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Currently Artha was gravely injured and was lying on the floor. She had most too much blood and looked pale because of the blood loss.

She looked weaker, even when compared to a level on monster now. But her eyes were calm and the level two Minotaur felt a chill down his spine from looking at them.

He turned around to avoid the awkwardness in his face and asked a question. "Where is your lover?"

"Did he get scared? Did he run away? Did he soil his pants as he ran away from seeing me?" The level two Minotaur got more excited as he continued to degrade Sky.

"Well I wanted to fuck you before him and break his heart, but now, it seems that it is not possible anymore. After all, your lover pissed his pants and ran away." The level two Minotaur laughed crazily as he turned back and faced Artha.

Her cold eyes were crushed under his immense lust for the body. She was wounded heavily and some of her cloth had been torn away. The curves that were revealed by the half torn cloth would even erect a dysfunctional little brother.

As soon as she came to know about the two level four Minotaurs in this group, she had sent all her foxes into the secret space while she alone remained outside to intercept them.

All their food was stored in the secret space, so there would be no food shortage for the time being. The food could probably sustain them for at least five years.

Five years was more than enough for Sky to return back to the fox territory.

She knew Sky would eventually come back and avenge her and save the foxes in the secret space.

She looked as the level two Minotaur's hand make it's way to her remaining cloth and her eyes squinted.

She used to be a level nine monster once and now, even a level two monster dared to play with her. Her eyes turned cold as she used the remaining internal energy in her to heal her injuries as she disappeared from the monster.

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The level two monster was shocked to see Arrah disappear from his view. He started panicking as he did not know what was happening.

But the level four Minotaur beside the level two Minotaur scoffed with disdain as he pointed a little distance away to the level two monster.

The place pointed by level four Minotaur was empty, but when the level two Minotaur looked carefully, he saw blood dripping from out of no where in that location.

"What is that?" He asked still not comprehending the situation.

"That is a innate ability. Seems like this fox was very special. She even had a innate ability that even the territory lords don't have." The level four Minotaur explained slowly.

"Innate abilities are skills that do not need any internal energy to operate. These skills appear from their birth. Even though they appear from the birth, they are rarer than phoenixes."

"In the whole monster population, the number of monsters with innate abilities are said to less than hundred."

"And this fox's innate ability seems to be invisibility. Too bad that her blood gave her away." The level four Minotaur moved towards the place that was dripping blood.

He caught up to the dripping blood and raised his fist. He wanted to knock Artha out with this punch, so that she would not be able to use her innate ability again.

As soon as he punched he felt something solid where there was nothing before. He smiled as he thought he felt Artha's original body. But the next scene dumbfounded everyone.

For a second that the level four Minotaur waved his hand, Artha became visible. But suddenly her solid figure turned red and exploded on to the monster.

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The level four Minotaur was now covered by Artha's blood. "A blood clone!" He said in a daze.

"Fuck she has two innate abilities, first invisibility and now a blood clone. This might be tougher than we think." The other level four Minotaur who had been watching the scene from sidelines suddenly turned serious as he watched his surroundings.

"Ahhhhhh!" Suddenly the Minotaurs heard a loud scream. The level four Minotaur who had Artha's blood on him had collapsed to the ground as he started screaming.

The blood that was on him until now started to go inside his ears, nose, mouth and every other opening in the Minotaur's body.

Seeing this scene, the other Minotaurs were scared stiff. They did not even move a muscle as they saw the blood enter and tear the level four Minotaur from inside.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Her second innate is not a 'blood clone' but 'blood control'. Fuck that, isn't that a supreme level innate ability." The other four Minotaur took a step back as he screamed.

Every monster at their birth would have an innate ability. But this ability would not awaken until a monster reaches the state of God.

That is, only when the monster converts it's body into that of humans and starts soul cultivation, will the innate ability awaken.

Only after it's awakening can one use their innate ability. But there were always exceptions to the things.

Sometimes a monster's innate ability would awaken before they have reached god hood and Artha was one of those exceptions.

Innate abilities are classified as survival abilities, attack abilities and supreme abilities.

Survival abilities are the most common of these abilities and almost all of the gods have a survival ability of their own.

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Invisibility and blood clone, both these come under survival innate abilities but blood control was different.

A supreme ability was something that does not even appear in a level nine God. It's something that is rarer than the number of wifi that do not lag in our world[1] {used to convey its rarity, nothing more}

Blood clone was just a simple survival ability that can be found easily in Gods. But blood control is not as simple as that.

There was a reason that blood control was defined as a supreme innate ability.

The purple dungeon was one of the special dungeons of the seven dungeons just like the red dungeon. Their speciality comes from one of the strongest race of monsters. The Vampires.

Unlike other dungeons where the first forty floors do not contain even a single God, the purple dungeon had about half their Gods below the fortieth floor.

These forty floors were also ruled by a single monster race, the Vampires. Unlike other monsters, the Vampire were lazy and did not try to occupy the higher floors.

Once, A God from the sixtieth floor of the purple dungeon waged a war on the Vampires with his whole floor.

This war ended in one day and was said to be the most bloodiest war in the purple dungeon.

The Vampire Queen, the sole ruler of the vampires went to the battle field and used her innate ability and destroyed the whole of sixtieth floor with it.

Her innate ability was precisely, the blood control. The same innate ability Artha possessed.

Even there were differences between the Vampire Queen's blood control and Artha's. The Minotaurs were still scared. After all this was ability that took the lives of numerous gods.

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"Calm down! She is already weakened. Even if she has blood control, she would not be able to maintain it for long." The level two Minotaur shouted at his comrades.

This calmed down the scared Minotaurs by a lot. That's right, no matter how strong blood control was, Artha was just a level three fox and was currently wounded. There was no need to fear her if they were cautious unlike the level four Minotaur.

The level four Minotaur had his internal organs destroyed and died a painful death because of his carelessness. The other monsters were not fools to let this situation occur again.

Currently Artha felt only one feeling. Weak. She felt too weak. Controlling that blood to eliminate the level four Minotaur took almost all her strength.

She was currently in her invisible state but even this she could only maintain temporarily. After sometime she would lose her invisibility and would be raped and killed.

Thinking this, Artha made a final decision. She looked toward the second floor's stairs with love and whispered, "my love, May I meet you faster in my next life."

She then turned around and faced the Minotaurs. Her blood flew out of her body at a crazy rate and formed blood clones.

These blood clones used invisibility as they sneaked up the Minotaurs and started killing them.

This took almost all of her blood and Artha fell down, her face pale with lack of blood. She was dying out of blood loss.

The Minotaurs became busy with taking the sneak attacks from the blood clones and did not notice her original body.


Author's thoughts.

God, I love Artha!

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