I am not a person who has a strong resistance to being used by others. I also think that if I can get some benefit from it, that’s it. If I hadn’t known about <JaSV>, I would have been content with what I would have been satisfied with.

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But I am someone who has already read the Duke’s intentions several times.

Even if he always looks so relaxed, he was actually unstable, like a ticking time bomb you are.

If I make a mistake, I’ll get caught up in his rampage, and I don’t want to take a big risk.

… I couldn’t say that, so I said it with a sullen face.

“I don’t know, Duke. I only have a slightly higher purification rate… It’s not even that great…. And because of me, no one can graduate……. That person must have prepared hard……. Do Ireally have to go to school?”

Did it work?

The Duke looked at me with a slightly softened expression and gently stroked my head.

“Oh my, Betty.”


“Don’t talk like that and go if you want to go.”


I thought he would act like that.

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I didn’t even expect that this would work.

After I made up my mind to properly run away from the Duke, I thought a lot. And I realized that the most necessary thing to run away from him is external force.

Just as Christine got rid of Janus by enlisting Duke Gladio in <JaSV>, I also needed to make friends with other nobles.

“There is no need to delay. I will send a visiting card to Count of McEuena right away. That S-class kid is probably your age. Think of it as making friends and preparing lightly.”

First, from the next head of the County McEuena.

It will serve as a very good stepping stone when expanding my influence in the noble society.

In addition, since it was Christine’s family, I knew everything about the family

I was thinking about this and that to come up with my perfect third escape plan, and suddenly the Duke said with a little nervousness as to what he thought of me.

“Betty, once again, even a C-level guide is a valuable asset.”

“Yes. I know.”

I didn’t know what the hell he wanted, so I looked at him with a rather puzzled face, and a heavy sigh flowed from his mouth.

“Really…… I wasn’t going to do this…….”

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What else?

I was nervous because I didn’t know what else was going on in that nutjob’s head.

Suddenly, the boy’s face softened and the sensitive impression disappeared, leaving a beautiful and friendly smile that could be called a snow fairy.

“Regardless of your rank, I will always envelope you in love. So don’t worry too much.”



oh my god.

‘How can a person blush that much?’

I looked at the boy’s ears, which were as red as his eyes.

“Stop staring.”

“Yes, yeees.”

I hastily lowered my eyes.

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If people were doing something that they don’t usually do, they’re going to die in near time.

I don’t know who said it, but I sincerely hope it’s true.


Maybe the World Tree be immersed in deep sorrow?

The winter wind has suddenly become bitter over the past few days, and the whole world is covered in pure white due to the heavy snow that fell overnight.

As the girl rushed down the stairs, she saw a carriage crossing the white snow field.

An ivory chariot drawn by four handsome white horses was engraved with lilies, representing Janus. Due to the heavy snowfall last night, it seems that they arrived in a carriage rather than a sedan.

She quickened her pace.

Sixteen-year-old Yelena, who was serving as mistress in place of Countess McEuena, who had passed away earlier, went around the whole house and personally inspected things from top to bottom

She double-checked and checked again, but she couldn’t be relieved. All sorts of worries ran through her head even at this moment as she headed for the parlor.

Stepping inside her, she heard Christine chattering brightly.

“…… Then the Duke, Dad, Dad, the Duke gave Christine ‘Mermaid’s Tears’ as a gift, right? But Christine didn’t pick it up. The reason was…….”

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Her father’s disapproval fell over Yelena’s head as she sneaked into the corner.

“Yelena! Oh my God, what is that about you? Go upstairs and tie your hair properly. If your mother saw you now, tsk tsk.”

Hearing the mention of her mother, the girl’s shoulders shook.

She always insisted on dressing like a grown-up to take the place of her mother. Today, however, she was dressed up a little differently.

When she stood in front of the mirror wearing a drab dress that reached all the way to her neck and her hair that didn’t allow even an inch of disheveling, her already dull and ugly face looked even more gloomy.

‘But Dad is right. I’m the eldest daughter, so I have to set an example like an eldest daughter…… Why did I act immature when an important guest came? I must have gone out of my mind for a second.’

It was all done to look good to a handsome boy a year younger than him, but looking back now, she wondered if he would look at her favorably.

‘He’ll be disappointed that I’m not decent.’

No, in the first place, what kind of lady would jump so desperately at a single word of ‘I remember’ spoken out of courtesy.

‘Maybe he’ll see my appearance today and spread rumors in the social world.’

But if she doesn’t get married on time, her younger siblings’ marriage will be blocked, and then her father will try to dispose of her, even for Christine’s sake.

Yelena shuddered as she thought of the bleak future.

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