I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1052: 1052 A Big Fight

I got lots of territories added to mine, and that allowed me to summon lots of my soulers. Not to mention the few millions at my flying castle.

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To be honest, I didnt know how many forces I could control here. But I bet it was much over a couple of millions.

Anyway, I led my chariot over the hills and stayed there. I got to trust that everyone would do their part. And Id do the biggest out of all.

Without my technique and the tons of warriors I was able to summon, nothing was at my hand but to use such tactics here.

I knew that the incoming army would be in millions. If this battle was in any of my other two worlds, Id be able to just crush such an army with my hands behind my back.

Yet against such an army, I had to use the divide and conquer tactic.

I waited for only one hour before I saw the first groups of my forces coming in such haste towards my direction.

I made sure to scatter many of Langs forces amidst the many groups scattered over the place.

The plan was simple. Lang was getting targeted by many lords. And they were looking for him and his forces.

So by getting him hidden at Toms world, the only way the enemy could sniff his location was via following his forces.

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I asked Lucas to scatter Langs forces with mine, spread them over a wide stretch of land, and keep them moving all the time.

Like this, the grand army coming had to divide itself into many smaller armies. And now these armies were coming towards me.

First Ill take over what I can, this was the first step in eating up this giant army. According to Lucas, he estimated this army to be slightly over ten million.

It was a bit much bigger than what I initially thought. However it wasnt that bad considering all the work I did so far.

The first batch that arrived here wasnt that big, only two hundred thousands at most. As they started to stop in front of the group of hills when they spotted my chariot, my technique landed and attacked them.

In less than ten minutes, I got control over all of them. Many tried to run, yet none succeeded as I chased them using my chariot.

Go and hide inside the hills, I got a few spots left to control, meaning that these forces were the biggest force Id control in this area for now.

Waiting for my scattered forces to converge here wasnt a bad idea, but it wouldnt work. If I waited until most of my forces would be gathered here, then Id risk also for my enemies to group up.

There was already a big gulf between the number of forces of the two sides. Not to mention this would make all this effort be wasted.

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So I had to take down any incoming forces from now on. And when news would spread, it would be too late for these lords to save their armies.

At least half of them would be dead, and the rest wouldnt pose that much of a threat unless theyd gather up.

And at this point, the role played by Loran would show its worth.

Her role was to attack at the time when many forces would try to gather up. Loran controlled an army of a couple millions now. Adding up my castle and controlled forces, things would go south for the enemy at the end of the day.

The next batch appeared just less than ten minutes later. They were in the same size as the first group. And this time I had to use brute force to take them down.


With my chariot flying on top of mountains, the enemy coming got alarmed. I didnt try to hide my chariot as I loved to see the look of surprise and shock over their faces.

And once I gave the order, the enemy got more shock when he saw the large number of forces landing at them from the depths of the hills.

As for myself, I led my chariot and flew on top of their heads, attacking the central part first using my fallen gods and other warriors who controlled the many weapons installed on my little baby.

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Then I kept flying around, killing anyone trying to escape, blocking their path of retreat and leaving behind many dead bodies.

The fight didnt end before a new batch arrived. Seeing their mates under slaughter like this made them quite enraged.

Instead of retreating, or even waiting for more groups to join them, they ran forward, trying to free their friends.

Attack! but letting such a grand army to arrive before the last remnants of the first group to get annihilated was a mistake.

So I moved my chariot and acted as the vanguard, taking down lots of the incoming forces with everything I got.

Then by the time the first group got killed, the second one joined the fray.

Come out!

This kept going on until the fifth group joined. At this point, there was still half of the last group alive.

If I left things going this direction, then at the end of the day most of my forces would be crushed and lost.

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So instead of doing so, I summoned my flying castle, and added a strong sword to this big battle.

With the arrival of my castle, things started to calm down at last. The addition of such a behemoth was enough to scare all the enemies down below.

Not to mention there were already over a million forces over there.

But starting from the eighth group, the number of incoming forces started to show an obvious increase.

So they got the news, I looked at the close to one million forces coming fast towards my direction.

I have nothing to worry about in this group, but if the remaining groups would also be in such large numbers, things would end up bad.

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