I Login Alone

Chapter 257: 257

Setnake has agreed to face down death and the undead god.

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[Where have you been all these years? This monster is complete...!?]


Whenever Jung Siu lowered the hammer with an unknown battle, everything in front of him was destroyed.

Stairs in the castle, falling chandeliers, ghost troops hiding on them, living armor disguised as armor, Death Knights hiding in them, the floorboards, ghouls buried beneath them, Poison Ghost hiding among them.

They all disappeared clean with a single hammer. It was hard to believe that Jung Si-woo's hand was a hammer, not an eraser.

[With a simple attack pretending to be a physical attack, both soul and mana perish, haven't you already reached God? If not him, then the dragon?]

“That's not what matters right now. What's important now... ”

Jung Si-woo throws down his hammer again and cries out, smashing the entire giant painting on the lobby wall on the first floor.

“You pissed me off! ”

“I think that's the wrong part to use! ”

As Jung Si-woo makes his way to the castle as fast as the storm drain, only the group who must catch Jung Si-woo breathlessly is dying. Even if Jung Si-woo deals with the majority of the mob, just staying there would be a hell of a good place for the group!

Hedea, I'm sure you didn't get that strong just because you fought Dussene. What did you do? Anger? Anger is strengthening him!

“I knew... Hehe thought he might be a Saiyer...! ”

[Give me another spear when I say it!]

Now there was no time to be afraid of Setnarc. If I had the time, I'd have to lay down one more monster from everywhere. This was the perfect opportunity for Marina's group to grow up, but I think they're growing too fast and exploding.

“Siu, Siu, we're going up to the second floor! ”

“A dedicated healer should accompany you, big brother! ”

“I'm coming after you! I don't know when your gap will be revealed!" ”

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[Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!]

Kaina strikes her bicycle in unison with the Great Sword. Setnac's clans, which were blocking in front of the thrusters that captured more than half of her Mana, vanish cleanly. The group rushes forward to catch up with her, not missing the gap.

[It's not just you. Hector must have been jealous of the ability to empower all rulers to look to God.]

Setnake simply laughs. He had not yet understood the nature of Jung Si-woo's abilities, but he was able to fully understand Jung Si-woo's determination and will.

[It's really fun. I wouldn't either if I didn't respond to him.]

Immediately, the pressure exerted on nature increased greatly. Enemies like evil spirits and ghouls have also risen in power. Reinforce a group that can't even show their business cards! Of course, no matter how powerful he was, I wasn't interested.

“Hmm, hmm...? ”

If there's only one thing that bothers me, it's the way he expressed his abilities. The pressure you feel now, the undead reinforced at times, and a hypothesis came to mind about the identity of one Setnak.

“To prove that.... ”

When Jung Shiwoo first broke into Setnarc's castle, he tightly grasped the hammer, thinking that only the front door had collapsed and the rest had survived, even with the hammer he wielded. Then you report to the group following you.

“Smash the entire castle! ”

“Leave it to me!”

El clenches his fist at the ground, poised. A horrific amount of thorns rising from the area at that moment! A single corridor collapsed. The undead take no less damage.

“You guys, just destroy them all! I don't want to face monsters, I just want to subvert this castle! ”

“That's an order worthy of the Destroyer's name.... ”

The group fulfils Jung Si-woo's instructions, even as she mutters in riddles.

Of course, Setnac's castle was more solid than any of the buildings they had ever experienced, but they couldn't hold out much longer in front of the group beyond one god. Above all, Jung Si-woo himself was destroying Setnake's energy with the most ferocity!

Jung Si-woo thought. If Setnac's power is acting on this castle's basis, maybe Setnac's body is the castle itself. It was probably a close thought to the truth.

[Not as it is.]

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By the time they had completely buried the basement and made the first and second floors look similar, Setnak's reaction had returned. Hundreds of knights of death fell from the realm beyond the third floor! One was a true elite squad of Setnaks, fortified for tens of thousands of years.

[Take orders from Setnak.]

[I will lead you to eternal rest.]

[We are his sword and shield. He puts you to sleep.]


But so what? Jung Si-woo finds the dead knights falling from above his head, and once he makes the hammer the biggest, he smashes the room in half. It was a desperate blow that combined a myriad of skills in such a short time that we called it a moment.

[Ka Hak!?]

A master-level strike, expressed in conjunction with the Fury of the Giant, caused a devastating wave of destruction to spread like fire around the Desknights hit by the hammer and hit them all. The group is frightened by the death of the dead bats.

[Powerful. Truly powerful! It's like looking at Hector!]

“I told you not to... talk about him! ”

Jung Siwoo turned the hammer and hit the floor. As if a meteorite had fallen, the giant hole recedes, and the rattled Deathknights plummet into the ground as if they were rats. The massive Mana explosion leaves your eyes wide open.

[But that's enough. Why I'm the God of Death, and you don't know it yet.]

But at that moment, the ceremony Setnaked prepared was triggered. Hundreds of Death Knights, symbolic of death in their own right, have been gathered together to create a massive death trap around the castle!

“Huff!? ”

“Gaaaah!? ”

Seria and Yongseha scream at the same time. Suddenly, their eyes were covered with filthy darkness and they wanted to commit their pure spirit!

Lee Seo Hee decided that Su Hee wanted to get rid of it somehow with divine power, but she couldn't help but overcome the power of the God of Death himself.

“This bastard……. ”

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Although nothing had happened to Jung Si-woo, he found out what Setnake was up to and then shook his hand. The power of self-defense in his possession is not shaken by the horror of death without substance. But the group has a different story!

[Can I enclose the power that protects you, and all of your subordinates who are mortal? Don't you think you lack the strength to protect them?]

“Son of a bitch, where are you...? ”

However, when I tried to finish the ceremony by throwing the hammer straight away, I suddenly had an idea that passed by Jung Si-woo's head. I thought it was possible without anyone else's help, but the answer was pretty positive.

Jung Si-woo's gaze was still etched on the back of his hand, toward the Soul Force. Of course, now that it's been a long time since the ghosts he dealt with were able to help in battle, it's been quite a while since he used his skills. Nevertheless, the power contained in it remains.

“Good. Let's see who wins. ”

The Soul Force's tattoo sparkles. Along with him, his own power came into play. The object of his unique abilities…… was the ritual of death that tried to bring Jung Shiwoo and his group down to the Underworld.


Setnake is embarrassed. Probably the biggest panic since Jung Si-woo invaded the castle.

[What are you... … trying to do?]

You assume that if he exerts his power, he will certainly surround the party. But Jung Si-woo was different. He trusted his colleagues. His self-defense should be sufficient to protect all objects connected through domination. Even though it may be a little hard and painful, you can handle it!

“Setnak, you abandoned your natural form in pursuit of your divine prowess and your greater power. ”

[Yes, my nature is not even this gender. I fear death itself. Of course, if you succeed in destroying this castle with all my might, you will be greatly hit. But that can't make me disappear either. That's why all the other gods fear me.]

“So you're the only one who can kill you perfectly. You can't defeat death unless you have the power of death. ”

[No way...... Do you think you can take my power from me?]

You raise the soul force, ignoring the rebellious Setnarc. It is the strength that Jung Si-woo has trained by pulling it from Setnake in the past. A power to deal with souls. He thumps at it, grumbling.

“If I'd known this was going to happen, I would've done something like Death Force. ”

But it's still not too late. The soul force that deals with the remaining souls after death is closely connected to death at the same time. Jung Si-woo activated the drain with a sigh and a deep breath.

The fog of death, which originated from hundreds of death knights, filled the castle, shivered in response to it.

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[You can't be...]

“Die, Setnah. ”

[Unique Ability Control is Lv9.]

Self-protection is a blessing in everything the owner does. It's a blessing stemming from his own beliefs. The power to truly make what you think of yourself is the power to truly belong to the name of God.

Soul forces, drains, and domination have triggered simultaneously to divide Setnake from death. The fog of death gradually settled on Jung Shiwoo, flooding into his tattoo. Setnakh was appalled by the unbelievable reality.

[This, this power, this power...! Followers, that's what they're for...!]

“I told you from the start, asshole. ”

Jung Si-woo raised her hands high, holding back confidently. Setnak, in a sense of crisis, focuses the hostility of all beings within the castle on Jung Shiwoo, but it is freed from the fog of death and the rest of the group is blocked.

Good. Good job bringing him in, too. Jung Si-woo nods satisfactorily. Without them, Setnake wouldn't have triggered the death ritual like this!

“I just felt like I was being baited! ”

“Hallucinations. Here we go, Setnake! Die!"

Although it was only for a moment, Death obeyed Jung Shiwoo. Jung Si-woo ordered him to endure the original owner. Death said it would be very interesting.

[Hoo. The subject is called the Master of Death. Maybe he lived too long.]

Setnake is the other side of death. There was no denying the choice of death. He smiled at the end.

[If you were me, you'd be able to save the world where death and life coexist. No worries.]

“Oh, die quickly. ”

Immediately after the light erupted from Jung Si-woo's body, the castle collapsed neatly.

You no longer hear Setnah's voice.

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