I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1119: 1119 A Talk With Silverlining

You finally decided to come!

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The moment I returned to Earth, I was welcomed with a snort and the familiar sound of Isac.

She seemed to have been waiting for me here for many hours already. Sorry, got something to do back there, I said before the hordes of my forces started to gush out from the portals I opened.

At last, Isacs eyes shone brightly before she started to distribute orders around, the army forces will be handed over to you. As for people, you will be the ones dealing with them.

She already gathered up two different groups of people, forming a grand sea in front of my eyes. The people she brought over seemed to be very experienced in what they were about to do.

The moment she gave the order, everyone started to speak with those coming out before taking them away.

There was a huge number of portals installed already nearby which would facilitate the movement of the large number of reinforcements coming.

Where is everyone? After finishing dealing with this matter, Isac finally got the time to come to me. She looked around as she added, I believe many will be left here in wait for your return, yet I was the only one at the end.

Dont worry about them, I waved my arm, they are all in the other world dealing with matters there.

I see she seemed a bit hesitant, so whats all this about? I can feel you are preparing for something huge this time.

I smiled faintly before narrating what was going to happen. The more I spoke, the more shocked she became.

So you are targeting Hescos? The Hescos? And not only in one world, but in all the worlds in the apocalypse trial?

Terrified? I joked. This Selvator girl seemed to grow dull from being used as a good assistant.

Its not that at all, she slowly shook her head while regaining her composure, its just not anyone in his right mind would try and provoke these maniacs!

Easy there, I smiled, Im not that impulsive, right?

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Tell me about it! She gave me the impression that she never believed me. I looked at her staring eyes at me before sighing.

I have made my preparations for this, and thats a clash thats destined to happen no matter what. So better sooner than later.

And you decided to take such a crazy step now? In the middle of the fifth quest out of all quests? Cant you just wait for the tenth quest or something?

Its best to strike when chaos exists, I shrugged, its dangerous indeed but its not that hard. After all, the fifth quest will be something that will cause trouble to all of us.

I see she sighed, seemingly resigned under my persistence, I just hope you know what you are doing, not just dragging all of us into an abyss of hell.

Have more faith in me, that hurts, you know?

Humph, and here I was taking you as a cold blooded monster with no heart at all.

I laughed and then left her to oversee everything here. More forces gushed out from the portals with tons of people.

She had to move them all towards the distant places of my kingdom. I knew this would take a day or two, so I decided to wait and didnt move out at the moment.

[Old friend, how are you doing?] as I got nothing else to do, I messaged Silverlining to inform him and others about my intentions.

They already got confused by my time manipulation ability. In their eyes, years passed and nothing happened.

[Dont tell me you are going to start the plan!] As expected, he was on the edge already and quite impatient.

[Sure, I just wanted to check on things and learn if something happened or anything]

[Tsk! I cant figure out how mere days turned out into years! You do know that many started to investigate this thoroughly and yet they didnt get anything in return! Only frustration and doubt, thats all]

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[Oh, I told you this is something normal to happen with me]

[Dont joke around! The time concept in your trial is different from any other place in the universe! We dont know what caused all this and didnt have any breakthrough in our research!]

[Stop doing it then, or else you may all have high blood pressure or something] I laughed. These folks were still trying to get the bottom of my time manipulation ability.

Wouldnt they suspect it? Of course they would. But the answers to all these mysteries were hard to believe in their eyes.

After all, a human like me wouldnt have something heaven defying like time manipulation ability or something. And I didnt care about what they thought.

I just wanted my life to pass in peace and my days to be filled with victories and richness.

[We cant!] but he seemed stubborn, [Its not just us, but even the Hescos are interested in understanding such phenomenon]

[Then let them be. At the end, theyll get only frustration and dead ends]

[Sigh! Why wont you solve all this and explain yourself in plain words?]

[And then everyone else will know? Not a chance! Lets stop here and tell me Is there any new development about Hescos?]

[Aside from moving tons of troops and war weapons over to the worlds in your trial? Nothing else happened]

[Oh, they are amassing their forces?] It didnt surprise me to hear that. After all, I already crossed their bottomline and was in their eyes the agent of their sworn enemy.

This battle It was a war of pride and dignity to them, not just a mere trial of the apocalypse.

[As far as I know, they sent tons of forces. The time difference in our world and yours ran to their favour too. They built tons of forts and strengthened their defences. So dont expect an easy sail out there]

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Of course he got a point. The time manipulation ability did indeed give me a bonus and an advantage. However at the same time it wasnt exclusive to me.

As I got time, my enemies also did. Even if they were dumb and didnt know what to do in life, theyd still make use of time and make proper preparations.

However in their eyes, I was a mere fly and not someone worthy of their attention. So even if they prepared, I doubted it would be even close to my preparations.


[No, Im just eager for the battle to start] I wasnt showing off. I was indeed eager to run there and invade their worlds, putting everything they did under test.

[The upper echelon here hope you know what you are doing] what went wrong with everyone one today? Why did this phrase keep coming to my ears?

[Dont worry, well all soon know the answer for that]

[Tsk! Ah, by the way, one of the sovereigns asked me to deliver this over to you]

[What?] I got curious. Anything coming from the sovereigns must be good, right?

[I sent it already to you. Check it out and tell me what do you think]

I got a notification from him. And when I opened its details, I saw a black curtain that didnt give me much of an impression.

It was long enough to turn into a cape for me or something. However reading its description made me understand the meaning behind sending it over.

[Is this a countermeasure?] I couldnt help but frown when I read the description. It was a normal artefact, and it got one simple usage for it.

It was used to cut any connection between two worlds in the apocalypse trial. By paying a hefty amount of energy, this curtain would cut any connection between two worlds.

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That meant it was totally opposite to the tickets I got before, working as a countermeasure if things went south.

Were they this hesitant and worried about my ability to counter the Hescos? I couldnt help but inwardly sigh.

[No dire in being prepared, right?]

[Ok] What else should I say? I got a gift that I didnt intend to use and threw it all the way into the depths of my inventory.

Putting such a destructive idea wasnt going to work quite well in the end. One had to sharpen his mind and will, not preparing a safe route out of trouble before even getting his hands dirty.

[When are you going to start then?]

[Well I still got the fifth quest then Ill start a week later]

[Ok, Ill inform others about this. You do know we did everything in our power to help you, right?]

[And?] it seemed this rash person got some bones at last. He seemed to grow a little wiser after not talking with him for all these years.

[I just pray for your success, thats all] his answer looked weird but I didnt know what the situation over his side was.

He might have been pressured by some to get good results after all this support. They indeed helped me by giving me warriors and races with cultivation, but I paid in return for all this.

Besides, wasnt I doing them a favour by taking this move? Since when were my actions seen as something granted for success? Before I even spoke about it, no one ever thought about doing it!

It was just the nature of people Tsk! Give them hope and theyd take it for granted. Show them a new way to do things and theyd start asking you for results!

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