It wasn’t just Yus. Most of the assassins, who came and went to get requests and money, including the guild leader’s brother-sister, were ignorant of these things.

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Well, in the world of this novel, they were more of a cameo than me.

The assassins usually appear to highlight the strength of the main character’s party? The lines they usually say are ‘Kuhk’!’, ‘Kohk!’, and ‘Ugh!’.

Nina, Nick, and Yus may also be the assassins who appeared and disappeared like that in the novel. It is better not to expect a regular and sincere life from those who live such a life.

I stepped back with a disapproving look, but I started nagging because I couldn’t bear to watch Yus washing the dishes.

“Yus, what do you think of the dark red sauce on this plate here?”

“Hey, it’s just that. This is my first time…….”

Seeing his face blushing with embarrassment and dipping the dirty dishes back into the water, I acted like the director of the orphanage and went through the other dishes.

“Then what do you think of the grease stains on the back of this plate here?”


“Because of you, I have to start all over again. Come out, it’s okay. I don’t have time for this.”

“What are you doing? Playing house?”

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What a surprise, these assassins.

It was time to get used to it, so every time I got caught, I got used to it.

I rolled my eyes, frozen, and saw Nick standing behind us, approaching without making a sound like a cat.

He, who has been wearing a jacket since I came, frowned when he saw the dishes were being washed away.

“What is with the dishwashing?”

“I have to. Because of this, bugs and mice come and the house looks messy…… ”

“Oh, that’s enough, Come on out. This small thing is destroying the whole house. As expected, children are annoying.”

Nick was just as much of a hindrance to work as Yus. Even though he pretended he wasn’t interested in what I was doing, he secretly intervened in every detail, meddling and trying to take away my job.

I stared at Nick, who was washing the dishes in a messier way than Yus.

“If anyone sees it, they will think that only our house is flooded.”

“Anyway, I wiped it clean. I think some water splashed…… ”

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“The floor will all rot.”

“You can put a new one on.”

…… In my family, Nina is poor and I am poor, but only Nick is rich.

I wouldn’t even say anything if the dishes had been cleaned. I inspected Nick’s clean bowl and caught a glimpse of the brown condiment that had stuck to it.

“You can dip the bread with this.”

“Yus did this.”

“Uncle did it.”

Nick, who had been groaning as if he had at least a conscience, said curtly.

“Where you try. How good you are.”

Hey, I was going to do it anyway.

I washed the dishes perfectly, with the two men next to me burning their eyes to find a speck of dirt in the dishes.

Then, out of the bowls that I had wiped dry with a dry cloth, I took out a wide dish and sliced up the bread and cheese that Yus had bought.

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Seeing how I plated the sparkling water that Nina bought for me the other day, and pouring it into three chipped cups, I was proud that it had a vintage charm.

“Here. This.”

I was excited about eating at the table that had been moved to the sunny window a few days before, but I was startled when Nick threw something out of the blue.

What came into my hand was an ointment in a flat tube. The flower pattern engraved on the lid and the fragrant smell seemed to be different from those rolling around the office.

“Did you buy a new one?”

“Apply it to your hands before bed.”

It looks very expensive.

Really, Nina is poor and I am poor, but only Nick is rich.

Although I was not satisfied with it, I expressed my gratitude with a kind smile.

“Thank you.”

He rubbed my hair wildly like petting a dog, then took the tray I had plated on and walked away.

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When I went to the round dining table, Yus and Nick, who were setting the tableware, were arguing.

“Don’t mess with Meg.”

“Are you out of your mind?”

I was listening to Yus, who was arguing with an old man in his late twenties. As I approached, Yus immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Even though it was midwinter, the window sill at dusk was warm enough to give a drowsy feeling.

We ate an early dinner watching the orange sky fade through purple to deep navy blue.

“What about your sibling?”

“He must be eating well alone. Butter is running out, so I have to buy it later.”

When Nick asks about his younger sibling, who will be waiting for him alone at Yus’s house, the boy replies as if it was no big deal.

Yus was the breadwinner for his 6-year-old younger brother. Since Yus earns money, his younger brother must have already become proficient at all sorts of housework. It was common among commoner children.

Nick shook his head, pulled a canteen from his bosom, and gulped vodka.

I don’t expect much from a life at the bottom, but anyway, they can’t live without alcohol.

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