I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1049: 1049 Killing One Lord

Or the worst case would be for each one to take one route each and try his luck through it.

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Damn! Dealing with such cunning lords was really troublesome. Something told me that only one of them was this cunning, the owner of this blue grade territory.

Getting blue grade territory here wasnt easy. And that told me everything about the true abilities of that lord. All this must be planned by him, starting from grouping with another lord, merging armies together, and having such nice tactics even when things looked dire and quite bad.

I had to give it to these two, or that cunning bastard. But even if I had to push myself over the limit, Id keep looking until Id get them.

Trying to look for them in the middle of all this messy battle was pointless. The greatest risk was for them to already be hitting the road away from here.

If they werent, and I didnt think that was the case, then theyd be still trapped in here and Id lose nothing but more searching time.

If I was in their place, then Id use me getting busy dealing with the feign escape attempt at that wall and get away from here undetected.

To make sure they wouldnt get noticed, they got to wait for as long as they could before moving out. And that meant they just ran away for fifteen up to half an hour at most.

Im coming, dont reach any territory before I get to you, ok? I started running towards the closest direction of mine, pushing my chariot to the limit, letting it flash like a bolt of lightning.

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If I got time, Id rather sacrifice souls and boost my chariot speed to reach the scary speed it got once before.

Trying to run on foot wasnt even comparable to my chariot. Not to mention I rose high in the air, and used my Hawk Eye skill to keep tracking their movement on the ground.

Got you! and in less than ten minutes, I finally spotted a group running away in a fervent way.

They were not more than a few thousand, and they seemed to encircle someone in the middle.

Hahahaha! I like this tactic of yours. Or was it the other one who did it? Anyway, pulse wave! Once spotted, I came at them like the sky itself was falling over their heads.

And as I shouted amidst my laughs, I used my pulse wave to put more pressure over them. In a second, most of them got thrown in the air, dispersed away from the middle, exposing a middle aged man there.

F*ck you! Loran was right! You are a monster!

Say this to him when you meet up at hell, I just needed to spot his location. And once I did, I jumped high in the air and landed over him with my glaive.

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I didnt even wait for my chariot to come closer. At this moment, this middle aged lord was shocked and terrified, looking powerless against me.

It was the perfect moment to kill him. And he fell under my glaive without any surprise.

One is down, I now was sure of my earlier assumptions. But was he the one who devised all this or that dude called Loran?

I sucked dry his bones and got his mark before jumping back to my chariot.

His forces didnt move a muscle. It was a familiar scene that was unique to this world. Even if they were sane people and not puppets, theyd all lose the ability to move once their lord was killed.

It was like being here came thanks to their lords presence. I instantly turned my chariot and headed towards the opposite direction while leaving instructions for these forces to return to my land when this would be over.

Their lord was taken down, and this way their land would be as good as gone. Once Id devour their land, these forces would be mine.

I had no time to come back for a few thousand. So it was better to give them such orders before leaving.

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And then I started to chase wind and race against time, galloping clouds while my chariot was flying at its highest speed.

That Loran dude Id take him down even if I had to go and crush against another lords place.

Leaving such a troublesome foe alive was out of the question. Id rather start another big war to kill him than letting him go.

I spent ten more minutes getting myself back to the main battlefield. Situation there changed drastically after the death of that lord.

Almost one third of forces here stopped moving and fighting.

Despite seeing such change, I didnt feel any joy. The forces remaining were the ones belonging to the land here. And that meant Loran was the badass lord who caused me all this trouble.

I flashed over the entire battlefield without even pausing for a single second. I knew I wasted lots of time.

The distance between this territory and the nearest one would take almost half an hour. They seemed to get moving almost half an hour before I did. And I wasted thirty minutes chasing after that lord and killing him, before coming back here.

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I calculated distances using my chariot. And that meant Loran was almost on the edge of a nearby territory.

I rose high up, trying to cover more land and secure a wider view for me.

Damn! and in less than ten minutes, I managed to spot a group of tens of thousands standing just on the edge of one territory to the east.

He reached the nearby lord. And from the look of things, negotiations were underway right now between the two lords.

I saw a much larger group of soldiers gathered inside a green territory. It was one of the few sane lords who didnt join this insane crusade against me.

I prayed that lord would be sane enough to get reason with him using words and not fists.

Or else I wouldnt say no to a new green territory added up to mine.

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