I Login Alone

Chapter 251: 251

Jung Si-woo stopped moving while having a pleasant meal. I felt like I heard someone scream in my head. That's the voice of a woman he knows well.

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“Mmm-hmm, this happens a lot these days. ”

“It's natural for one moment to become strange in a terrible battle, brother. But I'm going to be with you forever. ”

“No, I actually heard it. ”

Jung Siwoo listened to Su 'arin's words, leaning against him and making a loud noise...... He creamed the body of the Baptist god Reyre neatly into his mouth. This leaves no trace of the Baptist God in any world.

Since his dominance had reached level 7, he was able to exert his dominance in any way, so he was mainly choosing the best way to make God's flesh his own…… or how to eat it.

“I'm still on the pill, considering the lack of progress I've made so far with the use of extortion. ”

“Okay, so who's next? Given that Reyre was aware of our intrusion and was preparing for it, an ambush operation would be almost pointless now. ”

“That's right. So the next batsman has a big head start. ”

Jung Shi Woo said something and Su Arryn stopped moving. Unfortunately, others were too busy dealing with Reyre's clans to hear about it. I was in desperate need of someone to tackle me with Suarin!

“Hedeaa is the head of the class! I was joking, but are you crazy? ”

“But so far, you've mostly invaded the Hedeaan Parish. If I leave Hedea alone in this situation, Dussein might eat Hedea first. I must eat Hedea first. ”

Perhaps there is already a fierce battle going on in the world of Hedea. It's also a buyer that Jung Si-woo was after somewhat.

Hedea is a god powerful enough to overthrow Dussein based on the power of his own body. He dug Hedea to see which of the Hedea and Dussene should be targeted first.

“Let's attack the waves balanced like that……. ”

“You can't do that. We need men to fend off single gods like Hector and Setnak. That's Dusseine's dig. ”

Now there was no way of knowing what calculations were being made in Jung Si-woo's head. If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that my mind works very well only when I'm fighting someone. When he said it was right to do this, it was generally right.

“And I'm sure Dussein knows that. That's why they'll try to take Hedea faster and faster. If you don't want to play any more games with me. ”

“So let's get into that midget and eat Hedea. And put an end to the chaos that so many gods are gathering……. ”

“Half me, half our roots. ”


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How did you know he was calling out to you? Ceiraxia swiftly clears out the nearby trembling crowds and approaches him. Jung Shiwoo pictured the image of Ceiraxia perfectly handling the power of Hedea as she stroked him.

‘Okay, I think that's pretty cool. ’

He did not want to be the absolute last, nor did he want to gather the power of the gods together, so he did not hesitate to share his power with his servants.

Therefore, Yuko's power, which had already taken away the gods that had eaten Yugo's fragments and extracted from them, was largely transferred to Eriu. Ah, the God of Metals has done all the work.

“Wow, I knew when I came at Lya without hesitation, but our scale has really gotten bigger. ”

“When are you going to start talking? ”

“Four days ago, four days ago! ”

Yes, Jungwoo ran breathlessly for the past four days to take full advantage of the time when the gods could move in secret.

As soon as the fight started with Lya, I went straight to another god's world and cleaned up his mess. Of course, it didn't cost that much in time, but the group who had to watch every moment of death tasted like death.

[……! ……. …………!?]

“Hey, I thought I heard you again. ”

“Sounds like a hallucination.”

“I don't know.”

I am ashamed to say this to myself, but Jungwoo has already become completely out of human perception. His body is no longer an ordinary body, but is integrated with magic and spirit in real time.

The truth that I wanted to obtain in the pursuit of the dragons of the past was now being learned naturally by devouring countless gods and raising myself up. As long as he heard voices, the voices must have deep meaning.

“Okay, let's take this hallucination seriously after eating Hedea. ”

“You're worried about losing your player. ”

“Arin, Serra looks hurt a lot. Heal me."

“Oh my God, I was so bad at pretending not to know. ”

Now his henchmen have grown unharmed by the battle with the twisted gods, but the problem was Reyre's stash of support.

Even though Jung Si-woo moved in secret, when three days passed after he first went hunting for God, all the gods realized Jung Si-woo's movements, and Leire was also trying to cooperate with Jung Si-woo in keeping with the other gods in the alliance.

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You were able to defeat the gods, including Reyre, without a problem, but you couldn't help but hurt the group in the process. Had it not been for the divine power of Suarin, which is growing rapidly, someone would have died already.

“Sir, are you sure you want to hunt Hedea? ”

“Yes, everyone gather around. We'll get right to it. ”

“No, wait a minute, brother. It's hard enough dealing with the gods following Hedeaa. ”

“I'd go anywhere with Shu! ”


[It's too late to give up, Serra. Who the hell are you trying to convince? Let's just go before we lose power.]

When Yongseongha, who had received the Master of Suarin, tried to persuade Jung Shiwoo somehow, the group rushes in after all the wound treatment. Jung Si-woo held Yong-seok's head and immediately triggered a cartoon.

[Hedea, you are so pathetic now! Where have all the gods that followed you like your mother sent you to adoption because you no longer have milk?]

[Poor thing's got a blood clot around his neck while he's hiding behind barking.]


Indeed, war had already begun in the world of Hedea, which was passed through the Great Comic. A war between Hedea and the few other gods who followed him, and Dussein of the Legion, and the gods who made her the dominant force!

“Okay, we're not there yet. ”

“Yeah. Strangely, they're too late to notice us. ”

Jung Si-woo recently succeeded in achieving the Hidden Skill Master, but that's not the only reason. Perhaps because he has not yet reached God's domain, he is not included in their boundary targets.

No matter how high they are and how many Mana they have, no matter how many gods they absorb, there is still a wall between the gods and the dawn. Let alone whether Jung Si-woo can't cross it or not.

“But I don't have much time. Root, your role here is important. ”


Ceiraxia nods forcefully. This world was a world filled with water that neither heaven nor earth knew, like the world where the nature of Hedeaa resides.

Of course, the gods have enormous mana, so they can withstand anything, whether it's underwater or lava, but the power itself degrades and you can't help but drink it. However, Jung Siu's group has Ceiraxia, who handles the power of water like Hedea!

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“Can you do it? ”


The two powers alongside each other are truly humble to Ceiraxia, but now Ceiraxi has the presence of Zhongxiu to assist her in her abilities! Even after entering this world, there was no reason to be afraid, even Grandma Hedeaa and Jung Siu, who continue to dominate the world's mana.

“Root, root, root. ”

Ceiraxia still swims forward, preserving her human form. The stream of water that he produces frees the group of Jung Si-woo. It was like flying freely through the sky. As she smiles, she sprints into the wind. We're still on the scene!


Of course, it was Hedea who noticed the defect first. …… by the standards of the gods, she was in the shape of a very large woman, who, instead of manipulating the water to attack other gods, realized that some waters were flowing in different directions than she intended.

[Oh, my God.]

It was a shock that followed the realization. How dare someone who hasn't even reached God yet invade his own world! Of course, there is only one person who can do that. Jung Si-woo! The one who defeated his family with his infinite body in the lower world!

[Don't look at me like that!]

[Aha, he's here?]

The gods allied with Dussene attacked without missing the disturbance that Hedea saw, but Dussein, who was watching from behind, knows what is happening now. That's very good. She was going to hunt Jung Siwoo from here with Hedea.

[Young Dragon, I really can't reach this far... ….]

It is true that she has made great use of the flow he has created so far. But this is more than enough. He became powerful enough to ridicule the gods on mortal themes, and most of all, it was too soon.

Hector and Setnake are enough to get her out of control! I don't know what Jung Si-woo was up to, but this was as far as he could go.

[I've been waiting, weakling!]

[I've been watching you, young dragon! How does it feel to be on the last stage?]

Hedea and Dussene responded to Jung Siu at the same time. However, Jung Si-woo did not answer them both. He was stunned by the countless gods that make up Hedea.

‘They said it was a gathering of gods. That's not a woman. That's not a man. That's what computers would look like if they got intelligence. ’

But from now on, I had to eat him myself. Jung Shiwoo controls the currents of Ceiraxia and separates himself from the rest of Ceiraxia.

“You stop him! ”

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“You want us to die!? ”

“I didn't raise him that weak! ”

As they reveal their identity, some of the attacks on Hedea and some of the tides of Hedea fly towards Jung Siu's group. However, Jung Siu, holding one hand of Ceiraxia, dared to break through the center with a hammer in the other hand.

“Hedea, let's do this! ”

[One day, I was looking forward to the day you stood in front of me...!]

Jung Siu ran into Hedea in a really subtle way and confronted him in the form of covering all the gods who stood opposite Hedea. The rest of the party stiffens up their defensive posture behind them, executing a deadly blow. Jung Si-woo told us to stop, because it was all the other gods except Hedeaa.

After this, he had to hold out until he had eaten Hedea safely. I can't believe you're asking me to do something so ridiculous!


[What, you're so small you can't even feel it.]

[…… They're not dragons, are they trembling? Are you saying you want to do something in front of me?]

Meanwhile, Dussein did not understand what was happening, so he tilted his head. Jung Shi Woo must have done something so bold, he thought, but it was a suicide mission!

“Hoo, I'll make sure Shoe gets paid. ”

However, Eriman raised his hands, boldly greeting her in the eye. It was her turn to prove what she could do here for a long time since she was able to enter the water as a monster on the ground when Jung Si-woo drank.

“Th-this is my love I protect! ”

“Yes, it's not love! ”

Immediately after the fierce tackle of Suarin, a huge, unknown beginning and end…… huge wall of iron appeared before their eyes.

[…… hmm?]

[Wait, this is Lyne's …….]

[Hehe, it's hard!]

[This, is she...?]

It was a moment when Eriu's power, reborn as a god, was revealed to the gods by absorbing the power of God Yugos of the earth and the power of Lord Lin of Metal.

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