I Login Alone

Chapter 255: 255

“We have grown up with great difficulty, but these people are the only ones who are too comfortable. ”

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Eriu grunts. She's watching the Marina group grow tall and break through 100 meters, 1 kilometer and 10 kilometers in real time. At this rate, catching up with the rest of the party will be quick. However, Jung Si-woo smiled and replied.

“Of course I can't be as strong as you. Fortunately, they've all grown in focus on their magical abilities. There's more I can do to help you fight than those of you who fight hand-to-hand. ”

“Even if I say it like that, I don't understand. ”

“It's a good idea. ”

“That explains why I'm upset. I don't think my imagination and Shu's are good. ”

I thought only Suarins were uncomfortable with the Marina Party's intrusion, but Eriu doesn't seem to be happy about it either. Suddenly, three other women have grown since we've been able to control Shuarin and Ceiraxia!


“Ahhhh, I'm so sick. ”

“Ooh, wooeeeeeeek. ”

If Jung Si-woo's dominance had not grown, she would not have grown them so easily. Of course, the reactions had to be endured by Marina, Seria and Lee Seo Hee. Jung Si-woo asked me to take care of them with his Mana.

“Just hold on a little longer. It's gonna be okay. ”

“Ugh, ugh…. ”

“But Shu, what is Shu doing right now? ”

Eriu asks again. I thought I was staying in this world to grow up with the Marinas, but now I'm touching the wings of Suarins with one hand. Is she an expression of affection for humans she doesn't yet know?

“This is a search for the sky. ”

“Can I explore with this...? ”

“It's an institution that connects you and the stars. Of course you can."

Jung Jiwoo himself did not even think about pulling the group out of the heavenly star completely.

I didn't think I needed to spray all the benefits of the celestial system, and I thought the wings with the suerine were pretty. Even if he did not have to deny himself, he didn't have to deny all the heavenly bodies to the very root.

And I realized this time it was a very good choice.

“Why? If Hector is really interfering with the sky through the fairies, isn't it incredibly dangerous just to know that we're still players? ”

“Hector's influence is not that great. If only we had been able to do something about the players, Hector would have already taken everything. But... yeah, maybe some information about us got out. ”

“So you're trying to shut it down now? ”


Jung Si-woo tilted his head as if it was necessary to do so.

“To take control of the heavens. ”

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Suarin convinced him with a smile on his face. However, at the next moment, my face was stiffened like a ghost and my wings flew.

“I've been working on such an enormous task without explaining it to anyone! ”

“I'm sorry, I just love the way Arin is angry. ”

“If that doesn't help, yot! ”

The first Marina group to see it, though it was always the same, was severely hit by Mental. Jung Siwoo gently grasps the wings of Suarin again, explaining to the rest of the group.

“If it had been the same before, I would not have been so bold, but as domination grew and capacity expanded…… and as I gave up power that did not fit into the traits of domination, I would have gained new power. Well, I guess it's just possible. ”

“You're missing the point. ”

“If you twist it, you'll awaken your own power. ”


Jung Si-woo's work has continued for a long time. In fact, the group still doesn't fully understand that they are taking control of the heavens, but their wings soon respond.



“Ugh...? ”

It was very interesting to see all of these people who still maintain their traits at the same time. But it was not so fun for the parties.

“Just now, I felt like my wings were electric…… like something had changed, like nothing had changed……. ”

“It was a moment, but I felt it for sure. I feel like I changed the power cord……. ”

“Oh, that's it! ”

Jung Si-woo takes his hand off Su-arin's wings. Suarin looks slightly disappointed, but ignores. He was busy organizing new information in his mind in the process of gaining control of the heavens.

“Ugh, I shouldn't have seen this. Hold all the information I don't need right now...! ”

“Are you sure you've done this!? That was so easy!? ”

“Hector or Vector Man didn't bother you!? ”

The group rushes to Jung Shi Woo, but he can only answer their questions after clearing his head. The answer was simple.

“The sky is nobody's. To put it bluntly, it belonged to the mineral dragon who built the star, but he died without handing it over to anyone. So I put a flag in a mindless communist. ”

It probably took Hector and the fairies a while to figure it out. They will no longer be able to interfere with the system as they wish, and they will no longer be able to talk like two bottles of Mani, bringing the power of the world together.

“Once that happens, you'll be very annoyed with me. ”

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“Of course……? ”

Jung Si-woo, who expected him to hold all the power of the world together, could be sure that his anger would not be suspicious if he shouted and sealed up the heavenly power.

That's it. I can't wait to see Hector's face when he realizes it!

“If I just look at Siu now, he's totally evil.... ”

“What are you waiting for? ”

Jung Shiwoo stood up only after establishing the dominion of the heavens for a short while and taking measures to prevent Hector or the mystical.

Seeing that he was manipulating the celestial system that was not in front of his eyes, Shuarin decided to keep his mouth shut, just thinking about Jung Siu's disgust for saying that it looked like a mineral dragon, but it looked like a dragon.

“Now, then…. ”

“Are we going to fight Hector now? ”

“Wait, it's too much for you to go into a boss battle right after you don't go into battle! ”

“Okay, so let's take a break. ”


Jung Shi Woo's expression was strange on everyone's face.

“No, I can't believe you've been resting all of a sudden. ”

[I'm confident that Hector will show up and fight in front of us.]

“Siu...? ”

However, Jungwoo shrugged his shoulders and corrected their illusions.

“What did I just say? You said it would take Hector and a normal person a while to realize the celestial anomaly. ”

“I did, didn't I?”

“Do you think it's that quick to realize what the gods look like? Hector only cares about the power of the heavens and the world? ”

“That's ……. ”

“All, the other gods! ”

“If they're gonna invade this world, we'd appreciate it. ”

Now they are staying in the world of Hedeaa. A huge world full of water that doubles the power of Jung Si-woo and Ceiraxia!

The world of the gods that they have been to so far has been many times lost and disappeared (the energy of the world that disappeared would have been divided into all other worlds and absorbed.) This is where Jung Shiwoo and Ceiraxia are now establishing their dominion. Maybe Jung Si-woo can make this their world.

“That's... that's how it works. ”

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“As expected, Shoe is wise. ”

“And above all, ”

Jung Si-woo smiled and said.

“It's simple, but it's exhausting. I want to sleep. ”

“Why wouldn't I be tired? He rests a little bit, he's fully recovered, he moves. ”

Suarin grins helplessly and gently rubs his shoulders. I thought I was completely out of it, but I was relieved that I still had a decent human face.

“You said you needed practice. I'll lend you a comic book so you can fight the rest of the dregs. ”

“Tiger Mother! ”

“If anything happens to you, I'll know right away, so don't worry. ”

Jung Si-woo gave the cartoon to Marina with a bloodsucking smile, then gave Eriu a glance. Asked her bodyguard, the strongest of the group, except Ceiraxia. Eriu taps his chest, telling you to leave him alone. I decided not to recognize the appearance of that moment.

“Good, it seems to be triggered successfully... Haaaaaaaaam. Then I'll get some sleep. ”

“I'm going to sleep, too. ”

“... Don't get too attached? ”

“I'll think about it.”

If I get dizzy, I'll take off my Suarin and go to sleep, but I can't stop her now because I'm so awfully sleepy. Jung Si-woo lays something soggy on the platform that Eriu made earlier. Soon something fluffy and soft was added, but I didn't realize it.

“Phew… ugh…. ”

His consciousness was immediately abducted by Suma and separated from the world of Hedea. I fell into a consciousness so deep that I wanted to endure it until now, I entered the world of dreams.

A dark world that cannot distinguish between the top and bottom, endless possibilities. Inside, a huge dragon was waiting for Jung Si-woo.

[…… This is the realm of dreams you should never reach.]

“Oh, no wonder. ”

Suddenly I'm so sleepy, this guy called me. Jungwoo, who was clearly conscious in the dream, naturally convinced the dream. As soon as I gained control of the heavens, my sleep was explained to me.

Kwang-Dragon was staring at Jung Si-woo with a strange look. His mouth is open again.

[You have grown in a completely different direction from my stomach. Surprisingly stunning.]

“So what? You're shaking up my life and making me dizzy because I can't do what you want at the end? ”

[No? I think I just made the right choice for the name dragon.]

“Well, I'm not a dragon. ”

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[Let me first rectify your grave mistake.]

A single smile settles on the face of the dragon, filled with embarrassment. How could I recognize that it was a smile? He tilted his head and listened to him.

[The dragon is not a decent title to be called because it has the tail and wings of a dragon, which were born or inherited by someone else, and of course it was made by magic.]


[Tough. Ferocious. No one can stop it. On your knees, everyone. Desire. Moving on. Just, you know, moving on.]

I've got one word for you. It seemed a little bit similar to Jung Si-woo, though. But...... so it's a dragon?

[When I saw you like that, when the whole world remembered the dragon. Only then can you be a dragon.]

“…… So you want to tell me that the blue bird was in our house from the beginning? ”

[Whether you're human or dragon, it doesn't matter what you look like. You are a dragon. I do not call you a dragon, nor do I think you are a dragon. Because everyone, the world, is calling you a dragon.]

“Oh, so what! ”

[I really want to ask Jeong Siu, the great dragon of the next generation, to abandon the throne of the dragon and destroy my brother, who is so trivial as to be a god.]

The dragon grins with its teeth bared. Jung Siu obtained some useless information that Hector was the brother of the Mine Dragon.

“I'm gonna kill you, all right? ”

[Of course. Death and life are only temporary stations in the same orbit after all…… He will also have to realize that.]

“Yes, I heard you. So I'm leaving now? ”

[Before that.]

The dragon said.

[There is a coward who has fallen out of the war alone. Hector will use the last remaining celestial power on me to cover his eyes...... Let's get rid of him first. That's not so bad for you, is it?]

That said, I could only think of one god. Then, before you got hit by Hector, you got hit first. He shakes his head, thinking about the facts.

“Okay, I'll go get him first. ”


The dragon solemnly nods. I woke up from the last time I fixed it.

[Ignorance becomes Brave Skill Lv100 and evolves into Self Defense Skill. It engraves its rage on the world, and it protects itself only by its own power, without being tied down by anything else. As it is clear that you are different from other people, you only see the truth and practice the truth. There are no levels for this skill.]



Jung Si-woo smiles carelessly as he looks at the description of the skill in front of his eyes. Suarin, who was sleeping on him so tightly, lifted her head and gave him a smile that was rarely bright.

“With this...... we can win. ”

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