I Login Alone

Chapter 253: 253

[Stop, stop. Stop!]

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Hedea cries out in fear. Jung Si-woo didn't listen. The dominance, which had found the possibility of progress in the other direction, was clearly cutting off the gods that made up Hedea from her as she grew up to level 8.

“Oh, I'm fine. ”


His overwhelming magical power triggers the drain, grabbing it without missing a single shrapnel, and the moment you catch it, everyone goes straight to Jung Si-woo's mouth. However, Jung Si-woo soon realized that he didn't have to eat only with his hands.

“Okay, from now on, I don't just want to eat, I want to concentrate on my skin. ”

[You, yes, you, yes, no, ohm, …….]

Even though Hedeia's voice is starting to sound like a horror movie, Jung Si-woo has already passed through the Civil War Cemetery and only becomes the BGM of a pleasant meal.

He actively activated the drain with his whole body and exerted his unique abilities to thoroughly dismantle Hedea, who is struggling with his body even now.

What happens as a result is that the fragments of the gods that have come out of the herd are absorbed into Jung Siu's skin by the blink of an eye! It was a nightmare for Hedea.

[No, I can't...!]

The ego of Hedea that could have been sustained as a group collapses! Hedeaa, horrified by mortals, tries to get away from him now, but regrettably, she doesn't let go. Coming in is not the time to go out.

To ignore a master-level drain and get away from it, regrettably Hedea's rage was already quite resourceful.

Hehe, what the hell!]

“It's a skill called Drain. This is also a skill derived from domination after all. ”

That's why a good match with the dominance is good. Jung Si-woo's mouth became darker and darker. On the contrary, Hedea grows increasingly terrified. Of course, her figure had already fallen, so there was no way to see her face.


“Yes, our roots have suffered. ”

Ceiraxia, who was confident of Jung Siu's victory, suddenly came to him relieved. Jung Siu swallowed Hedea and shared her power with Ceiraxia in real time.

I don't intend to explore the power of Hedea in the end. Half the power of Hedea was Ceiraxia, as I had imagined from the beginning. He could handle this power much better than Jung Si-woo. He doesn't have to gather all his powers together, so he doesn't have to use them all by himself anymore.

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[You won't be able to… cope……! What a monster!]

“It's okay. I'll make it okay. ”


Ceiraxia cries for joy. Of course, Hedea's strength was very good with him. Hedea's voice gradually fades, but the power of Ceiraxia continues to amplify.

Zhongxiu tried to share his power with Ceeraxia while simultaneously practicing domination and drain, but he decided to endure it, thinking it was a training exercise. It was no ordinary pervert.

“You didn't divide because you couldn't handle all the power in the first place, you just chose to be one, not alone against the other gods? Water is the easiest way to get together, but at the same time, it's always easier to get divided. I'm just putting it back together somewhere else. ”

[Th, ahjusshi… yes, my words……!]

Finally, Hedea loses his voice. It was also a strange thing to say that God caused a split in his ego, but Hedea as a group was definitely finished. Hedeaa could not return, even if the remaining water gods gathered together again.

“Phew, persistent. ”


So at this point, Jungwoo was victorious over Hedea. Of course, there were still gods left, though his drain was not yet finished.

“Root, right? ”


Reliable answer. Jungwoo now cleanly siphones away the muddled set of water gods that may not attack him, but can't get away from him. And delivered it to Ceeraxia.

After the same moment of devotion as eternity, there were only two of them left.

[You have reached level 37.]

[Magic Power has risen permanently.]

“What a big guy. I thought growth was almost over, but not only the level, but also the magical power. ”

It is essentially different from a maximum of 1 when the magic power is 10 and a maximum of 1 when the magic power is 1,000. It seems to add 1 to the number, but in fact it is close to the product.

The fact that Jung Si-woo's magic had already eaten over a year of gods and incarnations had risen 509 times was a testament to the quality and amount of magical power Hedeaa had. And of course, the same was true of Ceiraxia, which had achieved tremendous growth.

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Ceiraxia cannot ascend to the throne of the transcendent alone as she is dependent on Jung Shiu. So his appearance didn't change much.

However, it was definitely not that they could not practice their abilities properly. Just as Jeong Si-woo, who was not a god, could mock the gods, so was Ceiraxia.


“Oh, that's thrilling. ”

Ceiraxia disappeared as soon as she realized her intrinsic change. He received the world of Hedeaa filled with water directly as his own.

Naturally, his movements were much faster and more immediate than Hedeaa, a multitude of gods of myriad waters. It was more natural and more wild!

[Hehe, what the... Cough!]

[Oh my God, Rio's gone!?]

This power... Hedea?]

[No, not Hedea. Smaller, but more secret... No way, Hedea!]

There's a commotion beyond the Iron Wall that Eriu built right now. Looks like Ceiraxia's flagship ceremony was quite settled. Jung Si-woo smiles and runs underwater, placing his hands gently on the wall that was blocking him and his group.

The wall vanishes, revealing the group in battle beyond.

“Hey, you survived better than I thought you would. ”

“That's...... I'm so sorry to hear that! ”

Yong-seok shouted, not to mention a perfectly healthy molten bone, which is an item that is being equipped (drunk with them). It seemed to have grown quite well during the brief battle. If he hadn't grown up, he would have died.

“Well done, everyone. Relax, it's over. ”

[You came back sooner than I thought. What the hell did you do, Master?]

“That's a secret.”

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“Shue! I believed from the start! ”

“Brother...! ”

He says he trusts them lightly, but even though he stepped forward to face Hedea, Jung Si-woo is also worried about the group. And yet you stand so still against dozens of gods! He even took down a few gods.

“This is the name of Dussene, the god of the Legion, crying. ”


Dussein realized just then what Jung Si-woo had done. It was only then that I could feel his uncanny unique abilities, roughly how they work.

[You're not a dragon anymore! You abandoned the dragon! And like me...!]

“Oh, I did abandon the dragon, but not like you. I'm a little more of a class than you are. ”


The arrogance of not losing to anyone or going anywhere! Dusseine grips his teeth. If I can disassemble and absorb Hedea in such a short time, I should assume he's right.

[How could you lose control of the Legion's god?!]

“That's the end of the will, isn't it? Then let's get started. ”


Ceiraxia, who had eaten a god at the same time as the appearance, quickly hid herself again and swirled around the group of Dussene. The situation was the worst. I never thought I'd be able to harness the power of Hedea even if it was taken from me!

The beginning is Eriu. If she hadn't built a barrier in the water with her divine power, she could have prevented this from happening. Also, without Ceiraxia, Hedea wouldn't have been in such a disadvantage in the water world even if it had been eaten by Jung Shiwoo.

Jung Si-woo was thoroughly teased by the two of them, who were not only in Jung Si-woo's purse. I was about to laugh in misery.

[You lead them…… Does God really transcend the world?]

“What, which will it be? ”


Dussein quickly made his decision. It was truly furious and inconvenient, but I had to retreat here.

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However, when she made a fairly rational decision and was about to leave the world right away, Jung Si-woo smiled and took out the cartoon glasses in one hand. It was the nest of Hedeaa in this world that shined.

“Who's going to let you go? ”

The drain kicks in. It's just that nothing seems to have changed on the surface. However, after determining that it was a shamelessness, Cene quickly signaled to the other gods, threw away one sacrifice to Ceeraxia, and was about to leave the world empowered.

They realized they couldn't get out of this world anymore.

“I told you when you come in, you don't get out on your own, right? Oh, not to you guys. Well, that's what happened, so know this. ”

What a ridiculous bomber! Suarin seemed reluctant to love me. Dusseine tries to run away again with a smile, but he fails. He stared at the fact that it was the cartoon glass that triggered the drain.

[You...... have already, transcended!]

“God and the world, and don't judge me on how I transcend. ”

Jung Si-woo still held a cartoon case in one hand, and the punishment of drinking in the other hand. Yong-seo-ha and Caina just went through a hard time, so they decided to let them rest. Suarin gladly blessed him.

[+20% Atk. No critical hits.]

I don't know where her divine power comes from, but it was truly a wonder that Jung Si-woo's level broke through 700 and still effectively restored his ability to the point where his magic surpasses 5,000. It is absurd to increase his current state's attack power by 20%.

“You're mortal, you're transcendent, and that's just what you call it. I'll just do what I want. ”

It took me a long time to come to that easy conclusion. Jung Si-woo grinned...... and lunged as hard as he could toward Dusseine, who was still holding her eyes open.

The world that lost its owner supported Jung Si-woo, who had the most similar power as his, so that the gods would rush at a speed they could not even detect.

[Ka Hak!]

“Oh, and this. ”

Jung Shiwoo's hammer pierces Dusseine's chest. A surge of destruction focused on the hammer spread throughout her body, twisting her magic, soul and body simultaneously, destroying her. No one, including Dussein, responded to the attack by Kyungcheon-dong.

“Thirty, if you ask me. Last one, last one. ”

As soon as the end of Jung Shi Woo was fierce, Du Se Ne disappeared.

The gods who followed her were decapitated by him and Ceiraxia without a chance to resist.

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