I Login Alone

Chapter 9: I Login Alone Chapter 9

Translator: Qii

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Editor: Maralynx

Jung Si-woo has been reborn as an Underground Player after clearing the test dungeon and has gained two passive skills. The first one is the symbol of an Underground Player, the ‘Tail of Chaos’, and the other one is the skill that represents his spirit… ‘Courage of the Ignorant’.

Soo Ah-rin was reborn as a supporter. Contrary to Jung Si-woo, she has two active skills.

The first one was ‘Advent’, a skill that consumes mana and reverts her body to her previous state for a certain period of time. Another one is ‘Stealth’, a skill that allows her to hide her appearance.

Advent is a high-efficiency skill that enhances all of her abilities, but it consumes just as much mana. However, in her state right now she could use Stealth for more than 3 hours. On the first day, there was no reason to use it and her mana was completely depleted, so she couldn’t use it, but it’s not the case for today.

“But I can still see you.”

“That’s because I am your supporter! The others won’t be able to see me. Unlike Advent, Stealth is highly efficient. The other Players would never be able to see me at their current levels.”

Soo Ah-rin confidently puffs her chest out. Her action just seems cute when she’s in her mini sized body.

“Yes, yes. Tell me when your mana is running out. I will hide you anywhere until you recover.”

Jung Si-woo laughed and started his motorbike. Of course, right now they are outside of the house.

Yes. It’s been 2 weeks since Jung Si-woo started practicing mana and now he is tired of training in his house, so he is determined to go on a dungeon exploration.

Soo Ah-rin, who had seen the results of his training, decided that he would be able to clear the first-level dungeon in the Ant Cave easily so there was nothing to fear. No, actually there was already nothing to fear from the beginning.

“But Si-woo, that bike…”


It’s not like they could just take any public transport to the dungeons, so Jung Si-woo bought a new bike with the money he earned in the test dungeon. Soo Ah-rin took a double look at the bike.

“It’s good that you bought a bike… But why is it a chinese restaurant’s food delivery motorcycle?”

“Now you know.”

Jung Si-woo smiles mysteriously.

The bike itself was an 800cc-class but he painted it in a familiar color to the Koreans, red and white. It might look a little flimsy because he painted it himself.At the end of the seat, a familiar iron box was placed, so at first glance it looked like a perfect chinese restaurant delivery motorcycle.

No, even if you look closely…

“If even you manage to be fooled, then no one would find it suspicious. This is perfect.”

“On the contrary, it is overflowing with suspicion!”

Finally, Soo Ah-rin exploded.

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“This bike is over 10 million won right?! Who uses such a bike to deliver for chinese restaurants!”

“Are you looking down on Chinese food’s delivery men? You better apologize to all Chinese food’s delivery men in the country.”

“Ah! I’m not looking down on them, sorry!”

“Be nice.”

This is also one of Jung Si-woo’s tricks. If it’s a Chinese food’s delivery bike, then it won’t be weird no matter where you go in Korea, and it won’t attract attention! In other words, you can drive across the country without being suspicious.

Of course, if you look at it in detail, you’ll realize that the body and engine of this bike are different from the ordinary 125cc motorcycle, but Jung Si-woo assured her that there will be no human beings who would look closely at Chinese restaurant motorcycles in this world.

“Hop in.”

“Ah, to think that my first motorcycle ride with a man will be on a Chinese food delivery motorcycle…”

Soo Ah-rin, who can no longer refute him, went inside Jung Si-Woo’s shirt pocket with a complex expression. However, when Jung Si-woo quietly tried to pull the throttle, a sudden voice was heard.

“Where are you going?”

“Ah, my heart almost dropped.”

The owner of the voice was Jung Si-woo’s mother. His mother’s eyes popped out when she ran out of the house because of the unfamiliar sound.
Of course, it’s the mom radar, Jung Si-woo quietly muttered. Her mother then asked with narrowed eyes.

“Where did you get the money to buy this?”

“My friend who works at a Chinese restaurant gave it to me.”

“Are you lying to me?”

His mother was suspicious, but Jung Si-woo retained his poker face, to not be caught by her.

“…Don’t go around doing dangerous things. There are also strange rumors about seeing someone weird late at night these days and watch out on the road.”


She noticed that her son was acting strange these days, but she knew that he wasn’t as ignorant. She thought it would be time for him who had been lazing at home since graduating from college to get bored, so she thought that he was out looking for a new thing to do.

“Do not get into an accident. Even if you’re going to crash into a car, don’t crash into the foreign cars, but the local ones.”


The motorcycle is very dangerous. You can get into an accident easily and die. Why doesn’t she just say, don’t ride the bike.
However, that is not the case for Jung Si-woo. His body is the strongest weapon in the world and if he dies in a bike accident, that would be a miracle!

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Even if the bike, as well as the other’s vehicle was crushed, it will be difficult to even leave a scratch on Jung Si-woo’s body.

“I will get going now. I may not come back for a few days.”

“Okay. Don’t forget to buy some souvenirs.”

Jung Si-woo, who gave a cool goodbye, started the bike after his mother threw back a cool reply. Soo Ah-rin had to try hard not to laugh.


Soo Ah-rin laughed gently and poke her head out of his pocket after the bike had completely left the residential area. It was chaotic, but it felt nice. She’s a bit more excited now than before.

“Now, the only problem is how to find the dungeon.”

“I already thought about that part.”

Soo Ah-rin thought of the situation at the time when he first discovered the Ant Cave.

At that time, Soo Ah-rin was falling from the sky, and Jung Si-woo, who never hesitates, immediately caught her, and as a result, the two fell together in the Ant Cave.

It is hard to imagine that the test dungeon was located right where Jung Si-woo landed with Soo Ah-rin. She hypothesized that the creation of the test dungeon itself might have been triggered by her falling there.

“So, the dungeon was created because you fell there?”

“It could also have been a dungeon that originally existed but moved there after being triggered. Anyway, I think it’s like that.”

“So, in order to find a dungeon, we have to find where the players fell, their grave.”

Actually, Jung Si-woo already thought of that possibility, but there is one problem. It’s common for players to fall and never be found again so no one marks where they fell and died!

“H-Hey, I wasn’t just playing while you were training. I went through my memory and the community of players online and investigated when and which players falls from which dungeon!”

“Really? Then, there is a way to find the location?”

Soo Ah-rin proudly raised her shoulders and shouted.

“There is none yet!”

“Okay, it doesn’t mean anything then.”

“It’s not like this doesn’t have anything to do with the crashing position because I need to calculate the wind direction and the wind speed at the time…”

After all, it seems like there is no choice but to go all over the country searching for a dungeon. Jung Si-woo sighed and accelerated his bike a little. The Chinese food motorcycle camouflage method is really effective, no one looks over even when Jung Si-woo was sitting on such a large bike. On the contrary, if Jung Si-woo had been sitting on a small delivery motorcycle, he might have felt more uncomfortable.

“Fuuh, it’s exciting to ride after a long time.”

“Si-woo, you’re not a biker or some sort of that, right?”

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“When I was younger, I did love riding bikes.”

He ignored Soo Ah-rin and recalled the news of a biker-related incident, who raced endlessly with the bike. He was a free spirit. There was nothing in this world that could stop him except the red light.

“When I was in school, even if I didn’t do anything, the kids parted and made ways for me.”

“Yeah. The cars are like that too right now.”

The appearance of Jung Si-woo, driving a bike without a helmet, was terrifying for the drivers.
Although he was not born with a tough appearance, the aura of someone with a strong innate force exists. For professional drivers, they could guess just by looking at Jung Si-woo’s face that he’s dangerous.

“I’ll do the driving, so you find the dungeon. You know how to find dungeons, right?”

“If it’s something like a test dungeon, then maybe. I’m not an underground player’s supporter for nothing… huh?”

Soo Ah-rin suddenly made a startled noise. Jung Si-woo thought it was to make fun of him, but the next moment, Soo Ah-rin grabbed his collar and exclaimed.

“Dungeon! I found the dungeon!”

“It’s only been 30 minutes since I left home?”

“I can’t believe it either but it’s true! Turn left, turn left!”

“No sig… nal.”

Immediately after slowing down the speed of the bike, Jung Si-woo, who set up his bike on the side of the road, looked around and checked whether any human’s eyes or CCTV were present. The moment he was sure that they’re completely out of anyone’s sight, he put his bike into the inventory.
Similar to the Sledge Hammer, it was great because the bike only occupied 2×4, in another word, only 8 spaces.

“Won’t we get caught?”

“It’s okay, no one saw it.”

“Seriously, what are your senses made of…?”

Jung Si-woo picked up the flustered Soo Ah-rin in his pocket and walked calmly. As he said, no one on the street noticed him, making Soo Ah-rin feel like she’s the weird one.


The dungeon that Soo Ah-rin discovered soon enters Jung Si-woo’s view. In the middle of the residential vacant lot, the cursor in the shape of an inverted pyramid floated in the air and [Interface] was next to it. They presumed it is only visible to Soo Ah-rin’s and his eyes in the world.

“I guess this place must have been up for sale.”

“Yes, but this dungeon…”

Soo Ah-rin frowned. Looking at the inverted pyramid-shaped cursor, they noticed a window explaining about the dungeon next to it, but the content…

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[??? Dungeon: Standard Difficulty]
Jung Si-woo also confirmed the content. When he looked at Soo Ah-rin, she avoided his eyes.

“I don’t know even if you ask me.”

“Yeah, I thought so.”

Of course, he didn’t think that he could enter a normal first-level dungeon as an Underground Player, but to think the level itself was omitted altogether.
However, if he doesn’t have to enter the dungeons in order of difficulty, then that explains how the dungeon was discovered so quickly.
He felt bitter, but it’s not Jung Si-woo if he steps back. Didn’t the interface explain that the difficulty is normal?
Normal… The yellow color of the pyramid cursor was an obvious sign for him, from years of gameplay experience, it was evident that it meant ‘this dungeon is just the right dungeon for you to challenge’.

“Okay, then let’s dig.”

“Please don’t be a difficult dungeon…”

Jung Si-woo looked around and stood under the cursor. Strangely, at that moment, the cursor expanded and covered the whole area.
Still, Jung Si-woo, who trained with mana these days, could intuitively feel that it was some kind of a barrier. This is to help the Players who are entering the dungeon not get exposed to the outsider’s eyes.

“This is pretty good?”

“It’s good to know that they are considerate to the Underground Players. Hurry up though, I don’t know how long this barrier will last.”
Jung Si-woo nodded and struck the floor with his fist. However, despite the fact that the building near them was affected by the blow, the ground strangely stayed unaffected. This time, he tried to hit the ground with his tail by gathering mana near his tailbone.
Then, mysteriously, the ground was crushed under his tail.

“As I thought, this is the role of the key.”

“Why do you bother…”

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The time he spent training to handle his tail was not in vain after all, and within a few minutes, Jung Si-woo succeeded in making a hole that would be enough for him to put his tail in.

“How much more do I need to dig here… Aaaah?!”


At that very moment, as in the previous test dungeon, Jung Si-woo and Soo Ah-rin fell into the underground and disappeared. They met the dungeon’s admission requirements!

The spot where the both of them disappeared, the vacant lot gradually filled the hole as if nothing had happened. At that moment, a large centipede passing over it was sucked into the hole and disappeared, but no one discovered it.

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