I Login Alone

Chapter 3: I Login Alone Chapter 3

Translator: Qii

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Editor: Maralynx

“Well then, let me explain about the loot.”

“I’ve been waiting.”

Soo Ah-rin still couldn’t escape from the shock, but she can’t just stand still forever. She pointed at the headless werewolf and started explaining.

“All of the monsters you met in dungeons will drop loot. You can get it by simply looting, but it’s very important to take notice of the monster’s ownership. Ownership of a monster goes to the one who contributed the most damage to the monster, so you can’t loot unless you’re the owner.”

“But I’m alone…?”

“…Ah, right.”

It was evident that her soul has not yet returned to its rightful place.

“There are only two goods that can be obtained from a monster. First is money, second is a crystal with a special mana structure that the monster has, monster beads.”

“What’s the currency? It probably won’t be Korean won.”

“Yes, unfortunately it’s not Korean won. It’s US dollars.”

“…Ai beg yor parden?”


“Because it’s the US dollars.”

Soo Ah-rin counterattacked! This time it was Jung Si-woo’s turn to be confused with reality!

“Some people have wings and others have power. Is it really strange if a monster spits out money?”

“Yeah, that is weird!”

“Please, just accept it. Anyway, it’s dollars. Monsters of high level spit out gold instead, not dollars. But at least for you, that won’t be the case for the time being.”

What is the impact on the world economy if billions of dollars are released? What is the dollar quote? What will the currency number be? Countless doubts arose, but Soo Ah-rin’s mysterious grin in the dark did not allow him to refute.

“The money doesn’t really need explanation, but I’ll explain more about the monster beads. They are kind of like exchange coins. Although useless by itself, you can put the beads on the altar after the dungeon is cleared. You can get a prize equivalent to it.”

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“You can imagine it as an item coming out of a game. We’re talking about weapons, armour and supplies.”

At that point, Jung Si-woo thinks that she probably is a genius in explanation. This level of explanations really makes him feel like he’s reading a guidebook.

“You can offer one bead, or multiple beads at once. The prize varies depending on the type and number of beads offered at the altar, so you need to roll your luck.”

“So, you can only get it after you defeat the boss… Haha.”

While listening to her, Jung Si-woo realized one thing.

“These places, dungeons; doesn’t it feel like they don’t want anyone getting stronger inside of them?”

“It’s exactly as you said.”

Not only is he strong, but he’s quite smart too. This is good, Soo Ah-rin thought and explained further.

“From the very first test dungeons to the regular dungeons in Sky Castle, any kind of reward except cash is extremely delayed. This ranges anywhere from levelling up to physical rewards. You could kill as many monsters as you want, but it wouldn’t really matter until the boss monster in the dungeon is defeated, because only then can you get your rewards and levels. You don’t continuously grow stronger while fighting inside a dungeon, so grinding doesn’t matter in this scheme.”

Earlier, she mentioned that she had reached level 219. Even though she doesn’t explain much about levels, Jung Si-woo knows how important even a level is.
The amount of stamina, the intensity of the power and the strength of the body. It’s the absolute standard of countless other players’ abilities! A player is denied entrance to a high-ranking dungeon if their level does not match the dungeon, so there is no need to question the importance of levels.

“So, we have to prove our worth if we want to get stronger.”

“Many players were not convinced of this method. They treated the Sky Castle and the dungeons exactly as how it is when they played RPG games. To them, dungeons are a huge test and they were expecting to be rewarded for each problem they solve… Of course, such people didn’t last long and ended up dead in the Sky Castle.”

If you consider the monsters as a part of the dungeon itself, then convincing yourself of its method is not that hard. Jung Si-woo nodded and asked her.

“So, what is the most effective looting method?”

“First, looting money is simple. Just give their head a tap when they’re dead and the money comes out on its own. That’s called ‘Cash Looting’.”


So, just giving them a punch and burst their head won’t work. I will try giving them a light tap.

While thinking of that, Jung Si-woo lightly tapped the body of the five werewolves, and dollar bills soared above their body. Five of one-hundred-dollar bill.

“I earned 550,000 won…”

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“A $100 bill from the test dungeon…”

Jung Si-woo was dumbfounded at the fact that he received money that is usually able to buy 550 ice creams or 1100 ice creams during a one-plus-one event by just beating a few weak werewolves.

However, Soo Ah-rin was surprised as well. Of course, just 500 dollars is not a shocking amount to her who has stood at the front line in Sky Castle, but it’s not an amount that a Player candidate can get through a test dungeon.

“Keep them in my pocket, nice.”

This is the end of my worry and the start of my happiness! Being a player is the best job because you only need to use a little strength and you can make money. Jung Si-woo with a happy expression put his money deep inside his pocket and asked Soo Ah-rin.

“What about bead looting?”

“After completing the cash looting, monsters that do not have beads are disassembled into mana and absorbed into the dungeon… but it seems like all of these monsters have beads.”

How lucky. Despite the fact that the monster bead was originally a rare loot, Soo Ah-rin explained that all five werewolves captured by Jung Si-woo just now have beads.

“For the remaining corpses of these monsters, you need to inflict a critical amount of damage to the monsters’ corpses. Only then you can get beads.”


Jung Si-woo’s face hardened up.

“That means you need to use a big amount of mana or strength to get the loot? If you’re not confident you have enough force, then you won’t get beads? Or you could just ask another team member to help you.”

“Jung Si-woo, you must have always heard that you’re pretty smart…?”

Not many people hear the looting method and find a gap in the dungeon’s rules at once. At first, Soo Ah-rin also thought that it’s a waste of power to collect the loot like that.

“If you don’t properly preserve your mana and strength while in the dungeon, you can’t get your loot properly. This is getting a bit fun.”
Jung Si-woo’s eyes lit up. If you want to clear the dungeon, don’t waste your power with loot, did anyone say anything?

“Okay, then…”

However, Jung Si-woo is a real man. If this dungeon wants to test me out, then I will gladly destroy them.

“Hey, Jung Si-woo. You surely wouldn’t…”

“Put them like this… Hup!”

He gathered the werewolf’s corpse and put them on top of each other, lifted one of his feet and stepped on them with his might. As a result, the body of a werewolves disappeared, leaving small red crystal beads.

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“Great, this is perfect.”

“To reduce the amount of power wasted, I’ve seen monsters being looted together using a wide-area magic or skills, but by stepping on them…”

Just how strong is he? Soo Ah-rin picks up the five crystal beads and keeps them in her pockets like Jung Si-woo.

“Okay, then everything in this room is over, isn’t it?”

“Usually, there is an action that should be taken after clearing a room. First, check for injuries, check the back and front of the dungeon, check your health and mana. In the test dungeon, you only need to remember this much…”

Soo Ah-rin looked at Jung Si-woo after finishing her speech. The dungeon is still dark, but her vision that has adapted to the dark can dimly capture the appearance of Jung Si-woo. There are no injuries, even when she double-checks his appearance.

“But we don’t know how far this dungeon is. You’re aware that it’s important to preserve your health and stamina properly, right?”


However, watching Jung Si-woo hunting since then, she could hardly believe that he’s preserving his strength.
When the monsters did not appear, they quickly ran looking for them instead, but right after Soo Ah-rin explains that there are no traps in the test dungeons, Jung Si-woo picks up his running speed!


“There is another werewolf over there… Run a little slower!”


Jung Si-woo, who learned some of their behaviour patterns by fighting with wolves before, realized the second when the monster appeared it was another werewolf, and rushed in even more boldly!




Jung Si-woo slides down and tackles two of the werewolves at once. He then flipped over the ground and kicked one of the werewolves. The head flies away neatly.




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At that point, there were only three werewolves left who’re able to fight, and while they were not paying attention, another head flew away as a result of the sudden attack by Jung Si-woo.

Realizing that they could die if this continues on longer, the two werewolves hurriedly distance themselves from Jung Si-woo but unfortunately, Jung Si-woo already had a long-range weapon.

“Werewolf attack!”


That’s right, you can use the dead body of your enemy as a weapon and defeat them! It was too strong of a blow, and the moment they hit each other, the cash looting and the crystal beads looting were instantly completed. Of course, the target of the attack immediately dies on the spot.



However, Jung Si-woo’s powerful attack also comes with a disadvantage, as he would be completely exposed to attacks.

The werewolf, who barely survived after avoiding his attack earlier, pounced on him openly as soon as he finished his attack. A moment when he’s greatly exposed!



…Or so it thought. Its teeth were all broken and were lying on the floor with a throbbing jaw, pushing itself up by its elbow.


“There are still three alive…”

Soo Ah-rin’s eyes were wide open; as she observed him, Jung Si-woo lifted up the still alive werewolf and hit the rest of the dead werewolves. She wants to interrupt him but she couldn’t deny that it was a great way to effectively deal damage to an enemy while maintaining his stamina.

“Oh, these guys all spit crystal beads too?”

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“Well, but now that doesn’t sound like such a surprise…”

“Okay, I’ve already saved my stamina. Let’s go to the next room.”

Of course, he limited his strength. He was saving it… Soo Ah-rin followed him and sighed while thinking just what kind of player candidate breaks through the dungeon like this.

Three hours later, Jung Si-woo hunted 139 werewolves. All of them dropped a $100 bill and crystal beads.

Finally Jung Si-woo has reached the boss room without getting hurt at all.

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