I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1035: 1035 Blood Oath


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The two of them were taken aback with what I just said. My words were easy to understand, as I intended to let those coming after Lang to clash with this lords forces here.

And that meant Id use this lords forces to fight against others without losing anything. Facing a few lords wouldnt be a great trouble, and yet it seemed the number of lords coming was simply too much to handle.

I also got something else to worry about other than those incoming lords; which was protecting my own territory.

There were lots of lords and their armies heading towards my land at this moment.

I got that they underestimated my little lizard, but I also had to be ready to step in if things went south somehow.

And that was one of the main reasons behind me accepting that middle aged mans offer.

He was straightforward in his offer, knowing without fight his real place and the limits of his abilities.

He was acting realistic, and quite honest. Not like that jerk behind who wasted lots of time and missed many chances to get even better deals than this old man got.

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Come here, I motioned for that middle aged lord to come closer, let me hear about your plan in more detail.

First We need to perform a blood oath, he didnt move a muscle, thats my bottom line for keeping me safe.

A blood oath without stating conditions for it means nothing for me.

Who said we cant state terms? its written by our blood before the oath is said.

Is that true? I said while turning towards that all shaking lord behind me. This little bastard tried to pull a prank over me, acting funny somehow.

Its indeed true, the middle aged lord said, but we have to do the oaths where we are.

No, I didnt trust anyone in this world, Im coming over to you and watching what youll write down.

This was my bottom line, and with a smile and a hand gesture, that lord invited me to draw closer.

Im impressed that you decided to come away from your forces and come in the middle of mine, and as I came closer, that dude said while sighing, young lords and their daring attitude I truly miss that energy and spirit.

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Dont regret it, I smiled, as long as you are following me, youll get that spirit back for sure. Now, on what terms do you propose our oath shall be?

Lord, dont let this old fox trick you, and just before the middle aged man would say anything, Lang came running after me while shouting from behind.

Keep this jerk away, I hate tricksters and their scent, and that middle aged lord didnt allow Lang to draw any closer.

And I got to know the real reason behind that. It wasnt just history between the two. That middle aged lord just wanted to kick Langs ass way far from here, fearing the incoming army of enraged lords who wouldnt let his territory intact.

I only ask for one thing, that middle aged lord said after watching his forces drive Lang away, I want your word to keep my land secure.

Isnt it a bit too much to ask for just showing me a piece of map? I raised an eyebrow.

This is my bottom line.

Then let me absorb this land and add it to mine, I shrugged, this way Ill keep your land safe and secure.

But it wont be my land if we do it this way, he shrugged, we cant do it this way.

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Then what do you propose?

A simple and famous bond between lords of our similar situations, he said as if it was something famous around, youll gain my loyalty, my forces, as if Im one of your people. But youll protect my land and territory in return.

This Whats the difference then between this and taking your land into mine and have you followed me?

I wont be your lackey, he said in disdain while stealing a peek over Land, not that desperate yet like that dude over there.

Hmm I see, if not for my lands being under grave danger at the moment, Id not settle with such a half assed deal.

What shall I do? As I had little time left and no room for negotiation, I got into the main topic at once.

Its easy, we use our blood and draw a circle on the ground, he started to draw a circle, in a radius of a couple metres, then we stand inside and write the terms we agreed on. Then we write another smaller circle and a line, one that points out towards the other circle of the other lord

He paused as he started writing the terms and I kept reading what he was doing, but remember, once you draw the second circle, not a single term can be changed. And once you step into this circle, you wont be able to move until the bond is over.

I see even if he said it, I didnt start my circle until he finished writing everything.

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Then I went down below and started drawing the same circle as his.

Quite cautious little fellow you are, he laughed, my name is Kong by the way.

Hi Kong, youll end up mine sooner or later, I welcomed his greeting with such a short laugh and bold declaration.

Yet his face didnt change. First lord has to keep his promises, after all this world isnt a nice place to live in.

Well see about that, I kept drawing and writing using my blood, before drawing the final circle and drawing a line towards his circle, now what?

Just we say the magical word Oath!


I said what he said, and just as our words were said, the two lines of ours moved as if they got life of their own.

They twisted, moved towards each other, before finally merging.

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