I Login Alone

Chapter 7: I Login Alone Chapter 7

Translator: Qii

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Editor: Maralynx

Jung Si-woo returned to his house with Soo Ah-rin. Of course, Soo Ah-rin has a house where she originally stayed, but now that her body has shrunk, moving alone and away from Jung Si-Woo is difficult.

“Shouldn’t you contact your parents?”

“I have been living alone since my parents’ death. I have a small house, but I have nothing to do anyway.”

Jung Si-woo, who was envious of Soo Ah-rin thinking that she has her own house at such a young age, quickly came back to his senses. Now, he is also one of the Players.

“Okay, then just hide until I get back to my room.”

“It stinks inside this pocket…”

Soo Ah-rin complained and hid in Jung Si-woo’s pocket. After confirming that she had hidden herself properly, Jung Si-woo quietly opened the door.
It’s been a few hours since he went out to throw away the trash and he came back with his clothes shredded like that. His mother will be furious, but at least he should face it after he has prepared himself. So first, rush to his room secretly!

“You’re finally home. What are you looking around for?”

“Of course, there’s no way I could avoid the radar…”

“Didn’t I tell you not to give your own mom a strange nickname.”

Jung Si-woo’s skills to evade his mother’s radar have become sloppy. Now that the attempt to sneak in was unsuccessful, he has no choice but to break through!

Jung Si-woo put his shoulders forward and posed like the moment when he rushed to the Giant Black Wolf, but a moment after, his mother’s palms struck his back. It didn’t hurt at all, but he stopped as if he was stunned.

“Where else did you go rolling around to be this dirty? Did you lose in a fight? Huh?”

“You know someone will be dead if I ever lose.”

“Aigoo, so you did something. Is it something that will be on the news or not?!”

“If I get caught, then maybe it’ll come out on the news…”

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“Just know that you’ll get scolded if the news comes out! … So, did you finish it well?”


When Jung Si-woo replied with a weak voice, his mother sighed and nodded saying that it was all right.

“Go shower. Aren’t you hungry?”


Jung Si-woo was able to return to his room safely. Soo Ah-rin, who almost died hiding in his pants pocket, regained her freedom the moment he closed his door and quietly said.

“Si-woo, what do you usually do? Why is that kind of conversation so natural for you?”

“Uncle Ben said that great power comes with great responsibility. If you think about it, when you have great strength, all kinds of troublesome things happen…”

“So, you have gone around getting in trouble since before. You’re really… Twenty-six, right?”

She started doubting his age. He sat on the bed, pouting his lips.

“I’m going to take a shower, so go hide somewhere… Anyway, what to do about your meal?”

Jung Si-woo, who was thinking hard about it, opened a drawer and put an energy bar on the desk.

“For now, would you like to eat this one?”

“It’s too big.”

“How about this?”

After dividing the energy bar in half, she was barely able to lift it with both arms. Will this supporter be fine like this? While Jung Si-woo was concerned about her, Soo Ah-rin held her energy bar and sat as comfortably as possible.

“Then… I will enjoy this food.”

Soo Ah-rin makes a small noise while trying to lift the energy bar with both arms. She was eating slowly and cautiously, as if trying to be polite and proper, but the energy bar was so large that she couldn’t help it smudging on her mouth.

…Honestly, her eyes were big, her skin was white, and her size was small, so she looked as if she was a fairy cutely eating an energy bar. Soo Ah-rin soon caught him looking.

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“Why, why are you looking at me like that? I like energy bars. It is a necessity when entering the dungeon.”

“Never mind. Eat a lot, you can eat everything in the drawer.”

“Si-woo, your smile is a bit disgusting…”

Jung Si-woo left his room whistling. He saw his mother sitting on the living room sofa and switching between TV channels to confirm whether Jung Si-woo was filmed anywhere. Jung Si-woo ignored it with a gentle smile.

When Jung Si-woo finished washing himself, ate his dinner and finally returned to his room, Soo Ah-rin was done eating her energy bar and patting her belly in satisfaction. When Jung Si-woo suddenly opened the door and came in, she was startled and sat down properly.

“Thanks for the meal.”

“You don’t want to eat more?”

“I guess my stomach became smaller as my body shrank.”

So for now, we don’t have to worry about food expenses if she only needs half an energy bar for a meal, but Jung Si-woo sat on the bed thinking intently. However, Soo Ah-rin, who was seated on the desk, decided to speak.

“Then, let’s think about how to act as an underground player in the future.”

“You seem very motivated.”

Of course, Jung Si-woo wants to grow more as a Player. But more than that, ‘I want to be special. I was already special, but I want to become more special’, was what Jung Si-woo thought.

Now that I’ve really became a player, I’m going to take out the knife inside of me that I’ve been quietly sharpening so far and try to wield it properly.
However, that was only Jung Si-woo’s wish, not Soo Ah-rin’s. As he looked at her with questioning eyes, Soo Ah-rin replied with a grim look.

“If you grow rapidly as a Player, maybe I will grow quickly too, and then I will be able to regain my original body.”


He nodded at her explanation, which was truthful and without a single flaw. From the standpoint of Jung Si-woo, there is nothing wrong with Soo Ah-rin being more active.

“I want to confirm something first. Si-woo, you wanted to be a player, right? You will be actively entering the dungeon in the future? Prioritizing it more than anything else?”

“Of course.”

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Dungeon is the main goal for Jung Si-woo who lived his life waiting for the day he will become a Player. There was nothing else to concentrate on other than the dungeon. Even if the dungeon is in the underground or a dungeon that no one else could recognize, there’s no problem if it could make him stronger.

“That’s good then. I will help you as well. First of all, let’s explain what people who have passed through test dungeons and become regular players should do before entering the first dungeon.”

“Okay, go.”

Players have many shortcomings until they clear the test dungeon. They can’t use mana, have no inventory or skills, and can only fly as Soo Ah-rin said earlier.

“But being able to fly is also a big advantage. The monsters in the dungeon, at least the monsters in the test dungeon, are often unable to fly, so they can dominate them in the air. So most of the time, it’s not too difficult to get through the test dungeon and get mana.”

“Now I have mana, but no wings.”

“The next thing is important. Level 1 dungeons cannot be compared to the test dungeons.”
That’s because monsters who are able to use mana appear.

“But all the monsters in the test dungeon I went into could handle mana.”

“Anyway, there will be monsters that’re so strong they can’t be compared with the ones in the test dungeon!”
Therefore, players have a mana adaptation period of approximately one month after passing the test dungeon. It is a training using their choice of a weapon, adapting to a stronger body, and practicing mana.

“Even with that, you need to challenge the first stage dungeons with at least ten people. Unlike test dungeons, party play is possible for the official dungeon.”

“Even if it’s possible to party play, there’s no one to join us.”


Aah, why is there such a special situation like this! Soo Ah-rin was flustered, but continued.

“It’s important not to go into the first-level dungeon blindly just because you’ve become a regular player, but only after you fully master your mana and skills!”
Actually, Soo Ah-rin thought that he would be fine even if he didn’t master mana after seeing his fights in the test dungeon. However, you never know what kind of monsters will appear in the first-level dungeon, so she thought that there was nothing wrong with mastering his mana and skills first either.

“So, for the time being, practice using mana. It is very important that you sensibly grasp the maximum mana that can be used at once or the speed of recovery. Yes, the primary goal is to acquire the universal active skill ‘Strike’ that everyone gets after practicing mana.”


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It was a very classic skill name. It must be a skill that consumes a lot of mana and lets out a strong blow.

It is very clear that it’s a skill that will help a lot to advance in dungeons. If he had the ‘Strike’ skill today, it would have been easier for Jung Si-woo to defeat the Giant Black Wolf, rather than taking off and throwing his clothes to distract it.

“Okay, I’ll bear with it. I’m used to waiting anyway. To perfectly clear the dungeons, I’ll train hard and won’t even joke for 1 month.”
If it’s such a clear goal, Jung Si-woo can’t refuse it anymore. He nodded and immediately became determined to achieve his goal. Soo Ah-rin, who looked at him, felt a prick to her conscience.

‘It is very difficult to be aware of your own skills. Even though it is a general-purpose skill, it’s often barely awakened by the time you reach level 50 and clear level 7 dungeons… Maybe Si-woo could do it. ‘

It may be possible if it’s Jung Si-woo, who handled the mana as soon as he got mana and hid his tail. Even if he can’t do it, the mana proficiency gained won’t be a waste of time.

‘Si-woo is different from the players in the sky. Unlike my experience with them, I need to match Si-woo’s style of play. ‘
Jung Si-woo will definitely become stronger. Soo Ah-rin never doubted the fact that he would be able to accelerate his growth even further. It was a little fun, as if she was playing a nurturing game.

“Since the next step has been decided, you should go and take a rest now.”

“Okay. You must have been exhausted too, so rest comfortably.”

Rather than that, Jung Si-woo realized a problem.

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“Where will you sleep? No, how will you wash yourself? ”

“Uh, that…”

That night, Jung Si-woo was willing to shake off some of the money he earned as a player, and ordered a super-sized doll’s house with a bathtub and a bed. It was a socially overwhelming moment, but he has never cared about how people look at him.

So, the next day came.

News of the death of the sub-master Soo Ah-rin of the Soaring Tempest Guild was reported.

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