Extra 2 [fully marked] 

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The day after the wedding, all the guests invited by Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were ready to leave.

On one hand, each had their own work, and on the other, they wanted to leave Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng with a complete world of their own.

So Mu Hanfeng sent a private jet to pick them up and send them back to Yangcheng safely.

Apart from the necessary service staff, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were really the only two people left on this small island, as if they were isolated from the rest of the world.

The two were cuddled up in a beach chair on the beach, with Mu Hanfeng lying on his back and Tong Che on top of him.

The sun was warm on his body.

"Teacher Mu," Tong Che suddenly looked up at Mu Hanfeng, pursed his lips, and asked in a small voice, "When are you going to..."

He was embarrassed and paused. His voice was an octave lower, but he still mustered up the courage to ask, "When will you completely mark me?"

Mu Hanfeng's breath stagnated and his eyes instantly darkened by several degrees. He lowered his eyes to meet Tong Che's and asked in a low voice, "Isn't Tong Tong afraid?"

They both knew that although both full marks and temporary marks were marks, the feelings they brought were very different.

Temporary marking is more like a way of flirting between an Alpha and an Omega, but full marking is the Alpha making his mark on the Omega completely.

The imprint is always deep, and with something deep, it inevitably hurts.

Cocking his head in thought, Tong Che said seriously, "It's with you, so I'm not afraid."

Even though he knew it would hurt, he still wanted to be completely marked by Teacher Mu and wanted to be completely and utterly bound to this person.

Mu Hanfeng wrapped his arms tightly around Tong Che, gently stroking his back, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Then starting today, I will abstain from "eating" for a week."

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Tong Che froze and realized what Mu Hanfeng meant by "abstaining from eating." He buried his head in Mu Hanfeng's chest and whispered, "Actually... it's not necessary. My body is different from others' from the beginning, and I’m in heat every day. "

Complete marking must be done during Omega's estrus period, otherwise it would be extremely painful for Omega.

Of course, it could be done with an inducer, but naturally, Mu Hanfeng would not let Tong Che touch that stuff again.

Although it's true," Mu Hanfeng rubbed the back of Tong Che's head and explained, "I temporarily marked you just last night. Your pheromone level now is not much different from when you are not in heat, so you will definitely still be uncomfortable. It's only a week. Your husband can endure it."

What's more, Mu Hangfeng could put up with it in the current week because it meant he could enjoy it for a whole week in a row later on.

So for the next week, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng resumed their long-lost "pure" lives.

Every day, they cooked together during the day, and after eating, they went to the beach to watch the sea and sunbathe, and when it wasn't too sunny, they went swimming. When they were tired of swimming, they went back to their room to watch movies or sleep.

This was a cozy time that Tong Che hadn't experienced for so many years.

At night, it was as if the two of them were back to the days before they had confirmed their relationship, covering themselves in separate quilts and talking purely, or Tong Che would sing to Mu Hanfeng and lull him to sleep.

A week quickly went by like this.

Tong Che's heat came on time.

When he woke up in the morning, he vaguely felt it. His whole body was tired, sluggish and hot, but Mu Hanfeng didn't rush to start in order to minimise the pain he might feel.

After the two of them had eaten breakfast together, Tong Che got up from the table and his eyes went black for awhile. His feet stumbled, while a wisp of coconut fragrance emanated from the back of his neck and gradually became stronger.

Tong Che knew that now he was really in heat.

Mu Hanfeng had already wrapped his arms around Tong Che’s waist, and now simply held him by the crook of his legs, picked him up, and carried him towards the bedroom.

It had probably been too long since Tong Che had been in heat like this. Ever since he had been with Mu Hanfeng, it was absolutely impossible for Mu Hanfeng to miss biting him for more than a week, so his pheromone levels had always remained at a steady level. And now that he was experiencing this feeling all over again, Tong Che didn't feel as tolerable as before.

His body was hot, and his glands were the hottest, jumping up and down. He instinctively buried himself in Mu Hanfeng's arms, as if the closer he was to him, the more salvation he would receive.

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Mu Hanfeng hugged him, feeling his warm, soft, and hot omega leaning extremely close to him. His warm, coconut-scented breath was spraying on his chest, and at a certain moment, a stirring that had been dormant for years seemed to rise within Mu Hanfeng's body.

It was as if he had gone back ten and a half years. His breathing suddenly became tighter, and he could clearly feel that the pheromones in his body, which had been as stagnant as water for years, had suddenly rippled, and the desire to possess the person in his arms was so strong that it was about to take over his whole mind.

The short distance from the dining room to the bedroom seemed to have become a long distance at this moment, and it was impossible to walk.

Mu Hanfeng forced himself to suppress the strange feeling in his body and the strong desire in his heart. He finally took step into the bedroom and fell onto the bed with Tong Che.

Tong Che was already a bit confused, but his Omega instincts still made him sense something called danger.

After bracing himself and meeting Mu Hanfeng's eyes, Tong Che’s mind instantly cleared and he said in surprise, "Teacher Mu, your eyes are so red!"

He was like a beast in a state of attack. “ I know,"

Mu Hanfeng closed his eyes, the corners of his forehead faintly showing veins. As if he was afraid he couldn't control it, he clenched his fists tightly and propped them up on either side of Tong Che. His voice was extraordinarily raspy as he uttered three words that shocked Tong Che even more, "I'm in heat."

Tong Che froze, subconsciously murmuring, "What?"

Mu Hanfeng gasped for two breaths and repeated with emphasis, "I was induced to go into heat by you."

It had been ten and a half years since he had last been in heat, ten and a half years since he had suffered from pheromone indifference, and Mu Hanfeng had never thought that he would actually be able to experience this insane feeling again.

He had never, ever felt anything but love for this one person in front of him, whether it was ten and a half years ago or now, ten and a half years later.

Hearing Mu Hanfeng's words, Tong Che was shocked and delighted, responding in a flurry, "That's great, Teacher Mu. That's really great! "

Sure enough, with their pheromone symbiosis, nothing is impossible!

Mu Hanfeng could no longer suppress the impulse in his heart as he looked at Tong Che's smiling face, listened to his softened tone, and smelled the coconut scent of his pheromones that had become entangled with his own. The last trace of sanity burned out, and the Alpha in heat, firmly gripped his Omega's neck, warning in a hoarse voice before his lips connected to it, "Kitten, you'll soon be unable to laugh."


It didn't take long for Tong Che to appreciate that what Mu Hanfeng said was indeed true.

Never before had Mu Hanfeng's pheromones been so out of control, so out of control that Tong Che felt as if he was really drowning in the sea; even his breathing was tight.

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What was worse, was that Tong Che felt as if Mu Hanfeng's pheromones had turned into a tangible form at this moment.

At times, it was like sharp needles that were set into every inch of his bones, and at other times, they turned into a heavy hammer that struck his skin, flesh, and blood one after another.

The pain was so intense that it was truly etched in his bones!

More folds appeared in the sheets and Tong Che's senses were gradually lost. His Omega instincts made him try to escape, but he was confined and unable to move.

With his wrists caught, Tong Che could no longer hold back his cries, "It hurts too much, Teacher Mu..."

But this begging didn't work at all...

Mu Hanfeng could only pat Tong Che's back, reaching out his thumb to wipe away his tears, his voice low and deep as he continued to soothe in a thick voice.

Every second seemed to be prolonged indefinitely, and after an unknown period of time, Tong Che's consciousness seemed to have completely plunged into the deep sea.

The pain that was so deep in his bones finally subsided.

What replaced it was a feeling that Tong Che had never experienced before.

The deep sea was paved with a dense net, and the coconut green was scattered like silk.

Unlike the lightness after the temporary mark, Tong Che felt that his body was so weak that his bones felt like they were falling apart.

But there was a sense of satisfaction from the inside out in his heart. The glands at the back of his neck were also full, but no longer eager to gush out, but slowly emitting a new kind of breath.

It was a true mingling, with the scent of the ocean firmly enveloping the coconut fragrance, but it was still distinct, permeating and spreading through the ocean scent.

Mu Hanfeng had marked his Omega and felt finally complete. He had branded Tong Che as his own.

Tong Che gradually recovered, but still felt very tired, crying so much that the corners of his eyes and nose were still red.

"It's been hard on you," Mu Hanfeng leaned over. The scarlet faded from his eyes, and his whole body came out of its previous berserk state. He kissed Tong Che's eyebrows, nose, cheeks, and lips tenderly one by one, murmuring over and over again, "It's been hard, Tong Tong. You're really a treasure given to me by the heavens. "

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Tong Che curled his eyes, lifted his sore and limp arms and wrapped them around Mu Hanfeng's neck, and softly responded, "Mr. Mu is also my treasure."

His mind was still a little slow, and he paused for a moment before suddenly remembering that, to this day, he had been completely marked by Mu Hanfeng, yet he still did not know the name of his pheromone.

With this in mind, Tong Che asked, "Teacher Mu, my pheromone is called Coconut Green, so is yours... just called Sea?"

Mu Hanfeng was stunned and hooked his lips into a smile. He lowered his eyes to look seriously into Tong Che's eyes and replied word for word, "No, my pheromone is called Dark Surge."

His pheromone, called Dark Surge, lies in the dark, fierce and raging. Learning to be gentle only for Tong Che.


1.How it started

Life on the island was carefree and unrestrained. After being bitten and taken by Mu Hanfeng an unknown number of times, Tong Che's entire body was lazing on the bed, letting Mu Hanfeng give him a massage.

The two of them were chatting about something, and Tong Che suddenly turned his head and spoke with excitement, "Teacher Mu, I know when I fell in love with you!"

 Mu Hanfeng had once asked the question on the night they confirmed their relationship, but at that time, Tong Che hadn't been able to figure it out.

Until that morning, when he was watching a movie with Mu Hanfeng, he heard a line, and Tong Che suddenly felt that he had figured it out.

Mu Hanfeng rubbed his shoulder and asked with interest, "So, when was it?"

"It was not long after we met," Tong Che said embarrassedly, "the time when you started complimenting me a lot."

When Tong Che recalls it now, it seemed like he would always think about what Mu Hanfeng thought before he did or said anything.

He wanted to be complimented by Mu Hanfeng, so he always wanted to show himself, but at the same time, he was afraid of not being complimented, so he would hesitate a hundred times and be careful.

And today, the line in the film said, -

"The beginning of love is when one wants to be a peacock and open the feathers, while at the same time, one cannot help but want to hide oneself."

Tong Che was deeply convinced of this.

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