How to make a baby

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 Now, having completely left the territory of Grandile kingdom, we are moving on to the next city with Higurd-san as our coachman.

 The next city is a city under the jurisdiction of the Rookshade Kingdom. However, it doesn’t mean the city is close Rookshade kingdom, it means Rookshade Kingdom’s territory is just that vast.

 According to Higurd-san, it seems that Rookshade Kingdom has a guild built in each city. They have the same facilities and quality of adventurers scatters throughout their territory, so every city boast power as strong as the home country.

 The average rank of the adventurers there is from E to D. There are hardly any F-ranked adventurers, as for C-ranked adventurers and above, although not innumerable, there are still plenty enough of them there. How should I put it, isn’t it kida awkward for an H rank adventurer like me to head there? Who was it that recommend me to head to Rookshade Kingdom again? … Ah, I think it’s one of the advetuers in Grandile guild.

 Nevertheless, my resistance state is that of A rank, so I should be fine, perhaps. There’s also Leila-chan with me anyway, so things should be better than we were at Grandile Kingdom.

“Hey, hey, Kitsune-kun.”

 While I’m thinking about such a thing, Leila-chan suddenly calls out to me. We’ve been seated while sticking close to together for so long, so it’s getting a little hot. When I turn toward her, I see that Nico-chan, who had been sticking to Leila-chan, is taking a nap on her lap pillow. The world may be wide, but I think Nico-chan is the only person who can sleep on the lap pillow of a world-destroying (S-rank) demon. Doesn’t she like Leila-chan too much? Did something happen between them?

 Even though Nico-chan doesn’t seem to like me at all, I’m a little jealous of Leila-chan who’s liked by her. I didn’t get liked by children in my former world either, so I’d like to experience to be liked by them ever for only a little bit.

“What is it? Do you think your pee is going to leak?”

“Umm, no, that’s not it, I’m bored ♪. So let’s have a chat ♪.”

“Chat about what? … Do you want to talk about the people you’ve been eating, Leila-chan?”

“Mmm …. I don’t mind, but…. I want to talk about your, Kitsune-kun ♡.”

 About me? Haha, there’s nothing interesting about me, though! Moreover, I met Leila-chan wasn’t long after I just came to this world, if we’re talking about something before that, then that only left the time when I got my shoulder broken by that big wolf.

“What do you want to hear?”

“What about, when you were little, Kitsune-kun?”

“When I was little, huh…. when I was little, let’s see….” 

 Hmm, as far as I can remember, there’s nothing worth mentioning. Abused at home, bullied at school, and then died after getting ganged up on by classmates, there’s nothing worth talking about. I only have such trivial memories, huh.

“I don’t think I have any memorable memories.”

“Eeh, that’s boring.”

 Leila-chan with makes a dissatisfied expression with her cheeks puffed out. Even if she says so, it’s not that I have any memories worth talking about, after all. Moreover, it’s not like I can create a story that would amuse Leila-chan either. I’m not a writer, after all.

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 As the sound of the rattling carriage echoes, I give Leila a thin smile. Then the conversation is cut short and silence spreads in the wagon. It’s not to the point of being awkward, but the mood is kinda delicate.

 I can play juggling with miasma ball so I don’t particularly bored, and having have finished maintaining her sword, Rishe-chan seems to have been doing an image-training for a while now, so perhaps finding her bored with nothing better to do, Leila-chan is poking Nico-chan’s cheeck, as she’s asleep in her lap pillow. She keeps on poking Nico-chan’s squishy cheeks with her finger, causing her to groan each time.

 And then, Leila-chan, who’s staring Nico-chan while laughing, suddenly lifts her head, as if just recalling something.

“Say, Kitsune-kun ♪!”

“What’s it?”

“While I was talking to Nico the other day, she asked me something! But I didn’t know the answer myself, so I thought I’d ask you about it when I had the chance, Kitsune-kun, but…  is it okay if I ask?”

 Something Leila doesn’t know? Do I even know about it then? Children’s questions are sometimes pretty critical, so it’s kinda scary. …… But, well, I’ll at least hear it out. I take a listening stance where my gaze meets with Leila-chan’s.

 Then, Leila throws me a very outrageous question.

“… How do you make a child?”


 Rishe-chan, who is meditating, is even taken aback.

 When I turn to Rishe-chan, perhaps embarrassed, she begins coughing with her face flushed red. Well, among all of the questions of a child from a normal family, it’s certainly the one that shines as the number one most difficult question to answer. By the way, in the family where the mother or father were divorced or even dead, the question of “Where is my mother (father)?” was also difficult to answer.

 I stare at Leila-chan’s face.  And then, perhaps in wonder why Rishe-chan is taken aback, Leila-chan is showing a bewildered expression.

 This matter, she probably seriously doesn’t understand about it…. how to make a child. Well, it’s not like I’m completely aware of Leila-chan’s past, or rather her origin, so I can’t really talk about her, but she’s called the demon of miasma (virus),  I think she’s most likely formerly a human. I’m sure she’d only turned into a demon after getting infected by “Red Night”. Not that I have any evidences about it, though.

 If she was infected at a very young age, and was in a state of rampage until she met me afterwards, so if she had’t received even the bare minimum of sex education prior to that, it’s no small wonder that she knows nothing about it.

“Come on, Kitsune-kun? Do you know how? Tell me about it!”

 Leila-chan grabs my clothes and then pulls on them. Her eyes, though blood-like red, they sparkle purely like that of a child’s. So cute.

“How to make a child, huh…. let’s see, frankly speaking, you can make them by having an intercourse.”

“Kitsune! You’re a fit two prank!”

“You’re slurring, you’re slurring, Rishe-chan. You’re getting to worked up, what’s with that ‘fit two prank’?”

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 Are you a rapper? Rishe-chan interjects in our conversation with a slur that makes me want to jab at her. So, you must be a virgin, right? Fit two prank! YO! Just kidding.

 Be that as it may, Leila-chan is still having a bewildered expression. She doesn’t seem to understand inercourse is. At a time like this, she would next ask ‘What is intercourse?’ or something along those lines. I guess this is one of those you-dig-your-own-grave pattern, starting from the moment I summoned up courage to answer that difficult to answer question.

“What is intercourse?”

“Alright, saw that one coming.”

 It’s as expected. Rather, Leila-chan, after lusting over me that much, you’re actually that pure inside? Can’t you can stop sending me such a pure gaze, that only makes it harder for me to answer.

 Perhaps Rishe-chan also similarly think so, as she avert her eyes from Leila-chan, with her face slighlty blushing. But well, it’s indeed quite hard to explain. But, you know what, Rishe-chan. If you don’t quickly answer that question, the child will ask for something more outrageous, you know? For example…

“Ah! Then, Kitsune-kun, show me… that intercourse thing!”

 …This kind of thing.

 Considering that the one asking this is an innocent airhead carnivorous Yandere demon, what is this situation? I’m a late-bloomer and earnest cherry boy, you know? It’d be a waste to throw away the virginity I’ve been protecting for so long over something like this, you know? Once I get rid of it, I can’t regain it again, you know?! Do you get that?! Besides, I don’t even have a partner for it, you know, a partner.

“Leila-chan, intercourse somethat that is done by two people, a man and a woman, so I can’t do it alone.”

“Aren’t I here? And Rishe, too♪.”

“Are you an idiot?”


 I smack on Leila-chan’s head once, since she unconsciously keeps on asking such strange things. She says it hurts when I smack on her head, but in reality, I bet it doesn’t. I mean, my strength stat is lower than Leila-chan’s resistance stat, after all. Rather, it’s my hand that hurts. Well, my resistance is pretty high, so it heals right away, though.

“You see, Leila-chan. I have no other choice, so I’ll explain it to you step by step from the beginning, alright.”

“Huh? Yeah ♪ Tell me, tell me ♪”

“Kitsune, umm… are you sure it’s going to be alright even if you tell her about it?”

“How should I fool her then?”

“…. like, growing out of the ground or something….”

“Are you idiot?”


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 Is everyone in this world such an idiot? In my world, there was a way to fool them by telling that a stork would bring the child to them or something, but growing out of the ground? Scary, this world baby crawls out of the ground on their own? They’re already so tough even at birth. Born while covered in mud, what kind of adolescent manga is that? Moreover, they’d make them their own child? The child is tough, while the parents are brazen, huh.

 I also smack Riese-chan’s head once. This time, it sould be more or less hurt since my strength is higher than her resistance. For now, I’ll just ignore Rishe-chan and focus on explaining to Leila-chan about how to make a child, step by step.

“Leila-chan, first of all, do you know the difference between a boy and a girl?”

“Yes, a boy has a slightly tough meat, while a girl has a tender and easy to eat meat♪. Their tastes are about the same, though♡.”

“I’m not talking about their meat.”

 I didn’t expect the explanation of the differences between men and women to lead on to the subject of meat.

“Well, first of all, there is a difference in body structure between men and women.”

“Men don’t have boobs, do they♪?”

“That’s right, first of all, women have boobs and men don’t. And there’s another difference.”

“Err…. their hair length or something?”

“No, that’s not it. The genitals are different.”

 It’s quite hard to explain this part, I feel like Leila would say, “I don’t understand, let me see” in the middle of it. They’re just a lump of curiosity, children in such a situation. I have to explain very carefully.


“Genitals are the organs for making babies. Both men and women have them between their legs. In men it’s called a penis and in women it’s called a vagina.”

“Do we also have them, Kitsune-kun?”

“Yes, we do. So if you put a man’s penis in a woman’s vagina, you can make a child. The end.”

“Isn’t that too concise?!”

 I explain it briefly because it’s too much of a pain to explain. Rathe, why do I have to teach her how to make a child in detail? Even Rishe-chan is curious about it, even though she’s acting all shy, in the end that’s what child making is all about.

 Well, I have no experience about it, though. I’ve never had a partner to do it, though. I’m not sad, though, because I’m not interested in that, after all. I’m serious, I’m a healthy youth, after all.

“Say, Kitsune-kun♡.”

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“What’s it? Leila-chan.”

“Your penis? Let me see it♪!”

 When Leila-chan asks me that, just as I’ve expected, I smack her head once again. She seem to ask Rishe-chan the same thing, but she seems to refuse it in the end. To top it all off, when she tries to take off Nico-chan’s clothes, Rishe-chan and I have to do our best to stop her.

 In the end, I decide to educate her a little more about shame, manners and morals afterwards.

◇ ◇ ◇

 Then we ride on for a while, and when it is around noon, we decide to have lunch in light of the horse’s break. Fortunately, I know that Rishe-chan is a good cook, so I ask her to cook something simple with the food we had bought and simple cooking set. In the meantime, we’re on alert for our surroundings. In the meantime, we have to be vigilant about our surroundings, because it’s not strange if a demonic beast or something comes out, after all.

 By the way, we’re in a bit of a forest. There aren’t as many trees as in the forest near Miniera, and there aren’t enough trees to block the sunlight. There is a road where carriages can pass through, and perhaps because it’s daytime, it doesn’t feel so dangerous.

 Also, I’ve hammered some details into Leila-chan, who had also asked Higurd-san, ‘Let me see your penis’. When I tell her that she shouldn’t ask such questions, and that she shouldn’t show it to anyone other than people she really like, she seems to properly understand it.

 Well, when she said “Then, it’s not a problem for us to show ours to each other, right? Because I love you so much, Kitsune-kun” right after, I could only let out a sigh. And then, I decided to teach her that she shouldn’t so it so easily even to someone she likes. I feel like I have a big child.


 While I’m thinking about that, the miasma, that I have spread to detect any enemies around 200M radius with me at the center, senses the presence of a human. When I notice that they aren’t moving, I find that suspicious. It doesn’t seem that they’ve noticed us, so what’s going on?

 Thinking so, after telling Higurd-san to move away a bit, I decide to try checking out that presence.

 As I pass through the the trees, I come closer to that presence. The number is one person, and rather than standing, that person seems to be lying on the ground. Has that person perhaps fallen unconscious?

 When I come to the point where I can see that presence with my own two eyes, the one lying there is a white haired girl. Rather, she’s fallen unconscious while leaning on a tree. She has white hair so I was a bit wary that might be apostle-chan for a moment, but she is apparently not her.

 As I get closer, she seems to be around the same age of me, or perhaps slightly older. She seems to be taller than me, but perhaps thanks to the long white hair of hers, she looks somehat more like a mature woman.

“Hmm? Is that her luggage?”

 Then, I notice a large luggage bag next to her. That’s probably hers.

 But still, why does she fall unconscious here?

“… for now, I guess I’ll take her to the other first.”

 It’s just, leaving her alone like this would be slightly awkward, so I decide to use my miasma to carry her, along with her large luggage, back to where the other are.

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