone "buzzed" and brought Mu Hanfeng back to his senses.

He opened his phone and saw a message from the assistant director of the program "The Nth Power of Love," officially informing him of the time and place of the recording, as well as the list of prohibited luggage.

At the same time, Tong Che also received the same message. Only Lou Gui forwarded it to him.

Gathering Time: 20:00 on November 20, 2022

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Gathering place: Room 101 of the program headquarters.

Essential drugs (such as Omega suppressants, blockers, and so on), personal clothing changes, personal cosmetics, and skin care products are all permitted.

Anything other than what is mentioned above is on the forbidden list.

Tong Che stared at the last sentence for three seconds in deep contemplation. Were cohabitation variety shows so strict?

He had been on three variety shows before. One singing class and two dance classes where one left after recording. This was really his first time participating in this kind of life show, as well as a long-term stay. So he didn't quite understand the rules.

Ruan Tang on the side saw him frozen and asked, "Brother Che, what's wrong with you?"

Tong Che returned to his senses and turned his phone screen over to Ruan Tang to see.

Ruan sugar also froze after reading it. "You can't bring snacks? I was going to take this opportunity to pack a lot of snacks for Brother Che!"

"What do you want me to bring snacks for?" Tong Che laughed, "I wouldn't eat them even if I took them."

Ruan Tang's original small calculations came into play."You have been living on your own before, and your diet is strictly controlled. But now you are participating in a cohabitation variety show for almost a whole month! You must follow the program team with what they provide to eat. It is impossible to let one person open a small stove just to cook a fat-reducing meal. You won't be able to blame the crew if you get fat, though. "

Only then did Tong Che understand what Ruan Tang meant. He could have used this time to indulge. And even if he secretly ate snacks and gained weight this month or his condition regressed, he could just say it was because of the program team. But apparently, the program team knew better, and planned not to be scapegoats from the beginning.

"Don't look at me with pity," Tong Che winked and laughed, "I'm not that greedy for snacks either."

Ruan Tang arched her hand in a sincere expression of admiration. She then opened a bag of tomato-flavored potato chips by herself, chewing it with a crunch.

Tong Che swallowed saliva subconsciously. Afraid of being seen by Ruan Tang, he drank a large glass of water to hide it.

Two days passed quickly.

The official blog of the show announced all the guests one after another in the last two days.

On these two nights, Tong Che still dreamt of Mu Hanfeng.

The first night, he was still at the beach, but he secretly watched, and the two did not have any contact. And last night, probably because he was about to meet the real person later, his subconscious was so strong that he couldn't hold back. He went and asked Mu Hanfeng why he took over this variety show.

Mu Hanfeng was sitting by the beach, his silhouette gilded by the setting sun. Tong Che heard him give a low laugh and throw out two words, "For you."

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Tong Che woke up abruptly and felt that he was really bewitched.


Today, Lou Gui gave Tong Che a day off, and all his notices were postponed.

It was rare for Tong Che to fall asleep and wake up naturally, and it was noon by the time he woke up. Ruan Tang had already packed his luggage into a small case in strict accordance with the regulations of the program team.

He had to first go to the company for his hair and skin care, as well as styling. After that, he will go to the meeting place requested by the program team.

Tong Che ate lunch with Ruan Tang. But before he left the house, he turned back to his bedroom.

Ruan Tang thought he was going to get the suppressants and shouted from the back, "Brother Che, I packed a spare suppressant just in case."

Tong Che answered vaguely, "I'll pack two more just in case."

He was not lying. After all, Tong Che is not yet able to guarantee that he will be temporarily marked by Mu Hanfeng in his dreams every week. The recording will last for a month. He must bring at least four inhibitors; one is simply not enough.But in addition to this, Tong Che had to bring something else-his "sleeping necessities".

He found an opaque blue cloth bag, put all the things he wanted to take and suppressants into it, before hurriedly coming out of the bedroom and stuffing the bag into the case again.

Ruan Tang glanced at it and only thought that the cloth bag looked bulging. But did not think much of it, only thinking that Tong Che had just packed more suppressants.

Seeing that she didn't ask much, Tong Che breathed a sigh of relief. It would have been too embarrassing to explain. Tong Che and Ruan Tang went out. The car was already waiting downstairs, and it took them to the company first.

He was surrounded by the nurses, stylists, and makeup artists all afternoon before finally getting done.

At 7:45 in the evening, Lou Gui took Tong Che to the meeting point specified by the program team. The normally empty meeting room was now filled with people recording the show and various video equipment. The staff in charge of reception immediately welcomed him. The round-faced girl blushed as soon as she saw Tong Che, smiling like a small apple, "Tong... hello teacher Tong! Hello, Mr. Lou! Welcome to the "The Nth Power of love" program team!"

Tong Che brought up his signature smile, the right corner of his mouth showing a very shallow dimple, "Hello."

The young girl unconsciously stared. Lou Gui next to them, gave a cough, and she finally reacted. Blushing the more, she whispered, "I’m sorry! Teacher Tong is just so good-looking! "

Tong Che smiled and said "thank you" to her. He then asked, "Am I just waiting here for now?"

Only then did the girl remember her duty. She turned to lead the way, "I'll take Teacher Tong to the guests' rest area first. The recording will start when all the teachers have arrived. "

Tong Che responded and took his case from Lou Gui, saying, "Brother Lou, you don’t need to accompany me anymore. We'll contact each other by mobile phone if there's anything."

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"Okay." Lou Gui's expression was a little hesitant, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t because of all the people around him. In the end, he just waved his mobile phone at him. Tong Che nodded, turned around, and pulled his own suitcase to follow behind the girl. The rest area was only a large semi-circle temporarily surrounded by three soft sofas in the corner, with a coffee table in the middle, on which there were many drinks and snacks.

Tong Chey glanced around and found that there were already two girls sitting there. It was Ning Ran and Mi Beibei. The two of them were very close to each other, with Ning Ran pressed against Mi Beibei's ear, whispering something, and Mi Beibei's face having a very shy smile.

As he got closer, Tong Che deliberately coughed lightly for fear that they would be embarrassed. Mi Beibei immediately reached out to push Ning Ran. The latter let go of Mi Beibei, but one hand was still on her back.

Tong Che was the first to speak, greeting the two of them in a friendly and generous manner, "Hello, I'm Tong Che."

Mi Beibei, still shy, looked up and waved her hand at him, her voice sweet, "Hello Brother Che, I'm Mi Beibei! "

Ning Ran was calm, as if she hadn't been the one who had just been bumped into. "Little Prince Che, now I finally see you in person," she smiled as her free hand lifted the big wavy curls on her shoulder.

The little dimple at the right corner of his lips deepened as he commercially touted back, "It's an honour to be on the show with Princess Beibei and Queen Ning."

The comment coaxed both girls into laughter.

Tong Che sat down on a soft sofa next to the two of them. Probably because she found that his personality was not as cold as she had originally thought, Mi Beibei took the initiative to talk to him. She pointed to a pink packet on the coffee table and said, "Brother Che, try this. These peach flavored soft candies are delicious! "

He happily took one and popped it into his mouth. The rich peach flavour instantly filled his mouth. His eyes lit up and he nodded seriously, "It's really delicious!"

Mi Beibei's eyes curved with laughter. Ning Ran also joked beside him, "The friendship between you Omegas really only needs one candy!"

The atmosphere between the three of them was harmonious, and not far away, the program crew quietly turned on the camera to record a clip of the footage.After another two minutes, there were two more people.

It was Xiao Yao and Yin Lan.

They were both Alphas, with similar heights and body shapes. One had a nose ring, and the other had a small tug on the top corner of his eyebrow. Each looked good in their own way, and they stood together inexplicably. After introducing themselves to each other, Xiao Yao and Yin Lan sat down on the soft sofa opposite Tong Che.

Tong Che realized that there was only one empty seat left, and it was right next to him. He was mulling over this when there was another sound of footsteps at his side.

Tong Che subconsciously looked up. From his current angle, he only saw an open dark blue coat, revealing a sturdy abdomen wrapped in a black shirt. Tong Che gave a start, and his mind unconsciously recalled that dream where he touched Mu Hanfeng's abs and then got temporarily marked. The tips of his ears reddened abruptly, and he subconsciously twisted his fingertips. Not daring to look up again.

From the moment Mu Hanfeng stood here, his attention was on the little Omega, and he caught every little movement in full view.

Mu Hanfeng felt amused looking at this little Omega staring at his abs without blinking and the tips of his reddened ears without blinking. He also wanted to see how Tong Che would greet himself. It was unrealistic to reach out and touch his abs like he did in the dream, after all, there were so many people around now, but calling him "Brother Mu" should be okay, right?

After all, he had marked him twice in the dream.

Mu Hanfeng was just thinking to himself when he saw the little Omega suddenly stand up. The redness on the tips of his ears had faded away, and his face was back to the cool look it had when they first met. His tone was even more polite and distant. "Hello, Mr. Mu. I've heard a lot about you."

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