Midnight. I woke up with an incoming call on my cell phone.

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Even though I was asleep, I groped for my cell phone placed near my bed and pressed the answer button, and brought it closer to my ear.


"Taiga-san ..."

"...Are you asleep?"

"I slept a little ..."

"My bad, it's the middle of the night."

"It's okay. What are we talking about today?"

"Whatever you want."

"Okay ... I have a person I really like, and he often calls me .... I'm happy with the call but I wonder, is it helping him even a little? I think I'm glad I am alive. That person is called Taiga-san, do you know? "

"Oh, I know."


When I jokingly said that, Taiga-san replied with a small smile.


"Everyone knows Taiga-san because he's cool. It's amazing... Taiga-san is really like a cloud, I am not a person that is involved with him at first... But now I can talk to him on the phone. I can't believe it ... I still wonder if this is a dream... "



The sound of rain can be heard from outside the window. Since the beginning of June, the recent weather has been cloudy or rainy during the day. I like fine weather but, I also like rainy and cloudy weather, the overcast weather makes me feel good for some reason.

The hydrangea that blooms on my way home is beautiful, and I like the sound of rain hitting my umbrella. I hate getting my shoes wet, though.


"It's still raining outside ... What's your favorite weather?"

"... It's sunny."

"It's nice to be sunny. When the weather is nice, it's easy to go out and it's fun to ride a motorcycle."

"What is your favorite weather?"

"I like everything. Sunny, rainy, cloudy, thunder, snow, but maybe my favorite is cloudy."


"Yes, I like it because it is dark and dull."

"After all, the weather has changed."

"That's right. It's cloudy in Britain. It's said that the bride in June will be happy because June has the sunniest days in Britain."

"It's raining the most in June in Japan."

"That's right, but there are many people who get married in June because they want to get married to such a jinx."

"Do you want to get married in June too?"

"Well, that's right... June bride is every girl's dream. Well, I don't know if I can get married."

"Because you're a strange woman."

"Yes, I'm a weird woman, so I'm worried if I can get married."


The rain outside is getting stronger. The sound of rain and the voice from my cell phone makes my eyelids heavier again.

I had a little grudge against being drowsy.

When I let out one big yawn, Taiga heard it over my cell phone, and he said, "Is it time to go to bed?"

I still want to talk. I want to hear your voice. But, unfortunately, I can't beat sleepiness.


"Do you want to do that? I want to talk more, but my limits are near."

"I'm sorry to wake you up."

"No, please call me anytime... Can you sleep?"

"Oh, I think I can sleep. Then."

"Good night, Taiga-san"

"…good night."


When I hear Taiga hang up, I don't remember anything after. Apparently, I was very sleepy.



The next morning.

The rain had stopped, but thick clouds covered the sky.

I put the folding umbrella in my bag and went to school.


A day seems to be both long and short.

It was morning when I was just thinking that I didn't like going to school, but when I realized it, school is already finished.

After school, Ichika said she wanted to go to the library, so we went to the library.

It seems that Ichika came because she was informed that the new book she was asking for had arrived, so she went straight to the librarian. Meanwhile, I wander around the bookshelf, searching for books that look interesting.

Romance, mystery, fantasy, history, non-fiction.

I picked up what seems to be interesting titles, but there is no book that attracts me.

Ichika borrowed the book she was looking for and came to me while repeating the process of picking up the book and returning it.


"Is there a book that looks interesting?"

"Hmm, I didn't feel like reading a book right now, so I wasn't attracted to it."

"Oh sorry."

"What did Ichika borrow?"

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"This? The sequel to the romance novel I was talking about the other day."

"Is it the Maidens' War?"

"Yeah. I'm really looking forward to it!"


Ichika holds the book tightly.

As we left the library and headed for the shoe box, a pair of boys spoke to Ichika.

I am sure that one of the duos is Ichinose-san, Ichika's childhood friend, who is in a different class, but they are on good terms.

I personally think that Ichinose likes Ichika. But that's just me guessing.


"Mariko, is it okay to be with this guy halfway?"

"It's okay."

"My bad, Takahashi-san! I forgot my umbrella!"


Ichinose puts his hands together in front of his face. It was raining again outside, so to speak.

According to the weather forecast, the probability of precipitation in the afternoon was 50%, so it was good to bring a folding umbrella.


"Mariko, this person is Ichinose's friend, Maeno-kun. He seems to have forgotten his umbrella, so I'd like him to share Mariko's umbrella, is that okay?"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter. It's a folding umbrella, so it's a little small, that's why... I'm sorry if we get a bit wet."


When I talked to Maeno, who stands next to Ichinose, he waved his hand in front of his face and said, "It's alright, I'm glad you offered."

It's a secret that I thought he was like a chipmunk when I saw Maeno-kun's hair that was a little brown and his appearance.



Four people walk down the corridor and head for the shoe box.

Few students remained in school, probably because it is raining. There are few students walking in the corridor, and the sound of rain makes me feel quiet.


When I got down to the first floor, I heard the voices of men and a woman near the shoe box.

Naturally, the voice we spoke became quieter than the voice we have while we were happily speaking earlier.

And when we found out who the men and woman were, we closed our mouths completely.


The woman was saying something to a man who had fluffy, silky blonde hair that didn't feel damp even though it was a rainy day, and had a mixture of blonde and orange hair. The voice seems angry, but I don't think she's really angry when I saw her expression. From the side, she seemed to be talking happily, occasionally tapping the man's arm. And there is a man standing near the two.

The person with black hair, swiped back, wrinkled his eyebrows, and looked at them with his arms crossed as usual.


The trio was the heroine Hanamiya-san, Taiga's childhood friend, Kiyo-kun, and Taiga.

When I saw the scene, my heart jumped and I sweated strangely.

The fact that the heroine is entwined with the two means that one of them is her favorite.

And that's not all. A love triangle event means that both of them will fall in love with the heroine.

No matter who the heroine chose, I decided to support her. However, I thought that the heroine would choose the most popular student council president, Ao-san, so I was shocked to see that's she's involved with them.


Hanamiya-san is cute. Anyone who sees that smile will fall. It's strange if anyone doesn't fall.


We passed by the trio, telling myself that.

For a moment, I felt like I met Taiga's eyes. However, with the tacit understanding that I will not speak to him at school, I immediately take my eyes off. So I didn't know what Taiga looked like.


I put on my shoes and take out the folding umbrella from the bag.

I entered the open umbrella with Maeno. When we passed the gate, we finally took a breath. We were so relieved.


"That's the third-grader, Kurogane-senpai and Saionji-senpai!"


Ichinose, who was in Ichika's umbrella, spoke as if he's excited.

Ichika also talked, matching his excitement.


"I was surprised. I didn't know that Hanamiya-san and seniors knew each other ... Didn't they look like they are great friends?"

"That's right! Ah, really! Tanaka's guy, Hanamiya-san, but he's a broken heart or a painful guy without doing anything!" (Sorry, I can't really translate this part well so I didn't edited this, I don't know who Tanaka is lmao)

"Tanaka-kun from the baseball club? ... I can only say Donmai." (Sorry, I also don't know what 'donmai' is)

"I mean, Hanamiya-san, who talks normally with those two seniors, is amazing. I can't do it."

"I can't do that either. I'll run away for some reason."


The two people, whose excitement does not cool down after seeing the scene, exchange their thoughts with each other.

I couldn't get into the conversation between them, and I couldn't say anything and just silently followed Maeno-kun and the two of them.


"Saionji-senpai, have rumors that he was dating Misuzu-senpai the other day, right?"

"That information is old. From Misuzu-senpai to Shiratori-senpai... He should be free now."

"Both are really beautiful seniors! I don't know the feelings of a man who is popular about breakups!"

"Rumor has said that Kurogane-senpai had a fight with someone from another school the other day."

"Then I know that too. I'm talking about Karasuyama High School students."

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"Wow, Karasuyama, famous for being a delinquent high school? And he won? It's too amazing."

"I don't think they know the worries of ordinary people like us ..."

"I agree."



No, why do they both know so much information!?? Yeah, I'm surprised.

I knew that Ichika had some information because she often talked to various people and got along with her seniors, but she knew so much in detail!?? I didn't know anything at all!

Ichinose also has great information... Both of them heard such rumors... From whose information is that...

And that's Karasuyama, that Karasuyama is said to be a high school for delinquents!?? He had a quarrel with those people!?? Eh, strong... Taiga is strong... I knew he was strong, but it's completely different from the game world than in reality. In fact, I know that high school, and I know that the people in Karasuyama are strong in fights, so it's superfluous.


Maeno talked to me as I was about to ask for more information about Taiga.


"Both of them know a lot of things."

"Yeah, yeah. I've never heard of such a rumor, but where did they hear about it?"

"That's right, I thought so too! That's good... I didn't know much about it, so I thought I was the only one that didn't know it."


Maeno-kun talked with a reassuring smile on his face.

Because it's a cute face, that kind of gesture really suits him. Cute. It's a waste that he's a man.


"I'm not familiar with the information, so maybe we're the only ones who don't know."

"...No one would give us information...? I'm scared! That's really scary!"

"Only Maeno-kun will continue to have no information... I will get information from Ichika..."

"Wow, that's sly! It's a betrayal! I'll also get information from Ichinose!"


Maeno was easier to talk to than I expected.

After that, we talked about manga and talked about the contents of the TV we watched yesterday, and then we arrived at the destinations of Ichinose-san and Maeno-san.

When I waved my hand to say good bye and parted from them, Ichika spoke to me with a grinning expression.


"You talked with Maeno-kun very well."

"I will lose to Ichika and Ichinose."

"It doesn't matter because we're childhood friends!... Hey, Maeno-kun, don't have a girlfriend right now. How about it?"

"Whatever you say..."

"We're in the second year of high school! Summer is coming soon, so I want us to have a boyfriend before that!"

"Well, I don't want a boyfriend. I'll spend this summer alone."

"What are you talking about? You're a JK (jyoshi kousei: Highschool girl)! You have to take the exam next year and you'll only have this year! I'll have a boyfriend, so don't cry later!"

"I won't tell you. Be careful not to get caught up in a bad guy and cry."

"I'll do my best to be careful."


Ichika, who was holding her fist and talking about having a boyfriend, suddenly turned her face and said to me, so I suddenly wiped it out. Suddenly the true face is a foul. I have no choice but to laugh. (sorry, don't know what this is all about. Must be Ichika making funny faces lmao)

As it was, we laughed and headed for each of our own house.


I took off my shoes and wet socks and uniform, I also changed into my room clothes.

Mom and dad seemed to be late for work today, so I checked that there was supper in the fridge, took only a drink, and headed to the room.

I don't want to lie down on the bed without taking a bath, so I lie down on the floor with a cushion as a pillow.

When I tampered with the cell phone I had in my hand, I noticed that there were emails and incoming calls.

When I displayed the email, the other party was from Taiga.


I wondered if something had happened, and when I looked at the email in a hurry, a short sentence was written there as usual.


"Is it your boyfriend?"


The email was in the back of the messages, so I'm sure it has been a while since he sent it.

I hurriedly replied to the email.


I'm a Taiga-bias. I can't think of anything other than Taiga. I can't even think of a boyfriend, and I don't think I need a boyfriend if I can be on the side of Taiga.

I didn't want to be mistaken for any thoughts.




Unusually, the text of my email was as short as Taiga's because I wanted to clarify it immediately.

I wonder if this alone makes me seem cold. It was after I pressed the reply button that I thought I should have written more words.

Immediately after that, I received an incoming call from Taiga and I immediately answered the call.


"No! He is not my boyfriend!"


I said so before Taiga said anything.

Then, I said in quick succession.

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"I think I've said it many times, but I like Taiga! I can't think of anything other than Taiga! I can't have a boyfriend! I can't really imagine a boyfriend!"


The other side of the phone is silent.

I just waited for Taiga to say something.

A few seconds later, Taiga opened his mouth.


"... your voice is loud."

"Oh, I'm sorry ..."


It seems that I was getting bothered and my voice became loud. I'm sorry….


"Why are you going home with him under your umbrella even though he's not your boyfriend?"

"He's with me because Maeno-kun said he didn't have an umbrella."

"His name is Maeno?"

"That's right, Maeno-san. He was as cute as a girl, like a chipmunk."

"There was another group. Shouldn't both guys use the same umbrella?"

"The other boy, Ichinose, probably likes my friend Ichika ... So I wonder if it's better to have an umbrella with him."

"I wish that man had been wet in the rain."

"I'll be sorry if he catches a cold!"


Taiga spoke in a frustrated tone.

I don't think it's something to fight about, so why?

Besides, it sounds like he is jealous of Maeno-kun. Maybe that's because it's my desire. Still, I wanted to think that he was jealous.

Even a little mob wants to dream. If Taiga wanted to be jealous it would be because of jealousy of friendships, not jealousy of romantic feelings.



"Why does it matter to you?"

"Because Ichika asked me to let Maeno in. So if he catches a cold, it's obviously my fault!"

"Do you like me?"

"Yes, I've said it many times, I like you more than anyone else. I like you the most in the world."

"Then you shouldn't be on good terms with other guys."


"You are mine."



Taiga's words pulsated in my heart painfully. It wasn't because I was hurt, but because I was happy.

Because Taiga told me that I belonged to him. Is this jealousy? For a friend? Is it jealousy that you don't want your acquaintance to be stolen?

I am one of the mobs in the game, someone who is not involved at all.

My favorite person who was a character in the game in this world recognizes me and thinks of me like that, even a just little. Isn't that amazing?




That was the word that came out naturally.


"Taiga-san told me that I am his."


I'm happy and happy tears come out.

I felt that word meant that I was here.

I wonder if Taiga felt like this when he was recognized by the main character.

That's nice. I think I'll take good care of the heroine for the rest of my life. I can understand the feelings of Taiga. I'm very happy.


"... When I hear your crying voice, I became ridiculous."


Taiga, who had been silent for a long time when I was crying because of joy, said with a single tongue.


"What does that mean?"



A casual way of saying it. But it's not the rough way of saying it. The tone has become softer and has changed to a gentle voice that reassures me somewhere.


"Are you not angry anymore?"


"I'm good…."


I was relieved.

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It's more mentally draining to get angry at someone, but it's even more emotionally draining to get angry at someone you like.

When I was relieved, I was hungry.


"I'm hungry when I'm relieved."


I jokingly said that since I wanted to soften the awkward atmosphere.

Then, Taiga suggested, "Would you like to go eat somewhere?", And I made a strange voice saying "Hey!?"

No, it's not like my first time going with Taiga to a family restaurant, right? But that time had nothing to do with my will, whether it was forced or not. I only noticed it when I went to eat pancakes with him without being informed.

That means that I was invited to eat by Taiga for the first time!?? Whew! You must be kidding! Yeah, I'm absolutely nervous and afraid, but I want to go! I want to see the Taiga for the first time in a long time!


"I want to go!"

"Well, what about the place?"

"I'll leave it to Taiga! I will follow you everywhere!"


When I said that, I heard a voice from the other side of the phone that seemed to endure laughter.


"Do you want to stop?"


When I was told that, despair struck me from joy. What Taiga says is absolute. When Taiga said we're going, I'm happy to follow, but when asked if I should stop, I have no choice but to obediently follow.

What a treat. Oh, wait, it's pretty dented. I thought I could meet Taiga, so knowing that we couldn't meet, I'm like a living corpse. Ugh, it hurts. My life is already zero due to the what happened earlier... Don't draw monster cards anymore ... Someone ... Someone bless me with a potion. It can be herbs.


"I'm a little hurt, so I'm going to sleep ... Good night ..."

"Your reaction is really interesting."

"It's best to be pleased ... If Taiga-san is pleased ... One or two heartaches is cheap..."


Yeah yeah. If Taiga-san smiles, I'll do a stringless bungee. I'll do anything like a comedian on a variety show. What should I do next? Dive in the circle of fire? Kiss a bear? I'm good with eating snake dishes ... I can do anything now ...


"The difference with the previous one is awesome."


I can hear Taiga laughing over the phone. It's cool.

When I heard that voice, joy came back a little. Is it possible that Taiga is a white magician who can use recovery magic? The damage received from Taiga disappears ... What is this, candy and a whip? Whip and candy? Is it a new way to injure the other person and heal himself?



"Stopping means stopping to go to eat somewhere."

"...? What do you mean?"

"Isn't it likely that we'll meet an acquaintance at this time?"


No one knows our relationship, we were not involved in the school.

The first time we went out was good. When we ate pancakes, we went to a place a little far away from the high school we attended, so we didn't meet any acquaintances.

I didn't think much about the possibility that I might meet an acquaintance, so I replied, "I see!" I'm an idiot! You're not a kindergarten child ... You're a high school student, give a short reply! Say "I see!"! Short and energetic like a soldier!


Taiga utters a voice over the phone like he is having a conversation with another me (military mode) in his heart.



"So come to my house."



It was the second time I heard the words, but a different shock hit me.

Last time, Taiga called me in a state where he couldn't make a calm judgment. But this time, he said that with a calm judgment... No, I don't think I should go. It is a woman's intuition to think so. However, being called to the house of your bias means that it has tremendous destructive power, and I dropped my cell phone on the floor and hit my head against the wall without understanding the reason...

It's confusing. My head hurts. Which means this is not a dream. But maybe this is a dream. After hitting my head several times, I picked my cell phone on the floor.


"I'm sorry I was a little confused."

"Oh, I heard something ... Did you hit the wall?"

"No, I hit my head a little ..."

"Stop it. What if you become a weird guy?"

"Um, Taiga-san is worried about me!"

"Mainly I'm worried about your head .... So what are you going to do?"


That's decided.

When I immediately answered, "I'm going!", I pushed my right arm up to the ceiling.

I have no regrets in my life ... I shed tears and prayed for world peace.

e? You have no idea what you're talking about? Rest assured, I have no idea what I'm talking about. But it will be okay. I feel this in my heart.

Going to the house of my bias. That is the realm of God. I am about to enter the realm of God. Maybe I'll die ... but I can't refuse this invitation. If I don't go now, I will definitely regret it.



After finishing the phone call with Taiga, I took a bath and changed clothes in seconds.

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