I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1004: 1004 We Got A Problem!

I found pale gold gems, not that many actually. I got around one hundred of them.

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As for other gems, I got almost twenty thousand of them at the end of my search.

[Whats up?] As I finished, I sent this message over with a big grin of satisfaction on my face.

I got twenty thousand gems. And if each gem was exchanged with ten thousand elite soldiers from the other universe folks, then this would end up giving me almost two hundred million in one go.

And that was aside from the loot that got from many more dead bodies than this number.

It was just a regret that I couldnt gain any bones from these. I had to kill the ones Id get bones from, or get them killed by my forces.

[There is a problem Can lord come for a second?]

A problem? What kind of problem? Damn! Dont tell me they were responding!

I suddenly felt like falling from the top of a mountain to the deepest abyss. It didnt feel nice to not get anything after this work, after all these dreams.

These were at least two hundred million of elite and very strong forces. Having them was simply enough to invade four up to five worlds without fearing facing Hescos directly.

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I planned to divide them into great legions, each would have around forty million. Id add more armies of mine to them and send them over to five worlds with Hescos.

Like this Id save my forces a big deal of trouble. And that was just my gain from collecting gems.

I didnt collect any leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, or even water and grass. If I managed to collect all these, Id have enough armies to invade at least ten worlds without any worry.

But all this collapsed the moment he sent me this message. Damn! What bad luck this was!

[Im coming over!] I was at the end of my world right now, watching a big dome of fog that marked the end of my world.

I didnt delay and called back all my warriors, then led my chariot to fly at its highest speed. Crossing this distance of a few hundred miles took a couple of hours until I finally saw Oglak.

He was still flying midair, seemingly not moving a finger since the last time I saw him.

What went wrong? and even before reaching up to him, I shouted in an anxious tone, couldnt you reach them?

I did, but thats not the issue They asked for something else Something Weird!

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Weird? I paused, didnt you say they need these things from worlds like mine? Whats wrong then? What changed?

I Frankly dont know, and honestly I didnt get what they asked for. But the one who spoke to me said that my lord will understand when I tell him their terms.

Then say, I watched him land on my chariot. And I was sure if I could see his face right now, hed show a disturbed look on it.

They asked for something weird called Bones! Does lord know what these imply for? I frankly never heard of any bones to be used as a currency before!

Bones? Damn! Dont tell me they wanted my bones!!!

Lord Do you know what it means?! and when I went into such silence, getting shocked from their weird request, Oglak seemed to get a clue from the look on my face.

Sigh! How come they knew about my bones? I sighed, did they ask specifically for my bones?

Your Your bones? Damn lord! Do you sell your bones or what? How come

Oh, dont get me wrong, I couldnt help but bitterly chuckle when he said these words. At other times, Id laugh instead. These are things I could only provide in the entire universe.

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Tell me first everything that happened between you and that impacts dude.

Well I first sent him a message and he responded. I asked for a trade like we agreed on, sent him samples when he asked. He dealt with my oldest lord before, and so he asked me how come these goods were different and lower in quality than the ones we used to trade with.

And? So far things were going as expected.

Then I told him about you, telling him that I got a new lord. So he asked about your name and race, and I told him. Then He suddenly asked for a few hours to think about this before he sent me this weird demand.

So He wants my bones Interesting

Its weird He isnt someone weak or unknown in the entire universe. But he cares mostly about the news and things related to the other universe. Lord Do you get such fame here and there or what?

Sigh, I heard it once from that crazy sovereign of the Toranks race. He said that I got fame for my bones. But I never expected such fame to reach those related with the other universe.

What? Dont tell me my bones were useful for these people!

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So he asked specifically for my bones? Does he know we are asking for a trade with the other universe folks?

He said that this was a direct request from them, Oglak added in such an interesting piece of news, he said they wanted to do this trade with your bones. And for the price list, they provided it already.

Oh, interesting, I paused, send it over to me in a message. Let me see what they are looking for.

It was such a twist in events. I thought about the gems I worked for hours to collect and couldnt help but inwardly sigh.

They were now useless for me. And I couldnt just return them back to this world. They were like a product from the world here, and there was no way to return them back.

Id leave them inside my inventory for now then.

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