I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1082: 1082 Angelica Is Here!

Come, lets go to the new home of yours, I led them through the portal before adding, you can expand your activity in that direction only, and will stop when I give you the order to.

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I pointed towards the direction opposite to where the starting point was located. Like this, theyd expand their activity deeper and towards the periphery, while Id let the rest of the world work as a training ground.

[Lord, thanks but]

I got what this little dude wanted to say. Dont worry, Ill start deploying the monsters dens some distance away, I interrupted his words and reassured him.

Youll select the weakest monsters and let them go and train with my soldiers. I will give you more details later, but start selecting the weakest monsters from now on.

[Sure lord] its tone changed to be more exciting and I got the reason why. In the end, it was going to be fun while Id be able to train my soldiers and get my hands over a really powerful army of monsters.

[Where are you?] Just as I ended my talk with it, I got this message from Lily. [Ive just entered and I got Angelica with me]

Angelica? Did she agree to come as well?

I didnt expect Angelica to come. In fact, this world left a deep wound in her heart and mind. It wasnt just her, but it left such wounds in Lilys and mine as well.

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However unlike the two of us, Angelica couldnt overcome such trauma.

[Im coming over] I wanted to ask about how she convinced Angelica to come over, yet I refrained.

If she decided to come, then that meant she exerted a lot of effort to control her emotions and make such a decision.

It would be bad if I opened the topic with her. If she didnt speak, I wouldnt.

Sometimes, ignoring talking about something was the best course of action.

I instantly opened a portal and returned after confirming my orders again with little Qi.

I got to deploy monster dens here. And all I got were high and medium ranked monster dens. In fact I planned to use them. After all, with little Qi here, there was no danger over my forces in any way.

So why not start using the highest and strongest monsters? I got two years and half to stay here, and my forces had to get much stronger during this time.

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With only using weak monsters, things were doomed to not progress as I wanted.

If other training grounds were directed at letting my forces get a little stronger, then this training ground was special. With its time manipulation at hand, it was best to use it to temper stronger soldiers, not just produce normal ones.

Going back, I held such thoughts in mind as I planned to discuss them over with Lily and Angelica.

When I passed through the portal, the sight of two flying chariots welcomed me. I saw the two familiar faces, and on the ground a sea of people was present.

I brought the ones responsible for building the altars as well as those from your research department, Lily said the moment she jumped over my chariot, but most of them are still packing and needed a day or two before coming here.

Good job, I looked at the people down below before turning to Angelica.

Without the need to ask, from the look on her face I knew she wasnt feeling well.

Her past and bitter experience here was still weighing on her chest, making me inwardly sigh.

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She was unlucky, but she was under my protection as a lord. Seeing her like this pained me more than it pained her.

What are we going to do here? Lily knew asking for her to come and build altars wasnt a new task. However asking for those from the research department and those veteran soldiers from different training grounds was new.

I want to do this I started narrating in great detail everything I wanted to do here. I didnt explain the matter of the world here absorbing new worlds, as I personally didnt know what this would end up to.

Would it give a boost to this worlds level of energy? Was it going to add more races and lands? What was going to happen exactly?

It took me more than two years and a half years to know the answer to this question. So it isnt wise to mention it now. When it got done, it wouldnt be too late to explain things.

I spoke about everything they needed to know, even explained the concept behind using my castle and the second layer turned under the control of the research department.

This You are going all out! Angelicas face showed a troubled expression, what about the fifth quest? Wont this affect our plans?

No, I calmly explained the concept of time manipulation and the simple maths behind it. Like this, we wont miss it.

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I see yet from the look over the two girls faces, I realised that this simple maths wasnt as simple as I imagined.

I want to turn this place into a high training ground, I finally turned into this most important topic I wanted from Lily and Angelica, one that will train hellish strong soldiers.

Do you plan to use the ones succeeding at the cultivation experiment to train here? Lily asked.

But There are no monsters here! Angelica turned around before adding, this world only had races.

I moved them all already, I said before explaining, as for monsters, Im going to use the medium and high ranked monsters in this world.

the two looked at me like they were looking at a crazy man. You do know that we are facing trouble dealing with the low levelled monsters we already had, Lily had to speak up or else this would turn into a nightmarish place for her soldiers.

Dont worry, I got a way to organise things, I paused, anyway, Ill move part of the incoming races here. We dont need to build anything here, so those who wont be trained as soldiers can go out and be sent to other places.

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