Sixty Dragons (2)

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Mu Wan Wan patted her cheeks, thinking that she must be crazy. Before, in this cold palace and courtyard, she didn’t have Mengmeng by her side, and although her life was fulfilling every day, she always felt lonely. When did she ever have the feeling of thinking that the clouds looked like marshmallows?

Now, she carried elixirs in her pocket that could be turned into spirit stones, there were several rows of seedlings in the courtyard, Mengmeng was playing with the spirit chicks, and the dragon…

As for the dragon, his tail was no longer rotten, he no longer vomited blood, pretended to be asleep every day, and was much easier to take care of than before.

Mu Wanwan found it a little funny and turned to go back inside…

She was going out tomorrow, and she still had a lot of things to do.


Early the next morning, Mu Wanwan finished the chores and was just preparing to leave when she noticed that a certain dragon’s ears, along with his eyelashes, were trembling.

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Feeling a little naughty, she didn’t leave right away. Instead, she walked to the bedside and with a hint of a smile in her voice, said softly, “Mister Long, can I rub your ears?”

Mu Wanwan clearly saw the dragon’s body stiffen slightly.

Looking at his unadorned face that was still covered in ugly scars, she felt her cheeks grow warm. “If you don’t say anything…”

Mu Wanwan placed her hand gently on his furry ear and squeezed it carefully. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

She could feel him trembling, and even she herself trembled a little shyly for some reason. She had only wanted to tease the bad dragon who was pretending to be asleep.

As if she had been scalded, Mu Wanwan quickly rubbed his ears a couple of times before withdrawing her hand. “I’m off, Mister Long.”

She put on her back basket and stood by the sunny door for a moment before saying, “I’ll buy some meat this time.”

The feathery chirp was cradling a spiritual fruit in its wings and watched her reluctantly. “Chirp! Chirp chirp~”

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It said, Mengmeng will be good and take good care of the bad dragon ^w^!


Mu Wanwan locked the door of the courtyard and met Hongye at the appointed place, and the two left the residence.

“Let’s go to the human race’s market this time.” Mu Wanwan said to Hongye as the ox cart left the residence’s boundary.

Hongye was a little surprised. “Madam, why do you want to go to the human race’s market?”

Mu Wanwan smiled. “There are too many elves who are good at cultivating plants. I’ve recently made some progress in my cultivation, and I bought some seeds from the elven market last time. This time, I want to go to the human race’s market to see if there’s any way to earn some spirit stones.”

She knew that she wouldn’t be able to hide the fact that she had made progress in her cultivation for long, so she might as well admit it openly. Besides, she could now see Hongye’s cultivation level—she was a late-stage Rank 1 cultivator. Hongye was a very cautious maid who wouldn’t easily do anything that was difficult and unrewarding.

“Then Madam is indeed going to the right place,” Hongye smiled at Mu Wanwan and was secretly surprised——

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Last time, she could still sense some of Mu Wanwan’s aura and judge her strength, but this time, she couldn’t sense any aura from her at all. Either Mu Wanwan had some miraculous encounter, or her strength was now far above her own.

“Hongye, take this spirit stone. “ Mu Wanwan took out a low-grade spirit stone and stuffed it into her hand. “Thank you for taking care of me all this while. Now that Fuliu is gone, I will also have more to spend every month.”

Hongye’s palms were all sweaty, but she still accepted the spirit stone with a smile. “Thank you very much, Madam. Hongye will definitely not speak out of turn.”

In actuality, she wasn’t planning to say anything.

Although Lord Ao Qin had asked them to monitor the lady, apart from coming occasionally to check on things for a few days after the sovereign got married, he had not come by all this time. He didn’t even send anyone to take over after Fuliu’s incident.

If she were to report the situation, she wouldn’t gain anything good from it, and it was highly likely that she might even lose her life. On the other hand, if she kept quiet, she could still receive some benefits from Mu Wanwan every month. So, why bother?

The ox cart slowly made its way to the market jointly operated by the human and dwarf races. Having made up her mind, Hongye got off the cart confidently and bade farewell to Mu Wanwan with a smile.

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Mu Wanwan put her back basket on and looked at the people coming and going on the road, squeezing the edge of her veiled hat.

The market jointly operated by the humans and the dwarves was much larger than the one operated by the elves. First of all, the entrance gate alone was much grander and twice as big as the one at the elven market. Directly in front of the main gate was a large testing stone that was half the height of a human.

Standing on both sides of the testing stone were two rows of cultivators—one row of human cultivators and one row of dwarven cultivators.

The human cultivators were nothing out of the ordinary, mostly consisting of young and middle-aged cultivators.

Previously, when Mu Wanwan had gone to the elf market, her ability was still weak and she couldn’t determine the cultivation level of the cultivators guarding the entrance. Now that her cultivation had improved somewhat, she could tell that most of them were Rank 2 and Rank 3 cultivators. There were also a few cultivators whose strength she couldn’t discern just from sensing their aura.

As for the dwarves, Mu Wanwan found them quite intriguing. It was her first time seeing them.

The author has something to say:

Mister Long (ears trembling), “I’ll wait obediently for my wife to come back to feed me.”

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