“Tell me, Betty. Do you remember what you ate? If you don’t remember, you could be at a disadvantage.”

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“I only ate apple pie, strawberry milk, caramel pudding, and waffles with syrup.”

Oops, the sparks are flying this way.

I secretly slipped on mentions of Jane, who was not here, to escape the narrowing investigation.

“I remember that the nanny really liked chocolate.”

Christine asked coldly, raising one eyebrow.

“Can you take responsibility for what you said?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Stop it, Christine. Who cares who ate that chocolate, really?”

“What did you eat, Sister? Tell me.”

“This…… this child really…….”

Christine interrogated her eldest sister and at the same time rang the bell and called for a servant.

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“Yes, Miss. Did you find it?”

“Bring Jane and Sophie.”

For a moment, I thought about whether I should give credit to Christine rather than Yelena for that enormous charisma, but I changed my mind again.

Even if she reigns as a family tyrant, Christine will be possessed anyway at the age of 18. Therefore, the position of the next head of the County Mceuena was supposed to go to Yelena.

“To me, Matthew and Yelena seem to be the owners of this clean fork, am I right?”

I responded in the most polite tone possible to the sudden question.

“Yes, that’s right, Lady. Only me and the nanny touched the food on the table.”

“I guess so. When you commoners see something like this, they rush in crazy.”

“Wow, you are very wise, Lady. That…… Genible? Genity?”


“Ah right. You must be a genius.”

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Christine’s eyes were scanning my flattery up and down, perhaps wary of it. But her lips couldn’t bear the coming ‘huht’ laughter.

Living as a tyrant of the County, she must have heard enough compliments, but when one sees what they like, wouldn’t compliments only aggravate their thirst the more they drink them, like salt water?

Just in time, the maid who was supposed to bring Jane hurriedly came up again and reported.

“Oh, Miss, I’ve been looking all over the mansion, but I can’t find Jane.”

“Really? What about Sophie?”


When the maid gestured, the lady’s maid who had been pale beside her made excuses in gibberish words.

“Miss, I’m sorry! I was really going to tell Jane about what Miss said, but Mary told me to bring Miss’ dress that she left…….”

“Sophie, do I have to listen to you?”

“Hup. I’m sorry, Miss.”

“I have to go down and listen to the piano, so go find Jane. Got it?”

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Now Christine had a good idea who was the real culprit who ate her chocolate. Yelena and I were able to leave the room only after being given permission.

“Shall we go down?”

On the way to the dining room, Christine continued to complain.

“I knew it. Jane needs to be enlightened on food. Anyway, she chooses only the embarrassing things to show to others.”

“In my hometown, they say that eating well brings good luck.”

“What do you know? I’m telling you this in advance, but you shouldn’t do that with foods at school, okay? Don’t embarrass me.”

“Ah, no matter how humble I am, it will damage Lady’s reputation.”

Christine, who had laughed at my special flattery, suddenly had a straight face. I was nervous about what she would say, but soon she opened her sharp eyes and looked at me.

“Are you doing the same to the Duke as you are doing to me now?”

At that moment, I was so shocked that the words ‘Please help me!’ almost came out of my mouth, but I kept my calm expression and asked back.

“Yes? What did I do?”

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“You don’t know what that is?”

“Yes, sorry. Please teach me.”

“It’s okay to pretend to be naive in front of me, to pretend you don’t understand. But the rest is up to you. If it were you, shouldn’t you understand enough if I said this much?”


“Well, it’s better to be overly crafty than to be stupid. I like you right now. And I don’t like just anyone.”

“Tha, thank you.”

In any case, following Yelena, it was clearly seen in Christine’s eyes. She will be possessed later, but her temper is enormous, so there was nothing wrong with being seen well right away.

When I came downstairs, I heard a beautiful piano melody from the hallway. We followed the sound of the piano into the room where the Duke and Count were waiting.

Upon entering, a middle-aged man who appeared to be a musician was playing a large piano in the center, and a log fire was burning in a large fireplace on one wall. And among the seven chairs surrounding the piano in a semicircle, the Count and the Duke were sitting in the center.


As soon as she entered the room, Christine, who had returned to being a cheerful and lovely child, fluttering her radiant blonde hair, ran and landed on her father’s lap.

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