I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1087: 1087 Finalising All Preparations

[Are you ready to welcome the new troops?] As I was done with all this, I knew it was time to start the training ground plan.

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[Sure, Im waiting for the second layer, or shall I call it the second world?] Lily answered and I instantly opened a path and went towards the second layer directly.

The place there was really peaceful and calm, serene to my senses and soul. It was a new world with new potential. And the first to work there were those from the research department.

These scientists had the ability to disturb the peace of heaven itself!

Sounds of explosions ranged while smoke clouds rose from different spots. They were taking liberty in doing what they wanted, and it felt great to see them work.

[Ill go to the second continent. Follow me there]

[Wait Angelica already drew lots of places here. So the second continent cant be called that anymore. Let me come for you first and then well head there together]

Just when I read that I knew I spent two weeks back at the second Earth collecting bones. By putting the time difference here, this was equal to six up to eight weeks passing.

It was enough time for Angelica to surf lots of places in this world. She seemed to get in contact with Lily and the latter kept drawing a map and updating it with the new intel from Angelica.

When I met Lily, my conjecture proved to be right. A big map appeared and to my surprise, the number of continents here wasnt just simply ten or something.

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There were at least thirty-seven discovered continents so far! And the scary thing was that most of them were a grand continent in size!

I blinked while trying to absorb all this shocking data. Didnt that mean the size of this world was just ten times that of the second Earth? Damn!

Thinking back about Earth, it looked really tiny and small at this moment.

Lets go, after being in shock for half an hour while listening to all the amazing words coming out from Lily about the immensely rich resources of this world, I finally opened a portal and leapt towards the nearest continent.

Well use this as our training ground, I paused before I noticed something weird Did you already send forces here?

I turned to her and she chuckled.

You left many monster dens already, and so I thought to use those who opened cultivation bases early on and let them get a taste of these monsters. At the same time, we will know the true power of my races secret technique.

And? I had to ask as in front of me, I saw thousands fighting against hordes of monsters.

And the shocking thing was that they were holding their ground!

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They indeed have cultivation bases, but this isnt the main thing. Their stats get augmented as if they are in level thirty or something.


Unbelievable, right? she laughed before adding, and the good thing is that they already were weak from the start. I experimented and the addiction didnt stop at a certain level. Even those with level power equal to twenty something got the same level of boost and are in fifty level power range.

Cool! hearing that made me realise there was hope in forming my elite army plan, let them be the leaders of the armies then.

I plan to do so, she nodded before adding, but thats at first. As we get enough of them, Ill start allocating a separate continent for them to train at.

No problem, as long as itd serve my goal, then shed get my approval at once. Ill call reinforcements to come to this place. Youll deal as if this is the main continent for gaining fresh blood.

No problem. she nodded without asking about anything else.

At first, I planned to let the first continent play this role. However after seeing the magnitude of destruction caused by those crazy scientists, I knew I had to change this plan.

Leaving my fresh races and humans there was going to be a grave mistake. Who knew what might happen.

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Ill inform Angelica about that, she added, and we need to build another portal zone here.

She can do it, I already gave her lots of coins for that purpose. For once, I could finally rest and lean my back over the seat while watching others do my stuff.

She nodded as she recalled this. What about you then? she glanced at me in such an interesting way, and I couldnt help but chuckle.

I have my plans, I paused, Ill be absent for a long time. Ill go and check on my little Qi first. Forces will come here soon enough so be prepared.

What about building towns and cities?

Come on! We have such a colossal world with large continents. We wont run short on land, I doubt that, hahahaha!

She laughed as well before I finally returned back to the first layer, to the place I left my little Qi there.

For sure this dude was capable! Or perhaps he truly enjoyed what he was doing.

The monsters he had grew in size and number. There were more massive monsters than before.

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I spoke with it for a little bit before it followed me excitedly back into the second layer.

Once it saw this awesome world, it grew fond of it. And when it saw the higher grade monsters everywhere, it kept laughing until I left.

Well, at least all of my forces were enjoying their time even if they were doing such hard labour for me.

After that I returned to the second continent and asked Silverlining to adjust his coordinates to send races and forces to.

I let him save this places coordinates, before paying a hefty sum of bones for him to satisfy the delivery for an entire year.

I planned to go into a cultivation training session from now on. As I couldnt control my cultivation time, it was only practical to pay him upfront to avoid any misconception or delays.

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