I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1063: 1063 The Crazy Berry

If you let me over your little ride right now, youll get all your doubts cleared.

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And now he was acting as if he was a venerable old dude with much wisdom and unravelled strength.

Dude, are you this tired of living? against all this, and as I couldnt have any more patience to tolerate such insolence, I had to speak and retort back.

Me? Im going to live for so long. Ive already asked the advice of an oracle before coming to meet you. And she said Ill live for tens of years to come.

I could feel the corners of my eyes twitch when this dude said his words.

What oracle? What consulting did you do before coming here? Dude Was there anything broken in your damn head or something?

If you allow me over, Ill be able to explain.

And his persistence Tsk! It was indeed irritating!

Fine, but if he wanted to come, then Id gladly accept, come on board.

This he seemed a bit hesitant, cant you get the chariot closer?

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I wont, I shrugged, if you are able to change my mind, then you should at least be able to cross such a small gap on your strength.

Oh, for a reason, that dudes pitch black eyes sparkled there for a second, its a test then I love tests!

What the heck was wrong with you?!! Acting like a wise and powerful sage for a moment, and acting like an excited little kid at another? Who the heck did Berry send over to have a chit chat with me? A mad man or what?

I controlled my rage and nodded for him to come over. I wasnt doing this as a test, but a way to humiliate such a rude man.

Yet he took it all wrong! Turning such an intended insult into a childish play.

And what with his persistence to come on my chariot? Did he plan to curse me or something? Did he think I was this weak from the start, enough for him to take my life?


As I watched him retreat for a long distance, I knew he was planning to jump after running. Id take this chance just to ascertain his abilities.


However, just when I thought about that, he didnt just do any of it. A sudden flash appeared before a massive thing came to my sight the next breath.

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This Was this a ship? With few masts and a huge deck?

I looked over and what appeared was a gigantic wooden ship, one that looked like it came from the times of pirates back in my human land history.

This was indeed surprising. I raised my brows while watching that dude flashing from the ground, appearing on the forefront of this ship.

What do you think of my little baby? Amazing, isnt it?

In such a playful and happy tone he spoke, as if he was a little kid happy to show me what he managed to create after a long time of work.

Its ok, you didnt expect me to praise your thing after showing me such an attitude, come over now, we can speak here.

No, Im fine where I am right now.

This time I thought seriously about jumping over and teaching such an arrogant dude a lesson. Just when I was about to do it, I saw that rude and irritating man remove his black clothes that he wrapped himself with.

And when he was half done, I couldnt help but widen my eyes in shock.

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I know, thats why I asked to come over and speak in private, this time the voice that belonged to an old man changed alongside the clear white skin that appeared in front of my eyes alongside the long black silk hair that looked like a black sea.

This It wasnt an old man, it was a young and a very beautiful girl who wore a slim and short battle armour that highlighted her figure and showed parts of her abdomen and chest.


Who are you? my irritation and annoyance all vanished the moment she revealed herself. As she didnt turn out to be the man she claimed to be, leaning to all such secrecy and stuff, I also jumped to a conclusion at the spot.

It was possible for her to not be a messenger, and not a common follower as well. Her attitude, words, preparations were all fitting the image of a lord and now a subordinate.

Im the one you are seeking for You are looking for me, right?

With a soft chuckle she said. And when my face betrayed me and showed my deep shock over it, she couldnt help but laugh.

Dont tell me

Im Berry, nice to meet an acquaintance from far.

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Acquaintance! aside from the shock of her identity, the scary lord everyone was scared from, that weird word came out to make me frown.

Yes, I get from your reaction that you know nothing about our relationship, right? This time, even if she wore the sweetest smile ever, her tone and eyes told me how serious she was.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I got nothing of what you claim between the two of us, as the other party came in person, and said such weird things, it meant she was taking this matter pretty much seriously.

Responding to her serious move, I got to be frank. You made this journey out for nothing, I added while pointing at the distance, Ill act generous at this time and wont go to claim your life. Ill treat it as a formal meeting, one where we got to know each other for the first time. Yet the next meetings wont end up like this, got it?

Oh, quite direct and straightforward Task, if not for me to hate men at beds What a regret!

Damn girl! Dont tell me you got only that from my words just now!

I meant to declare that we werent going to be friends, not allies, and surely not even close to being called neutral.

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