Fifty-seven Dragons (2)

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The ink and inkstone that Mu Wanwan had found previously were from various nooks and crannies. She didn’t clean this place often either—only about once or twice a month.

But this time, Mu Wanwan could clearly feel that the study seemed to be different somehow. The moment she entered, it was as if she had stepped into a place where something had been set up. She couldn’t put her finger to it, but it felt off.

Mu Wanwan only felt that something was amiss, but Mister Long, who was resting quietly on the bed, slowly opened his eyes. There was a hint of vigilance and indifference in his black pupils, but that coldness soon disappeared as he confirmed that the one who had entered the range of the formation was his wife, and his eyes took on a doting look.

Mister Long sent his spiritual consciousness out. He could only secretly use his spiritual consciousness to look at his wife before she advanced to Rank 4 and gained spiritual consciousness of her own.

Mister-outwardly-expressionless-yet-inwardly-shy-and-fanatical-Long’s spiritual consciousness completely exposed his true nature. Like a large clingy cat, it followed Mu Wanwan all the way from the entrance of the study into the depths of the study.

She seemed to look prettier than before ( ω )

Mhm, she has really become prettier.

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Mister Long was still watching her dazedly when Mu Wanwan suddenly found a piece of somewhat yellowed paper in an inconspicuous place under the table.

She had never seen it before when she cleaned this place, so she decided to pick it up to have a look.

As a result, Mister Long saw his wife bend down slowly; her not-too-think clothes outlined her slender waist, and further downwards…

Mister Long’s spiritual consciousness jerked back several steps and turned around in a human-like manner.

His heart burned and the tip of his nose felt a little hot.

After covering his face after a while, Mister Long slowly put down his hands and continued to observe (peek) at his wife with a solemn expression on his faintly-red handsome face.

Fortunately, she was done picking the piece of paper up. It was a piece of yellowed parchment with slightly curled edges.

Despite his best efforts, Mister Long couldn’t recall the contents of that piece of paper. He has lived for more than a hundred years and been the leader for several decades, and even though he was still considered a very, very young dragon, he has still written a lot of things over the years…

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Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. Mister Long watched nervously as Mu Wanwan slowly unfolded the parchment.

The moment she saw the handwriting on the paper, Mu Wanwan’s expression was a spectacle to behold—

The handwriting was simply… It was even somewhat of a compliment to call it ugly.

The written script of this world was far less complicated than Traditional Chinese characters. After gaining the memories of the original body, Mu Wanwan grasped it after only a couple of attempts at writing it. Although her writing was not particularly beautiful, it was very neat and tidy.

However, the writing on this paper… How should she put it? It was rather abstract.

She wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes. After looking at it for a long time, she still couldn’t understand anything. She frowned slightly, then used her hand to cover the bottom half of the paper and tried to make out each word one by one.


After much effort, she finally made out the first character.

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She read it out softly, but in the bedroom, Mister Long had the urge to run himself into the wall.

He had been really immature at that time and knew nothing about the affairs of men and women. There were always random people who wanted to become cultivation partners with him which really annoyed him. He just happened to be learning to write, so he took out his annoyance by complaining about it in writing.

How did this get found by his wife?! What if she managed to understand it…?

He was already a useless disabled dragon. If he was suspected of not being able to perform…

He was currently feeling very conflicted. On the one hand, he thought it would be best if his wife hated him, but on the other hand, he couldn’t keep from wishing that she could like him some more.

Mister Long pursed his lips and grabbed the quilt nervously.


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‘I don’t know?’

Mu Wanwan stared at it for a long time, but was stuck on the next word. So, she gave up and skipped that word. She made out each word one by one and finally got to end and discerned the gist of the words by guessing——

The first line was, “I don’t know how to X”.

And the next line was, “How dare you X me, I’m still young. Ha.” 1

The author has something to say:

Mister Long, “My wife, I can do it, I can!”


1: The first part of the sentence here can be inferred to mean “How dare you seduce me”, as the ‘x’ is only in place for one of the two characters that make up the word, ‘seduce’ in Chinese.

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