I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1008: 1008 Dark Realm Monster Bone

It works! I said, before suddenly breaking out in laughter, it works! Hahahaha! Thats great, hahahaha!

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Lord These Sigh! Lord cant simply think of wasting such valuable treasure this way, he got what I planned to do, and tried to dissuade me from doing it.

Shut up, shall you? Im having a great moment right now, hahahaha! Let me enjoy it and dont ruin the mood.

I kept laughing and smiling for almost an hour. Thinking about these gems and their magical effect that countered the side effects of that technique was really exciting for me.

Like this I got a complete echo system. I could let my Hescos use the technique and then heal them using my gems. It was just perfect!

I liked such an arrangement very much.

Lord These products take a long time to get produced

I waved my hand to silence that dude from saying anymore. It didnt take that much for me.

I knew if not for the many treasures I used to nourish this place, this world wasnt going to get such expansion and development. But who said these treasures were one time offer only?

I can get these treasures whenever I want, just dont spoil the moment for me, ok? I looked at him in warning. I got fed up with him to be honest.

Ok lord So Are we

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Hell yes well do it! I knew what he was going to ask, we cant let such an opportunity slip by. However I want you to test something first

I took a dark monster bone of dark gold grade and gave it to him.

This Is it a grade lower than the one lord gave to me before? Oglak seemed to not appreciate the bone I got out, judging it just by colour.

Just take it, I said, and he took it and went into silence for a long minute.

Lord What exactly is this bone?

It was a weird bone actually, one that might be a phalanx bone of one of the dark monsters I killed before. I didnt know what part it belonged to, however I knew it was much better than the black bone I showed him before.

Tell me, do you think this bone can get different results?

Well Cant tell without trying. However, something is stirring up my troubled sense inside me How did lord get it?

Dont worry, its just something special I got, I laughed, try it and lets see.


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Despite being hesitant, he started to do the same thing again. I wanted to see if my dark bones were different from the normal bones. After all, they were filled with violent dark energy coming from the other universe.

Just as he gushed out his blood, the bone started to dazzle like the previous one. Yet instead of shrinking in size, it expanded, as if his blood released some sort of a seal inside, making it bloat out by immense energy.

Not good This is going to explode Lord

Give it to me! Once he finished doing that technique, and just as he got weakened, the bone started to massively expand and shine, emitting rumbling noises that looked quite scary.

He didnt guess it wrong! It was going to explode! Dammit!

Come here! As he was too weak to do anything, I hurriedly jumped, hit this bone using my glaive and threw it at the door behind me.

Since coming into this world, a door would stick to my side no matter where I went.

And just as I hit it, the bone flew and vanished through the door, and all the troublesome energy it brought vanished.

Lord This What the heck is this thing?!! and with rushing breaths, Oglak couldnt prevent himself from asking.

Take this first, I threw him one of my gems. And as he started eating it, his weakness began to fade away, this bone is filled with a dense amount of energy. Aside from me, you are the first to see these bones ever.

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Dense amount of energy? Does it come in a special way or what?

Not in a special way, but from a special monster It came from monsters who are known as dark realm monsters.

This No way! Lord! Did you face one of these? Its a blessing that the lord is still alive after facing and running away from these

One? Hahaha! Oglak, oh my Oglak, you are underestimating your lord too much! Before hed continue his wrong words, I interrupted him with my words and laughed.

I didnt run, I never ran from any enemy. I always run towards them, not away to safety. And these monsters I killed them all.


Anyway, it seems these bones have a berserk amount of energy that cant be tamed by this technique Sigh! What a regret

Lord It might be invaluable for us, or too much for us to handle. But if it came from a dark realm monster, then the best ones to deal with it will be those from the other universe, right?

Your meaning is

We can give them a single bone of these, and it will be enough to secure us lots of benefits for sure.

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No! without getting to hear more or even think about what he said, I instantly and decisively refused, I wont give my enemies a weapon, such a fierce weapon, without knowing its uses.


I made a mistake before, using my bones in trade without getting to know their real power. And now I deeply regret it. However Im the only one suffering from such loss. If I gave my enemies such bones and they turned out to be something insanely strong, then many will suffer. No, I cant risk doing it!

Then lord

Did you forget? I already got people from that universe under my control.

Lords meaning is

As you use this technique and way, I can let them use it. You said it yourself, this bone is filled with dark energy, one that came from the other universe. And the best thing is I got many with just the perfect kind of energy out there.

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