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As soon as the door closed, Matthew immediately started a quarrel with me.

“You are ugly.”

Yes, you’re uglier.

But I shouldn’t entertain this guy.

I just nodded my head a few times and took a sip of milk with strawberry jam and honey.

While I was enjoying the sweet and sour taste that filled my mouth, Matthew pulled my pigtails again.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s messy. Who braided your hair?”

Duke Janus.

It was sloppy at first glance, but there was a reason no one pointed it out.

“Young Master, can I go to the bathroom for a minute?”


“Please play quietly here.”

In the meantime, the nanny left the children and left the room.

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‘I was prepared, but it’s really a spectacle.’

It’s not that I don’t understand why the nanny was in such a hurry to leave. She must want to quickly hide one of the stolen earrings from the master somewhere.

Maybe it won’t go the way you think, but good luck, Jane.

I was watching Jane’s back disappearing, but my hair was pulled all the way again, so I turned my head nervously.

“Ah! What else?”

“Are these all freckles? Ugh, dirty.”

This kid is really, I’m trying to be nice.

Matthew pressed my cheek with his index finger and smiled when our eyes met.

In <Just a Small-fry Villain>, he had a somewhat attractive tsundere concept, but excluding him as Christine’s younger brother, it was a dislike that only aroused deep irritation.

“If it’s dirty, don’t touch it.”


It seemed that he had been glaring at me badly from before, and was very eager.

‘Christine and Yelena are still being moderately good, but why is this guy like this?’

Stupid idiot.

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“Oh, what are you looking at? Are you angry?”

“No, I’m annoyed.”

“Ha? Annoyed? What to do if you are annoyed? Are you going to treat me like that? You don’t even know your place? Ha. Come on.”


He pulled my hair again.

Should I do this to a kid who is smaller than me?

Matthew grabbed my cheek right away and thrust his ugly face into me not long after having a full lunch.

“Stupid. You don’t even know how to be grateful…….”


What did this kid grow up watching?

Why do you close your eyes?

I punched this crazy 10-year-old in the forehead with all my might.

“Ack! Th, this……!”

The one who was talking about predators fell out in one fist.

I kicked out the door and ran out into the hallway. In the distance, Matthew could be heard running wild.

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“HEY! Come back here! You can’t even do a proper fist!”

It’s a good way to wipe out the dust while the bread is eaten, but I wanted to mess with Matthew in a simpler and more perfect way.

I got up one more floor, turned left, and ran straight until I saw a closet with a sliding door. The place where Christine, possessed in <Just a Small-fry Villain>, hid for a while to avoid Duke Janus who invaded her house.

I glanced back at Matthew, who was running after me eagerly, panting.


Matthew ran after the red hair of a crazy girl who had come to his house.

Something like a squirrel is so nimble……. But she didn’t go far.

Matthew chased the fleeing child upstairs and stood in front of a closet where Betty was supposed to be hiding.

‘It’s true that all commoners are stupid and arrogant.’

If she ran away from someone else’s house, would she be able to escape properly?

She was stupid enough to provoke him into something so pointless.

It felt good to think that she would hide inside and see him approaching and tremble in fear. He has to beat her until tears flow from her big, round eyes.


But when he opened the closet door, all he could see was musty cleaning tools.

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Before the doubts even went away, someone pushed Matthew from behind and slammed the closet door shut. He tried to open the door, but the sliding door was held at an angle to prevent it from opening, so it wouldn’t budge.

“Hey! Open it!”


There was no answer, but Matthew was sure.

The one who locked him in the closet must be that ugly, cheeky kid.

“Won’t you open it? Open quickly! Open up when I’m still nice! You’re so mean…….”

“Why am I mean?”


“Lord Matthew, who was beaten, is an idiot.”

“Hey, this crazy girl! Aaaagh! Idiot!”

Betty left the rampaging Mathhew in the closet and leisurely went downstairs.

She had just arrived at the parlor and was about to try the apple pie she was eating, but the door burst open and Jane, the Count’s nanny, came in and asked,

“Oh, why are you alone? What about the Young Master?”

“Ah…… Lord Matthew?”

Betty, who was looking at Jane with a fierce face, smiled slightly.

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