Sixty-two Dragons (2)

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As soon as Mu Wanwan entered the shop, he was keenly aware of the aura that was on her.

After all, Uncle Tie was a nearly hundred-year-old dwarf—it was only natural that he saw through it at once.

She even said she was that person’s wife, and she seemed genuinely sincere.

Uncle Tie touched the wounds on his body, unable to determine whether he felt gratitude or hatred towards that person. After escaping, he cautiously lived on the border until that person became the sovereign before he was finally able to come out to live under the sun. Even if only for that reason, he wanted to repay the favour.

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Uncle Tie let out a small sigh and took out the materials he had treasured for a long time from his interdimensional pouch. He lifted his thick and heavy pants, revealing a pair of mechanical legs that began to move dexterously.

——Meanwhile, Mu Wanwan sold the vegetables and pouches she brought, then went to buy some other things. After checking the time and seeing that it was still early, she went to Uncle Zong’s shop. She wanted to see if the elixirs she refined had been sold.

It was almost noon, and the crowd wasn’t very large. When Mu Wanwan entered the shop, Uncle Zong happened to be discussing business with a few people.

Coincidentally, one of them was the female cultivator who collected the entrance fee from her at the entrance in the morning.

Upon hearing footsteps, the female cultivator turned her head and glanced at Mu Wanwan. This time, she no longer concealed her expression, and her eyes were filled with blatant sarcasm.

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Uncle Zong smiled at Mu Wanwan, but before he could greet her, the female cultivator raised an eyebrow and said, “Boss, don’t bother yourself with irrelevant people. Quickly pack up the elixirs for me.”

As soon as she said that, Uncle Zong’s face darkened. The two male cultivators next to her seemed to realize that her tone was very bad and hastily apologized, “Boss, our Little Junior Sister didn’t mean it on purpose. Please don’t take offense.”

Mu Wanwan was also displeased. It was really annoying when things like this happened. She didn’t want to cause trouble for Uncle Zong Su, but unexpectedly, he let out a cold laugh. “Who do you think you’re looking down on?”

The female cultivator knew that her words were a bit inappropriate, but she was always treated with reverence. Now, seeing Uncle Zong standing up for a poor and lowly cultivator who had just come in, she was immediately displeased. “Why? I’m offering two medium-grade spirit stones for each bottle of this elixir. Don’t you businessmen all want to make money?”

“Oh,” said Uncle Zong, “We won’t earn your money. Now, please get out.”

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“Boss, don’t.” One of the male cultivators became anxious. He was planning to go on a cultivation journey soon, and as there were many dangers in the secret realm, he wanted to buy some Spirit Returning Pills. He was immediately drawn to the Spirit Returning Pills Uncle Zong put on display today, and had judged instantly that the quality of these pills was definitely superior to those in other stores. However, his plan was now ruined by his ever-obstinate and arrogant Little Junior Sister.

“I said I’m not selling, and that’s that. Do you want to fight for it?” roared Uncle Zong. A gigantic lion head appeared behind him, emanating the intimidating aura of a high-ranking orc. The group of cultivators who were about to say something was frightened, especially the female cultivator, whose face turned red.

“I’ll have my Master deal with you, you savage orc!” she spat, and then ran off. The two male cultivators also slinked away after her. One of them was particularly resentful, gritting his teeth as a malicious look flashed in his eyes.

Mu Wanwan felt a sense of satisfaction, but was a little worried. “Uncle Zong, will her teacher really come to give you trouble?”

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Uncle Zong sneered, “Her teacher won’t be able to defeat your Uncle Chen.”

Mu Wanwan, “…”

She stayed in Uncle Zong’s shop for a while and waited for an hour before a customer arrived. It was a very plainly dressed human cultivator. They bargained for some time, and in the end, the cultivator reluctantly spent one and a half medium-grade spirit stones to purchase a bottle of elixir. Mu Wanwan observed the entire process of Uncle Zong doing business and came to a conclusion—

If you have a strong fist and good medicine, you have the power to do whatever you want! (:з」∠)

Auntie Yun finished resting after eating a Spirit Returning Pill and happily told Mu Wanwan that the elixir she made also had some effect in alleviating curses, and was even better than directly consuming spiritual fruits.

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