I Login Alone

Chapter 27: I Login Alone Chapter 27

[Weak, weak! Your attacks are too weak!]

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“I don’t want to finish you off too soon! Don’t you get it? I want a challenge!”

In one moment, the hammer and ax were colliding. The next, the fighters were battling with their fists. The two traded blows back and forth, and it seemed that Jung Si-woo had landed more hits.

Even so, the orc’s hits hold greater power, since he relied on only his physical strength, whereas Jung Si-woo used both physical and magic power. Their significant tactical difference made the contest seem pretty even.

[I like this battle!]

“Same here! I’m finally fighting against a strong opponent!”

Jung Si-woo and the orc exchanged fierce grins. Although they were fighting to the death, they still had respect for each other as warriors.

They shared a desire for battle and destruction, and it clearly showed as they fought. Every time their weapons clashed, they pushed their bodies harder for the sheer joy of combat.



Jung Si-woo wasn’t this powerful the first time he fought an orc, and there was no room for error. But this time was different. Every time his attacks got blocked, and he deflected the orc’s attacks, he could tell he was growing stronger.

“It’s refreshing,” he thought.

Jung Si-woo appreciated the levels he gained from grinding in the low-risk dungeons. They gave him the strength to hold his own against this difficult opponent. He was dealing with an armored orc now, but what about later? As he grew stronger, he’d be able to fight even stronger opponents than these. It was awesome thinking about meeting each new challenge and overcoming it.

Jung Si-woo wanted to use his full strength without holding back. And now, with strong enemies and monsters that needed to die, he could go all out. At last, he could use the skills he gained in the past and truly develop them.



And imagine the powers he might face! Power like he’d never seen before!

Finally, Jung Si-woo’s hammer landed a solid blow that crushed the orc’s armor. The orc, who was weakened from the long bout, fell to the ground and spat blood.

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“I won.”

This time, Jung Si-woo didn’t need to use the power of fire to win. He overwhelmed the enemy with pure physical skills and mana. He was heaving after such a vigorous match, but he wasn’t finished, and so he lifted his sledgehammer to crush the orc’s head.

[I lost.]

The armored orc admitted defeat. He knew he gave it all he had, and he sensed that his opponent did, too. In the beginning, there was no way to tell who would win, but now, it was clear that it is Jung Si-woo’s victory.

[Human warrior, you have gotten everything you can out of me. Your skills have been honed well. But whether you can use them harmoniously with your mana is something you have to figure out.]

“I think so.”

Jung Si-woo wanted to learn more from the armored orcs. But since they were naturally strong, they focused on straight-forward combat skills to increase their power and strength rather than learn any finesse or martial art techniques.

On the contrary, Jung Si-woo, who was also born with great natural strength, had trained to use it. It turned out that there wasn’t much he could learn from them. In the end, he was able to polish his skills in real-life combat; when previously, he was only able to practice. That alone was helpful enough, and he had improved along the way.

[You would like to learn the true skill in the heart of an orc warrior? That is only for an orc to know when he has reached his limit on the battlefield. But you, human warrior, must realize your potential, which you have just started to do.]

“Potential? …Ah.”

That was the unknown, and something he could only truly learn as he continued his journey as a player. It was certainly possible that he would find creatures with strength far greater than armored orcs in the end.

Despite having met as enemies, Jung Si-woo nodded and expressed his sincere gratitude to the defeated orc, who, even with defeat, was pleased with his growth.

“Thanks for the advice. This was fun.”

[I enjoyed myself as well. But watch out, human warrior, beyond here are hundreds of stronger orcs, and they’re waiting alongside their commander. It won’t be easy to overcome them with your current power.]

“Don’t worry about that.”

Jung Si-woo smiled at the last words of the orc and struck the hammer home. The orc’s head was smashed, and his life was ended. Once more, the dollar and the bead looting was completed.

“Because duel and dungeon strategies are different.”

In the battle he just fought, Jung Si-woo only used physical skills and basic mana skills but didn’t use all his abilities. He was holding back with his life and did not use the full power of the sledgehammer. He wanted to see if he could defeat the enemy with just his strength, skills, and minimal magic.

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Of course, that wasn’t the only reason he spent so much time fighting the orc.

“I’ve got enough information now. I’ve tested their strength, and I know how they fight. …And how to fight them.”

In the dungeons he previously explored, it wasn’t necessary to understand the monsters. He was able to clear those dungeons just by rushing to the end, and most of the enemies couldn’t even hurt him.

However, it was a different story now in a dungeon full of enemies that leveled his strength. That was the real reason why he held back at decisive moments in the fight. Even though he could have killed the orc many times, he wanted to grasp its strengths and limits fully.

“I only have half my mana left? It seems like I need to start being thrifty.”

He thought for a moment to wait until his mana was fully recovered, but Jung Si-woo shook his head. If it got too low, he could retreat with the Hearthstone, reorganize, and come back in. Even if he had killed the orc right away and saved mana, he’d still probably feel nervous about going on.

“Okay, now let’s try the next room.”

Fortunately, the corridor leading to the next room proved to be long and winding, so the monsters ahead probably didn’t hear any of the rackets their battle caused.

Maybe that fight was meant to be a one-on-one duel that couldn’t be interrupted. In some dungeons, there were unwritten rules. Players would only figure them out by playing through the dungeon.

“Soo Ah-rin, follow me at a distance.”

“Okay! I’ll ready my healing magic too.”

As Soo Ah-rin had watched the battle between him and the orc, she no longer wanted him to retreat. He was well-qualified to explore this dungeon. But still, she was nervous that he had to run it solo.

“But, he doesn’t take as much damage as he used to.”

It was not only Jung Si-woo that had grown stronger. Soo Ah-rin was slowly regaining the power and magic she once had as she went through these dungeons with him.

Supporters, after all, were beings that grew alongside their underground players. As the player’s level increased, so does the supporter’s. As he gains mana, so does she.

“Keep running, Oppa!”


Secretly, Soo Ah-rin welcomed the situation. The dungeons they had been fighting were so easy for Jung Si-woo that there was no need for Soo Ah-rin to help much other than healing now and then.

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But not anymore. The time had come to prove that she wasn’t just a lump of baggage floating beside him!

“We’ll be waiting, Mr. Yong Se-ha.”

“Awesome passion…but be careful…orcs are strong.”

Yong Se-ha was still speaking in broken sentences. The whole time during the battle, he had slowly begun shrinking. Soo Ah-rin nodded to his weak effort at support and followed Jung Si-woo.

The only enemies in this dungeon were the armored orcs from the Socheon Battlefield, the Heavenly Castle’s 26th level. It was nice that they didn’t have to worry about any other enemies, but it still was a very difficult dungeon.

[Is it human?]

[One human has invaded!]

When he finally reached the second room, Jung Si-woo had to pause to scan the surroundings. The corridor leading to this room was so long, he was already halfway through the dungeon.

The first thing Jung Si-woo noticed about the room was its size. It was exceptionally large, and there were lush bushes everywhere. The whole thing reminded him of mountainous regions, and he had almost forgotten he was in a cave until he looked up and saw the solid ceiling.

“Hey, wanna fight?”

[Ha ha, you will die!]

[I’ll deal with you!]

Of course, the most important thing about the room was the two orcs waiting. They were surprised to see Jung Si-woo and immediately went into an offensive stance.

Jung Si-woo ran to the left and studied the orcs’ movements while pulling out his sledgehammer. He gleefully taunted them.

“You guys are so slow. Too slow, like slugs!”

[Slugs?! You, a puny human, insult us?! Come, we’ll show you the power of the orcs!]

Now, battling orcs would be fun because their tactics were simple. Jung Si-woo noticed that they activated their passive skills as they rushed him, so he activated his sprint skill.

“Too slow!”

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Even though he was fighting two of them now, Jung Si-woo wasn’t worried because he knew what to expect. Beating the first orc showed him their weaknesses. Exploit those, and it would be an easy win!


The orc closest to Jung Si-woo raised his ax, and as soon as he did, Jung Si-woo swung his hammer right at the exposed joint.


[Hey! You dare hurt him!?]

With his arm completely devastated, the first orc collapsed in pain and quickly succumbed to the injury. This angered the second orc even more, and he raised his ax to attack. Jung Si-woo merely smiled.

“You guys… it’s great that you’re so strong, and you have armor for protection, but thanks to that, you leave some nice deadly weaknesses.”

[Stop your yapping! I’ll crush you with force!]

“That’s what I was hoping for.”

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Jung Si-woo’s eye’s flashed. He lowered his stance and brandished his hammer. In response, the orc raised his ax, and that was when Jung Si-woo hit him in the chest with a shoulder tackle.


“Now, let’s see who’s stronger!”

Jung Si-woo’s power began to shine. He had been holding back against the orcs.

The awakening had begun. Jung Si-woo was becoming a player all should fear.

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