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Chapter 20

“Kidnapping? Confinement?”

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“That’s right, I was taken here all the way in a helicopter without knowing any reason, and I couldn’t even leave this hotel room the whole time.”


“I see. Maybe you’re right. So did you do that to give me a hard time?”


“Did you have a hard time?”


“Not much.”


“Then it failed. Ugh, that sucks.”


Saying that, Yu-Irim rummages through his clothes, which were neatly arranged to one side, for a cigarette. And he glances at Muyoon before lighting it.


Muyoon smiles slightly and walks over, snatching the cigarette from Yu-Irim’s hand, and tossing it into a nearby trash can.


As expected, Yu-Irim’s face crumples. Muyoon couldn’t help but laugh, even though he knew it would only irritate him more.


“Are you going to work?”




“Do you want to have sex again?”


“I have to work.”


“When we’re having sex, at least it’s cute when you’re crying and clinging on to me for dear life, but when we’re not, you’re such an asshole, I thought you liked me?”


“Let’s just say it’s a good feeling for you…..”


Muyoon says, and sits down in front of the table where his work is arranged and checks the documents one by one. No matter how he said he would rest and work comfortably from the hotel, he still had a lot of work to do.


Yu-Irim watched Muyoon, then walked over to the bed and flopped down, irritation dripping down his face.


Luckily, though, Yu-Irim didn’t get any angrier or more annoyed. He remained lying blankly in the same position on the bed as if he was going to sleep. So Muyoon could only assume that he had either given up being annoyed or had come to terms with the current situation.


But soon he realized he was mistaken. The scent of Yu-Irim began to fill the room little by little. He ignored it at first, but as it keeps filling the room, it becomes very hard to ignore it.


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“I have to work, so stop it.”


Muyoon speaks in a warning tone, and Yu-Irim only shrugs.


Muyoon shakes his head and looks back at the documents. His assistants went back and forth in the room several times, but Yu-Irim did not remove his scent. They’re all betas and can not be affected by his scent, but the problem was Muyoon, who was gradually growing feverish.


Whether the actions with him had indeed worked as Yu-Irim had assured, the unbearable nervousness that he couldn’t bear without inhibitors had disappeared, but still it couldn’t be that easy to stay sane while still being exposed to the scent of the dominant Alpha Irim.


“Mr Yu-Irim.”


“Yes, Seo Muyoon.”


Muyoon had just sent Secretary Yeo out and untied his necktie. Unlike Muyoon who, changed his clothes, Yu-Irim was still lying on the bed in a shower robe, which hung loosely over his body as if the slightest movement would reveal his entire underside. Still, he was not the least bit bothered by the people coming and going in the room.


“Have you brought your clothes? And your scent is also a little……”


“No one can smell it anyway.”


“That’s not the point, it’s about the……!”


“Then let me finish off my scent on my own. Am I having a hard time if it continues?”


“I don’t think Mr. Yu-Irim would be comfortable either.”


“No way. There’s someone in front of me who’s going to be more uncomfortable than I am, but I can tolerate that much.”


“Why are you doing this?”


“Then why did CEO Seo do that to me?”


Yu-Irim said, his voice filled with genuine irritation. He stretched out his arm to Muyoon, who was standing beside him, and grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down.


Muyoon tries to shake off Yu-Irim’s touch, but Yu-Irim removes Muyoon’s hand aside and yanks him roughly.


If they were to wrestle, Muyoon would win, but after pushing him roughly with his hands a few times, he gave up and gave him the collar. His once neatly pressed clothes were crumpled.


“You didn’t like the sex? No, of course not. I saw how much you cried and clung and begged, so that’s a pointless question. Sex with me, you liked it a lot, didn’t you? I liked it a lot, too, and I think I did it very sweetly, and I think we have pretty good sexual compatibility…… I thought, at least now, I’d be able to get along with CEO Seo without all this shit?”

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“Then why don’t you just do it?”


“CEO Seo, who has stabbed people in the back so many times, won’t leave me alone. Why should I be an animal, locked up in this hotel room, unable to leave?”


“Because I want you to.”




“I don’t really need another reason.”


With that, Muyoon forcibly released Yu-Irim’s arm. After forcibly pulling it away and shoving him back onto the bed, he tidied up his crumpled clothes.


He didn’t feel so good. The satisfying sex and time he spent with Yu-Irim weren’t bad either, and Yu-Irim’s irritation wasn’t so off-putting, but rather, he was letting it slide because he found it endearing.


Honestly, he would have been annoyed too if he was in Yu-Irim’s position. That doesn’t mean Muyoon likes this kind of behaviour, especially when it’s difficult to tolerate.


It’s true that just seeing Yu-Irim makes his heart flutter, but that doesn’t mean he can tolerate anything.


Being an Omega is something Muyoon is very sensitive about.


“I try to stay relatively in line.”


“If you crossed the line twice, you’d be tied up somewhere.”


“Yes, I’m trying not to cross the line to avoid that, do you understand?”


Yu-Irim is not a stupid person. He lets out a small “damn” and glares at Muyoon in annoyance. This relationship can’t be horizontal anyway.


Muyoon’s position, his wealth, and the people he can mobilise are not things that can be ignored because Yu-Irim is annoyed.


“All right. Let’s stop. The sex atmosphere seemed good, so I thought maybe I could get a little comfortable, but I guess not.”


“I don’t care if you’re comfortable.”


“That’s not a very nice thing to say……. Wasn’t what you said to me a moment ago a threat?”


“I’m a little upset if that’s how it sounded, I didn’t mean it that way.”

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Yu-Irim doesn’t respond, but instead withdraws his scent again and walks over to the window to open it for ventilation. Muyoon sits on the bed and watches his movements.


“Are you upset?”




Muyoon could feel how upset Irim was just by his answer without even thinking. Muyoon is not sure what to do in this situation.


Yu-Irim is a demanding person, and Muyoon is not used to pleasing others. Because the people around him are the only ones who would please him no matter what he does.


Still, he didn’t want to be hated by Yu-Irim. He could force him to stay with him, he could do anything, but it would take an effort not to be hated by him.


Muyoon hesitated for a moment, then stepped up behind Yu-Irim. And he wrapped his arms gently around his waist.


The body wrapped around him was firm but slender and soft. He hugged him tightly, resting his chin lightly on his shoulder.


“What can I do to make you feel better?”


“It’s probably best not to tie me down here.”


“……I’ll have dinner with you tonight and send you afterwards.”




Irim spun around in his arms. There’s a hint of frustration in his voice, but it’s not the annoyed, helpless look he had earlier.


But Muyoon doesn’t like the look in his eyes. He wishes Yu-Irim would look at him with the same sweetness as he did last night.


Muyoon leaned down slightly and kissed the top of Yu-Irim’s eyelid.


“I’ve decided to stay here and work a bit today, and in the meantime I’d like Mr. Yu-Irim to be by my side.”


“I have nothing to do in the meantime.”


“It’s okay to sleep. You can have as much room service as you want.”


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“If you’re tying me down because you decided to take a rest at the hotel, would the CEO have let me out of here if he had come to work early in the morning and on time as he wanted?”


“I doubt it……”


“This is how you’re going to make me feel better?”


“……I don’t think so, to be honest.”


Muyoon hugged Yu-Irim a little tighter, and Yu-Irim held still. Muyoon didn’t like that either, so he grabbed his hand and wrapped it around his own waist.


“I’ve heard a lot of people say that I’m very moody, but I guess that’s nothing compared to the CEO.”


“Me? That’s the first time I’ve ever been called moody.”


“Everyone tells me I’m being moody in the presence of the CEO of Seogeum Group. I can do it because it’s me and I’m the only one who can do that.”


“Haha, is that so?”


“Don’t laugh, really. I waited for you to contact me first, but didn’t hear from you for months, and now you are telling me not to go even if I said I want to go.”


And Yu-Irim hugs Muyoon’s waist tightly. He squeezes his shoulders, as if in some kind of timid revenge, and the sharp pain echoes along his still sore back and Muyoon closes his eyes slightly.


“Then, is there any other way for me to make Mr. Yui-Irim feel better?”


“There is one, but…..”


“Tell me.”


“Can you suck it?”




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