I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1072: 1072 The Land Layout

The amount I took got consumed fast. In less than an hour, all the bones I took were turned to dust. But that wasnt without a good result.

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The walls stretched out to cover a distance of tens of miles. In just one hour, I believed I managed to cover up over fifty miles.

And all the bones I used were just green grade. It wasnt that much of a grade, but it was the most abundant type of bones I got.

Looking at this grand wall, stretching behind for tens of miles, I felt satisfied. Rising up for three hundred metres, with one hundred metres width Its indeed something intimidating to any eye, I muttered softly before replacing the exhausted bones with another batch.

The technique I used lasted for two hours before getting exhausted. As a result, I started another technique and it lasted for another couple of hours before someone flashed from far and came directly to me.

It was Lucas and he moved like a gale of wind, hurriedly coming over.

Is there anything wrong? seeing him briskly coming at me in such a way told me that something bad happened.

Who dared to do anything bad to me? Even if I was busy building my land, it wasnt an excuse for others to aim at my grand army!

Lord This Its like that at first, he seemed struggling to speak before he addressed the problem.

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And when I heard what he said, I couldnt help but shake my head in a bitter way.

Amidst my enthusiasm to build a great wall, I totally forgot the gates!

Fine, you can enter the land by passing by the walls at the end, I pointed in the opposite direction before adding, I wont add gates for now. Ill add them later on.

Deciding the places of the gates wasnt something trivial. It wasnt like placing blocks over one another.

I had to consider the place of the gate, its relation with other gates and distance. Not to mention the defensive structures around gates should be fortified, better to arrange an army camp just next to each gate.

A wide and well paved road should be arranged to end up at each gate. Not to mention the need to build check points and even build a trench if possible or perhaps a drawing bridge.

These all needed the entire place inside to get planned first before placing the gates. So I decided to postpone such a tedious task for later, and instead ask the army to find their way in using an alternative route.

Ah, dont forget to tell Loran this I recalled the task in mind for this genius ex-lord, and so I decided to entrust this task to Lucas to deliver her.

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But lord Shouldnt we go out and start hunting down lands for you? from the side, Lucas looked perplexedly at me as if I made a mistake or something.

Dont you need to rest? I knew they had such a task, but I thought they wanted to rest up their forces.

These lazy lads got laid out there for days! Its enough rest for an entire year if lord wants my opinion about it!

Oh, I see I forgot that I went all the way to grab the lords scattered lands and spent long days there. In the meantime, the forces of mine remained behind and got a long rest indeed.

Take this first, I took out a staff and handed it over to him, this is my treasure. It can be used in this way

I started to explain things over for him, while addressing clearly what I needed him to do.

Why the heck should I start moving for a long time to gather up the lands they conquered? Wasnt it better to just hand this staff over to Lucas, let him save the bookmarks of different lands?

Like this, Id just have him do all the hard work for a few days or even a week before coming over and taking the staff back. In just a few hours Id complete the task thatd take me many days!

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Sure, lord can rest assured I wont disappoint lord, he bowed while storing the staff away. What about Lorans task?

Make her draw what I asked and come to deliver it over to me, I pondered, arrange the army while she is busy doing this and leave part for her to lead after getting this task done.

I will abide by your orders, Lucas was such an obedient and more importantly dependable general of mine.

As I watched him leave at such a fast speed, I knew that everything I entrusted him with would be done without a single mistake or delay.

He was just this capable without doubt.

Time to continue building the walls, as I got every single task I wanted done, I returned back to focus again at the task in hand.

I executed the technique once more and then started a long spree of building the walls.

To be honest, I thought itd take long days to get this done. But after using higher grade bones like blue and silver ones, the speed of laying blocks increased by several folds.

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At a time, and when I used my silver bones, the speed looked terrifying! The technique flashed in a speed that travelled my chariots intermediate speed.

That was something! And that cut short the time needed to build this wall by more than half, or even more.

It took me only one day to get things done. I looked at the grand building of my walls once finished. And it was indeed something impressive.

Like this, even if I was away, a grand army many folds than mine will find it hard to even get past the walls.

I nodded my head in satisfaction. And that was just the simple layout of the walls.

There were still towers, gates, huge defensive weapons and such things. If they were all installed and built, how magnificent and scary would my land look from far?

During this one days work, I got to receive the drawing layout of the entire land from one of Lorans men.

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