I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1055: 1055 Victory

I wanted to create chaos, enough to leave the enemy behind baffled and in tatters. After four hours of having fun, moving from one place to another, killing an endless number of enemies, I finally saw that grand army break apart on its own.

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It might have started to happen an hour or so before it spread over to infect the entire army. Most of those still standing here turned around and started running for their lives.

Cowards! I looked at this scene after returning to my chariot. Only few scattered small groups of loyal soldiers remained behind to fight.

They were the best of the current army, and yet they were destined to fall while the cowards would enjoy a much longer life.

How ironic!

But this wasnt up to me to decide. I had to watch such brave and strong soldiers fall so this battle here would be concluded.

And with that, the bigger army that came last, the one that was filled with many lords and elites, was the only enemy forces present here.

Lets see One Three Seven Twelve I started first to roam the aerial space of this battlefield, counting lords I could spot down there like I was counting my coins.

To me they were all dead, and all they accounted for was their territories. I was counting how many lands Id get after killing all of them.

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I got many lands already, even though I didnt know the exact number. But who would feel satisfied when free food was presented to him like this?

Wow! Twenty-four! Thats quite a number! After scanning the battlefield thrice, I finally made sure the initial count I reached was correct.

Some must have joined the fray later on What a greedy bunch of idiots! I laughed without feeling any regret over the new ones fate.

They overstepped their boundaries, and they deserved what was coming at them. I looked at the entire battlefield and got the impression that this was the right moment to act.

The entire huge army here was in a state of shock. The new joined lords must have been deceived by the tales of how huge the armies under the other lords were.

This wasnt a total lie, it was just a fact of the past. As for now, these armies were all gone, and the only remaining ones were the current army here.

It wasnt enough to secure any victory, nor enough to make sure theyd escape from here unscathed.

One is down, twenty-three are left I fell over the first lord out of the blue with a large jump from my chariot. That poor fellow was already at the end of his wits, shaking all over, and couldnt respond in time or even evade my incoming attack.

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He died, just simply like that. And that was the first blood stain in the long trail I left behind.

I had to admit, after fighting with many lords already, it wasnt easy to face such capable ones like Loran or Lang. The two were really exceptional talents.

Sigh! I just hoped Id go around and find lots of such talents easily in this world. This would make my task here much easier.

I could bring more talents and elites from my two worlds. But that would greatly impact my future plans.

I got the fifth quest coming so soon, and then the golden quest in its tail.

Will time be running normally here or what? As I thought about the upcoming two troublesome quests, I couldnt help but think about this point.

If time passed normally, just like the time on my second Earth, then it was fine. I didnt stay here for long, and didnt plan on doing so later on.

I just needed to establish a strong foundation here before handing everything to Zangibar, the leaders of the ten clans, Lang, and Loran.

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This battle here was almost done. I got less than ten lords left to kill. Even killing them was so boring to let me delve into my thoughts without giving a heed to anything else.

Then there would be one last fight before finally returning back to my territory.

I got confidence in my ability to win that last battle, add more territories to my land and upgrade it. Perhaps itd end up in a blue stage, with an area much more than a thousand mile in size.

Lorans land alone was just like that. Wouldnt absorbing hers add the same grade and perks to mine?

Upgrading the territorys grade and size would allow me to muster up more forces. Not to mention I was going to get more free soldiers from this battle.

But leaving these forces alone without enough defensive preparations was a grave mistake. I saw how the densely packed towers and those three walls helped Loran to stand against my large army and me, even when I was fighting seriously back then.

I got to do that. Even if the size of my territory was colossal, I got to arm up my forces stationed there with enough defensive backing.

I planned to go back and focus solely on cultivation, before heading out and going to do the two quests.

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Id have no time nor mind to come here or even be attentive to whatever would happen here. So leaving behind a terrifying fortress protected with strong armies and capable generals was the only deterrent I could provide to my land.

Let me go, let me live, Ill be your servant, your humble servant

Sorry, but you should have thought about this sincerely before arranging such a huge army and coming at me Die and go regret it in hell!

It was a last struggle and plea from the last lord. Sigh! Why were all the lords here such idiots and morons?

I didnt put any of that to the heart while looking at the few hundreds of thousands, slightly over one million, soldiers I gained from this.

They were standing idle and I got that theyd join me after taking over their lands.

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