I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1103: 1103 Creating New Techniques

I was already excited about the fifth and golden quests, about facing Hescos, invading other worlds, expanding my kingdom, and getting to verify all the rumours and theories about zombies.

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The problem with the zombie disaster was indeed interesting. If I managed to control it as that zombie race powerhouse said, then it would turn out to be a blessing.

Having a way to solve the biggest disaster was indeed great, especially when my enemies were destined to struggle and face tons of trouble with it.

Thinking about these things didnt distract me from resuming my training. As I progressed, I realised that there was no way for me to get exactly my current strength.

Was I at stage three? Four? Or six of the second big base? I couldnt tell. All I could notice at the end of these two and half long years was the improvement in my energy and strength.

I held a strength that was almost five times like I held before. And my energy changed from being silver into pale gold now.

asI ended the training for the last time, I got almost two weeks left before that deadline would come to an end.

Such time wasnt enough for me to train again, or else Id stay here longer than expected.

I need to go back once Im done to Earth. I left things there for so long and had to return and arrange the situation. I also wanted to know the latest updates from various races.

I also wanted to leave instructions here for my trusted and capable generals to start amassing the grand armies and be ready for battle.

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However before Id do any of that, I got something to do Oh, they were two, not just one thing.

I still havent used the artefact of the ores yet. I asked Angelica to gather up lots of ores, and yet I didnt go and meet with her.

But that could be put aside. Doing this would require me to use my technique, forcing me to stay here for months.

Tsk This task had to be put aside for now.

The task that I had in mind to do was actually very crucial. According to the old mans recordings and Siths teachings, they both emphasised over the same thing; fighting techniques!

According to the two, anyone with cultivation was trying to grow his strength not only by the baptism of spiritual energy.

This would be considered as a passive enhancement.

As for the active approach, it was via inventing cultivation techniques that suited different battle styles.

I was familiar with techniques, but mine were aiming towards a large area. In my eyes, they were like AOE skills or something like this.

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However if I got myself fighting against a strong foe, just like that king back then or a hegemony grade individual with special abilities, then Id struggle.

My techniques wouldnt help that much actually. In fact this might be considered the sore spot of my power.

Im using my glaive So techniques related to it should suit me better, I contemplated and decided to start thinking about inventing techniques for my glaive.

My techniques used blood and drawing circles to take shape. However, during an intense fight against any super power, I couldnt believe he would give me the chance to execute techniques in such a complicated way.

I closed my eyes and recalled the words of Silverlining and Sith about the common paths of techniques.

Fighting techniques could be considered like abilities or skills. They could be activated by a whim and only required a large amount of energy.

Energy wasnt the problem, but how to invent techniques that would suit my glaive and get activated fast?

According to these two, the system complemented the cultivation path. After all, for most of the people living in the universe, getting their cultivation was a system underhanded move.

However it wasnt the case for me. My cultivation was an obvious anomaly and it just happened without the intervention of the system.

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Could the system really help? I didnt know if it was going to work or not.

However there was no loss in trying.

According to Sith, to create a technique I had first to envision it in my mind deeply. It was like creating the techniques but in my mind. And then the system was supposed to do the rest.

I took a deep breath, cleared my mind, and started to think about my glaive. What were the best kinds of attacks that I could create by it?

My dragon glaive was so damn heavy and domineering. Glaives were either very sharp, very swift, or very crushing in nature.

My light glaive followed the swiftness path. My heavy glaive was one that was so sharp. But my dragon glaive gave me the impression of being crushing in its attacks.

So whatever I should use, itd be best to have a crushing nature in it.

The attacks that could generate his speed and move the glaive fast werent favourable nor attractive to me.

The ones that could crush the enemy in one blow were!

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Closing my eyes, I envisioned myself holding the dragon glaive and waving it around. A shocking air pressure wave like tsunami erupted and cleared the world all around me.

Another attack landed and the ground all around shook, gaps appeared as rocks flew high and moved at a speed enough to bring fire over them.

I jumped high and waved the glaive around, releasing crescentic shaped arcs, each enough to explode and leave behind a mushroom shaped explosion.

These are nice, I felt great while having such an experience. However when I opened my eyes, I got many notifications and one little surprise.

[You got a chance to gain a technique]

[The system analysed your cultivation base and weapons in inventory]

[A match found]

[The dragon glaive is matching the fighting technique you created]

[Please give a name to this technique]

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